
Social Contract Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"The rise of the left will probably come hand-in-hand with the deconstruction of the existing social contract."
"With rights and privileges come responsibilities."
"In society, we fundamentally owe things to one another."
"Inherent to that promise of serving the country should be a promise from the American people that those injured in the line of duty should receive the dog on benefits and care that they require."
"Spartan society was one of the first to introduce a form of social contract, where the duties of an individual were balanced by certain privileges and rights."
"My rights - are the part of my power which others have not merely conceded me, but which they wish me to preserve."
"A government has a social contract with the people to rule over them fairly, justly, lawfully, without undue favor or discrimination, for the benefit of the people themselves and not for the benefit of the government."
"In the post-coronavirus reality we all share, many of us around the world have become all too painfully aware of what it feels like to be subjected to an egregious imbalance in the social contract."
"Rewrite the social contract so that society accepts, as we move from an economy of production and consumption to an economy of caring and sharing."
"Your rights, in some sense, are my responsibility and vice versa."
"You broke the contract when you killed us in the streets."
"In the 27 years I’ve been playing, I’ve noticed that the majority of problems that occur within an RPG group... it can all be summed up by the Social Contract."
"The NHS represents a sacred promise between the state and its citizens."
"The constitution symbolizes a contract between all of us."
"There is a new social contract whether people like it or not."
"Justice is in many ways the core of all of our social contracts."
"Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society."
"You sign a social contract when you play any game."
"The racial contract can block white people from realizing what's really happening."
"There's a fact of the matter about what it would be rational for us to agree to in terms of these rules."
"Freedom as a concept does rely on a sort of social contract a bit of shared human agreement what we are and are not willing to trade off for something else."
"Rights and responsibilities are written down in a social contract."
"So, verbal meditation or mantra meditation, according to this verse, is 100 times more powerful than silent meditation."
"We all have a social contract, and that contract is based on adequate competent back-and-forth between us and the state."
"My thing I set out to do is put out the contract with black America."
"Surely all of us make a contract with the government that we pay our taxes you one way or another take care of us whether it's through ongoing infrastructure schools roads hospitals name your priorities."
"Society is based on an agreement that we don't attack each other in the street even when we disagree... That agreement only functions if those who violate it actually pay a price for having attacked someone."
"A nation is a community, a contract to past, present, and future."
"Negotiating a new social contract is crucial for navigating a changing economic landscape."
"Our democracy is more than a constitution; it's a covenant, a relationship between neighbors, a promise that we make to each other."
"The virus lays bare the frailty of the social contract."
"The general will must both come from all and apply to all."
"We renegotiating that contract with America, with Wall Street, with the gatekeepers of poverty."
"The consent of the governed... that's based on philosophy."
"Society has the right to require things of all people but it has natural obligations to them in return."
"If you materially deliver for people, people will deliver for you."
"If you black, the contract with black America includes you."
"Government comes from a rational decision made by the people to surrender some of our rights in order to gain more rights."
"Part of living in a society is giving up some personal freedoms so we can function together as a people."
"Russians love themselves a good dictator, but Putin broke the social contract upheld in Russia for decades."
"People who have taken a society protect that society, but when they don't have it, they unconsciously want to destroy it."
"This is an exchange. We built you; you've got to build us back." - "This is an exchange. We built you; you've got to build us back."
"Let's be consistent about that let's not call ourselves liberal democracy and then go and do something else and violate this sort of social contract."
"The current social contract: government mediates the relationship between labor and business."
"Political obligations arise from the consent of the people to whom they apply."
"We need a new American social contract... a new model."
"The left has changed the terms of our social contract from equality for all... to equity for all."
"Everyone knows the social contract is if you text your friend, if you're the one being like, 'Hey, y'all ready to go?' That person is ready before you."
"The social contract, the norms that we all accept as a society. The unwritten rules."
"The bad faith argumentation destroys the social contract, and the epistemic commons, destroys democracy."
"The only key political relationship that stabilized the relationship between capitalism and working people was the social contract."
"Effort spent is part of a social contract. Reciprocity is embedded in this social contract and should guarantee adequate reward."
"The social contract as I'm sure you know enjoys a huge prominence among political philosophers and political theorists."
"Over The Unborn and the dead to which they are not entitled you give to the living the right to win to rewrite the contract so as to deprive both The Unborn of their legacy for instance and in doing so deprive the dead of their intentions."
"That image of a president, angry and jealous, prying into the lives of anybody who he felt like it is a scary image to all of us, and it’s scary because that’s not part of the social contract, right?"
"Human equality is an assumption built into the idea of the social contract because in the state of nature everybody's naturally equal."
