
Gym Culture Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Aggression in the gym is not about anger; it's about channeling energy and resilience."
"Everyone's in here to get big, to lift right, or to lose weight."
"If you're the biggest guy in the gym, you're in the wrong gym."
"Ronnie Coleman had never even seen a bodybuilding contest and yet to the owner of the gym, Coleman already looked like a competitive bodybuilder."
"No matter what you end up doing if you end with a decent amount of fatigue and you're pumped to all hell I think you did something right."
"Number one reason people don't work out is because they're intimidated to walk in the door."
"It's definitely a weird gym that's very annoying gym as well for sure for sure."
"Public spaces especially gyms should be like a second home where each person can lift weights and help others."
"It doesn't take the Harvard scientist to move the needle on health. It can take the guy who busts his ass in the gym."
"Seeing you happy about the gym rework is awesome."
"Every rep, every set adds up to progress. I'm wired for the gym, an unstoppable force."
"Gym intimidation really shouldn't be a thing... everyone's focusing on their own workout."
"I love seeing people in the gym and I love seeing people just like working on themselves."
"Man, we're not messing around... Arms day is always a good day."
"No normal person, even a girl that gets hit on all the time at the gym, isn't like 'I'm scared, you're standing near me, get away from me.'"
"Don't be creepy, Meathead dudes are Loki also thinks something happens here at the gym."
"My issue is the overemphasis of a barbell squat, specifically a barbell back squat being like the king of exercises, like if you ask somebody, hey what's the king of exercise, it's going to be barbell deadlift or it's going to be a barbell squat."
"Please don't take steroids, especially when you're young. Guys, 20, just joined the gym, you need to learn what works for you first."
"One of the better things I've ever seen in my gym is people take weight off the bar. People say, 'Hey, you know what? That's not for me right now.'"
"If you're training, you know, the most, most, in fact, all total bodies, they're all on drugs, right?"
"Wouldn't it be better just to laugh and be humorous about the gym?"
"The number one reason for cheating by a long shot: people just want to use more weight."
"This is the gym that I built. It's for guys like yourself to come in, be appreciated, feel like what you're doing in your day-to-day."
"Even the soccer mom that comes in... she may very well be into all sorts of you know have found on the gym type of shits but but but she's gonna be pissed eventually."
"Nearly all the time, fight gyms are the most down-to-earth places you can meet."
"The best gyms in the world are often just like little shit holes... because someone made it something special."
"People will however stare at you and look at you like you're an idiot if you load up the squat rack with six 45 pound plates on each side."
"I started seeing him at my gym every single day."
"Why wouldn't you go there looking good? People checking out people the most in the gym."
"Do you want someone like Greg Hardy to take up MMA? It's a great mental stabilizer and walking into a gym is truly humbling."
"Doms suck, but it's the name of the game when you're ripping your muscles apart."
"There are no zumba classes here. Just steel, concrete, and sweat."
"I don't give an Shi T what anyone in the gym thinks of me."
"If you want a hard workout, go to F45, people."
"It's like a passion thing for them. They want to go in the gym and just do this."
"What's it like to be a manager of a gym? What's that like dealing with all these disgraces?"
"You gotta relax. What about something nice in the gym? You can't do a pull-up with a hard-on."
"To me, it truly is a brotherhood and sisterhood, and I just hate the idea that there's one person... You know, 90% of the gym are great people, they'll support you, they'll have your back, they know better, but it's that one percent that ruins it for everybody."
"Let me explain to you why this hurts somebody. Let me explain to you why this hurts gym culture. Let me explain to you what the real gym etiquette would be or whatever the case may be. Do better."
"That's the sad part about gym life as a man where you think like yeah once I get buffed all the ladies are going to be all over me but what happens in actuality, all the dudes everyone's like wow great job bro you're dead what's your MRV for delts god damn."
"When you walk by the one [ __ ] at the gym, uh oh, oh they be doing the yeah, bro, they do extra [ __ ], not even the right exercise, what the [ __ ]."
"The culture of lifting, if you go to a gym where people respect lifting, it's different."
"The gym culture is just so different, it's a very familial, it's almost like a Spartan kind of thing."
"The gym owner clearly wants him to look a certain way... if people are so comfortable with openly criticizing somebody's body... that is not going to be a welcoming and inclusive space."
"I fart a lot. It's just part of being a gym bro."
"The gym went from being about hard work, respect, and discipline but now it's just about ego, clout, and GED and it's honestly just it's honestly sad."
"The gym used to be this place where you would go to improve yourself, build your confidence and make some new friends along the way."
"What used to be this place about hard work, discipline, and respect has now turned into this place about ego, greed, and clout."
"It's like, how many people do you know that take steroids? When I worked out at Gold's, I knew so many people. More than 50% were taking."
"A gym isn't just the equipment, it's the community and the field that's built with the members."
"When he'd walk in, everybody in the gym would get a little bit more serious because they know like a big dog just walked in, they got to show off because there's no chance he's going to slack off on his sets."
"Is it demoralizing being asked, 'Do you lift?' Sure, it's totally fine to look in the mirror and hope that some things were bigger if you're putting in the work and doing the right things that feeling should not be about your muscles."
"It's getting rough in the gyms and it's because of women spoiling yet another crucial thing that keeps a lot of us seen."
"Do you ever go to the gym? Now, at the gym, do you encounter creepies?"
"Strength training is where more and more of the footprint of big gyms is being delegated now, to strength training, because of its popularity. It's also a form of exercise now that we recognize as being considerably healthy, if not one of the healthiest ways to exercise."
"Strength training has become, in comparison to where it was, way more popular. And now when I work out in gyms, now the free weight area and the machine area is pretty damn busy, and it's like, no joke, equal mix, men and women. It's literally half and half."
"I've had it with strangers trying to make conversation at the gym I'm a bigger guy have been since I was born literally came out at 12 pounds anyway for the last year or so I've been on a bit of a #fitness journey."
"Everyone's on their journey, and there's so much positivity from other people when you go into a gym."
"There's just something about the hardcore gyms in England; they just have that blue-collar flavor."
"People in gyms are not mean and critical, they're supportive."
"If there's a place to wear yoga pants, I'd say that the gym is one of the number one places to do that."
"I'm all for looking good in the gym and feeling good."
"It's all about gym positivity, not about trying to beat other people, about lifting each other up."
"It's the relationships you build in the gym, people who are going are usually going to be quite successful."
"This place, this is a real gym. I love gyms like this, old school, hardcore."
"I'm the first one, if I'm at the gym and I see somebody's like killing it, to give him a compliment because I know how good those compliments feel."
"Women who lift, okay, talk about inspo, this woman in the gym will rock your world."
"He's probably the most true fighter that we have come through the gym in a long time."
"It's all about the energy and the atmosphere in the gym."
"I would like to go to whatever that gym Ronnie Coleman used to work out at."
"You have this incredible win-win atmosphere in your gym."
"The pros of this kind of gym is that they take training seriously and will teach you to get good fast."
"I love to be physically active and going to the gym is one of the biggest parts of my life right now."
"I legit will never understand people who mock people in the gym."
"In our gym, hard work was always the most important thing."
"Someone noticing you in the gym isn't the same as them judging you."
"Remember that most people are good and even in the gym, even though someone might look at you doing something, maybe they're curious about what you're doing."
"Nothing can compare to the excitement of your newbie gains, but guess what? You can still have a ton of fun in the gym."
"Be respectful. That says that in my gym, it says be respectful."