
Bandwidth Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Always ask the web hosting company how much bandwidth or space is included in the package."
"The Nvidia A100 is the first processor in history that comfortably delivers over a terabyte per second of bandwidth."
"Triple the bandwidth: DisplayPort 2.0 is in freakin' insane."
"I don't think people really gave him to use the world reviews like four times and she already enough bandwidth."
"The benefit of DDR5 is really this impressive level of bandwidth that can be supplied for the memory."
"It's exciting because as enthusiasts, this means tons and tons of bandwidth is being given to you."
"Wi-Fi is also the best protocol for smart devices that need a lot of bandwidth like security cameras and anything else that involves video."
"...load balancing in essence will allow you to use multiple links at the same time effectively increasing your throughput or your bandwidth capacity."
"All of this is done in a quest to deliver seemingly infinite bandwidth to your applications."
"It's not that I don't like sports... I feel like I don't have room for it in my bandwidth."
"You wanna memorize one of those it doesn't matter pick one so if you say well I like narrow bandwidth because everything's going up yeah cool great know that a wide receiver bandwidth is going to do the exact opposite."
"Network bandwidth you can fix with money, but network latency you cannot. The speed of light is fixed, and physics can't be bribed."
"I actually think this might be the biggest problem of all of the problems of running slow and that's that people don't realize just how much bandwidth they have within the slow to run."
"Wi-Fi 7 is gonna allow more devices to communicate faster and with more bandwidth at the same time."
"R4 is also going to share the delay and bandwidth associated with that network."
"It's just an insane amount of bandwidth and potential to fulfill that bandwidth."
"Every transit node needs to know that it's allocating this much bandwidth for a particular connection."
"Now, we might think that the bandwidth we're interested in is however far out this tail goes, since all of those frequencies are included in some way."
"However, the choice of bandwidth is very important."
"Net flow takes it the next step and allows you to say what is using my bandwidth."
"A tiny bandwidth to be able to transmit CW effectively."
"If you only have a few devices or a few people on your network at the same time, you really only need QoS if you have a lot of devices competing for network bandwidth."
"We actually do have more bandwidth than we think."
"NDI Bridge is very intelligent - until someone connects to that bridge, it's not going to be using any of your bandwidth."
"Bandwidth just means how much data can you upload or download in a given time frame."
"The demand for bandwidth has increased 100 times what it was 15 years ago."
"It provides 50 megahertz of bandwidth, so it's basically two more times bandwidth compared with this Fluke 123."
"Single mode fiber is used for high bandwidths and long distances."
"Shaping says 'I'm so sorry, I simply don't have enough bandwidth for you at the moment, but please don't go anywhere'."
"That's a way for you to save money on bandwidth billing when you're using VPC."
"Bandwidth is the capacity at which the medium can carry data."
"Fast response, you get less bandwidth... you don't have to saturate your bandwidth with stuff that you already have."
"With the combination of having a good quality network to Office 365 and sufficient bandwidth, your users will have really great quality."
"If we can solve the I/O bandwidth question and increase it by a thousand or more, maybe a million, then you could have human-machine symbiosis that is much better."
"The bandwidth of the memory subsystem has to be twice the bandwidth that you want to saturate."
"I think about my life in terms of emotional bandwidth, so I only have 100 units of emotional bandwidth."
"Yes, you can be throttled, but it's not a vindictive throttle; it has to do with the load on the network at the time."
"Very slow internet, cause: too many downloads at the same time, too many computers sharing internet connection."
"The advantages of compression are that it takes up less file size and less bandwidth is needed."
"Dark fiber leases individual fiber optic cable strands and provides dedicated high bandwidth fixed network capacity."
"There's several bandwidth selection which is very cool."
"When you know what type of bandwidth will be used in the next five or ten years, you might be able to apply structured cabling easier."
"An enterprise network uses bandwidth for a wide range of purposes, and IP-based communications usually crosses the same network edge."
"Audio is consistent and you tend to know what to expect, very steady; video on the other hand is different, video can be very bursty and greedy when it comes to bandwidth consumption."
"The client can begin play out earlier, and if the client doesn't watch the whole video, we're not wasting a lot of bandwidth transmitting portions of the video that aren't viewed."
"Adding bandwidth everywhere is great, but not always possible or practical."
"TCP can have a higher bandwidth utilization by transmitting close to that rate more of the time."
"Optical fiber is superior in its ability to deliver limitless bandwidth and once in place could be sufficient for hundreds of years."
"Fasting is like download speed; it opens the bandwidth for you to upload and download."
"...PCIe 5.0 which re-double that to 4 gigabyte per second per PCIe lane, a lot of extra bandwidth yumminess which for once will actually translate into performance gain."
"What DDR5 offers you is massive improvement in bandwidth."
"Compression reduces file sizes to reduce download times and make the best use of bandwidth."
"Optical fiber has greater bandwidth than copper cables so it can carry more data and it is less susceptible to interference."
"A wireless system that supports a large bandwidth is a Broadband system."
"You can't reduce latency but you can increase bandwidth... so you can move lots of data around."
"I am not going to be getting the full 1 Gbit connection going into my computer because it is being split among all these other devices."
"The advantage of photonic is for large distances, but it's getting more and more into a smaller distance just because the bandwidth that you need for this system is incredibly high."
"Using AI coding, we're able to reduce the bandwidth by up to 90 percent compared to H.264."
"The bandwidth is exceptionally small, 0.35 picometers, so there's a lot of line narrowing technology built into these lasers."
"Some applications need a lot of bandwidth and some of them need very low latency."
"Electrical distances don't really change over time... but the thing we can change is the bandwidth."
"That's how we maximize the bandwidth of the waveguide."
"The 3dB bandwidth is the most common definition of amplifier bandwidth."
"We think you'll like it particularly when you try to build large clusters and you want to see very strong, consistent cross-sectional bandwidth across large clusters."
"The actual bandwidth of speech is about 7 kilohertz."
"Permits noise or interference reduction by selecting a bandwidth matching the mode."
"What we are doing is we are reducing the amount of data on our bandwidth, like on our connectivity."
"This whole picture is what allowed us to reduce the overall bandwidth use of Halo Reach from Halo 3 by over 80%."
"It's just a bunch of Wi-Fi routers paying each other for bandwidth."
"DMA is basically used for just about every device in your machine where bandwidth is a concern."
"Placement groups tell us at EC2 that you are interested in having bandwidth and latency optimized among these instances."
"The bandwidth of a signal is a commodity; efficient use allows for more simultaneous transmissions."
"It's a brilliant protocol that has really efficient bandwidth utilization."