
Jewish History Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"The story of rebels who preferred suicide to enslavement lives on and Masada remains a symbol of Jewish resistance."
"The overall picture of the Jewish experience in Spain was amazing...from 950 to 1250, that was the golden age."
"The ancient Jews made a genius move to preserve their artifact."
"Each chronology is interesting only in that it helps us to understand how the early Jews at various different times understood and communicated their story."
"The Exodus in Jewish tradition, it's that which defines Israel as a people. God brought them out, made them His own, entered into a covenant relationship with them on Mount Sinai."
"Tisha B'Av commemorates the destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem and the second temple in 70 CE, respectively."
"The story of the Jewish people and the destruction of those two temples demonstrates the ever-present commitment and connection between Jews and the land of Israel."
"Jews in power by Ruth Weiss... talks about the survival of Jewish communities and the way that Jewish communities existed in tension with the ruling powers of the time."
"The successful revolt against Greek dominion led to a semi-fruitful century of autonomous Jewish rule in basically Israel, which later ended in Roman occupation."
"Since Rome, and then leading up to the State of Israel became a thing in 1948, the Jews have been in pretty much a perpetual worldwide exile."
"The bulk of Jewish people in the world rejected it."
"Throughout history, many people have tried to destroy the Jews."
"One of the great heroic Jewish stories of all time."
"The tragic history of the Jews as a people wandering the world through centuries of persecution has been equally remarkable for their achievements."
"As uncomfortable as it may be to witness... it's important to remember where Hasidic Jews come from and how they came to be."
"We've survived the greatest atrocity in recorded history... and we found ways to be successful as best we could."
"Every Old Testament Prophet besides Jonah predicts the regathering of the Jews."
"On the 12th month, the decree is written to annihilate the Jews, similar to the situation in December."
"The Jews defeated all their enemies with the stroke of the sword, slaughter, and destruction."
"The recently discovered 57-ton bath offers new insight into Jewish life in Roman-ruled Palestine during the Second Temple period."
"Clearly, you cannot explain Jewish history apart from God. True, you cannot."
"The Jews should have died out a long time ago, but just miraculously survived."
"Jews received reparations for the Holocaust and are still receiving them, and in my mind, that's what should happen."
"From the early centuries of the Diaspora, Jews were predominantly artisans and middlemen, peddlers, merchants, and moneylenders, and most were poor."
"Think about this prophetic Jubilee. Think about the Jewish people coming back."
"Israel was founded in the first place who believe that because of the unique persecution of Jewish people over time and specifically because of the horrors of the Holocaust that there is a legitimacy to having an explicitly Jewish state."
"Jews have been assaulted by some of the greatest empires the world has ever known. Every one of those empires, seemingly impregnable at the time, has been consigned to history."
"The Jews were always coming back to it even under occupation, there was always a Jewish presence in the land."
"Through the centuries, the Jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that we've all read it, we've studied it, they've gone through a lot."
"After hundreds of years of being scattered, abused, and banished from Israel, that amazingly, the Jewish people found victory against their enemies, and their nation, the land of Israel, was revived and established in 1948."
"The majority of the Jewish people lived under the domain of Islam for over a thousand years."
"The Muslims basically gave the Jews their lives back."
"The most persecuted group of people in the history of the world is the Jewish people."
"Jewish history is supernatural, the future of all nations is bound up in the history of Abraham and his seed."
"Jews were banned for so long and in so many places from participating in so many industries."
"Jews have not been the only people in the world to have suffered uprooting, but they have been the only people in the world eternally unable to find a place where shelter would not be given on sufferance, conditionally, provisionally, liable always to be withdrawn, terminated."
"The dark pages of Jewish history have been lit by such impossibilities."
"I genuinely feel it's one of the most extraordinary moments in the history of the Jewish people."
"The return of the Jews after centuries in exile."
"If you've ever studied Jewish history and you should, if you study Jewish history and you still don't believe in miracles you are not a realist."
"If you study Jewish history and you still don't believe in miracles you are not a realist."
"After all, it is the Jewish people who actually experienced this seminal event in the creation of their nation called Israel."
"One of the set pieces that must be in place for these end time events to take place is the regathering of the Jews in their nation."
"God chose the Jewish people... for the purpose of allowing the Jews to be a witness to the rest of the world."
"What was the importance of this trial? For the first time since the year 70 when Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans, Jews were able to sit in judgment on crimes committed against their own people."
