
Detection Quotes

There are 567 quotes

"Unbeknownst to him, his every move was captured on camera."
"Once we learn how to spot camouflage, we become better at detecting it and then we can act on it."
"Inconsistency is perhaps the best method. If somebody delivers a narrative and then they deliver it again and it's different, or if their narrative is inconsistent with what you know happened, those are pretty good indicators."
"I will find the murderer," said Holmes, "Inspector Jones thinks he has solved the crime."
"If we have direct tsunami detection in the open sea, we can forecast how big the tsunami will be."
"Thus any developed race has very little time to be noticed."
"His first rule was to make sure that his crimes had no pattern to them whatsoever so police had as little to track and predict as possible."
"The beginning of the end for the Cambridge Five came in the early 1950s."
"Eric Killmonger makes some pretty good points."
"Kismet can detect some of these common attacks like the deauthentication attack."
"My EMF thing is going off right here, by these boxes!"
"Now is your chance to get on the front end of this. If you're not being honest with us, we're going to know."
"British researchers are trying to find out if dogs can be trained to sniff out people infected with the CCP virus."
"Linda's interrogation unravelled: 'I calmly lied, but they knew.'"
"Are you guys detectives or junior detectives? Wow, you're so perceptive."
"Modern warfare comes down much more to who can detect the enemy first and can you shoot the archer so you don't have to shoot down all of their arrows."
"Using your death note in public is a horrible idea. When someone drops dead, the crowd panics, and you're the only one acting normal, it's much easier for the police to discover you're the killer."
"Objects that are 100 to 203 feet in diameter are detectable."
"This could very well be like the new age of serial killers being caught."
"It's hiding under dense foliage and shrubbery. The only way researchers identified the sites was by using light detection and ranging technology."
"The case against Pat Solace was solved through forensics detective work."
"Empower our genomic sequencing...detect a sequence that's present at less than 0.1."
"We were able to do targeted enhanced surveillance of sequences...identify sequences even before they reach that point one percent threshold."
"Detectives knew they had finally solved the case."
"Being able to identify people who are just abusers masquerading as people who want to have conversations is huge."
"If the distance between the bullet and the enemy is less than 27, I'm going to call it a collision."
"Current thermals can easily detect someone at over 2400 meters"
"What's funny about fraudsters is how arrogant they typically are to believe no one will find out about their fraudulent scheme."
"If we had a Dark Matter particle, we would see just a little flash and a very high-frequency sound."
"It's like detective work, getting a magnifying glass, getting real up close, and you're like, 'I think you did something there.'"
"The pro M is actually looking to actually tell the difference between the different signals whether the Honda and Acura or if it's a police radar gun even if it's on the same frequency."
"This is all happening in real time as it's detecting you."
"From a video that was sent to June, the FBI managed to find Kevin's hiding place."
"It's incredible how many things you can detect."
"Somebody accessed your information and got caught."
"All Might's super hearing and sense aided him in detecting villains easily."
"False leaks AKA a canary trap, that's essentially what it is."
"Let's drop the light fruit over here. Now, can they detect this light fruit?"
"We can detect the spin of black holes through the interactions of the accretion disks around them."
"Honestly, uh, I must be the greatest detex of all time, finding these corpses."
"Early detection can help you have better treatment and be helped."
"I often talk about solutions to the Fermi Paradox on this channel and how we might detect alien civilizations."
"In detect mode, an IDS will tell you badness is occurring."
"The biggest change that we have here now is we've got the subject detection modes."
"It becomes very difficult for the authorities to detect, because it's not only invisible, it's actually changed."
"If you're making life difficult for the bad guys, you're making their attacks noisy, and you're going to be in a better situation to detect the attacks."
"The downside of infrared is it's a detectable system."
"The grin hinted at anger; it didn't want to be seen, but we had spotted it."
"Stalemate detection is also working."
"Auto portrait mode... allows the camera to detect when there is a person or a pet in frame."
"It's perfectly obvious. His nose always twitches when he tells a lie."
"Don't forget, with serial killers, the first time they get caught, they may well have been killing for 20, 30 years."
"The detection of types is one of the most elementary branches of knowledge to the special expert in crime."
"Without scouters, they would have a hard time finding them."
