
Roman Culture Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"It's the conversation that we can still have with the Romans that's so important."
"It's a little bit of the Romans in the head of every one of us. That's why Rome still matters."
"The greatest honor that a Roman could receive was a triumph through Rome...but yet they also had a servant follow close behind who whispered in your ear 'Memento Mori' meaning 'you are mortal.'"
"The Roman sun god is well named: the Invincible Sun, the Unconquerable Sun, Sol Invictus."
"The term 'monster' is derived from the old Roman word 'monstrum,' which is defined literally as a divine omen indicating misfortune, an evil omen, or a portent."
"The reign of Augustus is generally perceived as having been a golden age of Roman culture, particularly of Latin literature."
"You couldn't just coast by on familial prestige, you actually had to, you know... DO something for it in ancient Rome."
"Virtus is the badge of the Roman race and breed. Cling fast to it, I beg you men of Rome, as a heritage that your ancestors bequeathed to you."
"We shift from the entertainment hub to the centre of Roman public life at the Forum."
"The Roman taste, they were really sweet and sour taste. They liked strong flavors."
"The Romans love the games, whether they were rich or poor, and the proof that they loved them so much, they were passionate about them and that it was more than just a spectacle."
"Germanicus received the privilege of a triumph."
"The Baths of Caracalla: an authentic ancient Roman experience."
"The populous of the Byzantine Empire considered themselves to be Romans."
"For 100 days, Rome celebrated its completion... Aside from the typical Roman celebratory actions of orgies and drinking."
"We found this amazing bathhouse. Once Romans would have sat among these beautiful mosaics sweating then they would have sprinted over to Phil's plunge pool to cool off and exchange the gossip of the day."
"The Romans loved oysters, and the abundance of empty shells we've been finding here tells us that the Romans were eating them as a staple."
"Mosaics and frescoes adorned Roman homes, celebrating daily life with color and art."
"...but where we get most of our cupid imagery is actually from the romans who forwarded this cherubic representation of cupid."
"So here you have a typical Roman house."
"The ancient Romans would usually have three names: the 'tria nomina'."
"...our little Roman Museum... it's one of the great museums built over a Roman first-century Villa."
"If you were a general in Rome and you had a major military victory, the Senate would vote for you to have what was called a triumph."
"He has subordinated all his antiquarian knowledge to a superb feeling for the drive and discipline of Rome."
"The Romans only took up the anthropomorphic identity of the Greek gods after extended contact with the Greeks."
"Despite their colorful pantheon of gods, the real religion of the Romans was the religion of urbanism, the cult of the city."
"The public bath house was not just for cleaning your body, but also the best social meeting place of the Roman world."
"Not everybody wore togas in Rome."
"Wealthy Romans would have extravagant parties and decadent banquets."
"Saturnalia was the most festive time in Rome since the days of the Republic, marked by merry feasting and giving gifts."
"Our very best examples of fourth style Roman wall painting all come from a single house in Pompeii."
"Rich Romans decorated their floors with big pictures made from lots of tiny little pieces of tile and stone pressed into plaster."
"That's how I feel about the Roman world and its artistic and material heritage."
"The Romans were a little more community-oriented with their temples to their gods, and basically, anyone was allowed to enter them."
"The Romans are in continual communication with their gods in this kind of a way."
"The romans like making pictures too, you know."
"Roman society was all about how you appeared; it's similar to the Italian idea of La Bella Figura."
"The games were enmeshed in custom and ritual and became the most popular event in Roman society."
"One of the overriding goals of a Roman man was to outdo the accomplishments of his ancestors."
"The Roman bathing experience is sort of like really builds for a military unit camaraderie because everybody's experiencing it in the same way."
"The Romans continued to supplement and build upon what the Greeks had rather than starting over in any sense."
"To do and to endure valiantly is the Roman way."
"To think that you know Romans bathed there, you know, a couple of thousand years ago, it's pretty incredible."
"We're Romans, and Romans aren't afraid of anything."
"In ancient Rome, a safety regulation was: if he dies, he dies."
"Gladiators and the spectacular were deeply ingrained in Roman culture."