
Avocados Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"You will actually lose weight by eating avocados."
"A 2019 report asked if avocados could be the next conflict commodity."
"A tree ripened avocado is probably gonna be your best bet."
"Avocados: a delicious, nutrient-packed treat."
"Avocados are rich in those monounsaturated fats, very good for the heart."
"Avocados are actually probably the most beneficial fruit to the brain."
"Avocados have changed a lot, and it's for the better."
"It's not a proper meal unless you have an avocado in there."
"Avocados break the mold with their rich content of healthy fats, making them an ally for your kidneys."
"Avocados is where it's at. Eat avocado every day, it knows how to restructure and transport fat."
"Avocado is the world's healthiest fruit. It's a fact of life for us."
"Now avocados are great because 3/4 of the calories of an avocado come from fat, so it's the perfect food for you."
"If you keep avocados in a jar of water they will keep for five weeks."
"They have the perfect avocados at the grocery store, so excited!"
"Trinidad and Tobago have the world's best avocados."
"Recent research has shed light on a fascinating discovery where consuming avocados alongside other nutrient-rich foods can actually boost the absorption of those nutrients in your body."
"These twenty years of appreciation have turned avocados into a multi-billion-dollar industry."
"Avocados are a great source of healthy fats."
"Avocados... have been shown to lose weight as compared to not eating the same calories with an avocado."
"Avocados contain vitamin E, important for beautiful hair."
"One of those things is these avocados and storing avocados this way is a way to make them last longer."
"Reed, they bloom later than the other avocado trees, April, May, June, rather than February, March, April, or even December, January, February. So that it's warmer and the bees are out, they said Reed rarely ever misses a good crop because of that."
"Avocados are very low in sugar so that they're probably the healthiest fruits you can eat."
"I'm making [ __ ] dip death avocados."
"The avocado is gaining pollen from both type A and type B avocados through insect pollination."
"Avocados are worth growing in containers."
"Avocados do respond well to warm dirt and more oxygen around the roots."
"Avocados... help your body to absorb fat-soluble antioxidants from green leafy vegetables."
"Avocados have been shown to help you control your weight and lower your risk of being overweight or getting type 2 diabetes."
"Avocados, always getting avocados, great for avocado toast."
"I'm quite confident in my avocado picking skills."
"I've got three Oro negro avocados based off of your recommendation."
"Avocados from Mexico make everything better."
"Lots of avocados; I've definitely found the freshest produce here at this place."
"Guam avocados are huge, creamy, and delicious; mangoes can be eaten fresh, in salads, pickled, juiced, or frozen."
"Ten avocados for a dollar, that's a great deal."
"If you want to grow your own avocados at home, you need to manage four things."
"Avocados are quite expensive lately, and I haven't seen cheap prices for avocados in more than 6 months."
"Avocados are botanically classified as a berry."
"It's basically raining avocado trees in my apartment, and I absolutely love it."
"Avocados are probably my favorite food in the world."
"They also have more potassium than bananas, ladies and gentleman, and a lot less sugar, so avocados, it's your best friend."
"Avocados are a fruit, not a vegetable; technically, they're actually a berry."
"He has a love-hate relationship with avocados."
"Finding the perfect avocado is like finding the perfect man, basically impossible."
"I'm an expert when it comes to avocados."
"We all fight over the avocados in camp, we all love avocados."
"He raises avocados in the off-season."
"I love avocados, I would eat that [expletive] like an apple."
"Avocado and rice is so good, avocado and anything."
"I almost eat avocado every single day and I like the small avocado, not the big ones."
"Avocados were on sale so I was just gonna get two but they were on sale for 35 cents so I had to get four of them."
"Mexican avocados come from the subtropical and tropical highlands of Mexico. They come from the highest latitudes and the highest elevations of all the avocados, so for that reason, they tend to be the most cold-hardy."
"When it's a Mexican avocado and you crush up the leaves, it smells like black licorice. It is a wonderful smell."
"Most commercial avocados sold in stores today are actually hybrid crosses between these different races."
"So why all the confusion between so-called Florida and California avocados? Well, because the different races of avocados evolved in very different climates, they thrive in very different conditions."
"What's growing on, gardeners? Have you ever wondered what the differences are between avocados that look like this, often called Florida avocados, and avocados that look like this, often called California avocados?"
"There's no such thing as California or Florida avocados in reality. California and Florida avocados do not vary in fat content because you can grow either avocado in either state, provided that your climate is mild enough."
"It all boils down to climate, and in order to understand that, you need to understand the three different races of avocados: the Mexican race, the Guatemalan race, and the West Indian race."
"How many avocados does it take to change a light bulb? Three. One to screw it in, and two to cost you like 15 bucks."
"Avocados are packed with essential fatty acids, especially omega-3 and omega-6, which play a critical role in maintaining the structure and function of your nervous system."
"Keep your avocados on the counter and at the ready for making things like delicious avocado grilled cheese."
"What food has the highest ceiling but the lowest floor? Avocados."
"Avocados are such a simple, delicious, rich, buttery fruit that really can be enjoyed just as is."
"I always remember when I bought two avocados and I had no idea what to do with them."
"Avocados... have the highest concentration of fat-protecting antioxidants of any fruit or vegetable."
"Avocados are really, really healthy; they're really good for you."
"Everything is better with more avocados."
"I love these like giant green avocados; I find them so much softer and sweeter."
"Avocados are loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats, providing a slow-burning and sustained source of energy."
"I love avocados, this is so good."
"Avocados are just really nourishing... perfect for dry, damaged hair."
"I'm a millennial, I like my avocados. These are cute as hell."