
Canadian Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"They're Canadian, they have good values, don't they? They're just kind people and polite and clean."
"Canadian truckers are heroes, they are patriots, and they are marching for your freedom and for my freedom."
"Miraculously just over a year later in April 2012 Canadian beach Comber Peter Mark made a surprising discovery"
"I'm a Canadian citizen exercising my rights. None of you have my back."
"I'll never apologize for anything, except... I am Canadian."
"Everyone has been hit by a sled and everyone has been in a sled that has hit someone, it's just a natural hazard of being Canadian."
"Can we make history here and have the first Canadian ever win it?"
"This is truly like as Canadian As It Gets in the most like fabulous Chalet way."
This is so darn Canadian. Even the burglars, the thieves, the worst of Canadian citizens are very nice. The thieves breaking into your home are putting out messages like, "Don't hurt yourself, you know, I'm sorry I had to do this." That's so darn Canadian.
"I think this is probably the most Canadian thing someone could do eating poutine camping in the Canadian Rockies drinking Canada Dry."
"I love this guy. Such an awesome Canadian. Look at him. Just look at the way that he has this like Canadian attitude about waiting for the subway. I mean, he's just... I'm so into this guy. That's... I'm really, really glad to be back."
"Self-love is quieter. It's humbler. It's very Canadian in some ways."
"Tough, scary, physical, in-your-face, that was kind of Canadian hockey."
"Just a Canadian in their natural habitat, swinging in the cold. More power to you!"
"Traditionally a Canadian poutine is made with french fries, beef poutine gravy, and cheddar curds."
"I'm extremely proud to be the first Canadian to represent the country at Silverstone."
"Hot spells did re-air on Canadian television."
"Gotta love those Canadian exclusives, eh?"
"Every stereotype about Canadians is 100% accurate."
"...first ship to join the Royal Canadian Navy's Pacific Fleet in 25 years."
"There's something very Canadian about Scott Pilgrim and to me that gives the movie a certain charm."
"Splice, Canadian's finest like the Molson of movies."
"The Canadian has swapped a full house."
"...the word 'toony' is a combination of the numeral 2 and the name of the Canadian one dollar coin currently used in circulation, the Looney. Although it is often misspelled, Canadian publications and the Royal Canadian Mint officially use the word and spelling 'toony'."
"The Brier's the ultimate goal as a Canadian curler."
"Classic poutine: fries, gravy, pork, cheese curds, and scallions."
"You really have the best Canadian dividend stocks here."
"Crafted in Canada, Canadian made—awesome."
"Brian's story is a classic Canadian story of an underdog."
"A blunt little electric 4-seater from Canada."
"Road Quest is the LoadingReadyRun take on a road trip adventure because why should three British dudes get to have all the fun? Why not six Canadians?"
"What does it mean to be a Canadian? He just looked at me with those deep dark steel blue eyes that he had and he said nothing, but tears began to roll down his cheek."
"Distinctive Canadian dishes, could appetite ask for more?"
"Make sure you like and subscribe to our channel because next, I'm going to be showing you some Canadian rescues."
"This is the Grey Cup, it's Canada's Championship football game."
"...he was a Great Canadian, a man of substance, a man of courage certainly, and confidence politically..."
"He became a trusted leader with leaders around the world and exemplified the best of Canadian soft power."
"It's the most important poker match of their lives and the only thing for sure is that the winner is gonna be Canadian named Scott."
"Canadian rye whiskeys by region, distillery, and age."
"Jim, as a Canadian, what's your secret recipe for poutine? It's all about the gravy; mushroom gravy is the best gravy that there is."
"Everything is made in Canada by hand, Garth Irwin is the owner, that's the company, awesome, right? Cool."
"In Canada, you can expect an apology or people to be like, 'Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, how did that happen?' and laugh about it."
"Biscuits and gravy isn't a Canadian thing necessarily. I would say that poutine is very Canadian."
"That's one of my favorites. I know that sounds so typically Canadian, but it's true."
"What people think when I say I'm Canadian."
"Poutine: very Canadian, very gravy, cheesy, and Fry-e."
"We're providing a pure product from producers right across Canada."
