
Historical Value Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"This artist who is dead now could have never imagined that in a hundred and twenty years from now, hundreds of thousands of people are going to see their artwork and appreciate it and love it and see what was going on in their life at the time."
"Truly, this is a nation that encompasses both a rich history and a belief in the promise of the future."
"Remember, hire that value, a pair of parkit parquetry table lamps made in prison by a prisoner in the 40s."
"I'm a strong believer that... there's a lot of truth to their stories and I think that a lot of their experiences are things that we should take seriously."
"Some moments will be sweeter because of the lack of technology, I think. Because we lack technology in departments like that back then, it made it somewhat more valuable."
"Considered the world's most valuable shipwreck, the Nuestra Señora de Atocha was loaded with tons of gold and silver taken from South America destined for Spain in 1622."
"When I walk in that house, I think this is one... I love this era of home."
"Gold and silver have proven over thousands of years to be the ultimate store of value."
"Salt is an important commodity right well worth your weight in salt isn't that the Romans used to say."
"What is the point of honoring our past if we cannot use these lessons from the past to make this world a better place?"
"Dragon has been flying for 12 years Dragon made his debut at the orbiting lab in 2012 as the first private spacecraft in history to visit the International Space Station since then it's made 32 trips to and from the orbiting lab."
"Almost history that deserves to be remembered."
"They felt as though they were standing in front of a hugely important historical artifact."
"He appreciated the value of secret information and he went on getting secret information from all sorts of sources throughout the 1930s."
"Our past is important, and our ancestors have much to teach us, if only we are humble enough to listen."
"Either way, I believe that these stories are important."
"This is why in my opinion Cooper's Ferry it's one of the most interesting archaeological sites in."
"I don't fault anyone for wanting to learn more about it. And if it is something, because again, it is beautiful, it is, there is a lot about that history and culture that is beautiful."
"This property dates back to the 1600s. That's where there is character."
"Get a dollar slice just so you can tell your grandkids that you had a slice of pizza in New York when it was still one dollar."
"Gold has been sound money for what 8,000 years plus."
"We don't tear down our past, we build our future."
"Owning physical gold... it's an investment and it's one that has historically proven to be good."
"The Rorschach test is far from the X-ray of the minds touted by its early adherents, but even 100 years on, the iconic inkblots remain a valuable tool in the psychiatrist's toolkit."
"Throughout history, gold has maintained its value better than any other asset on planet earth."
"This car was owned by one family since new... So you're buying a piece of history that has been passed on to another generation."
"How about we restore these places to their former glory?"
"Forli, only fine, but better than not by much."
"Modern architecture pales in comparison to this very old style of tower."
"The best thing about this car for me is the history in it."
"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same."
"Value it again. Value what our founding fathers fought for, what our men and women defend us for."
"That combined with the kind of serial winner mentality that's a Spurs dressing room."
"The tablet's discovery is major not only for its historical value but because it potentially opens up possibilities for further excavations."
"Inspired. And I do feel like it sums up its use of the history."
"Liberty is a light for which many men have died in darkness."
"You don't just buy a Hasselblad for the specs, you buy to participate in that history." - Toni
"If I had to tell someone the one anime you had to watch for the historical record, Cowboy Bebop is about it."
"The estimated value is literally priceless as it's the most important relic in history."
"Gold and silver: sustained for 5,000 years, surviving wars, famines, and the destruction of government currencies."
"Each one of these Phantoms represents the very best of what man was capable of making during each of these successive eras."
"We can't just live in the past. We have to cherish the past, take what is valuable about it into the future, but then we actually have to make the future. And that's going to be a creative act rather than simply an act of preservation."
"Buy gold because it's God's money, it's been around thousands and thousands of years."
"I'm not trying to romanticize the past. All I'm trying to do is rescue useful knowledge from our ancestors."
"Paper and its history deserves to be remembered."
"The gun itself is very cool but the story behind the firearm is what to me is the most interesting aspect the human element the extreme of The Human Experience and the level of Valor and selfless sacrifice that went into it."
"I think both of us agree that the Gospels are historically informative."
"A proper relic frozen in time... it honestly gives me chills."
