
Cryptocurrency Advocacy Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"The truth is that Dogecoin is a great cryptocurrency."
"Dogecoin is the future cryptocurrency of earth don't forget it."
"Doge will shake up the non-believers and will silence the haters."
"Elon Musk says he supports cryptocurrency in a battle with fiat money like government-backed coins and bills."
"If a banking system tells you you can't buy Bitcoin that's an advertisement that the next like you know a few years you probably want to own Bitcoin."
"Cryptocurrency is so much better... do not listen to the propaganda."
"If that is the way that the world is going I do think it's even more important that the West embraces decentralized cryptocurrencies."
"Not being in crypto is a financial crime. Get into crypto, get your friends into crypto."
"I just want to share with you guys because it's very important very important for people to hear why why I'm so bullish on bitcoin why these guys could buy and price doesn't go up."
"Let's rebuild our society that we want using bitcoin as the standard of the money; bitcoin standard is the way to go."
"Now I see why he moved out so he could do this [ __ ] by himself."
"You have to go for the money aspect of it. If you can say we will take our wealth out of this system, we will move it to a better system like Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is the way and the more you learn about the macro stuff, the more you realize that we need something better."
"Bitcoin is our only hope in this, but of course, what do the governments do? They don't want you in Bitcoin. They want to keep their Ponzi scheme going, and we just allow it. But people are getting fed up and they're understanding."
"The Fiat system, the banking system is actually helping make the case for why Bitcoin is a necessity."
"Stay strong, huddle. There hasn't been a better technology since bitcoin for being sound money."
"If you love this country, fight for crypto, fight for America."
"Now that you're through the China fud and you're through all the Bitcoin is China coin type ridiculous narrative now the next question is well is Bitcoin good for the world?"
"If you're watching this Channel right now, you are one of the patient ones. You understand the value of crypto, you understand how it's going to be disrupting the financial system, and you're here for it."
"Bitcoin is a tool for human rights and freedom."
"Bitcoin is that one piece, that freedom piece, that's trying to upset all this."
"We don't need that but we got addicted to it. We're addicted to inflation and bitcoin's a savior period. That's the point of the stream."
"Mark Cuban is a bitcoin bull. He's a big bitcoin bull."
"Stick with it, stay in the game. Bitcoin is here to stay."
"Crypto is for the people. Crypto is for the people. This is why I call her the banking broad."
"Doge is in fact the way; there's no doubt about that."
"Bitcoin is the ultimate form of money... foundational to a moral and civilized society."
"The whole world knows it, and the thing is, all those people that you've been telling for all these years about cryptocurrency and everything, they're finally gonna say you were right."
"Cryptocurrency is the red pill finance period. It's the only way where you can take control of your money."
"I think the endgame is crypto or some form of global digital currency."
"Invest in people's currency, decentralized, not tied to any state."
"It's the only way to convert your fiat money financial terrorism into freedom."
"Civilization is moving to Bitcoin, and those left in the old world will be left in the dark ages."
"Bitcoin is still early days. You're very, very early if you're buying now."
"Cryptocurrency and the things I'm building are some of the only good things I know going on in the world."
"Salvador's president naively taunts Economist Steve Henke after Bitcoin's price skyrockets."
"Bitcoin is the best money ever created, period."
"All the Bitcoin maxies out here feel like, 'No, the government can't stop me.' Let me know how that works out for you."
"Crypto in the long run wins... That's why I'm invested into it."
"Commissioner Hester Pierce has actively tried to help the cryptocurrency community."
"Everybody needs to know that bitcoin is the way that we prevent this kind of malicious activity happening in the traditional financial ecosystem."
"Physical silver, Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin will act as a silver bullet against all the things that are wrong with this world."
"We need to be using uh bitcoin and cryptocurrency that's actually a lot better for the environment than what you were talking about."
"Bitcoin really is the perfected asset, the apex asset in the financial jungle."
"She's carrying the torch for the entire bitcoin community and I think she views it as an opportunity for her legacy."
"The only wrong answer is zero, everybody should have some bitcoin."
"I hope things work out for UST because I love the fact that they are really focusing on a true decentralized stablecoin that nobody can interfere with."
