
Place Quotes

There are 1081 quotes

"My home away from home, love it there in the summertime."
"The best you can do is to be as good as you can in your time and place."
"I knew that I didn't really belong to this place, not really."
"Untouchable. That's how this place has always felt."
"Wow, what a gem of a place you guys got here in Vancouver."
"I can't imagine anywhere else in the world I would rather be."
"The constant creation and recreation of identity... create the unique meanings of the places we call home."
"We still live in the most amazing place and wonderful time."
"We used to always walk on the beach back when we lived in Hawaii... That's where we built our emotional home."
"This island isn't just a place. It's a defining moment in time."
"Listen, I'm sorry, I am really just too in love with this place."
"Something just was really not right about that place."
"There is nothing wrong with La Casa Madrigal."
"I see them and I'm also drawing on memories of visiting these actual places... Place matters."
"The hauntingly historic place that remains a mystery."
"He's just having fun; I love this place so much."
"This is my person, this is my place, this is where I keep being called back to."
"You know, I think if you live someplace long enough, you are that place."
"It's a good place to try and figure things out."
"This has to be the best part of the entire place."
"I'm so happy I discovered this place."
"It's just a really lovely place to be."
"I am 100% obsessed with this place."
"I love that place, it literally feels like a second home to me."
"I don't know why I'm so addicted to that place, I love it."
"This place is actually super cool."
"It's just a beautiful place to be, a really happy place for me with great memories."
"People may choose to live in a place because that place is somehow important to their culture."
"The happiest place on Earth was in California but I was wrong, this is definitely a nice place to be."
"There is no superior place, just different with a different set of problems."
"I've never had any place give me the heebie-jeebies like this place does."
"This is the place where nightmares are made."
"If you want to be a real collector, then this is the place that you got to hang out."
"Maybe we found a place in the flesh."
"It's really a charming and um safe place."
"This place is awesome. I love this place."
"Cape Town, you really have stolen my heart."
"This place is packed out of history."
"This place is really a kind of a community center."
"Welcome to Hell," one resident shouts as he takes his baby son out for a stroll around Barrow Island in coastal Barrow IN Furnace.
"Liking a place has more to do with factors out of our control and first impressions that we'd probably like to admit."
"What a place this is. What an absolute find."
"I mean, come on, all the death that happened in this place, the anger, the negative energy."
"He opened this place literally to preserve history."
"The only baker is Oley, yeah, that's an Indian name for the valley in which we live."
"Lily Dale has been called New York's dark corner."
"The best part of this place for me is the community."
"I went to Banana grown. Believe this, that's somewhere I don't forget."
"This place Ginty in the jump is a magic place."
"It's a wonderful place, it's a complicated place."
"That place is magical, man, straight up."
"Being able to sort of find your place in the grand scheme of things, there's something empowering about it."
"It's truly one of my favorite places in the whole world."
"It's a place that's inspired me so much throughout the years."
"Love love this place, always so many great cars."
"Look at this place, feels like I'm in Rinwin's library or something. You love it? Why is everything so yellow in here? I love places like I do."
"But make no mistake, this is still a truly extraordinary place."
"The place has an entity of its own and indwelling personality," Amber Ville declared, "it's there like the soul in a human body."
"It feels really good to have a place to release our creative freedom again."
"This is the place to be, you know what I'm saying."
"Nobody said the square has to stay in the same place."
"Even with all of the cons of living here, I still think it is a great place to live."
"That is an emotionally heavy place."
"Once I knew I could come, man, it was a blessing to be in places like this."
"It's such a beautiful place here."
"It's my happy place. Some people's Disneyland."
"Muscle Shoals is a special, special place."
"She loved it in here. It was her place to work and her place of solace. It's where she giggled with friends and studied for tests. That's where she dressed for the prom."
"Everybody has that feeling of where they belong or where they think they belong or should live."
"Places like this, it's all about the longevity and it's a never-ending evolving series of projects."
"It's not really a place people move to. It's more like a place you end up at."
"Atlanta's a special place you gotta protect it. I've been here for a long-ass time."
"Those places were a combination of bar where there was alcohol, concert venue where there was live music, strip club, brothel, and abortion clinic all under one roof."
"The place Woodies... had a fudge counter... a lunch meat counter... this is a gas station."
"Long Island is funny because the people in Long Island are [ __ ]."
"Home to me is not only a place, it's a feeling."
"A blurring of the boundaries between time and place."
"Sagal is a place of Tanga; like, literally, hospitality is what they stand on."
"This place is just... the word I was looking for but apparently didn't find was idyllic."
"This is one seriously mysterious Place."
"Remarkable place and view, I mean, amazing."
"Asgard is not a place. Asgard is where our people stand."
"This is the most random place I've ever been in my entire life."
"It's just a beautiful place to spend a little time."
"I truly think this place is haunted."
"I think when you're in a place like this you really can sort of begin to understand what real relaxation is."
"Guys, this place is absolutely gorgeous."
"So it's felt like the natural place for it."
"What's a better place than somewhere you're happy? I'm happiest right here."
"Welcome to Rusty Lake, a place where memories are captured in little cubes."
"I just felt really in my place and in my element."
"London has been the warmest feeling place."