"There has been no place or no time where this amount of gold has been."
"If we lose the city of Pompeii... what we lose is the greatest single place to walk into the past."
"Gold and silver represent honest weights and measures and always have and always will."
"There's some things that never change and that that's the other piece of advice is go find wise and beautiful things that were written before you and know them very well you'll be a happier person because of it."
"If these were the treasures of an insignificant king, what would the tomb of a really important king have been like?"
"The Irish Legends: There's no reason to suppose that future generations will not find them as fascinating and inspirational as those who have already come to appreciate them across the centuries of time."
"Every once in a while the stars align and the true treasures are uncovered."
"Imagine being a person who finds a painting by one of the greatest 20th century painters of all time just hidden behind a wall in your home."
"Knowledge itself became so highly prized that the acquisition of ancient texts even came to be considered a valuable wartime plunder."
"Gold is good money and it's been good money for 6,000 years."
"The barn is amazing. Every time we're in there, we're like, the stories this barn could tell."
"Turtles in Time is better, but the Hyperstone Heist is a game that still deserves your attention."
"Gold has always been there through wars, disasters, and turmoil—reliable, dependable, and authentic."
"When you look back historically what you see is that gold is never worth nothing when the bottom falls out of everything else."
"Museums have these incredible archives and archives are kind of this forgotten treasure trove of story."
"Schoolhouse Rock is officially a piece of cherished American art history to be preserved for generations to come."
"Kevin Durant put on some shows against the Bucks that were all-time. All-time, they were mantle piece. They belong in museums."
"If you knew how much was paid for your right to vote, you wouldn't mind standing in line."
"The one thing that stood the test of time is gold and silver."
"The reason is although it's a fantastic history, clear, but the reason is that there's a high potential for the future, that's why I'm here."
"The Constitution is an edict that has served us well because of how it was written. You can add to it but you should never take away from it."
"It is a spectacular piece of material history."
"In fact cannabis hemp was considered on par if not greater than cotton in terms of valuable resources during wartime activities."
"The rarest or the worst sellers historically have always become the most collectible."
"500 pounds back then is almost 30,000 pounds in today's money, a hefty sum even for the wealthy but a life-changing windfall for a lowly servant like Ellen Panketh."
"The long hair did represent strength, honor, and a lot to the Viking culture."
"This might be the winners right here. They got the Roosevelt with the Beatle on the back, the complete package, guys."
"Wembley Arena: Old-school charm meets modernization."
"Their true value lies in their power to symbolize the authority and heritage of the British crown and Parliament."
"You can never really have enough history, you can never listen to too many opinions."
"Gold has preserved wealth from 2000 to present day."
"Gold and silver have outlived two world wars german hyperinflation the great depression and every pandemic and are still immutable wealth."
"Gold has been the best chaos hedge for over 5,000 years."
"Everything we needed was right here in this ancient city."
"London's bridges steeped in nostalgia; instantly historic."
"Both the front and the back are functional sides which was something that was highly prized throughout history."
"Maps were more valuable than treasure, guiding through lands we've forgotten."
"One of the largest coin hordes in the entire world."
"Love the thickness of the steering wheel, with so much history."
"Number 2: Huge ambergris haul. If you don't know what ambergris is, in a nutshell, it's a rare substance that's been highly valued for thousands of years."
"Gold is the one asset that has proven to withstand inflation. Gold is a Biblical currency."
"The more you love your history, the more you love yourself."
"The phase 3 particularly is so valuable today because of that shaker scoop sticking through the bottom."
"If you go back to when Bitcoin was at $4,000, would you buy in? Absolutely."
"Thomas Schultz and Lawrence Joseph purchased a home in 2007 in Bellport, New York, that contained tens of thousands of paintings."
"I care about what these ancestors built and what that was worth, and comparatively to everybody, that's what I care about."
"Because this was the noblest and freest experiment in history."
"Gold and silver are the only currencies that have withstood the test of time."
"Diamonds: Valued and coveted for thousands of years, considered invincible and indestructible, with India as the original source."
"Gold has always been a value governments come governments go countries come other countries go world powers come they leave that all changes that one thing we know from history..."
