
Fantasy Setting Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"The story then takes us 5 years later, and the new rulers have renamed the Empire to the kingdom of Adisa."
"Welcome to the world of Spyre, a classically high fantasy setting filled with ancient dragons, elusive elves, shields and sorcery."
"The age of Plenty, marked by life energy falling as dew from the Erdtree itself."
"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class."
"The Mushroom Kingdom was at peace again, but not for long."
"Lydia states that she will be his master from that time and that he is free to relate with everyone as family."
"Adventure through this mostly destroyed village. It's a perfectly acceptable fantasy village."
"The decision to just repurpose the occurrence border's bridge-adjacent Astra Pathak sanctum as a demon throat holding area was reached quickly by Tink and his fellow nerds."
"In actual fact, these war bows would suit big muscly burly characters so much more."
"Black Marsh: a land of ancient ruins, deadly wildlife, and one hell of a lot of mystery."
"It's an RPG set in the fantasy world of Europa."
"Fun is what it's all about when you're an elf pirate."
"This is one magical update, Kerner and its friends have been whisked away by the all-new fairy island home to eight sprightly fairy monsters and the beloved fire hybrid ziggurat."
"A cursed forest and that's where we meet my night Sona the minitar Knight."
"One of the bosses halfway through is Lady Ashvane, and the model for Lady Ashvane, when I looked at it in the dungeon finder, it's like a really big sea giant."
"Just then Ayano comes there and calls them back for more Adventures they must go through together."
"The devs even said they have full plans to add new characters in."
"The saga begins when our hero Seth, a young sailor washes up on the shores of one such Kingdom."
"Humanity and humans are kind of like the first port that you arrive at when you come into the fantasy worlds."
"Aina realized that he was currently in a weird Royal Court with a king and his knights."
"The Berserker was born in the northwest expanses of the Alik'r desert in the heart of Hammerfell."
"A beautiful and cruel new land, twisted monsters, an array of magical abilities, sentient jewelry. Welcome to the world of ForSpoken."
"It's time. It's the fourth age, nothing's going to stop us. Let's go take Moria back."
"A classroom Duo is one thing but battling dark Wizards is a different kettle of grindelos entirely."
"A suburban fantasy world with mundane mythical creatures."
"Time magic is the strongest magic out of the three... especially when it is wielded by someone as skilled as the wizard King Julius."
"The Empire is the Bastion realm protecting Keesler from the worst of it."
"I think it's unimaginable that Dragon riding would be forever consigned to the Dragon Isles."
"These Myconids look grey and brown, and they've got all kinds of spores growing on them."
"It really gave the impression they were in a crazy, Alice in Wonderland-style Underdark world."
"The drowned necromancer should be inside and I'd have the most chance of survival if I snuck inside to fight him."
"This is like a cinematic, crazy, action-packed 'Call of Duty' campaign, but instead of guns and tactical soldiers, you're actually like elite tactical wizards in a fantasy world."
"Demon school is looking absolutely wild, an RPG where you play the last living heir to a long forgotten family of demon hunters."
"The grim truth surfaces: Alesa, the city seph captured, has become a battleground."
"No longer feeling scared and powerless in a world filled with dragons and demons."
"There's a secret quest chain in Stranglethorn involving a princess and King Mukla."
"The historical influences of this from societal expectations to literal history infused in this sort of fantasy setting works so well."
"As he pushed deeper into the darkness, the light of Tom Bombadil's house pierced through the trees."
"There's really nothing quite as satisfying in the game as having a whole flight of dragons."
"Crafters finally having access to good gear."
"My name is Justine Deanna Belisarius Silva, a free man of the northern Empire."
"Ren finds some optimism as his new goal now is to defeat monsters in the Labyrinth and become a ghoul."
"No place, no matter how hidden or well protected, is ever safe from the reach of the greenskins."
"The Dragon Age is a time of warring nations, savage combat, and secret magics. Friendship, drama, and romance are pillars of this adventure."
"Welcome to Elsewhere, where great Darkness lies ahead."
"The Eldar: a race of doomed space elves bitterly fighting for survival."
"Army of monsters coming to kill us? Just a second, I have to establish my backstory."
"Being 2v1 a little bit because that's why vampires, like any other faction, being flanked by like a beast and force like that you would really struggle."
"The world is lovely to be in, the characters are great, it's still The Witcher."
"Hogwarts shouldn't be about bullies and barely escaping death."
"A medieval world ruled over by Night households and plagued by great beasts that terrorized the population."
"Experiencing a different Dragon Age in Tevinter, all those possibilities..."
"Hiraku volunteers a trade negotiation with the Demon Lord."
"An owl bear's screech echoes through dark valleys and benighted forests, piercing the quiet night to announce the death of its prey."
"This visual art style married with really strong sound creates a very convincing and strange high fantasy setting that is unlike anything you've seen or experienced before."
"Wonderland is a place where nonsense is normal and the absurd is ordinary."
"Hogwarts itself is gonna feel like a true Wizarding Academy in every sense of the word."
"Valyrian men have only one thing on their mind and it's disgusting: the sea."