"Mi5 considered using gerbils at airports to detect spies and terrorists, but had to drop the plans due to their inability to distinguish between terrorists and scared passengers."
"The Malwarebytes scan ran and it found 134 infections."
"You can always tell not always you have to be really good at it it's really hard to tell a liar from a Survivor but there are certain things there are like certain things they say."
"Security is about prevention, detection and response."
"There are very few companies that can actually tell you when a vehicle, a person, or even an animal is in frame."
"Insider risk management helps minimize internal risks by enabling an organization to detect, investigate, and act on risky and malicious activities."
"Noise monitoring devices can detect excessive noise to detect a variety of issues depending on where they're placed including intruders maybe breaking a glass or other negative or destructive events."
"I'm pretty good at knowing when someone is lying to me."
"You need to understand the difference between bubbles you create by spraying aggressively and actual bubbles in a leak."
"Who better to spot a scammer than another scammer?"
"The energy that he felt earlier could have only been from zero."
"Dogs can sniff out anything. They can smell cancer, gunpowder, cocaine. Tumors have a smell, everything comes with a smell."
"This massive wall just blanked out our side scan."
"Word prints are detectable even through translation."
"JUNHO, I can smell something suspicious."
"Earlier detection is early a treatment and better visual outcomes."
"Here you can see our little lead test and uh, this is the color detector as much as I don't want it to be that is saying that that is detecting lead in the paint."
"I caught you as Herman but you didn't catch Rosa come out of there."
"The idea of equal opportunity and great abundance of it... was an aspirational environment."
"I'm extraordinarily good at catching people lying."
"I caught an odor of human remains decomposing and so that leads us to stop utilizing the tractor and we start processing this area by hand."
"An important aspect of polygraph countermeasures is your behavior, your comportment inside the polygraph suite."
"So how do you detect these hidden cameras? Let's say you've arrived at a random location for your vacation. You're renting out a lovely apartment. Take out your phone; it'll be an essential and beneficial source for finding clues of hidden cameras."
"Using the entire galaxy as a gravitational wave detector."
"I smell the Lupine taint on you Henry Bravo, how delicious that the righteous Hunter is now a creature that lurks in the shadows too."
"Monitoring these operations can also detect many attacks because attackers are commonly going to use special privileges."
"This rare event can only be discovered with the aid of gigantic detectors."
"The smoking gun was that tiny little puncture wound in that bottle of succinylcholine."
"Russian air defense networks quickly pick up the big, bulky missiles which lack any stealth characteristics whatsoever."
"Cole detected a signal from a spaceship in orbit around the planet."
"Gas leak detector technician essential - it's going to prevent any kind of issue from happening."
"Laura is able to detect and identify an incoming symbol even in very noisy environments."
"The degree of stealth required for a platform to be considered stealth in any given era is really based not on clearly defined universal requirements but rather on how a platform compares to the means of detection leveraged in its day and to similar platforms of its class."
"Notice that it's actually automatically going to detect our different components."
"...food goes unnoticed for a long amount of time because they do not give big symptoms."
"You could smell something wasn't right."
"I knew it was people's footsteps, and I could tell it was more than one person."
"If it hadn't been for one of his shoes falling off as he had a seizure, we might never have even known he was gone."
"The invention could be passed over the human body to detect metal."
"So, back on the Ubuntu VM running Snort, you can actually see the pings being detected based on the rule that we created, which is fantastic."
"We can detect atmospheric pollutants. There's been a paper that's shown you could detect city lights, artificial illumination."
"...the emissivity of the different packed levels of snow you can actually see trails very easily."
"Radar, or radio detection and ranging, uses radio waves to detect objects beyond visual range."
"Signatures of life like ozone, methane, oxygen, and carbon dioxide will be able to be detected if life is present."
"Shot spotter systems prove incredibly valuable in securing your home from potential threats by detecting the sound of gunfire and alerting the police."
"Now when we're detecting an area like this, it's a little bit tougher."
"It's currently the closest thing we have to an ultimate all-in-one feature pack detector."
"There's a lot of other detectors that can do many of the same things that the Redline 360c can, but there's no detector that offers all of the capabilities of the Redline 360c."
"They also have detected various structures underwater that are active."
