
Writing Quality Quotes

There are 352 quotes

"Literature is literature because it is beautifully written."
"There were just like moments throughout the entire book that I think were just so well written and just were really impactful."
"The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller; her writing is impeccable."
"Your own personal life experiences can radically shift how you view the flock, and if that's not a sign of good writing, then I don't know what is."
"A great [writing piece] is going to knock your socks off. It's going to be amazing and really insightful."
"This is what makes the writing in Planescape: Torment so ultimately timeless, so uniquely good."
"The Owl House Season 2 is a testament to the skill of its writers."
"I think just because it's written so well, it seems very simple on its surface."
"Sometimes there's professional writing that reads like fan fiction and it's not always a bad thing."
"A Mary Sue isn't just a character, it's ultimately a product of bad writing."
"This movie feels like it was written by sixteen-year-old me, which if you read my writing back then you'll know that's the perfect opposite of a compliment."
"There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book; books are well written or badly written, and that is all."
"They went above and beyond with the writing here."
"A reminder of what games can be, what RPGs can achieve, and what good writing actually means."
"It held up surprisingly well and I think that's a tribute to the writing and performances throughout it." - Neil from the Liberal Cook
"I almost think the quality of writing's gone down due to the focus on the cinematic Hollywood experience."
"This is Shakespeare level writing in terms of its density its complexity the beautiful external internal rhymes."
"This is a nicely written, tightly focused adventure."
"There's nothing superfluous within the writing."
"The writing in Kingdom Hearts III… really… REALLY… sucks."
"That's it. That's all you need. That right there is great dialogue."
"The superb writing made this game so special."
"Again, I think that is the sign of really good writing."
"It's confident accomplished writing which is full of life."
"They're really well-written... they're interesting... they're very diverse."
"This story is not just a rehash of what we kind of thought we all knew about the Christopher Watts case."
"It's beautifully written, another iconic line: 'It's not the years honey, it's the mileage'."
"This is highly educational, entertaining, enlightening, well written."
"You write with such vivid language that I could imagine myself there."
"I love good writing, it's my number one criteria."
"I adore it. I love the writing. I love the story so far."
"The writing dazzled me... it shimmered in front of the reader... it glowed... I just had such a ball reading it."
"You get pleasure from it, like good writing."
"If you're looking for really good writing to help you get out of a slump too, this is like one of my top tier recommendations because the writing is just exceptional."
"This writing is very good, I'm actually blown away."
"The Ultimate Enemy is universally accepted as the peak of the show's writing quality."
"King of the Hill's writing effortlessly ridiculed so many crazy cultural trends, movements, and issues."
"The writing is impeccable, like it's so funny and it's so smart."
"There's lots of flavor text in this game. The writing is impeccable."
"But with great detective RPGs like Disco Elysium out there, it might be hard to live up to the quality of writing and polish that some would expect."
"Being able to portray a villain in such a way that the audience can understand their motivations has long been considered a staple of good writing."
"Annie's Lobby: arguably the best written arc in the entire series."
"Honestly, I was loving the structure, the narrative quality, and the writing so much."
"Apex Legends was built off Titan 4 3 and the Apex we have today is most likely more visually similar to what Titan 4 3 would have looked like."
"The sheer intelligence and layers of depth within their writing is still unparalleled to me."
"Honorable enemies and defending the innocent, it's really nicely written."
"The Fox era Futurama... one of the greatest stretches of television writing that has ever existed."
"And the writing is just stunningly beautiful."
"The NPC dialogue in Earthbound is so well written."
"And I watched it and I was like which is amazing like the writing the characterization the attention to detail uh the performances everything's amazing about it."
"The writing is good, characters are interesting, snarky, sarcastic, and funny."
"You shouldn't have Mary Sues, whether they're male or female, that's just bad writing."
"Hands down this is probably one of the best written scripts I've seen in years."
"Good writing is not about trying to sound smart; it's about avoiding sounding stupid."
"The story is just phenomenal, the writing is amazing."
"The writing here is pretty damn good, I have to admit. Like, I had no idea what to expect and yet my expectations are still being blown out by this game."
"It is the best written Call of Duty game by a long shot. Not even close."
"I love the writing of this book, I love the world building of this book."
"Sometimes I wonder if Bethesda's games intentionally have perfect comedic timing in order to make up for the terrible writing."
"Jumping subgenres like Until Dawn does isn't easy...but it works thanks to clever writing tricks like this."
"I think the writing just seems so much stronger."
"The writing in this, at least to me, was spot-on."
"This writing is so awful and there is no excuse for it."
"Writing, especially dry humor and wit, is this game's strength."
"Specificity makes your writing come alive with detail and depth."
"This was so, so good, so entertaining, the writing is so good."
"The level of writing I wanted since the very beginning of the show."