"To find one of these stems means that you own a piece of history from a place that will no longer issue stems."
"Historically, gold and silver are very good."
"There's no shortage of scrapped locomotives in our world."
"Import marks on so-called collectible firearms can become an interesting added element to a gun's history over time."
"All these things were discovered by trial and error... still prized centuries later."
"The important thing here is not to be able to play old copies of Ocarina of Time, it's preservation."
"This valley is a value that is shared by several tribes of Israel in the Old Testament."
"Be as proud of your race today as our fathers were in the days of yore."
"Gold and silver have withstood the test of time for thousands and thousands of years - war, famine, poverty, inflation, stock market crashes - whatever it may be."
"If Mary had died and the bones were left behind they would have been the hottest commodity in 1st century Christianity."
"You can see why it's such a big deal that this car was restored and brought back to its former glory."
"It's a neat piece of history that actually might find its way into my own collection."
"History is the stuff, history is the magic, history is the reservoir of wisdom from which we can all draw sustenance and refreshment."
"Everything fluctuates with time but nothing is held up longer and better than gold and silver throughout all the changes that have happened in history."
"These are amazing, amazing books, especially from a historic perspective."
"It's well made, it's thrilling throughout, and mad impressive for the time."
"But the use of these collections to add value and enduring knowledge will be the work of those who, competent in the patient and careful methods of research, have one purpose only: to know the truth."
"To put this into perspective, in the 1600s the VOC was worth 78 million Dutch guilders, adjusted for inflation that works out to about 7.9 trillion dollars."
"It's a historical link to the school and currently holds a value of 15 to 25,000."
"Its Interiors featuring dual fireplaces with paneled over mantles and an Elizabethan charm represent meticulous attention to detail and historical value."
"The thrill of discovering a coin with such historical significance and monetary value is what drives many in the numismatic community."
"The tea destroyed in the Boston Tea Party was worth approximately 1.7 million dollars in today's dollars."
"This could be a very sought-after piece of American History."
"Back then, that's equivalent to probably 250 quid now, 200 two and a half Grand okay for 50 knuckle dusters."
"Owning one of these dimes is like owning a piece of numismatic History."
"A remarkable opportunity to own a piece of history."
"The king's bed chamber which is here um uh contained a bed which was also uh valued by the Parliamentary uh uh valuers and they valued it at80 less than a tenth of the value of the king's Ensemble."
"Very cool piece... part of history."
"...this coin holds significant historical and sentimental value to collectors."
"Collecting coins isn't just about their monetary value; it's also about appreciating their historical significance and the stories they tell."
"...it was like it was frozen in time. Nearly every surface was spotless and in great condition."
"It's a real relic, you're driving a piece of history you can ride."
"The question of value is itself a historical one which arises only after the fact and does not involve classification according to a priori categories."
"It is sad that Brown never made Fenn Stanton his own masterpiece, but I think we have created something that is worthy of being called Capability Brown's unfinished Garden."
"So much value in looking back in the history of what's happened before."
"Chocolate was extremely valuable, and the cocoa beans used to make it were even traded as currency."
"...not everything has to run in order to tell a story."
"Art is essential to life, and a house's history should be embraced and celebrated."
"Wow, this is more history than I was way expecting."
"This is our homeland, this is the land of our fathers, this is the place that throughout history we've fought for, we've protected, we've appreciated the beauty of."
"In 1949, estimated value of it is ten million dollars."
"That was a great outboard for its time."
"There is a value in understanding historical ideas even if they are dated."
"I think she would like to have these letters back."
"...the mayor and the developer and the town ended up having to pay John close to 45,000 total, which is over 752 thousand dollars today."
"History is a treasure of mankind."
"It's just great historical information."
"This is a historical recording definitely worth having."
"So valuable was the commodity of salt that Roman soldiers were often paid with bags of salt."
"Some of them over four thousand years old, all of them of great historical and archaeological value."
"This city of the dead is small, a mere 14 acres or 55,000 square meters, yet today it holds some 4,700 tombs and the remains of more than 350,000 departed."
"The 18th century ship Vrouw Maria is estimated to be the most valuable treasure ship in the world."