"The sensitivity of detectors like LIGO reaches down to changes as small as 10 to the minus 18 meters, allowing us to detect cosmic ripples."
"People can detect doses of caffeine at 10 milligrams or below, we've actually shown some people can detect it as a dose lower than two milligrams."
"Radar can't see the air itself, so the only way it can determine what the winds are doing is if there's precipitation that it can see being blown around."
"It's a very good blood test for detecting what we call amalo."
"Nothing or no one will fly up under this radar, baby. I'mma sniff you out like a hound dog."
"An IDS is designed to detect unauthorized attacks to systems or intrusion attempts."
"Early detection, prevention is always the best thing."
"That's concerning that all of his bags are showing readings for narcotics."
"I've got movement," Aunt said, "It's at the edge of our range and keeps skimming in and out of view but it's big, running super quiet."
"Increased visibility increases defensibility, which lets you improve your organization’s detection and response capabilities."
"Arsenic binds to the tissues, it's sort of the ideal thing to have to go look for because it will be there."
"When the human senses reach their limit, man's best friend can become a detective's greatest asset."
"No rival can beat the dog when it comes to finding the scent of the kill."
"The gift of discernment can help us detect hidden error and evil in others."
"What's extraordinary is looking at the new files that have been released on Sonia is actually how close they came to detecting her."
"AI can detect things before we can."
"If you see signs of autism in your child, get them assessed."
"You know how they get caught right away? Most of them get caught right away."
"On September 14, 2015, both LIGO detectors registered a signal from a binary black hole collision."
"Here look, there's motion detected at 3:30 in the morning."
"You’re always gonna get in. The question is are we detected? Is there a response? How competent is that response? Can we talk our way out of it?"
"So, it’s wild to think how Jason may have really saved not only the reputation of this company by detecting these bugs before someone else did, but also potentially saving the lives of some of its users."
"I could log on today and it would be delivered to my house in about 48 hours. You'd actually have to be a fool if you're an intentional cheater to use LGD4033 because it's easy to detect."
"You could also do a smell test just to see if you smell anything burnt."
"Investigators understood how fortunate they were when the cyanide was picked up during Susan Snow's autopsy, leading to the product recalls."
"What do they look for to see if somebody's really lying? So that's a really good question."
"We're about to expose a sneaky, sneaky person who thinks they could get ahead of the game. Be all sneaky, sneaky. I know what you did, Jasper."
"We're noticing that they may be more sensitive at detecting early Alzheimer's disease pathology even better than amyloid scans."
"Weeks of painstaking detective work linked Benjamin Wolfe to a number of associates the Yard was very keen to speak to."
"Jazz can detect signs of movement over great distances, even in total darkness."
"Some of them contained minute traces of cocaine."
"An active braking setup that scans the road ahead at speeds of between five and 112 miles per hour to detect moving objects you might be in danger of hitting."
"Men are much better than women at detecting the presence of a newborn baby from smell alone."
"I caught him in the act, I feel it in my fingers."
"Someone had forged the Rich Header which is kind of remarkable because it’s like hiding a fake fingerprint in the most obscure possible place in the hopes that some extremely diligent detective is gonna look in that corner and find it."
"We could detect the presence of life of a modern advanced civilization on one of those worlds."
"Now we have a built-in detection for that. It will throw an exception if you have accidentally done that."
"Speaking of kitchens, I detect a very pleasant aroma coming from that direction."
"The body is really amazing at hiding disease."
"The skill was in diagnosing whether the echo was from a submarine, a whale, or a school of fish."
"The R3 is capable of detecting the animal right away and in all light conditions, whether it is sunlight, shade, or backlight."
"How does it know who's logged in as? That's the kind of thing they mean, look for stuff that's weird."
"...if you have a good enough detector, maybe every so often you get one of these wimps that will actually do a direct hit on an atom..."
"I have a built-in creepypasta detector that spikes any time a human-shaped thing doesn’t behave the way a human-shaped thing should."
"Have you ever stopped to think that the science of detection is very much like stringing a handful of beads?"
"In order to detect threats hidden within your network, Suricata needs some rules."
"Most criminals are not caught by the clues they leave behind but eventually give themselves away by weaknesses in their own characters."
"What other aspects of our universe are we completely ignorant of just because we can't detect it with our senses or our instruments?"
