
Spiritual Reassurance Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"The God of the universe, who holds worlds without number in His hands, holds you in His heart because you're His precious daughter or His precious son. Know that you're loved."
"There is no problem or situation that should make us fearful when we understand this: there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear."
"When we are unfaithful, He remains faithful."
"God has not given us the spirit of fear, He gave us the spirit of love and power and a sound mind."
"In the middle of your challenge, Jesus Christ remains king."
"God is not a punisher; He loves unconditionally."
"God isn't trying to change His word for nobody, but what He's saying to you is to give you confidence."
"If God would do that for Manasseh, He'll do it for you and more."
"God knows how to take care of his children... no one gets away with sin."
"Father we thank you for your word we thank you that we have eternal life."
"Jesus told us more than a hundred times, 'Do not be afraid.'"
"God's about to bring clarity into your situation. The veil is about to be removed."
"God is faithful regardless of my present circumstances."
"Your God wants you to know He loves you, He is for you."
"In this uncertain time in your life, your God has got your back."
"Worship reaffirms that God is on the throne and in control."
"God is not going to leave you with less, He is always going to leave you with more."
"Remember when you're talking to the man upstairs just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care."
"If he's making shots, they're basically unbeatable."
"All of your life, God has watched every moment... His love is never wavered."
"You praised gods that can't see, hear, or know. But I know a god who holds your breath in his hand."
"There's not a circumstance that you face that his blood will not touch."
"He bled out for you, he bled out for yourself, he bled out for your worry, he bled out for your pain, he bled out for your problem."
"No matter what we Face, God is actively working for our good."
"God still wants you, that he has a plan for your life."
"When problems arise, the word of God has to be a source of constant reassurance to us."
"I am your good deeds coming back to you, bringing you glad tidings."
"We've got nothing to fear. God put these celestial bodies into orbit, and that's the God that we serve."
"God will be with you, Jesus said I will never leave you nor forsake you."
"Listen to me when you realize that all of God's promises are yes and amen in Jesus, you already have everything you need promised to you."
"Our Lord came to him. He'll come to you. He came to where he was."
"You cannot win elections if you do not show the population that you are genuinely different than the Republicans."
"You can't threaten a child of God with going to heaven."
"Synchronicities are gentle assurances from your twin flame, affirming their affection and presence in your life."
"Choose Jesus Christ... He will never leave you nor forsake you."
"God loves you, and that is one thing that if you pull into your heart and have in your heart, you will never have it taken away."
"Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humble yourself before your God, your words have been heard."
"Know that you are not alone and know that God is with you."
"Here's the good news: God doesn't leave us hangin high and dry."
"Allah is closer to us than our jugular vein so realize that Allah is near Allah is not just there he's near but we're gonna be chic and sometimes"
"Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed because of his compassion."
"He's good, and that he speaks, that he loves you, and that the conversation is not over."
"This is your day and he's with you for you, he's not against you."
"My god is a god who shows up in my wilderness places, in my desert places."
"God's word is alive and well, and it will work for you."
"No matter how bad it looks, God is on the throne."
"That's a good enough answer. Yeah, that is awesome, God."
"You don't need to be afraid. We need to take strength and confidence and peace knowing that God's ultimate endgame is to bring you to the throne room of God's glory in heaven above."
"Trust the character of God, even when you don't understand."
"He had always been there, and none of the bad stuff that had happened was God's fault."
"There's no condemnation left right here in this verse...there's none left."
"I'm right here with you, I will never leave you or forsake you."
"He put his faith in Jesus, the one who raises the dead."
"Don't allow this season of fear, anxiety, and doubt to rob you of your reality that God is as strong as he has ever been."
"My grace is all you need. My grace is sufficient for you. My power works best in weakness."
"There's no backsliding from the one who loves you, he's going to come get you, he leaves the 99 to get the one, nobody can pluck us out of the hands of him."
"The Lord promises to take care of His kids, His people, His elect, His bride."
"Your prayers are being answered, Leo. I don't know how else to tell you."
"We all face storms in life, but God is our refuge and shelter, ready to cover us with His wings when troubles come."
"The perfect love of Christ, the perfect love of the Heavenly Father would cast out all your fear."
"Have faith in God, have faith in the universe that all will be well."
"Rest tonight, the things you have been worrying about God is already working on it."
"Be not ye therefore like unto them, for your heavenly father knows what things you have need of before you ask."
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail."
"My grace is sufficient for what you struggle with."
"God is for you, no weapon formed against you will prosper." - Romans 8:31
"He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater." - Annie Johnston Flint
"You're confident that your past has been forgiven. You have a purpose for living. You have a home in heaven."
"Isn't it beautiful to know that Jesus loves us with an everlasting love?"
"God's word haven't changed, it remained the same."
"If you believe that no matter what struggle happens in life that God's always got your back, you're going to be okay."
"God's going to turn everything that looks bad, that people say is bad, He's going to turn it for good."
"We're really living in those times where if the world, those in the world who are not saved, it's very frightening for them. Those of us who know the Lord Jesus Christ, have been born again, that know the Bible, we have nothing to fear."
"The first thing that loved ones in spirit want us to know is that they're okay and they also want us to know that they love us."
