
Hands-on Learning Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"Learning by doing is the most efficient way to understand and master blockchain development."
"That's what you really need, just the hands-on. You have an idea, you make it yourself, and then you remember."
"To me, the hands-on approach to education is critical."
"I went to elementary school. I loved art, sewing, and woodworking. And if I hadn't had those classes, I would have hated elementary school."
"How do you think we should redesign schools...? I'd be putting all the Hands-On classes back into schools."
"The very best way for human beings to learn is to do. The very best way is to actually do stuff because then your muscles are doing it and your neurology is doing it."
"Course designed to educate students on the ever-changing digital world as well as to provide a hands-on experience with industry-standard software and equipment."
"In the 30-day internship, you are going to create multiple projects in different domains."
"I want to be a farmer... I want to learn how to bake... knead the soil with my hands..."
"Oh, you were right, they were useful. The students took them apart, learned about the different components, and threw them out like you said we should."
"What's really special about this course four is that you do get to see how these products are being built from scratch."
"We built physical models and colored them with colored pencils."
"Don't want to spend three years just taking online courses; you want to actually build stuff."
"The learning process is so hands-on, it's amazing."
"Getting hands-on practice with statistical reasoning and probability is definitely the best way to become more comfortable with all the numbers you come across every day."
"Each class includes both video lessons and a class project, something that you can do yourself."
"Now it's the moment of truth 'cuz we're going to put a socket on the front crank PL and see if this motor actually spins."
"For blind people, we're doing it all with our fingers."
"Start making a couple of these flying lead harnesses first because you'll learn so much."
"The best business school that you can get is actually trying to launch a company and make it profitable."
"If you don't know how to do something just go get some wood and just do it who cares if you're doing it right we got it done."
"Join our internship to dive deeper into data science concepts and gain hands-on experience with projects like credit score classification and stress prediction models."
"Sometimes you just gotta get dirty and show your Pokemon how it's done."
"Learning through experience: shooting shells till I learn."
"The best way to learn... is to do it with your own hands."
"However, thanks to the cool folks at Varusteleka, I had the chance to shoot and disassemble one of those on a trip to Finland."
"Kiwico makes it fun and easy with their Hands-On projects."
"By the time this lesson is done, we will have built a computer from the ground up."
"If you can get your hands dirty and start coding right away, you're going to learn a lot faster."
"It's all good, it's all good next, okay, you're gonna crack the bolts on the cylinder head, yep, and after that we'll find out what we got."
"There is no substitute for training in terms of what you can learn actually training. There's simply zero substitute for it."
"If you've ever wanted to learn coding, this is the best way to start because you learn by doing."
"Doing Hands-On Labs afterwards... they very specifically focused on Hands-On Labs, Hands-On education, Hands-On learning."
"Learning by doing is definitely the best kind of learning."
"Some things you don't get from teaching, you get from touch."
"There really is no substitute for getting your hands dirty and making something to figure out how it actually works."
"Nothing beats getting your hands dirty and really making these learnings and these lessons yourself."
"Kiwico crates contain hands-on projects designed to expose kids to science, technology, engineering, art, and math."
"It's always good to create something by hand to understand it fully."
"In programming, you can't learn everything from books. Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty."
"It’s a chance to learn about electricity through building and connecting gears."
"I started teaching my own thing...and then we're going to go right into Tech to Hands-On work cuz that's what people really enjoyed about those seminars."
"You just got to get your hands dirty and figure it out for yourself."
"I want kids to make something, to create with their hands."
"Welcome to the PDx lab, this is where as a medical student you're going to start learning all those hands-on fun clinical skills."
"Hands-on learning gets your child a whole lot farther in life."
"That's enough theory; now we get started with creating our message broker."
"Get back out there, go do some research, start wrenching on that Miata, get it boosted."
"This series is all about trying to teach you guys how to make game engines and how they work, and you're not gonna learn anything unless you actually do this stuff for yourself rather than just copying down what I do."
