
Hysteria Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"I have a really big problem with what I feel on this show is a lot of anti-trans hysteria and fear-mongering."
"What I'm interested in most of all is how hysteria poses as rationalism these days."
"Society grew tired of the hysteria and how could they not."
"Mass hysteria has a history of being weaponized against women."
"We're getting post-woke so they're getting more hysterical."
"A certain sort of person fears Donald Trump to the point of hysteria."
"It's a narrative and everyone's got to bow and the whole Canadian Parliament even endorsed a sort of genocide resolution and it's just mass hysteria."
"People are jumping on these bandwagons of hysteria and it's not fact-based."
"The grief caused by such a tragedy eventually created hysteria as the victims hopelessly looked for someone or something to blame for all this destruction."
"The whole town would go crazy and sentence him to death."
"It's incredible. Never before had the release of a console triggered such hysteria."
"I hate cancel culture, it has become quite hysterical."
"I think the actual virus is the hysteria. Yeah, I think the actual panic is a virus even more than what it actually is."
"I screamed and began to cry and shake and babble incoherently."
"The fever is like you're working yourself in, it's like a hysteria sweeping the nation."
"But, and there's also the idea that aliens have been waiting until we are emotionally mature enough to handle it because think about the mass hysteria, news, their minds like, damn."
"While orgasms are known to boost moods, let it be known that hysteria was just a woman who was emotional and not a real disease."
"People were themselves over the possibility that Satanic ritual abuse was happening."
"40 years of darkness, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!"
"Wow, you kidding me? This Hoosier hysteria has been unbelievable!"
"How does a sleepy New England colonial town take leave of its senses and start hanging their satanic neighbors left, right, and center?"
"That was ridiculous. No piece of rock, no matter how strange or eerie, can drive a man into a murderous frenzy."
"Another theory posits that McCartney's passing would have created mass hysteria among their fans."
"...the outpouring of grief and mass hysteria in the country."
"We are talking mass hysteria in Japan at possibly its largest recorded scale."
"Twitter video started emerging of people just screaming and yelling and basically just carrying on in the stratosphere main lobby."
"I can bear those hypocritical smiles no longer! I feel that I must scream or die! Now, again! Hark! Louder! Louder! Louder! Louder!"
"There's a bit of shared hysteria, some rumors about this church on Calgary Road. Old rumors about an old church. The kids tend to spread this stuff, but there's nothing there."
"Hannah screamed at me hysterically and begged me to get in the car."
"...in this particular case, maybe you could argue that mass hysteria equals anxiety as you'll come to see."
"Wow, the hysteria related to Donald Trump is off the charts, exposing the raw politics behind it."
"...how come they are so calm? At first, I thought it was because of the surrounded houses, this dignity of privacy in Israel... but it's not that either."
"Caught by hysteria, the passengers started banging on the compartment walls."
"For the first time since Beatle Mania and never again since, young girls swooned, fainted, and wept at the sight of Mark Bolan."
"In a matter of days we adopted a law based on the hysteria around cocaine."
"I mean, the great purge, it's sort of, you know, you go through stages and sort of mounting ever increasing levels of hysteria, you know?"
"If you believe that you're dumb so I was like okay I don't know well I remember people freaking out not around me but I remember hearing about it everywhere"
"It's like mass brainwashing, mass hysteria."
"The witch trials... stand as a haunting testament to mass hysteria, judicial corruption, and societal misogyny."
"A significant increase in anti-Soviet propaganda and the unleashing of a war hysteria is absolutely at an all-time high."
"Hysteria can be created and cured through words alone."
"The hysteria that the 2012 movie created certainly didn't help, but guess what, guys? We survived."
"The Satanic Panic was a social phenomenon that was centered around conspiracy theories involving the existence of satanic cults committing widespread abuse throughout the United States."
"His level of fame and hysteria from fans rivaled superstars like Elvis Presley or the Beatles."
"Mass hysteria... their belief convinced them that it was real and hospitalized 23 of them."
"300 years ago in Salem town, a Witch Hunt frenzy erupted."
"But my escape attempt has done nothing to subdue the hysteria rising up inside me; it will drown me unless it's released."
"Salem witch trials reflected economic tensions and widespread panic."