"God's in control; He's had this all planned."
"God loves you already; He will never ever stop loving you."
"For he has said, 'I will never fail you nor forsake you.'"
"Jesus is the most incredible loving being that could possibly exist and never think you are beyond his mercy never think it's too late we tell you this love conquers all and the love of Christ wants us to come back to him."
"Because you've lived your life as Christians, you've got a promise."
"He's not going to reject you he's not going to cast you aside if your faith is in Christ Jesus and you are surrendered to the work of the Holy Spirit"
"The Lord says he still cares because he still has more than a remnant."
"We're messed up, our hearts condemn us, but God is greater than our heart, he knows all things."
"It's not that God hasn't answered your prayer, he answered it the day you prayed."
"God has too much invested in you to throw you to the curb now."
"As much as evil is controlling the world, God's got a bigger plan."
"In the midst of the storm, notice that the cockpit is occupied and Almighty God is in control."
"You'll hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed." - Jesus
"Trust in God's sovereignty, regardless of what storms and trials are happening in your life today."
"You are exactly where you're meant to be, trust in the divine plan."
"There is nothing too hard for God to handle."
"That's my living miracle, that is my proof that God loves me and He's for me. He'll never leave me, He'll never abandon me, He's a promise giver, He's a promise keeper today, that's my Georgia."
"God loves you infinitely more than you could ever ever comprehend so know that that's a fact."
"Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ."
"You matter, that's why your spirit guides chose you."
"Don't mistake God's patience for his absence, his timing is perfect and his presence is constant, he is always with you."
"God is still enough even in our storms." - Vanessa Snipe
"Sometimes God gives you a little down payment that let you know the rest of the payments are on their way."
"Prayer is like white noise, like elevator music. But when you're still, you're going to God for counsel."
"I see that God has been with me this whole time."
"He has heard your cry. You have asked him over and over to retain a fresh work to all."
"The most high said nothing is wasted. Let me repeat that for the people in the back. The most high said nothing is wasted. Not them tough times you've been through, that's not wasted. All them nights you shed them tears, that's not wasted, man."
"Jacob shall return, have rest, be quiet, and no one shall make him afraid." - Remarkable peace awaits.
"God's forgiveness is vastly bigger than your sin."
"Whatever problem you run in tomorrow he's already got it fixed."
"I receive bad things... there are no longer remains any punishment or a sacrifice other than Jesus for that matter."
"Times are gonna get rough, but I'm here to remind you that Jesus is alive and conquered, and then you have eternal life."
"In God's presence, there is no room for fear. It is an invitation to cast aside the shackles of anxiety and embrace the liberating truth that we are under the protective wing of the almighty."
"In the end, He will wipe away every tear and all pain, including yours. No matter what happens, God is in control."
"God is good on that, but in the meantime spot him while you still healing and making a hundred percent."
"Everything that we're witnessing is scriptural and biblical and prophetic all by the hand of God God is in complete control of what's going on in this world there is zero to fear."
"Don't ever think because you've had ten issues one after the other that Allah hates you, no, in fact, he loves you."
"You don't have to leave here tonight worrying about some things you've done that are wrong. It's all been taken care of at the cross."
"So here's the good news it doesn't matter what they say miracles signs wonders prophecy apostles preachers teachers evangelists they're still going to be doing the will of God on earth you can't stop it."
"God will get you where you need to be when you need to be there."
"If you've been seeing 644 this is better your confirmation, you are loved."
"God is faithful. He is faithful to keep his promises."
"You're being protected from something, it's for your highest good."
"God will never lead you to fall off the cliff, he will never lead you to get in debt over your head and can't do what you ought to be doing."
"I will give you back your health and heal your wounds," says the Lord.
"Challenges are temporary; God's promises are eternal."
"God is in control he always has been he always will be."
"Psalms 91 is still true through this whole last year."
"Your prayers are being answered... answers will come soon."
"God has given it, you better just leave me alone okay? I'm doing fine."
"You guys, they want you to know you're not alone, please."
"Why are you worried about the wind and the waves when you got Jesus in your boat?"
"God will not give you something you can't handle."
"God is fully merciful to me, a sinner, and he's fully justified in sending me to heaven."
"God's plan is always the best sometimes the process is painful and hard."
"We cannot spend our lives living in worry and doubt."
"One of the clearest signs that God is with you is peace beyond all comprehension."
"The second thing that God reminded me of was that God answers prayer."
"God has promised that everything is going to turn out okay."
"If he ever speaks in a dream or Vision we shouldn't be scared, for he is the prince of peace." - Kenoi
"It's not on me to figure it out and just to sometimes we need to remind ourselves remind that anxiety who the God is that we serve for real."
"No matter what the day is, God is still good."
"Love you guys, you're saved and sealed forever."
"God is not going to give you more than you can handle." Psalm 36:5
"You're not under wrath, you're under mercy."
"God loves his children, he knows we're goofy, he knows we're weak and broken."
"He will love you no matter where you are at; you are never in a position where God does not love you."
"There are more angels than demons in existence, and that is so important to understand."
"But fear not, for I am your God, the one who has watched over you from the very beginning."
"If ever you're scared, just call on the name of God."
"God has promised you that He will never leave you nor forsake you."