"Whoever can enforce the social contract and keep peace and order in a very effective way deserves to be in power."
"People trade freedom for protection but they don't give up their basic pre-social or unalienable rights."
"Marriage is about so much more than love; it's actually a political contract between different families."
"We have a really skewed social contract where it's really imbalanced for young people against old people."
"I mean, when you have rich friends, they break the social contract in such a great way."
"...a strong welfare state is only possible when you have a sense of boundaries of social contract we're in this together we pool our resources and then those of us who fall down get picked up."
"By introducing the idea of a social contract, he destroys the earlier idea of the great chain of being."
"There's a problem for him is to find a form of Association in which each while uniting himself with all yet may still only obey himself alone and remain as free as before."
"If we're clever, we could use this revolution to think about the social contract."
"When the social contract is broken, it is righteous anger."
"No country can survive without trust, without a contract between people, of understanding."
"America was founded on the social contract."
"I consider seeing the money and putting it in the bank as like a sort of like a social contract."
"Rawls has a conception of justice as fairness and he argues really on the basis of social contract theory."
"The only legitimate form of government was one formed from among the people who frame a contract with their government in the form of a constitution."
"In order to avoid a state of war, people reluctantly give up their freedom in exchange for security."
"We need a social contract, a humanitarian way, a human rights economy."
"That silent social contract, you do this, you do that, this happens."
"The silent social contract where we grow up thinking if you abide by the rules you get a certain return."
"The people enter into an agreement with the government to give up some power and rights in order to get back protection."
"Move fast and break things... what you're talking about is having privatized a ton of gains and socialized losses because what you broke was the social contract of the entire country and the epistemic commons."
"Our ethical systems... they're all kind of based at least a little bit on the understanding that all of us follow the social contract."
"The job of the government was to protect those rights."
"People give up some of their freedoms for the good of the community."
"It's the idea of giving up some of your rights to follow laws because those laws protect the good of all the people."
"Many individuals put together can structure and form any arrangement, any contract social or otherwise amongst them, because the individual is sovereign."
"The movement of the progressive societies has hitherto been a movement from status to contract."
"The rules are actually there for like a reason. It's an agreement that we all make as a society."
"The Constitution is a contract between the government and the citizens of rights that we are born with."
"If you want to live in this amazing country and enjoy all the social benefits, then you should pay your dues."
"The social contract must apply to everybody, or it applies to nobody."
"With this bold initiative, our government has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to upholding the sanctity of our social contract."
"We live in a society that believes in the enforceability of contracts, and marriage is a contract."
"The kingdom government is responsible and obligated to the citizen."
"There's a social contract. I mean, you want to live in this town, great, you got to pay x for this town to operate."
"If we start with the idea that people basically want to get along with each other... then in an anarchistic sense, whenever they have to make a bargain with each other, they will."
"For me as a conservative, the most powerful form of the social contract is a contract between the generations."
"The disruptive effect of being a big cohort... does that risk the fracturing of the social contract?"
"Society then is seen as ideally being the result of a rational agreement between free individuals whose individual wills are balanced by one another, mediated by what we could call a social contract."
"Every man that is to live under a government ought first by his own consent to put himself under that government."
"Consenting to live under a government means giving up some degree of freedom, but citizens' lives are improved by what government offers them."
"Morality is based on us all agreeing on something and buying into a social contract."
"The best way to understand the actions of a city were to understand it is a set of agreements."
"It's actually in everyone's self-interest, think of it as a component of the social contract."
"The social contract is the idea that people give away a portion of their natural rights to elect the government."
"Society is based on agreement, disrupted by crime and deviance when it occurs."
"We need a new vision for a new era: A Renewed social contract, a new focus on those who build the bonds that connect us."
"The social contract is fundamentally about institutional trust."
"There is this unspoken contract between most people that we will be civil and we will be somewhat kind and good to each other."
"We all agree that we have a social contract; you don't call each other racial slurs or derogatory terms because we like to be polite and considerate."
"The bedrock of the social contract."
"Everything we do as humanity is a contract."
"Men are born with a certain set of natural rights and then they enter into a social contract with particular kinds of government."
"The aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible Rights of Man."
"You have your rights over me; I have my rights over you."
"Social contract arises from empathy in most practical situations in society."
"It is immoral to break implicit social contracts."
"The core social contract argument goes like this: India's experiencing high growth, which does increase government revenue, and if you can use this government revenue to create a welfare state, you could bring about some degree of redistribution."
"The social contract is basically, in easiest terms, you won't kill me and I won't kill you."
"The extent to which we have freedom of religion, expression, and speech is the extent to which the liberal government through social contract determines what is the acceptable freedom."