
Legal Implications Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"When you're doing a regular fist fight, that does not mean you have the right to smash somebody against the concrete, potentially killing that person."
"If accusation suffices to convict, well, what will happen to the innocent?"
"This is not just an abortion issue... The downstream, this is gay marriage, this is interracial marriage."
"I do think that there are forms of speech that can be grossly negligent where you can draw a straight line from the damaging things that somebody says to the damaging effects that they have."
"My hope for this story is that it shows the people around these bankruptcies, from the victims, to the lawyers, to the church leaders... what's going to be happening at an even greater rate... in the years to come."
"And it would mean that every other decision relating to the notion of privacy is thrown into question."
"If women have the absolute right to end a pregnancy because it's their body then there is no legal argument for the man having any responsibility at all."
"This type of ruling will have a chilling effect on reproductive care."
"Business Insider wrote their story as if he was guilty of a crime."
"Being white meant you had to apologize for being white."
"If the FBI wins by spying on the defense team will that set a precedent if so how safe will lawyers be lawyers should be very concerned about that."
"I hope that the Court's findings will serve as a warning to all media organizations."
"The legal system will have to adjust because unplugging an AI system would be like pulling the trigger on a person."
"It really is bringing it full circle and letting us be together and not be worried about going to jail."
"It's an extraordinary use of power to remove a state attorney from office. It's a big deal." - JB
"This document essentially turns law-abiding people into felons overnight."
"All impacted attorneys were notified of the policy, including David Saperstein and Sullivan, notified twice."
"If we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so."
"It's not one Smoking Gun it's hundreds of smoking guns."
"We need to hold people accountable for this."
"The longer the Alex Jones trial continues, the more apparent it's becoming that the trial isn't only about punishing Alex and Infowars for false statements they made about Sandy Hook."
"It's a writ large attempt to criminalize and deter questioning any official government narrative."
"While all of this might seem like mere semantics, the legal definition of the edge of space has profound consequences for national sovereignty and international relations."
"This alone implicates Rudy Giuliani in malfeasance, but also Attorney General Barr."
"The CCP's updated counter-espionage law sends a loud, clear signal to the world: there is no such thing as a private company in China."
"Someday we will live in a world where what they do is not only appreciate it's demanded that doctors practice this way those who don't go to jail."
"If you were to take the materials they give to these kindergartners and go into your workplace and open these books and show them to your co-workers, this is the point Robbie Starbucks made: you'd be sued for sexual harassment."
"Unfortunately when you're the average man that character assassination can get quite extreme or you get accused of some very horrendous stuff in order for her to gain favor with friends family Society at large and the courts."
"Yeah, I believe they found her dead and I would wager that she owed him."
"It's clear that she committed horrific acts of abuse against him that would have landed herself in jail."
"This could set precedent that Twitter and other platforms are negligent in refusing to enforce their rules."
"The Echoes of this case may reverberate through future legal battles."
"Surely we can agree that it is dangerous and profoundly irresponsible to have taken these documents from the White House and left them unsecured in Mar-A-Lago." - Jerry Nadler
"Donald Trump must exercise self-control to continue enjoying the privilege of being a free man." - Jessica Denson
"This must happen because the president is guilty of insurrection. He is no longer the president; he's a private citizen."
"Problematic is an understatement in terms of what it displays in terms of giving some, I don't know, hope or boost to what is and should be illegal activity."
"The back pocket Biden strategy is that this indictment presents leverage for him to get away with pardoning himself and his allies, his family."
"Summary execution in this case is likely to lead to innocent people being killed."
"Authorizing violence the same as doing violent crime?"
"The impeachment judgment Clause explicitly preserves the option of allowing other prosecutions."
"The framers intended impeached officials to face criminal liability according to the law."
"It seems to me that they are suggesting possibly felony voter fraud."
"This isn't just about hush money payments, this is about trying to influence the 2016 election."
"So listen, I want to end this before we get in trouble, but I want to ask you one thing before you get out of here."
"So, yes, if they can prove that the parents somehow hid Brian, at one point or helped him get away, yes, absolutely."
"Congress recommending criminal charges to the former president of the United States is no small act."
"If they overturn Roe, that would further weaken its justice on the right."
"What was your take on it when you read about this terrible scenario in Louisiana that this has just as much to do with what the law actually says as the real-life ramifications?"
"Everything he said publicly was in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy."
"There's no doubt this is a dramatic victory for the Second Amendment because it took New York and it slapped them down dramatically."
"People who practice Christianity frequently want to make their religious beliefs the law of the land."
"I completely believe her, and here's why: you can't even get consent from a passed out drunk person."
"Rules you don't know about still apply and may cost you a lot in the long run."
