
Reminder Quotes

There are 2485 quotes

"Jesus came down almost to bring forward this awareness again and to remind everybody."
"Here's your reminder, Americans off the internet, go do your taxes. It's important."
"Remember to take care of yourselves, please."
"Let me just refresh my memory on how much you generate."
"Remember, businesses get killed by forgetting to market themselves."
"Enjoy what you have when you have it, even the silence with no internet, no nothing was welcomed and a good reminder of things."
"Moments like this are very important because they serve as a reminder of what we're fighting for."
"We just need to remember who we are. We are the United States of America, the United States of America."
"He's always reminding her of what's really important in life."
"He's just reminding everyone why they like him."
"It's a powerful reminder of what the game is and always will be for the fans. 100."
"I just want to give a quick reminder, if you haven't hit that subscribe button, smash that."
"Destruction of the city of Mosul, a sad reminder of devastation."
"The iron ring is a constant reminder of their solemn obligation to the public and their profession."
"This photo serves as a super cool reminder of just how technologically advanced we really are."
"Wow, well thanks for bringing it up and reminding the audience."
"Can you just remind people that the struggle they're facing there is ongoing?"
"Until we meet again, remember the two most important words: much love and Blaze."
"All it does is remind everyone that they've abandoned their family completely."
"Bins, I would say, 'I need to take the bins out.' Did you take the bin out?"
"Every time it happens I'm so grateful for the reminder."
"A chilling reminder of the brutality faced during the Civil Rights Movement."
"Don't forget that people, even people you engage with on the internet, are still people."
"Always gotta buckle up, guys. Always remember to buckle up."
"It is just a reminder of the systemic failures of the system."
"This should serve as a friendly reminder to fact-check your information, cross-reference sources."
"Reminder to have a little compassion out there folks."
"A stark reminder of the impacts of climate change."
"That's an important statement, just put that in your hat."
"It's just a reminder of the human cost to it all."
"This has been a stark reminder of how we can affect positive change."
"A drop in the bucket for her, just a quick reminder."
"I'm telling you no, there's Reid Henrichs of Valor Ridge reminding you the lessons that we learn."
"Let's hug our loved ones when you leave here today, go hug your loved ones."
"A chilling reminder of humanity's darkest moments."
"The trumpets serve as a powerful reminder of the sovereignty of God over all creation."
"Just keep that in the back your mind as you're learning."
"A fantastic reminder that people need to keep in mind."
"If you haven't reread The Hunger Games in a while, it might be time."
"This story serves as a stark reminder of the crucial role law enforcement plays."
"I hope you said thank you." - A reminder to express gratitude.
"You gotta stay hydrated... stay hydrated folks."
"Have you had some water? Have you eaten today? Take care of yourself."
"Did I mention you should be saving all the time? Control S, yes I did."
"Eat, oh yeah! Don't forget to eat. When you forget to eat, you feel like [ __ ] the next day."
"Don't ever let a day go by without telling your family you love them."
"I'm excited to have a good time, and if you are - don't forget that - like one. Okay, do not forget the like one. Okay?"
"You're an amazing family, you've just forgotten it."
"Daughters of the Earth is a reminder of how we treat the Earth affects everything else."
"The Chosen is a much needed reminder that Christ is alive."
"Remember people, it's WrestleMania time. You better not miss it."
"Some effort to, like I don't know, I guess to the best of my ability remind people of what was fun about this community in the first place."
"Last one is Watson, I forgot how slow the cycle is."
"Helen ends his speech by reminding them that the kingdom is still in a predicament."
"If you're not a believer in Christ today, you're suffering that right now. You're being peeled back. For the believer, we're being reminded and we're actually being strengthened by this."
"It's a genuine reminder: please hydrate, 'cause it's the most important thing you need to do every day."
"You already ordered Ziplocs, you told us at Costco!"
"Hug and kiss the ones you love, tell them every single day tomorrow's not guaranteed."
"If you think you're subscribed you want to be, why not take this moment to have a little check?"
"How many of y'all needed this reminder that Facebook and social media isn't real?"
"Our Deen teaches us that even if you're not learning something new, even if you're told something from before that you're reminded of it, it is still beneficial. It still benefits you."
"So yeah, just something to keep in mind, not really a big deal."
"Admiral arasodus left it there not only as a mark of retribution but as a reminder to the Klingons."
