
Emotional Communication Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Imagine being like a dude-bro, like a regular guy, having your best friends, another dude-bro guy, and you've known each other for years and years, and you both can't even have a basic emotional conversation about how much the other person means to each other."
"You may have not confessed your love, darling, but you've told me far more than you think."
"Retsuko knows what she wants this time, it really is to tell the other person what it is she's feeling."
"Communication is huge. I love a man that is emotionally able to communicate his feelings without feeling like it's a soft or weak trait."
"The fact that they were able to be open with each other... is all that matters."
"Feelings states are of extreme importance. Your subconscious mind understands feelings as its language."
"For the father in that moment to tell him to let it go, it was just so meaningful and also visually very well shot."
"For both sisters, and for Ashley, what really helps them is communicating with their dark feelings, finding outlets to express what’s raw and real."
"I think everything that he's told us has come from the heart."
"Someone needs to honestly discuss your feelings with each other, someone may be holding back."
"I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. Look at that face, she literally just said, 'I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.'"
"The labels are always the evil characters of the story... sometimes they're actually the heroes."
"Feelings are the language of our soul... soul language is pretty powerful from my point of view." - JP Sears
"Some men never tell their dads that they love them."
"They want to talk to you really bad with heart-to-heart conversation."
"The answers are not given with your tongue, the answer is not given with your brain, answer is given with your heart."
"Sometimes adults can't figure out how to express how much people mean to them."
"What's shared from the heart reaches the heart."
"Every meeting has to have participants... talk to him from the heart."
"Thanks for caring, if it's technical you get long messages, if it's emotional you get 'I love you too.'"
"I want somebody to say how I feel, that's what made me start making music."
"Messages from the heart, what's going on in this connection?"
"If you can talk about your hopes, your fears, your anxieties, all that jazz, you're going to be alright."
"Is there somebody that I need to tell them I love them?"
"Someone is going to text you or call you a very loving message. Reconciliation, happy good times, marriage proposals."
"The romance is so much built on communication transparency talking about emotions talking about goals."
"They're gonna reach out... communicate their feelings."
"Sometimes words are louder than actions, and a simple heartfelt 'I'm sorry' means more than all the gifts in the world."
"I'm just happy to call you. I'm just happy to call you."
"I'm not just saying it to be polite. This is really how I feel."
"Speak your truth, someone's going to communicate from their heart either this is you or someone else."
"Being able to communicate and cry and just be vulnerable."
"They want to talk about their emotions. They may want to offer you love or tell you how they feel."
"Someone wants to talk heart-to-heart conversations here. I feel there's going to be communication flooding in, someone honestly speaking their feelings."
"Your heart is a hundred thousand times electrically more powerful than your brain."
"The heart is the number one module of communication through emotions."
"I'm happy with these like paragraphs she'll write, explaining her feelings."
"A love call coming in. Someone expresses love."
"Allow yourself to be naked and talking it through to someone who's not going to judge you."
"I don't care, just love me. Yes, we got lots to work out, I know, but love me because I already love you and I know you love me too. So can we just do that part?"
"They're really obsessed with you but they want to cut away these unhealthy things from the past and they want to communicate that to you."
"Here's the Knight of Cups. Right, you want to like pursue this romantically for sure and express your feelings as often as possible to them and just really care about them a lot."
"I don't want you to think that I don't care you know I thought a lot about this you know it's been you know the past month it's been kind of like in limbo."
"There are three words we've been dying to say: we love you."
"Just speak to what's in your heart, the best poetry is the simplest stuff."
"It's about balance between two people, very much the same, I feel like you're quite very similar in a lot of ways when it comes to that emotional, the way you project it, communicate it."
"Can you imagine like a Korean father saying hey guys when you guys fight like that it hurts my feelings."
"My body was my language for me to express emotions."
"They want to express the fact that they love you."
"They want to communicate, they're gonna offer up that love in the right way."
"Thank you for listening to a very vulnerable video."
"I think you need to be able to talk and you need to be emotional and a bit vulnerable."
"A feeling of excitement, a feeling of joy, these are communications direct from your soul."
"With a somber voice and a bowed head, Sirius announces the heartbreaking news."
"Emotions start speaking to you, emotions even have words behind them."
"I don't need a man that has all of these emotional feelings balled up on the inside, I need a man that talks about what he's feeling."
"Music has often been referred to as the ‘universal language’ or the ‘language of emotion’."
"I spent my life telling stories the print way where what you were interested in is in communicating the ideas. Now all of a sudden, I'm in a form that allows me to communicate the emotion. That's exciting."
"It's important to realize that our emotions drive a lot of how we communicate as humans."
"Music is an expression to me; you try to get a message to people, tell them what you're feeling."
"Your intentions, thoughts, and emotions are carried as messages in your electromagnetic field."
"Communication emotional communication infinitely easier when we have the good aspects."
"They are both really good singers because they're very good at communicating what's going on in their heart to millions of people who love what they're doing."
"I've never seen my parents have a high-quality emotional conversation; it's either yelling or just like laughter."
"Hope is in the eyes; it doesn't have to be said."
"It's a very effective way to convey emotion, to communicate so much through their expression."
"If the original idea is to communicate an emotion, there are an almost infinite amount of ways to do that musically."
"You can expect to have some heart-to-heart conversations here, honestly discussing your feelings with each other."
"Music is emotional... it communicates stuff to us on the side of our brain that isn't linguistic."
"Communication from someone who's getting real about their feelings."