"It's all hands-on and interactive, a proper learn-by-doing course."
"I hope that this video inspires you guys to just go out there, figure it out, figure out which way works best for you, and just go and make something with your hands."
"I think it's bad at schools have taken out the hands-on classes cooking sewing woodworking woodshop all the different trades they teach practical problem-solving some states are beginning to realize this is wrong and that putting them back in again."
"Once you have that experience, I would then try to find a coach or mentor or training platform that gives you hands-on experience."
"I thought puzzles is a way that could... bring this connection a bit more hands-on experience instead of just reading, they will get to do something and feel what is going on really."
"Just hold it in your hand like this and get it all the way down before you let go."
"The majority of this course is very hands-on, so hang tight, we have lots of fun labs coming up soon."
"The engineering physics program stresses not only a good sort of foundational theoretical understanding of scientific concepts but also a lot of practiced experience with hands-on skills and applying that knowledge."
"There's no substitute for putting in the hours yourself, attending workshops, and getting your hands into the clay to really understand these geometric planes and their orientation in space."
"So kiwico is fun learning, they are delivering fun hands-on projects that inspire a lifelong love of learning."
"This summer, my daughter and I were lucky enough to take a nine-day build-your-own timber frame workshop."
"I can read a manual all day, but until I get my hands on it and see it, it doesn't make sense to me."
"Boat building skills were learned quickly and on the job, with little ceremony and a minimum of instruction."
"The new medical education was practical instruction, and it was hands on, with training on the ward from day one."
"It's so cool to like study and learn through doing things ourselves."
"We will be actually creating a complete end-to-end machine learning project today."
"We were really happy that we were successful in our goal of using a digital tool to really inspire some hands-on exploration."
"Building it from scratch can help you understand it better, build your portfolio, or help you through an interview."
"Project Data Science is all about learning through doing."
"Learning the Art of Electronics, a hands-on course."
"Having that access to hands-on learning and state-of-the-art technology is awesome."
"MIT was established in 1861 as a daring educational experiment, combining theoretical knowledge with hands-on learning to meet the needs of a growing industrial society."
"This Hands-On method of problem solving has been shown to be six times more effective than just watching lecture videos."
"Mini hacks is one of the most popular Hands-On areas at Dreamforce and Trailblazer DX."
"You will actually get your hands dirty and work with me to develop a real-world e-commerce web application with clean architecture."
"We run disability programs where over 30 high schools come through our retail stores and they actually get hands-on training."
"I find people learn better when I show them how to do something then put the tools in their hands."
"You really understand something when you try to build something."
"I can't express enough how grateful I, as well as others, appreciate these hands-on Fridays."
"I'm the kind of person that sees someone doing something interesting and cool, and I immediately want to have a go myself."
"We all have to start somewhere when learning how to fix stuff, whether that's at work, tech school, or in your own garage."
"It's surprising how much you can learn and how much fun you can have when you've got one in your hands."
"Just like the good teacher I used to be, today we are going to take a field trip outside because in the field is the best place to learn."
"I am a lifelong learner. I love to teach myself everything because I'm not very good at delegating. I'm more of like a hands-on person."
"Let's jump into Xcode and just start with some very simple dependency injection."
"Learning by actually creating parts and learning this trade."
"It's all about getting your hands dirty and playing some simple songs."
"It's really important to have a rich environment where we integrate the language of math with actually playing with real materials that we can move around."
"The best way to learn about vectors is to actually apply them and work with them hands-on."
"Florida Tech, and hands-on experience, go hand in hand."
"By immersing myself in sustainability at UConn, I'm able to get a unique hands-on experience in topics I otherwise wouldn't have discovered."
"You'll be learning from world-class business leaders and participating in experiential learning opportunities."
"It's going to be a lot of fun; a great way to engage your kids in a more hands-on way as well as a techie way."
