
Entertainment Evolution Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"People seek out genuine thought and genuine entertainment more so than they used to."
"Movies are gonna just be what they're gonna be, but gaming, that's where we're actually going to continue to become more obsessed, and that industry is what's going to take over entertainment."
"We're on the brink of a completely new age of social connection and entertainment."
"The current popularity of esports illustrates a few different things: how it's easy to access live content these days, the extent to which popular games actually build a community, and then a shift in attitudes with people actually regarding televised gaming as a legitimate form of entertainment."
"The Internet is changing what entertainment and the sports is. It's not just a few people authoring an experience for others; it's really growing out of what everybody does."
"Video games are no longer just a hobby or a pastime; they're much more than that."
"It's like reality TV has gotten so real that it's actually more entertaining than the craziest storyline in any soap opera our parents or grandparents would watch."
"I feel like it's becoming less and less about jokes, your material, and more about authenticity."
"For 50 thousand years, the only thing on TV was the night sky."
"Hopefully, it seems that the 2010s' losses are going to be the 2020s' fighting game gains."
"Who knows how we might watch our favorite shows in the future."
"Gaming dictates entertainment today... where it was kind of an offshoot that was only recognized by the real core gamers."
"NCsoft believes online gaming to be the 'next cinema' in entertainment and Aion was created to tackle the next challenge for the MMOPRG: enhanced interaction," said Ju-hyeong Jang.
"Streaming services have disrupted the entertainment industry."
"That's one of my favorite things that's come out of this whole franchise."
"It's gonna be fun more people playing more games games you know the game creators making more money from from putting their games everywhere I think it's going to be a great generation."
"Every eight months we would get a Marvel movie and now we can have, you know, 20 hours of Marvel content a year as opposed to four."
"Zombies are stupid and slow... nowadays zombies are kind of tired."
"So as you can see, the Tam was important. Heck, you can see inklings of today's iMac in its design."
"A defining moment for the entertainment industry."
"What keeps it interesting is the new operators."
"This is going to be bigger, more bombastic, but it's gonna also be a lot more hopeful and heroic."
"There's something to be said about witnessing a genre of entertainment that still remains largely untapped."
"The Mandalorian was their headliner. No movie caught on like this. No video game or cartoon either. This wasn't just a show. This was Star Wars for a new generation."
"Movies are turning into video games, and video games are turning into movies. What the [__] is happening?"
"It feels more like it wants to be halfway there between what the original Clubhouse Games was and what Nintendo did with their niche of party games."
"This is the only direction the series could have possibly gone after the absolute tsunami of praise that we as a whole showered part 4 with."
"A superhero unlike any other at the dawn of a new era of superhero movies."
"The launch of Disney Plus opens a new chapter of how we experience iconic storytelling."
"When God of War debuted in 2005, players were stunned at just how brutal Kratos could be."
"Movies don't do that well anymore but you know in longer form mediums like novels and TV shows that's actually done very well."
"The theaters become amusement parks, that's a different experience. It's like I was saying earlier, it's not cinema, it's something else."
"It's sort of like fascinating watching the evolution of entertainment."
"It's a great time to be a fan of The Walking Dead, they have really just taken this series again to another level."
"It's actually just an awesome departure from a lot of old sitcoms."
"The Lord of the Rings is about to change the game all over again with 'The Rings of Power.'"
"Comedy can still thrive in a landscape where we are more understanding and accepting."
"A whole lot happened over the course of the show's six seasons."
"Movies are now about to exist in the same world that video games do."
"Universe of Energy was peak Epcot entertainment when it opened."
"Nickelodeon walked so Lizzie, the Cheetah Girls, Miley, Selena, Demi, and all of them could run."
"Classic Pirates of the Caribbean attraction opened."
"Entertainment evolves generationally, trust me. Us 80s and 90s kids know a thing or two about fruitless 'hey remember that' that our parents used to watch with us."