"So then when Yeshua comes, right? He actually relives their story. And where they fell short, where they were unfaithful, then he is faithful, he brings it to... to its fullness, you will."
"One of the greatest revivals in Jewish history happened under a young prophet by the name of Samuel."
"Before the Holocaust, more than three million Jews lived in Poland."
"David Sorkin asks questions focusing on issues defining moments in modern Jewish history and European history."
"The French Revolution's alteration of the Jews' political status was truly fundamental."
"Emancipation in the West, the emancipation of individuals, had not just been insufficient but been a disaster for the Jews."
"In non-lethal doses, anti-Semitism, together with assimilation or acculturation, I believe, have actually helped to hone the remarkable adaptive capacity of the Jews."
"The return to the Land of Israel has been a persistent, constant aspiration throughout Jewish history."
"We have a shared obligation to cultivate, nurture, and communicate the importance of Jewish history."
"Cyrus's edict for the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem marked a great epoch in the history of the Jewish people."
"If the Jewish people will go build Palestine, the Jewish state will become a reality, a fact."
"It's right here that about 1,000 last Jewish zealots who rebelled against the Romans... were the last stronghold before Rome completely conquered Israel."
"A New Jerusalem, a great Jewish community every bit the equal of London, Amsterdam, and Odessa, was emerging from what had previously been a tiny hamlet on the far side of the world."
"Masada became the symbol of Jewish resistance against the invader."
"Jewish history should be viewed as a kind of wave... you have to be prepared so that when you find yourself on the rise, you can ride that wave."
"The Hellenistic age was the formative period of early Jewish thought and literature as witnessed by the Old Testament itself."
"...the disciples of the late Jacob Emden were already brushing aside old ideas of Jewish autonomy in favor of a radical new definition of Jewish liberty: emancipation."
"The Jewish golden age was under the house of Islam in Spain."
"Puim was also made by the sages for the miracle that we had in the time of Aman."
"Hashem made a huge Miracle to the Jews and they actually won and kicked the Greeks out of Israel."
"Every door you open is an ocean of information in Jewish history."
"God is working; He is using the lives of two different people, Mordecai and Esther, to save the Jewish people."
"Sometimes the Jewish people will emerge limping... but never ever will they be completely destroyed and defeated; they will emerge triumphant."
"Golda Meir dedicated her life to serving the Jewish state she helped establish."
"The propagation of a lie is becoming a dismissal of Jewish history and an disempowerment of Jewish identity and heritage."
"No figure of such renown in the Jewish world had ever chosen America as his home, and New Yorkers were starstruck."
"I plan to do everything I can to teach the American Jewish community about the story of Abraham Lincoln and the Jews."
"Queen Esther and her cousin Mordecai saved the day, and all the Jews are spared."
"Kazimierz... it's known mainly for its Jewish Heritage."
"This week we're celebrating the feast of Passover, a monumental event in Jewish history commemorating the deliverance of the Israelites out of Egypt."
"The first Aliyah of the 1800s was the first major wave of Jewish immigration to the Holy Land."
"The Baal Shem Tov lived in a time when the Jewish people were in a spiritual comatose state."
"This is your process of modernization; this is how Jews became modernized."
"Esther's courage and loyalty to her people played a vital role in stopping the plot to exterminate the Jews."
"Of course, Queen Esther, I love you dearly, and I want you to be happy."
"Everything turned upside down, and the Jewish people were happy in the end."
"Purim celebrates the divinely orchestrated salvation of the Jewish people from the evil Haman's plot."
"But the Jews have just continued to persevere through history. It's incredible."
"If the Essenes are known to be 100% accurate prophets... then that's something that the Jews have to reconcile."
"For thousands of years, God has been involved with the Jewish people and the land promised to Abraham and his descendants."
"Jews were able to accomplish tremendous things and achieve all kinds of rights and privileges for their communities."
"Purim commemorates the divinely orchestrated salvation of the Jewish people in the ancient Persian empire."
"Joshua... succeeded Moses as the leader of the Jewish people."
"The building of the temple was the most important event in the epoch of the Jews."
"The Jewish temple was built at Mount Moriah, the place where Abraham was asked to sacrifice Isaac."
"Bernard Lewis states in his book titled 'The Jews of Islam' that for over 1000 years, most of the planet's Jews lived under the Muslims."
"A fascinating and unusual chapter in Jewish history."