
Personal Stability Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Feeling whole and complete by yourself is basically eternal peace, stability, fairness, and justice."
"It's most important for us to be the anchor of our own ships."
"Self-esteem is not optional to life as a functional human; it is the fundamental sense of stability and personhood from which you operate in all you do."
"My life is actually the pursuit of staying in chaos because chaos is my stability."
"Creating your own happiness creates a stable foundation for yourself because this world is crazy."
"If your life is rooted in Christ and is rooted in faith, when tough times come it's not going to knock you over."
"A man will only chase you when he's in a good place, has his act together, and knows what he wants."
"True stability comes from finding home within the self, union within the self."
"It's easy to make money, it's easy to get you in shape, but if you don't have a good wife or a good husband... everything that we're going to do is going to fall apart."
"There could be an offer being presented to you possibly by a Scorpio that sees you as someone who is very stable but maybe kind of reluctant to approach."
"It's easier to maintain, and this is a great benefit... can help you stabilize your self-realization."
"You're the source of your own stability and abundance."
"Lean into your own emotions so you don't get so chaotic in your life."
"Being grounded and constantly making sure that you're good is so important."
"We need to get our house in order from any kind of scattering of the past or being buffeted by the news or world events or whatever and say no no I bring myself back to my center."
"You should try not to engage if you are emotionally unstable."
"Saturn changing signs as well moving into the foundation of your chart helping you to create greater stability at home."
"Trust your intuition, it's leading you to stability and prosperity."
"The more status gains people play in their life, the more sources of status they have, the more groups they belong to, the more stable their personality, the happier they tend to be."
"A person that walks with purpose is unlikely to fall out of what God has planned for him."
"Everything else in your life comes together once your home situation is figured out."
"Two years from now, you'll have a lot more balance."
"Feeling whole, stable, and trusting of yourself."
"Trust in your own inner stability, in your own inner worth."
"This person's focused on regaining stability."
"Don't take criticism or the compliments to heart."
"You attract stability because you don't need it."
"It's almost like keeping things together even though things outside of yourself are kind of a little bit confusing."
"Take every day as it comes, try to do the best that you can when it comes to big changes. Just know that it's giving you so much more stability."
"Once I'm settled I am settled for good I am NOT going anywhere."
"Strong roots, strong foundation, all in the works, all in the workings, honey."
"Mature, grounded energy awaits, bringing stability and love."
"You need to stay grounded, you need some balance big dog, this is how you win in the game."
"Joy and stability: Be happier, more stable, full of joy from within."
"You're not gonna let her remove you off your center. Women play games, period."
"Lose your spiritual life; don't lose your finances, don't lose your relationships, don't lose your courage. Everything that started that journey should arrive also."
"Stillness is key: Detach from the chaos, find peace within, and navigate through tumultuous times."
"We're winning, it's long. If she goes crazy on social media and I stay exactly where I am, it don't matter to me."
"Stability again is not measured or based upon how much you shout, how much you speak in tongue. Soundness and stability is measured upon what you can endure. That's right. That's what strength is measured by. That's what soundness is measured by."
"Stability about them that is soothing and an inner harmony that is attractive." - Inner peace radiates outward, attracting positivity.
"They love how grounded, stable, and family-oriented you are."
"You're the one that's going to be around when everybody else and their Grandma are getting their cars repoed."
"Frame should be effortless. A lot of guys construct their idea of themselves and obviously it's very shaky if someone sees through it they can poke into it immediately and break you."
"Don't let these [ __ ] trick you out of your position."
"Stay centered, stay grounded, it's your time and the world needs you."
"I'm grounded, you know, I'm still functioning in a clear capacity."
"The double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. It's time to make a decision."
"I believe you can be a great artist without destroying your life."
"You're moving into a time of stability and happiness."
"Can I tell you, it's not been three years, I have never felt more stable, more confident."
"They're focused on their career and finances, striving for stability."
"Driven by a genuine desire for stability and security."
"Life has been absolutely chaotic but TYT has kept me grounded and felt like home."
"Manage our emotional responses and maintain our personal balance."
"Something that you can rely on in yourself that will stabilize you, calm you, and allow you to see how strong you are even amidst these very big changes."
"If you live by people's support, you'll die by their criticism."
"Knowledge is a foundation that keeps you firm even if you don't have brothers around you."
"Let it arise, let it subside. I neither gain nor lose. I am the same ocean of existence."
"You'll feel secure in who you are under your skin and you'll have this inner security, inner stability."
"You need to focus on your own stability first... protecting your energy comes first."
"I hope my teammates feel that respect because I know I'm stable anyway."
"As long as you're maintaining your emotional strength and health with the nine of Cups, you're going to be fine."
"I am patient, I am secure, I am stable, I am loyal."
"This whole year is a blessing to you, filled with more abundance, more emotional abundance, more happiness, more stability."
"Believe, have faith, focus on your stability, focus on your value. Getting what you deserve is right around the corner."
"Prioritize stabilizing yourself. If you're not feeling good, nothing else matters."
"A dream coming true with stability and gratitude."
"The only constant pillar in my life has been Just Dance."
"New opportunities, stability, balance, ready to receive."
"That Consciousness has really helped me stay grounded."
"The Taurus North Node is guiding us forward to really be able to stabilize ourselves, to really feel a strength in our core energy field around who we are."
"It's also about setting boundaries right, setting boundaries with firm intention. This energy is bringing you stability."
"2023 is the year for stability. I'm stabilizing things in your life and while the world may shake around you, I'm making you consistent and stable."
"If you just keep playing your position, stand solid, great things happen."
"What is the value of marriage for me? Stability, security, safety."
"Thankfully, my wife has a good job, I've got my military retirement, and the channel is going well."
"When you are in alignment with your truth... your peace cannot be disrupted."
"You've got to take care of you first and foremost. If you are not solid and stable, it diminishes your capacity to help others."
"Adding Sunnah practices adds stability and strength to your foundation."
"Your advice: don't let them move you off your center."
"Staying rooted in the heart, that's our anchor."
"The confidence shouldn't have gone anywhere. The confidence is still there."
"Your life is about to become a stable foundation."
"...how well put together Nick is he's a very stable person in a lot of areas in his life and truly has this golden retriever energy which probably helps him a lot."
"She was a stable individual who would never do anything crazy."
"We're determined to create our own stable life, learning to prioritize our own well-being and happiness first, knowing that's what truly matters in the end."
"For the first time in my adulthood, I feel like a stable human being."
"A person in the flesh is a grenade with a pin pulled; a person in the spirit is a grenade with a pin in."
"A Bible that's falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn't."
"I'm just never felt so stable and happy with where I am in life right now."
"If you wish to regain control, you must find your balance."
"The priority we have is to honor ourselves and to be making sure that life is enjoyable and that it's on a frequency of stability, silence, enjoyment, and self-respect really."
"You're as grounded as I've ever felt in my life."
"You're coming from a pretty grounded place here."
"This could be about you taking action towards some sort of goal to bring stability here in your life."
"Find comfort within you and your abilities; know that you are stable, know that you are reliable, and that you can do it."