"The destruction of documents, coupled with Perry's request for a pardon might suggest the pair understood that they were doing something illegal."
"If the president declares a group terrorists, admitting that you're funding terrorism."
"We have to be careful and demand evidence in these scenarios because you are actually damaging somebody's life if you're not correct."
"This lawsuit is indicating that we've already passed that point where AI is smarter than humans."
"To me, like the Karen McDougall testimony is going to be devastating..."
"Katie Joy made the false statements with actual malice."
"You've seen how you're familiar with how this has impacted this case, correct?"
"The fact that, despite this evidence, Fox continues to publish these allegations against Dominion suggests that Fox knew the allegations were probably false."
"It's not about sending pornography or doing the wrong thing or being involved in crime it is a crime to have free speech today."
"Even well-intentioned objective jurors cannot be deaf to the fact that the consequences of exonerating Chauvin could set the world on fire."
"These lawsuits have wide-reaching implications for the industry."
"If thoughts were prosecutable, we'd all be screwed."
"If rap lyrics can get you in jail man look we all need to be in jail cause we all recited some horrible ass rap lyrics before."
"It's going into the mindset like it's known in the industry that these things can happen and so is it reckless gross to you know negligence or you know is that manslaughter is that whatever."
"Dismissing the Trump prosecution would have its own set of ill effects on the nation like weakening the enforcement of criminal laws or diminishing The Constitution's guarantee that executive power will be vested in a duly elected president."
"All she has to say is, 'I don't know who the father is,' and he has no say."
"She made it crystal clear this is not just a one-off... this is a pattern... a body of work of over 200 times."
"California is trying to put in your mind that what happened here was that Activision knew that someone had filed a legal complaint and then destroyed documents anyway."
"A potential determination that either Bitcoin or Ethereum constitutes a security could adversely affect the company."
"Yes, I paid a foreign national to gather Russian disinformation on Donald Trump, and yes, I passed that completely false disinformation to the FBI."
"The explosive allegations against Fanny Willis... could Mark a seismic shift in the charges against former president Trump."
"People do this like annoying thing and everybody's done including myself like with the ymw Melly thing where the cops put out all this information that makes him look insanely guilty."
"If we lose, then essentially the way I would view that would almost be it's illegal to be a Christian."
"The ongoing U.S extradition case against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is disturbing and has worrying implications for all journalists." - Alan Rushbridger
"The charges implicate a central tenet of our democracy."
"This isn't drama. This is unethical, immoral, and potentially illegal activity."
"Am's suicide planning shows how insanely far he is willing to go."
"You're gonna turn law-abiding citizens into criminals by demanding they give up their lawfully purchased property."
"If they have any evidence that suggests that they aided and abetted their son, then there's a possibility for that."
"The precedent Trump's arrest would set should scare everyone. It's a bell that can't be unrung."
"So if he impeach him isn't that extending further than removal right? He's not in office and so what they're saying is no no but you can't stop here at this end you have to say disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor."
"By simply answering that phone he confirmed that that is his phone that's the number that pinged where Lindsay made a 9-1-1 call and now it's connected to him."
"Think of the extraordinary nature from our perspective of an injunction against the executive branch in a pre-indictment situation."
"Hookup culture will be absolutely decimated if roe v. wade is overturned so it turns out all we needed to do to destroy hookup culture and embrace trad wife was make women face consequences."
"Rule of money is superordinate to rule of law. If you have broken money, then rule of law just breaks faster and faster and faster."
"Forensic pathology is the branch of medicine that applies the sciences of medicine to issues that have legal ramifications."
"The turfs are losing this battle so badly it honestly looks like within the next couple of years the terms that the turfs used to describe gender and women and who is and is not a woman may well start to be interpreted as hate crimes or something."
"We were being incriminated by their own testimony."
"The truth is these documents were real... and it's definitely... if Mark Zuckerberg knows that these things are happening, he was lying under oath."
"So it's a learning tool teaching tool it's free of charge as far as legal and you know civil ramifications go use it."
"It was a military led coup and that, in violence, so therefore she's in violation of the law."
"There are just considerations about the larger impact of it that would go all the way to the top of the Justice Department."
"We weren't a part of this you walled yourself off you're not going to have evidence to show I did something I didn't do so we're not running to the airport and you're untouchable right no we didn't do a murder I wasn't part of a murder."
"The political aspects of this cannot be ignored right there there is you're going after the former president of the United States you know."
"Harris's failure to clear data from his devices raises questions about intent."
"It would be a stunning rebuke of the rules, norms, laws, and institutions."
"Merely referencing an article or approving of it does not create a separate publication."
"It's not a piece of paper, it's a legal thing connecting to somebody for the rest of my life."
