
Humanitarian Work Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the Universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination."
"Walter's incredible legacy on the field was matched but yet probably exceeded by his humanitarian work off the field."
"I worked at a free hospital in India for 11 years."
"These enduring memories of Diana's last campaign against landmines in Sarajevo just days before her death have elevated the late Princess to a near religious status."
"Showing us her voice, ambition for humanitarian work, and her steadfast commitment to women and girls."
"We are just getting started. We have done 36 disaster deployments in the last four years."
"Paris and Prince accepted a humanitarian award on behalf of their dad."
"Nobody took the time to just like take a moment and just listen to what you had to say. That has to be exhausting."
"You might receive rewards or bonuses, completing a project or gaining from a humanitarian effort."
"We need to be next to the people that need us the most."
"She’s often remembered as one of the greatest humanitarians of the 20th century."
"The criticism that most often falls on Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity has to do with the quality of care they provided."
"Others are coming to Plains to honor him in whatever time remains, what he did for the poor, for the disadvantaged, and all over the world to try to make a difference."
"The United Nations does extraordinary good around the world -- feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, mending places that have been broken."
"Diana became an international campaigner against landmines."
"Curing a thousand people of their blindness is a wonderful thing."
"I'm starting a new role at a non-profit focused on humanitarian civilian protection in conflict zones."
"His humanitarian efforts have taken priority over his movie making."
"Your humanitarian work will be publicly recognized. You will be on TV shows like Oprah to talk about what you're doing."
"Their work on the famine has been very important."
"I'm delighted to join my honourable friend... tackling Ebola and they are some of the most brave and remarkable people I've met."
"I highly support the Red Cross the Red Cross has been nothing but a perfect Exemplar of humanitarian Aid around the world they help anyone and everyone."
"Adelman's work reshaped global understanding of refugee crises."
"We are raising money for Doctors Without Borders."
"Shout out again to the charity of the day which is Doctors Without Borders."
"Thousands of individuals representing dozens of nationalities can be found providing assistance to people caught in crises around the world."
"We're working in almost 70 countries doing humanitarian medical emergency aid work."
"After retiring from the screen, she became a humanitarian and animal rights activist."
"Look at Mother Teresa laboring in the streets of Kolkata, yet who's more spiritually powerful than she?"
"It's an enormous privilege for me to be invited here to Angola in order to assist the Red Cross in its campaign."
"When I'm in Ukraine, when I'm doing my work, when I'm saving lives, that's why I'm happy."
"My best time spent saving lives is in Ukraine."
"This is going to take a mammoth task of NGOs going in, and the problem is we see this even now. There is very little to no coordination at times when these NGOs are going in."
"We're doing this for humanitarian purposes."
"Working in fragile and conflict-affected states is gonna be our specialty."
"I've been to Romania five times to rescue street dogs out there."
"She was diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder... she used to travel to participate in the construction of schools, Wells, anything that can help people who lived in precariousness."
"We work to feed the hungry, we work to heal the sick in medicine."
"The majority of the humanitarian workers are Gazans; they are the ones who are affected by the conflict themselves, and they, while being affected, are trying to deliver the much-needed humanitarian assistance on an ongoing basis."
"She has helped Refugee mothers with children and families who have lost their homes."
"Joe is a dedicated humanitarian; she fought for gender equality at home and in developing countries."
"Medicine is a science, but it's an art, it's a humanity."
"She devoted her life to caring for the poor."
"She did a lot of work for the poor, she fed the hungry, she visited prisoners in jail all the time."
"I would love to be able to make my money from acting and then be able to use the nursing for things like Doctors Without Borders."
"Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter have done more good things for more people in more places than any other couple on the face of the Earth."
"I've always been involved in the alleviation of suffering."
"We have to be there but when the governments are not decisive in the action we end up exposing more of our staff in dangerous situations."
"A lot of people pouring their heart and soul and expertise into making sure one of the world's most vulnerable populations gets the best care they can."
"We are working for the freedom of mankind."
"She's even volunteering to help Syrian refugees."
"Your destiny, your purpose involves helping and healing humanity."
"She was heavily involved with relief efforts for Typhoon Yolanda via Red Cross, which had affected parts of her hometown."
"We really need to work for humanity."
"Dr Richard was a brilliant physician and great humanitarian."
"We serve humanity beyond borders."
"I practice both in America and in the dental clinic at Dr. Schweitzer's Hospital in Africa."
"Mother Teresa's dedication earned her the Nobel Peace Prize."
"Throughout the chapters of his storied career, he has written a compelling narrative of compassion, consistently extending a helping hand to those in need."
"He went to some of the most violent and unstable environments and communities and he brought safety and peace to those places."
"I volunteer with our Operation Underground Railroad, and our task is to stop child trafficking, which is amazing."
"Her legacy lives on through the millions of hearts she touched all around the world."
"The most important task is to predetermine chivalrous values and work for the good of humanity."
"We do announce missionary work, we do share what we're doing with humanitarian work."
"Her quiet revolution transformed her public image from that of a controversial figure to that of a respected humanitarian and entrepreneur."
"I've taken it to quite a few weddings, I have brought it to Bangladesh when I was working with Heifer International."
"Disaster Response is the official title, but you quickly discover it means so much more than that."
"You're working on this to feed everybody, right? Like including those humans."
"This type of involvement of the Coalition in humanitarian work or reconstruction work is compromising our security in Afghanistan to the point that more lives could be lost."
"You're literally dealing with people's lives and potentially saving them."
"Dolly did an incredible job and continues to do humanitarian work across the US and around the world to this day."
"If you're involved with humanitarian efforts or like the good of the whole and the good of the people and the good for animals or good for everybody, those type of projects are very well supported."