"This show never ceases to amaze; the writing is just top tier and the acting is phenomenal."
"Every dialogue piece is dripping with charm."
"Some of the best writing I've ever gotten to work with."
"They are well written, they come from the heart, they are empathetic."
"Arcane is a master class in how to write amazing women."
"The writing's better, the quests are better, it looks better."
"It's not lore, man, that's writing. That's good writing."
"Divinity Original Sin 2 from Larian Studios: amazing storytelling, amazing writing."
"The writing in Artix games is usually top-notch. The humor and puns and very British wit are great. It's very self-aware and there's a lot of fourth-wall breaking."
"Narrative and thematic consistency that is unparalleled in most other media."
"Stand with me in awe of this incredibly well-written series."
"The main characters here, they were written so well, they almost felt like real people with their own agendas."
"As bad as writing is nowadays, it is sad to see one of the greatest of all time, a goat for Doctor Who, pass." - YouTuber
"I thought that was pretty funny. It seems like something Stan Lee would write."
"All that matters is do they write the character well."
"As time goes on, I'm seeing fantastic improvement in both the quality and writing in the show."
"That book of yours was fantastic, all of your writing is good."
"If the writing isn't good, the whole house of cards come tumbling down."
"Good writing is writing that reflects what you're writing about, reflects the thought process of the person you're writing from, and the events that are taking place, and the way they're feeling, and gets across the emotion of the scene."
"This is what all-age writing looks like... in a single line of dialogue Moon girl and devil dinosaur manages to outclass all of them."
"The writing of the show, like you said, it's great."
"The quality of the voice acting and writing here is pretty emblematic of what you can expect throughout the rest of the game. It's very good, it's dense, it's fast, it's got a lot of techno babble thrown in to help sell the world."
"I cannot overstate how much I love his writing."
"It's just fun to learn about the new unique concepts, to enjoy the fantastic writing, to watch the style and format change in new ways."
"These TCPAs are like poorly written erotica, so cringe."
"It's an incomplete story it's a crime against good writing that what they did here which is also frustrating."
"This entire scene between tetus inject is one of the best written interactions in the entire game."
"Being well-written and being overpowered Done Right are two completely different things."
"A glorious mixture of some of the best written dialogue in anime."
"Characters not behaving in manner that is internally consistent but in the manner that is necessary in order to move the plot forward - that is bad writing."
"It's so good... you will appreciate it for just the writing alone."
"I thought that this show was absolutely stunning both in the writing and the filmmaking."
"It's such a fantastic beautifully written plot that is executed perfectly."
"The characters are all so multifaceted and so well written and so interesting and it's an amazing series it's an amazing amazing series."
"In the case of Deathstroke, this is a character who also fulfills the qualities of being a well-written villain."
"Phenomenal characters elevated by excellent writing."
"The writing is absolutely top-notch. Dialogue never feels out of place or unnatural."
"The writing is just so tight and well thought out."
"Good writers, good people can write bad prose."
"Man props to the writers of star force 3 it's moments like these that push this game above the rest as one of the best mega man rpgs ever made."
"You can get good enough that you are going to be writing books that you are proud of, that could stand up against any."
"She's written like a person, not like a child or a cartoon."
"Standards are a good thing; art can be judged objectively. There is such a thing as good writing, as distinct from such a thing as objectively bad writing."
"I was so fortunate to have such wonderful writing and great scene partners."
"While maybe not the scariest game in the world it has much better writing and is a pretty fun little experience if you're looking for a quick dive into a demonic disgusting world."
"Such such good writing. Like just starting there, writing was wonderful."
"The humor of Delta Rune's writing is one of its strongest factors."
"If life could write, it would write like Tolstoy."
"How consistently well-written it is, how fiery the performances are."
"Bad senseless writing can still exist. You can't invalidate it just because it's bad."
"word count has no bearing on how good a story will be amen."
"How is hiring unqualified writers any different? Football needs more Asians."
"It's a really lovely example of writing of its kind."
"These shows have phenomenal writing, wonderful messages, and encapsulate the human emotions of desire, control, justice, and more."
"The story in this one is one of the game's biggest strengths and it truly is the apex of video game writing."
"The House of Hades is a phenomenal novel because it does so many things super well."
"Hands down the best part of this game is its writing."
"Johnny Bravo was a great show. It was written really smart too, like the jokes are pretty solid."
"Courage is still the best cartoon ever made. It's the writing, it's unparalleled in that show."
"Terrific writing overall, especially in adapting the material and adding depth to characters."
"A surprisingly eccentric and brilliantly written plot."
"Sari was one of the most brilliantly written characters."
"That's what the strength of the show is really, the writing."
"The characters remarkably well drawn and supported and written with great spirit as well as vigor."
