
Self-censorship Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"People censoring themselves to appease everybody and they don't say what they really think."
"When you feel yourself censoring what you say and do to avoid making them angry, it's a sign to reevaluate."
"What will people say? How many times have you stopped yourself from doing something because you're scared of how people will react?"
"I miss just being more free with how I talk and not worrying about what people are going to say."
"I would rather live where I'm living my truth then censor myself to get approval from people that probably don't even really f**k with me at the end of the day anyway."
"We're silencing ourselves more than the government is coming for our speech at this very moment."
"Being part of an organization subliminally imposes limitations on the kind of things you feel free saying."
"We should, in fact, think self-censorship in many ways is much more powerful than government censorship."
"I may say things that are wrong but if I couldn't say things that are wrong I would feel like I couldn't say anything at all." - Elon Musk
"Don't let yourself edit what you're about to say because of the concern that you could come across as an expert."
"I don't think social media's going away but I do think... some of the things that I would post a few years ago wouldn't be certain things that I would post now."
"Sometimes the topics of discussion I want to bring up I just don't think I should."
"I don't like when people censor themselves. That's something that I truly don't like."
"But I've decided not to do that, and the reason I've decided not to do that is because that would allow external factors to affect my voice."
"And so people like really self-censor a lot in most organizations because they don't look stupid and they don't be sort of associated with just having all these like wacky bad ideas."
"The self-silencing... you think, 'Well, I'm not lying, I'm just not saying what I think.'"
"I pretty much tell you whatever I think. I will not censor myself."
"Freedom of speech is very important because if I can't say what I want's on my mind then I have to police myself all the time."
"It really is demoralizing to constantly self-censor and feel like you can't say what you want."
"It's demoralizing to be in university for over five years and constantly self-censor."
"I would never shut up about things that’s wrong. But when the things that you talk about affects your money and business, you're going to shut up about it."
"Self-censorship hoping that they kill you last."
"Stop saying things that violate your conscience."
"I'm biting my tongue, I have nothing remotely appropriate to say."
"I think a lot of people are attracted to that feeling because they feel personally that they are stifled and unable to say things that they believe."
"A new Cato Institute national survey finds self-censorship is a way of life for many Americans."
"Nearly 62 percent say the political climate prevents them from saying things they believe because others might find it offensive."
"Stop, I'm not even gonna finish that joke. Stop it."
"Everyone else can be angry, do you know what I mean, and everyone else can give their opinion and say how they feel but I have to think twice about my tone or because, like, because just because I'm black basically, do you know what I mean?"
"You're letting other people censor what you have to say."
"No one's allowed to speak their mind right now... for fear of being cancelled."
"How can I even let that come out of my mouth?"
"We faculty are also afraid of the subset of students who do the calling out and we are self-censoring like mad."
"I think a lot of people feel... that self-censorship... is the thing."
"A new poll shows over 60 percent of Americans say the current political climate prevents them from sharing their views."
"It's better not to upload something if you don't think it's good."
"Watch everything you say. It's not our responsibility to say all the things that nobody else wants to say."
"Recognizing that she couldn't say exactly what she thought."
"I see far I'm far more worried about self-censorship at the moment than the government telling you not to say something."
"Let Twitter cancel and censor themselves into oblivion."
"People have got to get a grip when it comes to this. Your internal monologue might not be suitable for mass consumption."
"Father help me to say everything you want me to say, guard my lips from saying anything that does not come from you, please."
"...self-censorship sets in and then you don't want to talk out about anything else as well..."
"You want to censor yourself just enough but not unnecessarily."
"Oh my God yes but I don't want to get demonetized"
"Self-censorship is vital, proof that the soul lives and principles remain supreme."
"If you know that everything is going to be transparent you will censor yourself... maybe just stops happening altogether."
"I think self-censorship is kind of what is what they're looking to do here. To me, it's not going to censor me."
"I want to say like really over the top [ __ ] to express my level of disgust and anger but I am acutely aware of some of the things that passed through my mind about I cannot say that publicly."
"I find myself become less articulate about what I actually believe when the glare of social disapproval and all of that is being directed at me."
"Screw it, why not? I have to cut that out two minutes in. I already dropped an F-bomb. Oh wow."
"Once you start locking people up for speaking out against the regime, then everybody can see I'm gonna just keep my mouth shut because my neighbor just got arrested and hauled off."
"We're in a time where [__] is just a lot more sensitive...a lot of times we can't really get our [__] off like we want to...you gotta be fake conscientious about what we're doing."
"I almost just like did a Freudian slip there. Oh no, I can't do that."
"I think I'm saying things that people want to say, right? But don't really want to say it because of the same, what you were talking about where it's like, I don't want to be judged, right?"
"I'm a censored man, not saying [ __ ]."
"Once you come into money... you start auto-censoring yourself which is a damn shame."
"Nearly two-thirds of students across America say that they don't feel able to speak freely in class, that they self-censor."
"I'm able to freely share my mind unedited with readers across the world, yet I tend to hide parts of myself when I come face to face with real people."
"I had to create a filter in my head because I used to just say the first thing that came to mind."
"What's the point of living a life where you're constantly policing yourself based off of what other people are going to think about you?"
"If you have a good education, you just have it instilled in you that there are certain things it just wouldn't do to say or even to think."
"Most people are so concerned about what other people think, they edit what they say, they edit the way they live their lives."
"When the views of thinking people, whether lawyers, teachers, editors, or writers, are determined by our self-assessed risk of losing jobs or social standing, it doesn't take a totalitarian government to repress our thoughts; we have done it to ourselves."
"We do ourselves a disservice when we hide our inner genius because it makes us different from other people."
"Maturity is not the right to be wrong; maturity is the individual becoming censorship over his own attitudes."
"If you don't have nothing positive to say, just keep it pushing."
"Censoring myself became a part of my body."
"The cast members often edit themselves to be a very vanilla version of themselves."
"Self-censorship is possibly far more worrying than governmental interference."
"You learn how to talk, you learn how to choose your words, you learn that you don't say everything you think."