"And if you are in the market for wheels tires in suspension don't forget to head on over to fitment industries dot-com."
"I love you. Remember to take your meds today, okay?"
"The note, a priceless reminder of their beloved son, Bryan, who died in an accident 15 years ago."
"We've just got the second seat, yeah, this is so, it's such a short reminder."
"It's just kind of a neat little reminder that you're in something special."
"It's important to drink water, we always forget."
"Maybe I would encourage you to set a reminder, check back in 20 years and see, maybe we might actually be on track for something like this playing out."
"Presenting a stark reminder of the enormity of the tsunami"
"Jack whenever someone reminds me the promise he made."
"Just remember guys, slowly and then suddenly."
"It's time to run through them all just in case you forgot."
"Please don't forget to check them out as well."
"Let this be a reminder to you, it'll never fall off."
"Let's not forget to be at least say a prayer before bed, okay?"
"We're reminding the nation that it's built on freedom."
"Follow the plan and I have it on my desk so that I'm always being reminded together with another mug that I have that says trade what you see, not what you think."
"Remember the variable on the pot or rmj hooligan."
"This catastrophe highlights the importance of safety measures."
"If you laugh today, just make sure you test yourself again this coming Sunday."
"These things are all community based... just remember that."
"Schmidt spent the rest of his life behind bars, becoming a haunting reminder of the evil that can exist within seemingly ordinary individuals."
"We fear when we forget." - Reminder of the importance of maintaining focus on faith rather than succumbing to fear.
"Verdicts serve as a reminder of the power of due process."
"Reminding people that they're loved and appreciated is never a bad thing."
"I must not forget, we must not forget, that we are human beings."
"Remember why you started, and I guarantee that even if you do have bad days or weeks, you'll never actually fall out of fitness."
"If you care about any of that... go ahead and set your alarms for October 16th at 7 p.m. Eastern Time."
"Jack needs to be reminded that he's not paying anybody; we are."
"Make memories, y'all. Life is not guaranteed."
"This case is a stark reminder that the pursuit of Justice should never be compromised."
"Last but not least, don't forget to love each other."
"This is your sign to write your wife or your husband or a fiance a little love note."
"I totally forgot, Tyler. I will do so tonight."
"Here is a friendly reminder of how this all originally started. Now you stand right there with your glowing silver white hair. Don't blink." - Vegeta
"Good luck to everyone that enters and I'll probably mention this a few more times before we draw the winners."
"Quick reminder keep your distance I meant to say from the beginning when I forgot dang it you want to creep keep your distance."
"Every single time you have to do it, you are reminded again in a loud way."
"Don't forget to hug each other more, I do love you all."
"Thanks for watching, don't forget to leave a comment."
"Perhaps you have forgotten how this game is played. Allow me to remind you."
"You never know... go give him a hug send him a text message something like that because you never know."
"Don't forget to let me know what's on your day of birth item."
"Remind them how much money you want to make again this year."
"Take care of yourself, don't forget to subscribe, and I see you to the next video."
"It's great that it reminds you to exercise and tracks how you're doing."
"...he only wanted to remind others of something important."
"Please don't forget to hit that subscribe button and turn on that bell to never ever miss a daily video."
"My girls are always like giving me a reminder that life is so beautiful."
"Go enjoy the rest of your day and move, please; the four hours of sitting with minimal breaks is definitely time to move after four hours."
"It was a reminder to relax my expectations for the rest of the year."
"This is your friendly reminder to do a crafting spring clean."
"Make sure you're drinking your water."
"Don't forget to put on your visors this weekend; it's going to be a sunny one."
"Remember to laugh as much as you breathe."
"Remember to take care of yourself. Sometimes you forget because you're too busy taking care of other people. You are important too."
"Excuse me sir, but are you staying hydrated?"
"We really had to remind people what death was."
"This will serve as a reminder not only for ourselves but many of you guys."
"If you haven't had a chance to drink some water today, go ahead and drink some water."
"...the entire world is an arena and we need the Hunger Games to remind everyone who we truly are."
"Dinner party tip: don't forget to eat."
"Please don't forget to drink some water."
"Before you go, be sure to delete all the resources you've created."
"Remember to be kind to one another."
"None of them should forget that they all are humans at the end of the day."
"I'm a bit traumatized, but not to the point that I'm going to forget to remind you about the Golden Tee of Mythicality giveaway."