"Left ventricular hypertrophy represents a way of detecting whether you are at a higher risk from your cardiovascular condition."
"My bias is that early detection leads to earlier treatment and even if the treatments are identical to those that will be used in advanced cancers the outcomes are better because of the lower rate of tumor burden."
"It's interesting to see given the different radioactive sources how they all responded."
"I'm really fascinated that you brought up kind of their ability to blend in I interviewed a CIA agent on the very topic and he said Zara's tradecraft and ability to avoid detection was the best that they had ever dealt with."
"Toph quickly picked up on this type, it's kind of like sonar detecting the exact location and movement of a person or object through their interaction with the ground."
"Our malware wants to stay undetected."
"We see you: 'he found various IP addresses... and then a new file appeared titled hello there... we see you.'"
"So they're it's not like it has to be acidic at three they just can sense very very minor changes."
"That's the biggest tell that someone's lying I'm not even the FBI I know that I watch enough Law and Order SVU to know him some ain't right."
"Eye detection is enabled, it's just fantastic that it's so powerful even in a camera like this."
"The first telescope with a reasonable chance of detecting another Earth."
"It alerted and it actually let us know that there was an additional signal present."
"Skills that came in handy when he sniffed out an Alzheimer's patient."
"Thermal just gives us a huge edge on detection."
"Is there any way potential victims can spot a con artist like Derrick Aldridge? Even though Derek was quite sophisticated and a very effective criminal, there were a few clues that he was a con artist."
"I feel like today you can match a fingerprint so easily. Everything's digitized. I really do think it's harder to be a serial killer. I think it's more difficult because you're just gonna get caught quicker if you're killing that many people."
"Infrared cameras make visible what's invisible to the naked eye."
"The only thing we can do is find different biases so that we can spot where there are issues."
"That'll be another piece of gold. What I love about this detector is it's got such a clear target response."
"No one really respects you enough to do that. They're just gonna go and compile me me cats. It's gonna be unsigned, they're gonna run it, you're not gonna detect it."
"It's over when bad guys secure their objectives. Detection is key, not just prevention."
"...the ability to detect carbon 14 in a sample has risen dramatically."
"That's definitely a way to tell or help you build the case that the coin is real versus being fake."
"Just the presence of a dog can make nervous Smugglers give themselves away."
"The holy grail is detecting progression."
"If he can find you, boom, you failed."
"Why do we want to do an early detection of Alzheimer's disease? Well, this could lead to early diagnosis and lifestyle-based interventions."
"How many pandemics have we missed because they're not much different in terms of their public health impact?"
"The dogs picked up scents of dead people like everywhere."
"Some of the people who are committing murders, even as we speak, if they're doing it by themselves and they tell no one about it, they could go on undetected."
"The detectives were closing in on their man."
"There's just a ton of fraud. It's also more difficult to catch people."
"Technological traces last longer than biosignatures, making them more detectable."
"Now the first clue I want to tell you is that while we're going through this, you'll actually be able to see the issue occurring right before your eyes."
"When you want to see if somebody's being deceptive or not, ask them a yes or no question. If you hear anything other than 'yes' or 'no,' there's some deception associated with it."
"I'm looking for a collision to happen and then I want to see the iceberg detector kick in."
"Pretty litter changes colors to help detect early signs of potential illness in my cat."
"Had the original inquiry had the advancement of forensic technology that we had, hopefully, this case would have been detected in 1983 or 1984."
"We don't actually have like a wood detector or stud detector at the house."
"Using frigate, we can now trigger automations only when people are detected."
"We can literally see within a pulse where the target is."
"I put up those bars myself just now," said Father Brown, "didn't you hear me?"
"The most important object is this one, and then the other ones are like... yeah, it's not really that important if we detect them or not."
"With early detection, it's 100% curable."
"The signal-to-noise ratio, we call it SNR, is the standard measure of a radar's ability to detect a given target at a given range from a radar."
"What we're detecting here is contrast, it's not an absolute change in signal of the infarct, it's the contrast between the infarct and the normal tissue."
"The Nyquist limit determines the maximum frequency we can accurately detect."
"I'm just gonna try my best to shake them and hopefully they don't spot us again."
"Anything where an antibody is going to find is an antigen."