
Generational Improvement Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"May Allah allow our daughters to find good spouses and strengthen our families so we're able to raise a much stronger, much more mature, much more just generation of Muslims."
"I want my three jewels to know this, my greatest goal is for them to have a better future than the generations of women before them."
"We need to raise the bar for every generation."
"It's being better than the generation before."
"Our children are going to get a good education because education lifted my father out of poverty and lifted me out of poverty."
"The ideas should be making a better life with a better set of choices for each generation to follow."
"The best we can do is be better than our parents at making it easier for the generations coming after us."
"It's so important that the next generations get better and better and better."
"Be a better example than your parents before you. That is what life is about."
"To me, the American dream is very simple: that we think our kids should have better lives than we had."
"It's important that from generations generation we get better we should get better we should be more which in our hearts should grow in every generation."
"Life is good guys we make we can make something of it you can make something of it for your children."
"Generation 2 did a fantastic job expanding upon generation 1."
"You always want your kids to end up in a better situation and have it better than you had it, you know what I mean? That's like your thought process as a parent."
"29 mpg - 10 mpg better than the previous generation."
"So kids combine they're like oh my God I love this place because I like that I am now becoming the dad I wish I had."
"The idea that if you, through your hard work, your life and your kids' life can be better."
"It's a blessing when you know that you could do something so good and then now your kids could do it better than you." - Master P
"Children to be learn from us but to then go beyond us and become better than us in some way."
"Interior wise, it really is a big step up. This is like a two generations at leap forward over the Evora."
"I don't see any focus in Black America on training the Next Generation to be good in business and to learn the tools of success."
"As a parent, you always want your kids to be better."
"Man, everybody wants their kids to do better than they did."
"What we want most is to pass a better world and better country to our children."
"The American dream is simply believing that you can make a better life for yourself and for your children."
"I think the American idea is forward-looking, it's optimistic, it's the idea that children will live better than their parents."
"Education is going to be absolutely fundamental in order to bring forth the next generation in a way that is improvement over the last."
"If someone can take it from you then you might as well not have it."
"You always want more for your kids, you know? You guys want, like, 'I'm gonna make it easier for you.'"
"Your kids ain't got to come up like you, figure it out and work through this."
"At the end of the day, my kids doing better than I did is all I really care about."
"You want your sons and daughters to be better than you." - Angela Bassett
"There's no way around it, this is going to be a very competitive generation."
"I believe we can make it better for the next generation."
"I got a boy that's about to become a teenager... I have to make sure I have everything that he needs to make him be the person that my father made me or better."
"My goal in life is to make sure that no Morin that comes after me ever has to live in a house without air conditioning."
"Every person that I meet in China has a better life than their parents."
"Together we can improve the lives of this generation and the next."
"If we don't give people an opportunity for growth what are we doing? We're just giving the next generation the same pain."
"Each generation is getting better and better, the safety gets better, the training gets better."
"The dream is nothing more and nothing less than a better life for our children."
"I teach second grade. They are much kinder and they are much better readers than kids even 10 years ago."
"Everyone is doing better than their parents did in their day."
"You should always want your child to be better than you."
"Nobody's the perfect parent. You will learn, and every generation learns from the best from the past."
"Every generation, you hope is going to get a little bit better. And if mandem can show some influence in it, it's important."
"If each generation does better than their parents, then inherently everyone feels good."
"Just do it better than my family members did it, and hopefully my kids will do it better than I did."
"God wants this generation to be better. He wants us to make a meaningful contribution."
"Every generation gets better than the generation before."
"You'll be a better granddad than you were a dad."
"'...every generation gets better than the last.'"
"...it was in a way a coming-of-age of the Union and improved conditions for a whole generation."
"So every generation gets progressively a little bit better and so my kids are you know they grew up in a much more communicative home than even I grew up in and I grew up in a very communicative home."
"Sons surpass their fathers, daughters surpass their mothers, and the newer generation is just supposed to upgrade and be better than the last generation, learning from their mistakes while having their strengths."
"You want your kids to be better than you, that's all you want."
"It's better to be born today than ever, and it'll be better to be born 20 years from now than today."
"It's our job to do better than our parents did and to make the world a better place for our children."
"The goal is to graduate and be better than our parents, so to speak."
"That would make the next generation even better than our generation; that in and of itself is also dawah, as long as you do it with a good heart and a good intention."
"Every parent wants to give their children better than they had."
"Every generation should be better than the last."
"I believe that it's virtually every single person's responsibility to ensure that the next generation is actually better off than their generation."
"So don't be me, be better than me. The next generation got to be better than the next generation."
"I think we generally were better than our parents' generation in that regard, and I think they will be better than we were."
"I don't have a single doubt that you and Byron and Joey will be much better parents than your mother and I ever were."
"I feel like it makes way more sense that if I struggled and scrimped and saved so that the next generation could have a better life."
"Your children are gonna be 10 times better than the wisest men in the kingdom."
"Improve your life and hopefully your family's life for generations to come."
"I always had the dream of living better than my parents."
"I really hope that our generation does a little bit better in that aspect."
"You got to try and do better than your parents, they say."
"We got to do better than the last generation."