"My curriculum focused primarily on STEM with heavily involved hands-on applications."
"What the hand does, the mind remembers!"
"Award winners will take part in a week-long NC State Engineering Summer Camp, completing hands-on engineering challenges based on actual research."
"The best way to learn is by doing it and experiencing all the things these things can throw at you."
"I love workshops because, in my opinion, that's the best way to learn something: by actually doing it and building it."
"The best way to learn hardware and how to fix things similar to software is learn by doing."
"The teaching is quite hands-on, and I've really enjoyed it."
"You need to get by your keyboard. This is how we learn."
"We've created here is a hands-on experience that anyone that attends can come to."
"Learning how to work on the car, learning how things work on the car, that's fun to me."
"There is a kind of learning that we do by doing, that we acquire by acquiring, that cannot be found in any book or textbook in the medical sciences."
"That's one of our goals for our kids, is for them to be doing hands-on activities that they're excited about and that they can learn something while doing."
"All About Spelling program... it's very hands-on, very interactive."
"This is an exciting course that comes with basic beekeeping, a day in the apiary with me, and it also comes with the how to get your bees through the winter course."
"You get to see your results a bit quicker and you can see when it really goes wrong as well."
"Classrooms will become more important places where teachers can walk and observe students making things."
"Computer science is all about understanding and learning, and we want to get our hands dirty in the details and work from scratch."
"Together with the professor, you are going to build things from scratch, which will give you such invaluable training and a precious experience."
"You're learning about a conceptual world, but that world is right underneath your hands, and as you manipulate it, you're constantly getting this feedback."
"The more that you get your hands on whatever it is you're working with, you understand the concepts that are going on a whole lot better."
"Also so many more hands-on activities, competitions, being outdoors."
"Build stuff from scratch yourself... you're learning to be able to talk about your code."
"Let's actually create one of these apps ourselves and see how it works."
"Each one taking a few minutes to complete, you'll learn how to build your own apps in a hands-on way."
"For all of you guys and gals that have been supporting this series and jumping in and getting your own kits and getting your hands dirty with do-it-yourself, man, I applaud you."
"The project will give you hands-on experience working on real-world datasets."
"You can run a large language model locally on a laptop; it'll be a fun class."
"This is just a perfect hands-on example of using a ton of the information that we've learned in this course."
"We believe hands-on education is very important."
"I always teach by doing, so I let them work beside me."
"Hands-on experience means someone who has practical experience."
"We're a teaching center that's dedicated to hands-on courses to improve your skills and knowledge."
"We are a continuing education center that focuses on hands-on courses to improve your skills and knowledge in general dentistry."
"We are a hands-on teaching center that focuses on excellence."
"Unit studies are all about learning by doing."
"Kiwico has hands-on projects that are designed to actually expose kids to the concept of STEM."
"It's amazing this hands-on learning that's more relatable when it's in front of them."
"If we can give them a little bit more choice and a little bit more say and even make it a little bit more hands-on, we can kick that learning and kick that activity up a notch."
"You have to read books and articles and watch conferences and sort of build things on your own and start asking questions like why did they do it this way why not that way."
"Origami is just a way to get your hands dirty with math."
"That's where you're gonna learn the most, being out there with all the workers, they can share their issues with you or even share their stories."
"Origami is such a great way to get your hands dirty with math."
"Kids getting their hands dirty and learning their own intuition and learning how to ask questions that they can figure out how to answer is the soul of a good education."
"We have lots of great content geared towards real hands-on AWS approaches and processes."
"Let's just jump straight into this because I'm actually excited to do this tutorial."
"I like to learn by doing, so what I recommend is roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty."
"Cal Poly's academics are really, really, really good with its learn by doing philosophy; it's unmatched in my opinion."
"I hope that it helps them later on in life, whether it be for a career or just knowledge in general of getting out there and getting your hands dirty and doing things with your hands."