"It's just a reminder about the real world and kind of the bigger goals of having fun and enjoying yourself."
"Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and the bell button, and I'll see you very soon for another video. Bye!"
"Hey, remember to smile; it will help you remain positive."
"He wants to keep the scar from Vegeta's attack as a reminder to never again be complacent."
"Since you've both been good this year, I'll let you have your day of cheer, but I'll leave this to remind you not to go peeping, especially when you should be sleeping."
"The chilling incident serves as a stark reminder of the Hidden dangers lurking even in everyday moments"
"He's always been weak, but Raditz reminds him who's been ahead this whole time."
"This is an essential part of the American experience. It's a mirror to who we are, and a reminder of who we can be."
"Every soul will taste death. Oh people, whoever worshipped Muhammad, Muhammad remains no more. Fear the Almighty Allah and grab hold of your deen."
"Happy birthday, I wanted to remind you an aquarium date with Scarlett."
"Don't forget to be do stay positive."
"It's smart for the writing to do that to remind the viewers even just a week before."
"Don't forget to subscribe, otherwise we'll wave sharp pointy things at you."
"That's why you always leave a note."
"Don't forget to be... stay positive."
"Thanks so much for joining us, and of course, remember in the end, Jesus wins."
"Before I leave demeter, don't forget to toss a like on the video."
"Nature is quick to remind us that that is not our domain."
"This is your sign to clean your brushes."
"You're reminding me, hey it's not easy, it's not."
"As always, remember to be kind to yourself and others."
"It appears that Carol still wears her ring to this day, a reminder of the love and commitment that she and Jack had for each other."
"Please remember I'm Alex, I'm your little sister."
"Better put five cents in the meter."
"The Tacoma still will not let you forget that it's a truck that weighs over 5,000 lb."
"Everybody poops... it's important."
"Don't let yourself forget that you just got through this workout."
"You're gonna die. Everybody in this room is gonna die."
"A reminder to anybody watching just how beautiful the game of baseball can be."
"He reminded everyone the magic is still there."
"A stark reminder of the transient nature of fame."
"Drink water, drink water, drink water."
"Y'all drink enough water today? This is your reminder."
"You guys are reminded how gifted you guys truly are."
"Nature roundhoused me in the face with a solid reminder."
"Don't forget to vote in November."
"Akira reminds me of how dangerous this world can get."
"Everybody dies, don't think that."
"Books like this come out to show people, to remind them who we are and that there is something else."
"Spirit wants to give you a reminder to celebrate. Make sure that you celebrate those times; they're not going to come around again."
"I left this lawsuit last because it's just a reminder that any business or investment comes with risk."
"Anyway, this is your sign to stretch, stretch right now don't end up like your friend Katie."
"Never forget that God is absolutely good."
"And most importantly, do not forget to have yourselves have a great day."
"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."
"This would have been a wonderful reminder of their special day."
"Here's your annual reminder of what an amazing daughter you have."
"Freshers flu is real it's a thing I already knew it was a thing so it's not really a discovery is it but still I've been reminded that if freshers flu as a thing."
"...son don't forget that I love Christopher."
"It's an unsettling reminder that all of our grasps on Humanity are looser than you think."
"This just reminds me like how good people are."
"Receiving this message is reminding me of something that I already know exists in my heart."
"Remember to drink water and have a great rest of your day."
"I'm calling because it looks like your account, your credit card here with us, is currently a payment past due."
"One last quick reminder to check out Adobe Express."
"This skeletal form is a reminder that despite your status, everyone will return to bones and dust."
"Love is free, remember that. Love is free."
"He's watching without subscribing. He's an old man, he doesn't understand that. Subscribe!"
"Don't forget to give this video a like."
"Don't forget to always smile and be kind."
"Don't forget to hit the like button."
"Don't forget to respect the drive."
"Remember to always keep your head up and keep that crown lit."
"Become more self-aware and remind yourself of why you started in the first place."
"The missionaries reminded the settlers and Indians that Kenya is primarily an African country."
"This is your polite reminder that TNA Slammiversary is today so watch it or I'll smack you."
"Absolutely don't forget to subscribe."
"I just want to remind everyone, despite what we drew today, Moonstone Island is a cozy game."
"Make sure that you like us wherever it is that you get your shows... just make sure that you set your calendar, make sure that you like and subscribe and follow so you can raise your health IQ's as soon as we put that out there for you."
"A win is a win, always remember that."