
Inflation Effects Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Inflation is a soul-crushing, job-killing tax on working Americans."
"The government benefits from inflation by wiping out its debt but also the government benefits from inflation in that politicians get to bribe the voters with government programs like stimulus without asking the same voters to pick up the tab."
"Easing inflation doesn't mean a return of purchasing power; it's just destroying it more slowly."
"You are getting less, you are paying more, and that's really symbolic for what is happening with our economy right now."
"What if your food prices tripled? It would greatly shift everything: spending patterns, the entire economy."
"Inflation is robbing you every single second of the day."
"The typical U.S household is spending $445 more a month due to inflation."
"I call it inflation-induced debt destruction... it describes it perfectly."
"When you inflate the currency in the middle of a worker shortage what you end up with is wage spirals which means price spirals which means economic stagnation."
"If the US government, Fed continues inflation continues to print money, a 100k Bitcoin is inevitable in my opinion, a million-dollar Bitcoin is inevitable in my opinion."
"Inflation makes people poorer. That's what inflation does, and it's the enemy that we need to face down."
"Inflation is attacks on the poor and attacks on the elderly."
"If you're out there and you're looking at the new guitar prices and having that sticker shock of these inflation, just keep in mind that, you know, there's a lot of players."
"Inflation destroys the middle class and concentrates economic and political power in the hands of the social elites."
"With inflation, your time is being stripped away."
"Inflation is the economic equivalent of sugar, countries print it when they want short-term wealth, but it just destroys an economy in the long term."
"Inflation is just a hidden tax and it's really theft and debasement of your hard-earned money."
"As the inflation proceeds and the real value of the currency fluctuates wildly from month to month, all permanent relations between debtors and creditors... become so utterly disordered as to be almost meaningless." - Vladimir Lenin
"Bitcoin does relatively well when inflation is relatively under control."
"Just because we have extremely high rates of inflation or the Fed lets inflation run hot doesn't mean that stock prices and housing prices won't go down even in nominal terms."
"We know that high inflation exacts a toll, particularly for those less able to meet the higher costs of Essentials."
"The value of money is weakened by the day due to inflation, eroding buying power over time."
"Inflation is a very serious subject... if you overdo it too much you ruin your civilization a lot."
"As inflation pushes prices higher... the poorest Americans have less cash to spend than before."
"Pretty much the only thing that the inflation reduction act does not do is reduce inflation."
"Printing money doesn't produce goods and services. It doesn't hire people. It may seem like the right short-term medicine, but can the cure be worse than the disease?"
"Inflation just robs you of your buying power."
"When you make energy more expensive you make everything more expensive."
"Unless their investment is yielding more than inflation, they're losing money."
"Inflation is how the government steals from the people."
"Since World War II, every time inflation has gone over five percent, there's been a recession."
"The consequences of secular inflation are very nasty for financial markets."
"If the Fed is choosing to be more dovish and not move interest rates... we see a re-acceleration of inflation."
"Inflation is theft. Inflation causes these riots all over the world happening right now."
"When you inflate the amount of dollars out there, what that does is it devalues your currency."
"This is why the people that benefit from inflation are the wealthy, the financially educated people."
"A decade of five six percent inflation would do wonders."
"The conclusion: if we hadn't engaged in the inflation in the first place, then we wouldn't have had to deal with this cyclical problem."
"If you conjure trillions of dollars out of thin air, it always produces inflation."
"The bull thesis falls apart as soon as inflation shoots back up."
"Inflation is acting like a force of gravity that's dragging everything down."
"High inflation imposes significant hardship especially on those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing, and transportation."
"People hate inflation, they absolutely hate inflation."
"She's got some theories for why the Buffett indicator is as high as it is. She believes it's inflation."
"Inflation on core food stuff has forced people to use their credit cards."
"Ultimately, it's just going to cost a lot more for goods and services because there's just so many more units of currency out there."
"Inflation was never happening, but now it is happening, but it's good because it increases wages."
"Inflation is the hidden tax guys; they're actually stealing the value of your time and laboring energy without even coming to your house."
"Inflation hurts black, brown, elderly, and poor households the most."
"Inflation now is absolutely decimating millions of people."
"Hyperinflation will effectively wipe out the debts of most Americans."
"Welcome back to Cryptos R Us! I think today is going to be a glorious day. The markets will rally because inflation is coming down."
"Many people don't recognize inflation as a tax but it is it literally devalues and robs your money of its value."
"Is it better to default in a legal formal way or is it better to default for inflation?"
"Inflation wrecks things inflation is really confusing and governments often do it deliberately."
"When more money gets produced, it effectively reduces the value of each individual dollar."
"In the short term, higher inflation would hurt stocks, it would hurt real estate, and it would hurt people."
"One of the biggest costs is a loss of purchasing power for households, for workers in the economy."
"People have forgotten about how corrosive inflation was and how it eroded your savings."
"Inflation is troublesome, inflation is unfair to people on fixed income."
"Inflation erodes the purchasing power, that's why a dollar today buys more than a dollar tomorrow."