"Epic level scene, showcasing the entire demon school in all of its glory."
"More choice, more world-building. It's just better for the lore."
"This is the Rose Kingdom, um, the dock is on this side near the background."
"The story itself is pretty short. It does give some nice details for the Guardian Lothar's family situation and Lane's mindset to being the king of Stone Winds."
"The floodgates of demons dama Fraser running wild and free like a majestic broadhead charging into battle."
"The magic is in the details of Diagon Alley."
"Evildoers like chaos or necromancers, his priests even come out in force during nights like Gus knocked and hexin knocked in order to keep both the resting dead safe and put the Living Dead back in the ground."
"Despite being trapped on a hellish demon world within the Eye of Terror, the simple scale of their achievement and its virtues were all they needed right now."
"All sorts of cool lore is being teased by the existence of all these covenants and a whole setup of the Shadowlands."
"Otagunga was like the gungans building their own mount olympus."
"Let the island bring a story to life as you travel beyond this world into a witchy fairyland like no other." - Luna Cove
"You are five heroes, all strangers in this land. You arrive at the walled cities surrounding Dalrath Castle for different reasons."
"Welcome to Strix Haven, the most magical university ever!"
"There appeared to be a monarchy of sorts holding this accursed dimension together."
"Wardstone or no, dragon or no, Canabras will never give in."
"Each drow house in Menzoberranzan has a ranking... constantly vying to move up... by eradicating all houses in front of them."
"At a glance, you pass for a horse, and that is how you march up to the gates of all Haven."
"When the light fades and the moon rises over Innistrad, humanity becomes the universal prey. It was humankind versus monster, humankind versus the night."
"Not bad for our first battle and thankfully the Stick of Truth was protected."
"The Knights of Saint Pelin are the consecrated protectors of the Bankerai Garrison."
"He is without a doubt the most powerful wizard in The Wizarding World."
"Our goal with the Yarmouth Khan rework is to narrow the focus of the set to give a distinctive identity, highlighting a fantasy where the crusader is the night commander passing judgment on the enemies of the light. That's cool."
"Let's dive into a brand new world with a brand new hero."
"The insignia of legend was a mark of distinction granted only to the Wizards who successfully overcame the chaos trials."
"Lord of the Rings... gotta be some orcs in there."
"Iron Eater Panda declares his intent to commence the hunt."
"This place holds only the most serious and hardcore criminals like Gorge the Hobgoblin and this Yanti Abomination prisoner."
"I arrived at the Spider Queen’s location, and this time, I was truly ready."
"That conflict is what makes every interaction between Geralt or any Witcher for that matter and a regular citizen so fascinating."
"Lan Z Prodigy did not expect to encounter the Demonic Tree up close and personal."
"Sword and Fairy Together Forever is my first ever Chinese RPG that takes place in a high fantasy sort of setting."
"This book follows Kate and August, and they live in this city that has been overrun by monsters..."
"I dare not write these words here, but I know that soon, there may yet be a travel from Castle Candy to the great city of Comida."
"The Beastlands, also referred to as the happy hunting grounds, is a plane of neutral and chaotic good."
"He's horrible, how dare you go through my tower without paying your proper respect."
"Link: The true hero wielding the Master Sword in decisive battles."
"Magic-infused suits of armor make a lot more sense, ironically, than normal suits of armor in a normal-ish setting in a fantasy world."
"Now imagine all this except it was set within the Monster Hunter universe. Charizard? Nope, now you have a one-eyed Rathalos."
"Li would henceforth be welcomed into her prestigious Royal Guard."
"His ability to create a god bomb to kill Gods across all of time and space was stated to make Ragnarok look like Child's Play."
"He told the captives to remain quiet as they fled the Thalmor capital of Valenwood under the veil of darkness."
"The girl was in fact the princess of their neighboring country and the future queen of Welstein."
"In life or death, little Woo belongs to the Divine Immoral sect."
"Plenty of Empire, plenty of lizard-men, you guys are in the right place."
"One of the most fun things about Dragon's Dogma is creating whatever character you want in this awesome fantasy setting."
"Welcome back to perilous storytelling at the top of the ziggurat at the very tippy tippy top lies what the party is looking for."
"There are 16 Outland gate towns that take up 36 pages in the book. Each of them are sort of a two-page spread, beautiful artwork by the way. The construction of this book is gorgeous, the art is fantastic."
"I like being in the castle; we get a little more insight on the politics of this land."
"This is such a unique world that Rick created within our world, and he made it so tangible."
"White London, where magic has been corrupted."
"It's a magic school, just makes me really happy and I just think it's always a fun setting."
"Glowing fungi covered the walls in patches, illuminating the faces of three small men with skin as gray as stone."
"This Forest was very large, a lot of students entered it through the portal."
"The first snow of the winter had begun whipping through Velaris an hour earlier."
"It is set in a world of magic, myth, and where gods reign over the streets of Brooklyn."
"The bottom floor of the Tower of Babel began to burst with Heavenly Mana."
"All villagers had arrived at the island, thus marking the beginning of the new dark elf village."
"Gravehold is burning, and screams fill the air."