"Mankind says Paul Bearer was defenseless, Undertaker could be arrested and put behind bars but instead The Undertaker will step into Hell in a Cell."
"I think we're going to find out more in the coming days and weeks as to why those charges were warranted and why they believe that harm or death was high."
"So based on that kind of pattern as well as you know the accounting firm abandoning him and other statements by the attorney general my guess is there's financial fraud going on at the organization."
"Okay, but what they're doing with this email is they're putting that onus on the creator, that's this is all for safe harbor, right, they're saying we warned them, we told them that this was going to happen, it's their responsibility to delete."
"The executive branch here and the judicial branch really encroached on the legislative branch and if we see a pattern like that in a number of other states which I think we do... I think the Supreme Court wouldn't take kindly to that."
"I don't know why homophobes are so adverse to the idea of being called 'homophobe', because it's like, if you've got to be a homophobe, just be a homophobe!"
"The potential to set some really bad precedents."
"NDAs can live beyond the thing that they're covering... depending on how an NDA is written, this could take some time."
"Lawmakers may be hoping that this Bannon vote sends a signal to these other witnesses that they've got to get on board."
"As this case unfolds, the investigation has revealed a compelling mix of direct and circumstantial evidence."
"The fact that Patricia Buyers transferred into state to South Australia where they enacted the nobody no parole legislation has meant that she's had to admit to the murder of Carl Gotchens and provide an explanation as to where his body is."
"So him backing this up onto a computer is how they were able to corroborate or put him in the location of the computer..."
"To hold YouTube liable... I think would be completely ridiculous."
"This fits this is exactly what the Oath Keepers were trying to do a conspiracy a criminal agreement to basically bring down the government there's really nothing more serious than that."
"Are we to believe victims until they contradict themselves or a recording comes out suggesting they're not? Has this trial caused damage to other survivors?"
"We all must resist... if Assange is extradited and tried, it will create a legal precedent that will terminate the ability of the press... to hold power accountable."
"The reason the ACLU testimony mattered so much is because it shows that this is actually what was intended."
"If we choose to criminalize homosexuality we have thrown a huge portion of our constitution in the garbage."
"He believed he was so clever, so invincible, and so artful."
"Let's start from the top and go to the bottom. Her firm that she works at, her workplace, she accused them of entrapment. Okay, how many of us can get away with accusing our workplace of entrapment?"
"At this point, the evidence is overwhelming."
"She's turning him into this rapist, violent, creepy psycho, like serial abuser. That's what she's turning him into here with the burden she's creating."
"I think it was a really telling interview, it's one of the most damning pieces of evidence in this case."
"Is social media really bogging down these investigations?"
"Assange's extradition seriously damages journalism."
"When you have DNA evidence, it's really the golden ticket in most cases."
"It's okay when you're out on the campaign hustings, that's okay when you're working on the Congress. It is not okay when you're sitting talking to federal agents."
"We Trust upon us the threatening or thereby ending their employment."
"It was a dark day for America, a dark day for the rule of law."
"Everything everyone has ever done to protect a Murdoch will be on trial."
"If you can't define what a woman is, what biological sex is, then what is the point of all of the sex-based laws that protect women's rights?"
"All I know is that we were called out to your house and that there was a body found. Um, sorry."
"I would never interview someone on YouTube if it's potentially a witness or a person of interest."
"Integrity matters, like the willingness to... and don't tell me that a plea of guilt is not a plea of guilt."
"Even trans men are reaching out to you for your help. There's no benefit for them in this law."
"This goes beyond Hunter Biden they've already allowed critical to expire now for Hunter Biden this is obviously a chilling moment."
"The contents of these laws were ominous warnings of what was coming."
"...move made tonight by Garland and Smith and all the rest took strike to the core of trumpland..."
"At the end of the day it is illegal to stockpile illegal weapons okay and you only do that if you're trying to plan something nobody does that as a hobby."
"So the big news is again New York Times confirms material about the Hunter Biden laptop that implicates Joe Biden in criminal activity."
"Admitted to the main facts of the crime that the DOJ alleges he may have committed."
"The indictment holds him to account, and it's also reflective of criminal referrals made by the January 6 committee."
"Would he really not want Donald Trump to be prosecuted for these crimes against America?"
"Donald Trump paid someone money to do something illegal to help him win the 2016 election." - Lawrence
"The committee probe has shown this last plot was working I repeat it was literally working."
"What's more important here your life and your rights or do you want to just keep chasing money and hurt The credibility if we ever have to go to trial"
"The law would threaten freedom of expression."