"The story is well told, the characters remarkably well drawn and supported, and written with great spirit as well as vigor."
"Bad writers write a lot, expert Master writers write enough."
"It's an interesting concept, I'll definitely say that much, and I can definitely say that it's very well written."
"West of Loathing has in our minds the best comedic writing of any game this year."
"I think the biggest draw to my channel and my videos as a whole is my writing."
"Great writing is about mood and character and plot all in the same sentence."
"The greatest strengths of Craig's Creek by far is its writing."
"The writing in this game is actually quite good."
"It's so good that every word is the best word that would fit in that situation."
"The writing in this game is even better than The Last of Us."
"The writing is excellent, and the aesthetic is unique."
"This show is genuinely well-written in all facets."
"The actual character writing and Canon has gotten so much better over time."
"Characters in Reach are expertly written with diverse personalities, depth, and suffer from one debatable flaw."
"The writing is by far the biggest strength of this game and drives the whole damn thing."
"If the writing's good, you're in there entirely."
"The television writing is so superior to movie writing now because the writer has control in the television business."
"Not everything is about misogyny or sexism. Sometimes it's just bad writing."
"Congratulations, you absolutely killed this series. This kind of writing is amazing."
"Dragon Age 2 has some of the best companion characters in The RPGs genre at least in terms of character writing."
"It's always about the writing. You gotta have great stories, develop great characters, and that's what has been our success for all these spin-offs."
"This is some of the best writing that I've ever seen in a romance novel."
"Kratos is one of the best written video game characters ever."
"I love the narrative, I think it's really well written."
"VTMB is one of the best written games of all time, even with all its bumps and varnishes."
"It's the story, the writing, the arcs that the a lot of the characters are having are so good."
"Arkham Origins had the best writing of all the Batman games." - Arkham Origins
"Good description is kind of like the paint of your story. It's what allows your reader to engage with the story in a sensory way."
"Saying something is a comedy as a defense of bad writing is not a good defense."
"The writing on this was absolutely fabulous."
"Good writing is good writing it doesn't matter what the subject material is and I thought this was a perfect example."
"I think the overall writing is really well done... multiple characters with some really fantastic arcs."
"I just think that it goes to show you how good this show was, beautifully written."
"It had a truly beautiful writing like she is such a great writer."
"I can't believe how [] dumb everyone is. Holy []! Even when it's not just bugged and broken, this is pretty bad writing."
"I honestly think it should be written much better."
"It's so good, the writing is just so stellar."
"The writing was brilliantly funny and the comedic timing of everyone in the ensemble was spot-on."
"It's extremely well-written and surprisingly about compassion and humanity."
"It's engaging enough, but what really carries the game is its writing and thematic content."
"The use of capitalization on this list is really great."
"A lot of these characters are actually written in a pretty nuanced way."
"I personally feel like if they want to create a bigger narrative then the writing should be better and deeper." - Reflecting on the writing quality.
"And with them continuing it for longer than it needed, it opened up for lazy writing, which caused the various problems I stated before."
"Kim Wexler as a character I think is a perfect example as to how to write a strong, independent, and fierce woman."
"We should evaluate writing on its own merits, determining whether it is good or bad regardless of what we think of the show's message."
"How can you be okay with this pathetic, cheap, lazy writing excuse? Remembering back, it was probably literally the worst thing they could have done."
"Yo, Boruto with this level of writing, this amazingness in a weekly magazine would take off beyond belief."
"Truly an experience... Incredible writing, absolutely incredible."
"...Andor is above all else masterfully consistent and dependable in the quality of its writing in ways that many shows simply aren't."
"The strength of this version of Batman lies in the consistent quality of the writing."
"Walking Small. This is just high quality, classic SpongeBob writing."
"I love this book. I think it's so brilliantly written. It's so much fun. It's so engaging."
"The writing here is actually pretty decent."
"Clara's death in 'Face the Raven' was really well-written."
"There's no right for his quality to be that high with the quantity he's publishing. Brandon Sanderson, you sir, I know he's watching, of course he's watching."
"The writing on this was so excellent."
"It's nice to see like a well-written college setting romance."
"There's no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written or badly written, that is all."
"The writing itself is just absolutely stunning."
"This show is so well written, that's insane."
"Season eight was good with the exception of the writing and dialogue."
"The writing is actually really good you do sometimes get those really nice like vivid descriptions and just like some kind of nice quotes some relatable moments and there's almost some like Poetic writing in here."
"It's smartly written, it has a great premise and concept, the action and spectacle is beautiful."
"The writing this sophisticated only comes around once in a lifetime."
"This is so tightly written, so good."
"The first half of Fairy Tale is arguably some of Stephen King's best writing to date."
"It has beautiful writing, it has compelling characters."
"There's some good writing here like with Akerson and even some of Master Chief's lines."