"History is definitely a very valuable thing to learn."
"I really didn't have no interest in visiting Italy, but because it has so much history here, especially in Rome, I said even if I don't get any views for this video, it's worth coming to see for yourself."
"I just love these really properly old stations that are part of the proper DNA of the underground because tucked away behind those doors, they've got so much to offer."
"It's only as time goes by, do you really start to see this place for what it is, a historical masterpiece."
"...these are actually quite an investment for women at the time and they would be still today."
"This is really amazing, actually."
"He had quietly saved 175 thousand dollars worth as much in his time as nearly a half a million dollars today."
"The building cost six hundred and twenty-one thousand, equivalent to fifty-eight million in today's money."
"Nobody likes losing coasters, and once upon a time these looked like they were done, but fate stepped in, and they live on today."
"It's one of the most culturally and historically dense landscapes in the country."
"This property had value, has had value since the 70s."
"It's historical, it's cool, some one of the best open sights of a rifle."
"Herein lies the value of history."
"Get yourself something good, maybe has some age to it, so it's got that weight, and you know the history behind it is important."
"The process of development might be rather difficult, but the long-term effect of reviving the true value of history is certainly worth it."
"I think wrestling will always have a place because of its great history and because of its great value as a martial art."
"These documents were immediately considered valuable, reliable, and consequently sacred."
"The interest in canals is still as strong as ever."
"It was thanks to this feature that they were so valued throughout human history."
"The surrounding of artifacts is what makes them meaningful."
"Every source is valuable to historians in one way or another."
"History gives you self-worth, self-value, self-esteem, courage, and self-identity."
"The value of footage was immense as it contained unique footage of figures of the Ukrainian revolution."
"There's an old-fashioned piece of silverware in the middle of it all that means so much to all those who played for it in this over a century."
"What we might classify as junk, which merits only the waste basket, the historian of a hundred years from now may pounce upon with glee since it's obvious that the historian needs all types of literature in his search for hidden facts."
"Manapōuri Power Station, a real gift that was given to us by past generations is only ever going to become more and more important into the future."
"I don't know what it's worth, but Lake Placid, one of the most famous Olympics, certainly winter Olympics in American history, Cold War, I love that."
"It remains a great book and it remained a great book from the day it was made until maybe 50 or 60 years ago."
"You'll always be special; you are the oldest steam tram on Sodor."
"Great musicians like Ruth Palmer will always want to play on those sacred instruments made in Cremona 300 years ago; the decision as to whether they're allowed or able to do so is sadly no longer in their hands."
"Did it preserve their memory? Yes, and I think there's a value to that."
"Only one historical example of wealth preservation has stood the test of time over and over again: the safeguard of physical gold and silver."
"I'm happy with this car, love to see all the history from Japan."
"It's a penny back from 1840, and it's a piece of history, so what's not to love?"
"Many of these properties are steeped in history and are of outstanding architectural interest."
"Our trip made me love the land in Bears Ears, but it was the time I spent talking to Cynthia and Woody that really made me understand the value of the area's cultural history."
"Rubies have been worn by kings and queens over the entire period of history."
"The importance of the Geniza documents for research into the lives of Egyptians and specifically, Jewish Egyptians in the early centuries of the 2nd millennium cannot be exaggerated."
"Yugoslavia was a gold mine for architectural historians."
"There's probably some real value to re-embracing and asking why were the Native Americans doing this, why were the Central and South Americans doing this."
"History is good, but what good is history if you don't have faith?"
"When you throw in a personal story that actually ties a cowboy to a gun, that's the kind of thing collectors love."
"It's always good to have as much history as possible."
"This building is steeped in a lot of history for subwoofers and more."
"Keeping the painting on public display has been the wish of every custodian of this portrait."
"This is basically a time capsule from a period long gone, and it needs to be put back on the road and treated properly."
"It says a lot about how girls' games are valued that we're even able to credit one woman with the reconstruction of a history that's relatively recent and means a great deal to a lot of people."
"It's always good to keep period features."
"Even though it's something that we're dragging back from history, it has a huge future."
"In the Middle Ages, cloth could be worth its weight in gold."