"This is preventing... meant to prevent Donald Trump from being able to run again," suggesting, "Maybe he broke the law... equally regardless of who you are." (Fox News commentator)
"So just because this is in New York only it doesn't mean the rest of the states aren't looking."
"This case just goes to show... violating people's constitutional rights."
"Singling out evolution... is very bad science education and also is legally dangerous."
"If what that report alleges is true, he is virtually impossible for me to see anything other than him going to prison." - "That doesn't even get to the point about whether or not fights were thrown."
"It's not a letter addressed to her attorney, it's a letter addressed to her mother."
"This is an actual like you might murder or attempt murder right self-defense."
"Actual fraud. That's when you're lying on purpose."
"When the government exercises so much control over a private entity, it becomes a state actor."
"If the Supreme Court says a president can do whatever he damn well please and can never be prosecuted for it, then you're setting up the next American Revolution."
"Overall, the clinicians exposed how lacking mental health assessments are. They unwittingly gave the jury a reason to disregard Kelly's potential mental health issues altogether."
"If you're using the Bitcoin Network to hide money from your government, you're breaking the law."
"Karen stand[s] out as a suspect... there's a motive there... there's a considerable amount of money to pay people to do things."
"The loss of evidence is deemed so significant that even if you didn't mean to, it can make a difference."
"One day very, very soon, the news headline will read: 'National Sunday Law enacted. Rest on Sunday or else receive prosecution, persecution.'"
"By protecting criminals, we give them the ability to commit types of crime that would be impossible otherwise."
"The tools enhance the officer's senses and therefore violated the plain view doctrine."
"If you don't like what I'm saying then call the police on me."
"What's the liability? How long does liability last?"
"He's smiling in his mugshot, but Park Rangers are law enforcement, I'm sure it was a felony assault."
"Big tech is only immune for what other people do not for what they do and it's long overdue that they be held liable for what they do."
"When someone like Ben Crump tweets something like that, is he making himself liable? Are people that made judgments, even the hospital putting her on leave, exposed?"
"He allegedly hit his girlfriend multiple times after accusing her of cheating on him, a pattern of jealousy, insecurity, this is going to be very important here in just a minute, guys."
"If you're not actually doing these things to keep your business, if you get sued, they'll sue you personally."
"If you present your handgun and you use your white light to identify someone, you then just escalated the use of force legally."
"Ultimately, if you do decide to sign on to that marriage contract... you are subjecting yourself to massive financial legal risk."
"When Jeff had died... you would have gone to manslaughter, right?"
"If Julian is extradited to the U.S, it will have far-reaching human rights implications and set a chilling precedent."
"It really is to take his hypothetical as if he goes out on to Fifth Avenue, shoots somebody and then brags that, 'Oh, this was a perfect shooting.' Got him right through the heart. Didn’t even suffer."
"Real violence and use of deadly force is no laughing matter."
"It's a big deal, this has grounds for a new trial."
"Where do we go from here when you have New York violating people's constitutional rights... as confirmed by the Supreme Court opinion on what they've done setting up checkpoints and destroying people's businesses all to slow the spread."
"Changes the entire legal and political dynamic of the war in Ukraine."
"The feds, the Justice Department, they all knew years ago that Hunter Biden was selling influence."
"Clearly something is happening. It reminds me of right before Alvin Bragg indicted Donald Trump in Manhattan."
"The overturn of Roe v. Wade might lead to a variety of other civil rights being undone."
"Some crazy person flew from California to the D.C. area to Maryland and made an attempt on the life of a Supreme Court justice."
"The nation needed this because we need an accounting and we've begun a process to have that."
"The case underlines the serious implications of domestic violence and the importance of Survivor voices in the judicial process."
"When the feds show up, they've been watching you for a while."
"This is just the beginning, not the end of what we're going to see happening when it comes to criminal liability for Donald Trump."
"You're only one crisis away from the government deciding to throw the book at you."
"They could not accept the notion that the Democratic nominee was going to be indicted for national security crimes."
"Children are being destroyed by this, it should be a crime."
"There's overwhelming evidence connecting them to you."
"Elon Musk just bought me. He's purchased me. Randolph is now owned by Elon Musk so everything I say can be held against him in court."
"The damages are not astronomical to me if the jury agrees this was medical malpractice the damages are astronomical."
"Imagine if this is the case and it can be proven, how this would give credibility to her paying so many other bloggers to appear to have the same agenda to smear Cardi. This will be huge."
"The vast majority of people don't care at all about the culture war... they have very strong opinions... but would you advocate for criminalizing that? Oh no."
"I cannot imagine that if such matters are dealt with objectively, everyone who works with Russia will be charged with criminal offenses in Ukraine."
"Anyone who wants the press to be free should consider the implications of this case."