"It is truly a Canadian tradition."
"Everything about Jerome Iginla is everything every Canadian was taught to love about hockey growing up."
"The resourcefulness, the self-reliant initiative of the Canadian is most marked; these are men accustomed to solving their own problems every day."
"This is an attitude totally foreign to Canadians who are unaccustomed to showing deference to anyone who could not stand firmly on his own two feet without the artificial support of wealth or titles."
"Montreal poutine, this stuff is fantastic."
"In Toronto, there's obviously a very Canadian attitude, right, of saying sorry."
"Tim Hortons is very much about the drinks, the hot drinks, the ice drinks, the bagels, and the doughnuts."
"A typical Canadian Tim Hortons coffee order would be to get a double-double."
"The red surge is just one of those things that just kind of stands out as being as Canadian as it can be."
"Canadian maple syrup, only the best."
"I am extremely Canadian. I was born and raised in southern Alberta, sounds like a hockey player on a tractor."
"It's definitely BB CAN at their best."
"I am Nigerian, I am African, and to be very honest, this is exactly six weeks since I landed Canada."
"This model is built in Ontario in Alliston. Yes, the CRV is a Canadian made model, which is something to be proud of."
"Ah, poutine, the perfect marriage between french fries, gravy, and cheese curds resulting in one incredible dish."
"He was everything every Canadian hockey fan was taught to love about hockey or to value in a hockey player: he was tough, he was skilled, he could score, he was a leader."
"This is the most Canadian thing ever."
"More specifically, 'eh' is a stand-in for 'right', you know what I mean? It's a prompt for if you want others to agree."
"It's also like a way to turn stuff into questions, right? Like 'nice day, eh?'"
"Nothing is more Canadian and cool than a Mountie enjoying a nice cold ginger ale on a hot day like today."
"Canadians being positive, hopeful, optimistic, confident that they're able to tackle and succeed any big challenges thrown at us is what has made this country unbelievably successful."
"There's something about a Canadian apologizing to you that's just the sweetest thing."
"This is a waterproof bag. There are many like it, but this one is Canadian."
"Populism does have its wild and woolly side, but the Canadian Western populism has had some enormous positive contributions."
"It feels only right that a show as wonderfully Canadian as High School premiere right here."
"I want to be able to give him a healthy, happy, productive, well-rounded experience of what it means to be Canadian."
"Everybody needs to try ketchup chips."
"I love being Canadian; I am so proud of our country and all the things we're accomplishing and doing."
"We're getting to know the apologetic, passive-aggressive side of Canadian culture."
"Canadians are known for their polite, tolerant, diverse, and friendly culture."
"The more we pick up from other English speakers, the harder we try to keep whatever we think defines us as Canadian."
"A uniquely Canadian food is poutine."
"These are my two ultimate Canadian chip flavors: Ruffles sour cream and bacon, and Ruffles all dressed."
"So while I am always gonna be Canadian, I do have a huge chunk of my heritage that is British."
"I just think this is such an important weekend for Canadian Sport and Canadian distance running in particular."
"There are 20 spots for Canadian citizens or permanent residents and 10 spots for international students."
"Made in Canada, you have the top safety, top quality, top fuel efficiency."
"We are an engineering consulting firm based out of Calgary, Alberta, 100% Canadian-owned, operating since 2008."
"Those are probably the three greatest Canadian fighters."
"I've been living in Vancouver so long, I forget how extreme some Canadian Winters can be."
"This is the story of Jay and Allison, a couple of Canadian kids who met, made a movie, and fell in love."
"It's a Canadian ghetto love story."
"This Canadian crowd is just an amazing crowd."
"We're true Canadians, we love french fries and gravy."
"The Canadian education system aims to be student-centered."
"Celine Dion is just one of many Canadian treasures that have been unleashed on this world."
"Anne of Green Gables is such a quintessential Canadian novel, so it means a lot to me."
"We're very happy about that because, you know us Canadians, we need that sun."
"Maple leaf cookies with a smooth maple flavored cream filling, you're going to be obsessed."
"It's pretty cool seeing all the Canadians displaying all their amazing custom builds."