"I would love to see Vegas like and it's done okay but like if you think about how it might be done in a current generation console or whatever like a Vegas game it's like really cool."
"This is finally setting up the Young Avengers and it's about damn time."
"E3 was at its best when the industry itself was also in a particular phase... the biggest brightest and most expensive games were also kind of AG... creatively aggressive."
"I'm far more interested in watching the Star Wars universe move forward."
"Periodically Doctor Who must change a lot because that's what it does best."
"Blue's Clues walked so Film Theory could run."
"As the 2010s moved on, the screenings of the room were becoming more frequent and grander."
"If The Simpsons was considered jaw-dropping back in the day then Big Mouth would have made people's jaws drop right off."
"China's legacy continues to influence and inspire new generations of female wrestlers."
"I was just wondering if you remember when it was called the WWF."
"This is gonna end up being an in-person, in-venue real thing eventually."
"Netflix is a major player and this to me is a sign that it's going to be considered a major studio soon."
"They really took all that stuff a lot more seriously."
"It just shows you how Walt Disney was never any kind of a slave to any formula."
"I think this is a project that could be resetting the future of how technology, music, and entertainment is going to be achieved in the next few years."
"So while there aren't any changes that really fundamentally alter the DNA of imagination Land There are some pretty substantial changes overall."
"Revolutionized YouTube content by seamlessly blending entertainment with acts of generosity."
"Animation is now a legitimate thing that adults watch as well."
"Viewers themselves are so tired of just watching a show, they want to be part of the show."
"All these years and now this is the end goal that it's getting sold off and they're gonna make more Hollywood or Korean entertainment."
"Live streaming became the norm too and life2d also became more and more popular."
"It's really inspiring for my generation the way like social media specifically TikTok has changed entertainment."
"It's just a different time where music and movies and TV shows weren't so dark and neotic where entertainment was actually focused on motivating and uplifting and inspiring."
"It's getting bigger and better every single freaking week."
"It was a performance that changed the direction of halftime shows."
"Even though it was only the basic maze game at first, just having any game at all was a foot in the door."
"Tennis not only entertained, but it also planted a seed that helped forge the world of video games we know today."
"Suffice it to say this ain't your grandpa's batman hell this ain't even your daddy's batman either."
"Fans wanted change, they were sick of the cartoonish presentation style."
"I think an opportunity to tell a tighter story that's a little different than what we've seen for 10 years."
"The answer is a new modern skating rink would probably play modern music not the skater's waltz."
"Stand up over the last 25 30 years turned into this big thing like when I started doing stand-up it was like a fringe thing like a magician or a ventriloquist."
"It reminded me of like a modern-day pay-per-view, you know, like the internet version of it." - Dane Cook
"It was a full reset of the WWE. It was a good time."
"I think now after the shows that have come since the Thrones, I mean like you know, you get some left of center sci-fi and superhero stuff, I think this would probably, yeah, it would work better now than it did 15 years ago to the general plan."
"40 Years of WrestleMania mode... is going to be focusing on all of these different eras in WWE from the 80s to WrestleMania 39."
"WWE entered a new decade in a healthy spot."
"It became basically the mainstay of American entertainment, surpassing the radio and the movie theaters."
"The monsters theater show has become a roller coaster."
"The importance of Saturday is greatly diminished. You can watch cartoons anytime you want."
"Live streaming has changed the game when it comes to online entertainment."
"The TV has remained a center of home entertainment but has evolved with the times and adapted to users' needs."
"Escape rooms didn't really exist about 15 20 years ago, did they?"
"We're talking about recent times, bands and YouTube channels can't be compared."
"The society doesn't exist anymore when you think of the entertainment options on offer."
"In the '90s, talk shows pushed the boundaries of what people found entertaining."
"What kids like over time or what adults like over time, what people seek over time as entertainment changes."
"It's the kind of show that would never have existed 10 or 20 years ago."
"Day 18, and I think this is the time to take a second to appreciate how far races and fun has come over the last couple of years."