"Bitcoin gives us the ability to say no to insults on our sovereignty, on our dignity."
"Bitcoin takes a fundamental mind shift change in taking agency over decisions."
"US regulators, now is the time to step up and lean into digital currencies. Remaining complacent is actually setting us back."
"Bitcoin is a greater instrument of freedom than the U.S Constitution." - Robert Breedlove
"Bitcoin is also the only way for us to really maintain our freedom and liberty as a society."
"The bigger the government gets... the better cash sounds." - Crypto Face
"If that doesn't convince you to buy Bitcoin, well I don't really know what will."
"Bitcoin is money for your enemies... it's a free market money... it's like the purest form of Austrian economics."
"Be proud of any cryptocurrency you own. You are one part of one percent that owns cryptocurrency."
"Everything that's happened has proven the need for Bitcoin and Bitcoin only."
"We're going up because we're simply stating the facts, letting people know why Dogecoin is good."
"The best ever advertisement for Bitcoin is what we're living through."
"We've seen the number of allies on champion on both sides aisle grow from around five or six in 2017 when it was just me and him working on this to having dozens now both in the house and the Senate uh being pro-crypto."
"Cardano is vastly superior... it's becoming increasingly clear."
"Bitcoin: digital gold, send anywhere, best performing asset."
"Crypto is the future, whether you want to accept it or not. Obviously have your real estate, have your precious metals or whatever, but if you're not in cryptocurrency, quite frankly, with all due respect, you're pretty stupid."
"I believe that Bitcoin is one answer to this."
"Bitcoin is the ultimate successor to hard money."
"You have to give them that story, you have to give them the 'why.' Why are you doing this? Because Satoshi Nakamoto said so, and it was good."
"I'm on team Ethereum because Ethereum is a far more decentralized network."
"Shout out to him for all his efforts and everybody else Tom Emmer and everyone else that's been a part of the crypto movement there and awareness in Congress."
"I'm thankful for all of you supporting me. The XRP community is real and we are clearly pushing back against all these asshats at the SEC."
"Bitcoin is mathematically, thermodynamically, the best there is. It must succeed."
"Bitcoin emboldened me to really call out in the world."
"Bitcoin is a financial life-saving technology."
"I think people need a way to protect their wealth, and Bitcoin's a great way to do that."
"Not only is it gonna help your wallet, it's going to be good for the world. That is something you need to look at for Cardano."
"The counter to CBDCs in many cases is things like Bitcoin that say okay it doesn't matter what the borders of a country are it doesn't matter no one can just like confiscate your Bitcoin if you hold the keys."
"Cryptocurrencies are the best opportunity we have ever been given." - Ralph Paul
"Bitcoin is money for a digital age where we can have instant transactions and instant settlement at the same time." - Speaker
"Bitcoin may be the only asset you can actually rely on."
"What better way to hammer those evil hedge funds than to follow up the short cut colonoscopy with a moonshot in bitcoin?"
"Long term, high inflation is only going to help Bitcoin."
"Why won't they tell the truth... XRP is faster, more scalable?"
"Bitcoin is the best form of money that we have ever created."
"The antidote has been and always will be honest money, and the digital gold of the day is the cryptocurrency standard."
"Holding cryptocurrency at this moment in time in this moment in history is probably one of the smartest things anybody could be doing." - Working Money Channel
"Bitcoin is humanity's best hope for a better future."
"Bitcoin is the answer. It's a payment network and system that no one can stop."
"Cryptocurrency is better, blockchain technology is better, and it's going to be a part of the future."
"Have you ever thought about that? Bitcoin fixes this."
"I'm not kidding when I say this, like genuinely this is the most productive I've ever been."
"Crypto is for everyone, that's what makes it beautiful."
"I've been right all along, and you are too if you're in XRP making it rain for a herd shoes."
"Definitely giving Minecraft vibes. I mean, look at the dirt blocks and then there's like a stone block also."
"I believe that's why we need to get legal precedent going forward, not just for Ripple and XRP but for the entire crypto space."
"The long-term solution to hyperinflation, to inflation, to economic uncertainty, is right in front of us, and that's Bitcoin."