"This place is always a lot of fun."
"It just happened to be the time and place of which it happened."
"To call this place interesting is a real understatement because it's absolutely amazing."
"Worship is not a matter of a place, it's a matter of a person."
"When you consecrate a place, things happen there."
"The place where the completion takes place is in the heart."
"This is the coolest place I've ever seen and it's definitely the coolest place I've ever had lunch."
"The physics of this place work by dream logic."
"What better place to do it? It's like the capital of it."
"Absolutely beautiful. Definitely a place to come for a sunrise."
"I fell in love with this place, and then I fell in love with a man who lived at that place."
"Hands down... I could see exactly why this place has five stars."
"It's an awesome place, a little crowded though, a little crowded, that's okay."
"This place just up and down every street just littered."
"What an awesome place to explore."
"It was a really awesome place to go."
"Welcome to my new place. Looks very, very similar to the last one I had."
"There's no better place than here and no better time than now."
"Easily my favorite place on planet Earth."
"True worship doesn't demand a place."
"This place is just another world."
"I love this town so much it's just a cool town"
"When people are inspired by place, anything is possible."
"I thought it would be a place... It's interesting."
"It's a very special and surprising place."
"Everything about this place is absolutely incredible, the statues on the side of the rooms, it's beautiful."
"Every person that has came here has not loved this place."
"It's the type of place that will blow your mind."
"The self-proclaimed happiest place on Earth."
"I think it's a very haunted place."
"Let's hope for the best for this place"
"Mysteries are woven so deeply into the fabric of a place that they become Inseparable from it."
"That place is definitely haunted."
"If this is as bad as it gets in Tuscaloosa, well that's pretty impressive."
"I'm in love, I really like this place."
"...there was a real feeling of unhappiness in the place. I have never felt like that since nor do I ever want to."
"I do love this place, don't get me wrong."
"This is a happy place, this is a lot of people's happy places."
"This is just the most beautiful place in history."
"I will not go back to New Calonia!"
"This is the most gorgeous place in the world."
"It looks like such a magical place in here."
"I completely fell in love with this place."
"I love this place, I think it is so cool."
"What a place. I mean what a place."
"That is nice, that is a great place."
"Probably one of the best place has ever made."
"It just feels so nice to be at this place."
"What an amazing looking place, that really is."
"Well, I couldn't be more pleased. I really couldn't. I love this bar so much."
"It's a really lovely place and one that I've always admired."
"It's really actually my favorite area of Disneyland Paris."
"I don't know what this place is or what happened to me here. I can't explain any of this, can you?"
"It truly was just a hole on the ground in [__] Nebraska that I used to dump my own fears into."
"This place wanted me. It could have me."
"This place will always be magical to me."
"There is no place I'd rather be than right here at this one on Saturday."
"It's a nice place to be. I won't complain."
"This is almost like a little bit of heaven."
"It's a really, really special place."
"It's a blessing to be here, honestly. This place is called Bui M Bui."
"I can see why this place is world famous now."
"There's something about this place, and being here, I don't want to leave tomorrow."
"This place is amazing, I mean did I say it was amazing?"
"This place, I'm really excited about this place."
"There's no better place than Massachusetts."
"We're sure you'll agree that it's a great place."
"It's a beautiful place, honestly."
"I love this place. Lone Wolf Mountain is my favorite place in the universe."
"This place is going to be really special."
"this place is actually really really dope"
"What an absolutely awesome place, I am just totally, totally happy to be here, wind or no wind."
"I love this place so much, it never gets old."
"I love this place. I will literally die here."
"That's what makes it such a fun and exciting place to be."
"This is the most beautiful and unique place in the world."
"It's a special place. Boa Rón is a great name."
"Woohoo, this place is looking sick!"
"It's a very stable, very safe place."
"I've never felt settled, and then I went to this place and then I just fell in love with it."
"This place is mind-blowing amazing."
"This place is just... Next level."
"One of my favorite places on the planet is Berea, Kentucky."
"I'm really proud of this place and for me, it's very inspiring."
"There's so much history here, it's unbelievable."
"It's crazy how a place can instantly calm you."
"I think it's the best place in the world, is that. I'm with you."
"It's been a good place to us, and hopefully it's gonna be a real good place this night."
"I just absolutely fell in love with the place."
"So to be fair, this place is actually pretty incredible."
"I love this place; I really do love this place."
"It's actually called the Haiku Garden."
"I feel like I've finally found my forever place to live."
"I don't know how I tell you how much I love this place, and this place is y'all."
"I am so freaking in love with this place."
"This right here truly is a perfect place."
"I love Winter Garden, yeah, it's got a nice vibe."
"It's a beautiful place, a beautiful little town."
"This place is loaded, this is the new spot."
"This is the coolest place that I have ever been."
"The creek means everything to me; it's just the sweetest, most specialist place in my heart and in my world."
"I think this may be my new favorite place."
"It's a very lively place, we just love it here."
"This feels like a place where miracles can happen."
"Wow, look at this place, man, this is amazing, isn't it?"
"Why would anybody ever want to leave, ever?"
"I just can't stop thinking about how cool this place is."
"I'm not saying Manchester is the best place in the world, but there are bits of it that I really miss."