
Asset Value Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"In the Western World, we've got devaluing currency, so you just got to find scarce assets that are going to hold their value over long periods of time."
"Real estate can go down in value, but as long as the cash flow is there, you don't lose."
"I love gold. I think it will continue to protect purchasing power."
"I think the 2020s are a very similar environment you want to own scarce things."
"Bitcoin is the scarcest, hardest asset on this earth."
"Bitcoin is the greatest appreciating asset in human history."
"It's all about scarcity—deflationary assets go up in value, benefiting those who hold them."
"Equities own real assets. If fiat currency is getting debased, equities tend to go high."
"Gold is poised to probably be the safest asset out there."
"If your money is sitting in a bank account it's losing money."
"That's the power of real estate, there is no other asset class that you could have done that in."
"Throughout history, gold has maintained its value better than any other asset on planet earth."
"Gold and silver are actually some of the most undervalued assets in the world."
"Assets maybe gold survives in that period and doesn't dump but even in during covet if we remember the covet collapse even gold dumped."
"It pops up the value of these assets, makes a higher value, more speculative investors see the price of this rising."
"You are better off diversifying in a lot of different assets."
"Name something in the universe that is a liquid treasury asset that you can't produce more of if the price goes to infinity. Bitcoin, man. Bitcoin."
"Their biggest asset... millions of customers... loyal."
"The rare [ __ ] that you know is good you'll never lose your Dollar on."
"Bitcoin is not tech, it's the hardest and most scarce asset we have."
"Bitcoin is the world's best performing asset in history of mankind, no nothing even close."
"Asset prices go up, and then eventually the real economy kicks in, and then ultimately inflation comes and starts taking it all away." - Steve Hanke
"If you become irreplaceable to that company, they need you, you're an asset."
"If any of these scientific models... are even halfway right, it's definitely worth holding some of this pristine asset."
"Bitcoin solidified itself as the premier store value asset."
"Assets are ultimately a much better store value than any form of currencies."
"I do think she can be a big star, I do think she can be a big asset."
"His unwavering belief, that's his best asset."
"Trust is a big asset, especially global decentralized trust."
"Assets are more important than college degrees."
"Traditional Finance doesn't have a choice Global debt is so out of control the Fiat money system is so broken they need hard assets like gold like Bitcoin."
"Volatility is the price you pay for the world's best performing asset."
"He's a marine, an ex-marine, he's an expert marksman, and he would be a tremendous asset to anyone."
"Non-duplicatable assets will always keep their value."
"Gold has outperformed everything else over time."
"If you're not holding real assets like gold or silver, it's going to be a costly mistake."
"At this point in time my bank value is 80 mil."
"Depreciation is ignored in a purchase decision making."
"If your car brings in $30,000 a year on autopilot, it becomes a valuable asset."
"Car should be your last priority—it's a depreciating asset."
"I think it's a good problem to contemplate, better than having all of your assets in dollars that are destined to ultimately go to zero or become worth much less."
"Time is a depreciating asset. You can never get more of it, so it's about what you do with the time that you have."
"If you like an asset, the fact that it's cheaper is a good thing not a bad thing."
"Tangible assets my friends, that's what you need during periods like this."
"No disrespect man but unless you are wealthy what you have is assets ain't worth a whole lot."
"Bitcoin is one of the most highly valuable and sought after assets in the entire world."
"Bitcoin is sound money, it is incredibly scarce, and the bull run for bitcoin can't really fully take place until there's a period of disdain in other asset classes."
"That's what I'm doing myself, but I am buying assets that I think represent better long-term values, not these highly speculative assets that I think no matter what are eventually going to collapse."
"Hard assets are better than keeping cash that is constantly depreciating."
"Having gold is a much better asset to have wherever you end up."
"People spend so much time gaming online, why shouldn't their gaming assets have some kind of value?"
"Money's losing value but assets are going up."
"They need to hedge their money into something that is going to hold value or grow in value and bitcoin is one of those store of values that the wealthy have been looking at."
"This investment reflects our belief that bitcoin is a dependable store of value and an attractive investment asset."
"With a limited asset that is capped at a certain amount, each individual piece of that asset will go up over time."
"While fiat currency weakens due to the increased supply, precious metals and Bitcoin are immune to such debasement due to their guaranteed scarcity."
"Your data is the most important asset you will ever have."
"Michael Saylor reminds you that you have to own an asset that is very scarce, and Bitcoin is the most scarce asset in the world."
"He likes gold, I talk about other hard tangible things, maybe Bitcoin is intangible but is a hard asset that cannot be inflated away." - Mark Moss
"Assets are good like salt like gold or silver metals are gonna be good to hold on to right even if there is manipulation going on the market."
"The price of desirable assets and things that we need to buy to stay alive like food and shelter are going up exponentially."
"I think precious metals gold, I think there's no question about that. That's how you will be able to retain the value of your assets."
"I could probably sell it for a lot of money someday, you know? This is an investment."
"It's going to be the biggest asset value appreciation in history."
"Maybe that is the biggest asset value unlock in the history of mankind."
"Every asset is worth something because it produces future cash flows that's the value of an asset. If I have land, why is land worth something to a company? Because it can produce some future cash flows for shareholders."
"What's this going to be worth in five years time? Well, it's mint in the Mint Condition today it's probably worth three and a half Grand but in five years, it could be five or six thousand pounds."
"I have roid or paid off the shed many times over now."
"Data is surpassed now oil as the world's most valuable asset."
"The problem that we face is that a lot of people lose their ability to buy things; that's why they have to go into the markets because their assets depreciate."
"Real world assets are things like gold bars, diamonds, watches—anything that has real world value."
"And SCHD alone accounts for about 5.6 percent of that total number, with more than 49 billion in net asset value."
"Human capital may be more valuable than physical capital like equipment or technology."
"Bitcoin I think is just the king of assets."
"The story teaches us the financial value of real goods and real assets whose value are more closely tied to factors like their inherent usefulness, not public speculation."
"The value of any asset is going to be equal to the present value of the stream of revenue that it's going to generate in the future."
"If you do this the right way, not only are you going to be seeing this cash flow, but you're going to see this cash flow grow and the asset that's producing the cash flow will also become more valuable."
"The value of long-term operating assets stems from the fact that they help companies generate future cash flows."
"Long-term operating assets have value because they are expected to help a company generate cash flows in the future."
"The value of an asset is the cash flow that it generates."
"When interest rates go up, asset values go down."
"Scarcity is the fundamental thing that says scarce assets, scarce stores of value that are recognized as stores of value are worth more than less scarce assets."
"The most expensive asset that a person has is their home."
"People don't know, like those trailers are like assets, they don't lose value."
"If you sitting on cash or you buying a diamond chain, then that means that you're depreciated, right? The value of your stuff is going down."