
Predestination Quotes

There are 682 quotes

"Indeed, whomever Allah guides, no one can ever misguide him, and whomever Allah chooses to misguide, no one can guide him back to the straight path."
"I know, O Lord, that the Most High is now called Merciful, for He has mercy on those who have not yet come into the world."
"Predestination or free will in the Quran? Both."
"Whomsoever Allah guides, none can lead astray, and whomsoever Allah leaves to go astray, none can guide."
"God chose you before the foundations of the earth."
"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee."
"For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight."
"Your destiny will find you, even if you run from it. You were born to wield the power."
"We all have a reason for being here, we all planned out our life."
"Everyone watching us and in the studio audience is pre-programmed for victory."
"God is omniscient, he knows all things before they ever happen."
"Everybody should have confidence that whatever you're going to face in life, the Lord saw before creation ever happened."
"Nothing happens by accident, it's always planned out ahead of time."
"Nothing is ever an accident; it's all planned ahead of time."
"I have written and sealed it, even before you were born, I love you, and no one can harm you."
"God already knew that this was going to happen and he put me in a place where I was mentally stronger than I've ever been before."
"God wrote a book about you before you were born!"
"God had already planned everything beforehand."
"The Son of God chose apostles, acknowledging they were already predestinated."
"No man is able to come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him."
"Whenever we start looking at our life from this perspective, that's when it becomes clear that everything that we experience in this life, we really did agree on before we came here."
"God already had this figured out way before I did."
"Every single choice that's ever been made in this entire universe was always scripted."
"Everything that happens is by Allah's will, predetermined and known by Him."
"I am not pro-choice, I'm pre-choice! I was chosen before the foundation of the world!"
"You matter to me. I have loved you before you were born."
"It's so thrilling to know that the Lord knew there was such a person as Joseph Miller."
"God speaks in the past tense because it's already happening."
"The atonement wasn't Plan B to clean up the mess Adam and Eve made of things it was from the foundation of the world."
"God has already prepared good works in advance for us to do."
"God knew everything would happen before the beginning of time."
"Sometimes in history you find someone whose very name seems to have pre-destined them for a specific career."
"Everything that is happening in your life has already been written."
"Grace chooses us, that idea was birthed in Grace, that life started in Grace, you were saved by grace through faith in Jesus, Jesus died before you even took your first breath, his grace chose you before you chose him."
"Every single one of you has been assigned an assignment in life by God before you even got on this planet."
"Predestined ated am that he purposed for men and women everywhere to be holy and I'm so glad he didn't leave us out oh yes amen."
"We're actually traveling down a course that has been pre-written by God."
"History being pre-ordained... it's still there in the Lord of the Rings too."
"You've been called by God. By God's foreknowledge, He's predestined you."
"Before we was even born we was chosen by the almighty our spirit in heaven was already there."
"Your name was written in the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world."
"God has done it before the foundation of the world, and that is where your confidence should be."
"Before God indwelt you, you were already a divine being by nature."
"You don't get to disqualify you because God already knew who you were when he called you."
"Your spirit is something that I've seen even before coming here."
"I believe in God and I know that God has everything written down already."
"Somebody was already chosen to be because they're strong enough."
"God's in control; He's had this all planned."
"Fear not because God the Father is in complete control. He had this all planned from the beginning."
"God foreordained that we would be the ones alive at this time."
"Who is playing for second? This jacket had my name on it for a week now." - Larry Bird
"It is not a contradiction of freedom if it could be known in advance what will happen."
"In fact, it would be no prevision into the future if it were already predestined."
"God had your destiny planned out before the world was formed."
"God's plan for my life was in place before God even constructed the foundation of the world to put the world on."
"This is something that's divinely guided and I think that this is something that's kind of like destined."
"If God elects you to go to hell, you will go to hell."
"Nothing and no one can upset the plans of God concerning your life."
"You cannot outwit Allah, His plan will always be the winning plan."
"The blessing was truly all mine because God gave me the opportunity to handle greatness even before I knew it was greatness."
"I chose you, you did not choose me." - John 15:16
"Your value is determined before you're born, and when you come down to this earth, it's already predetermined what you're going to do."
"The lamb who was slain before the foundation of the earth."
"Everything was already given when you decided to take the journey."
"If our names were written in the Book of Life before the foundation of the world but then we say that he predestines us based on seeing that we will choose him, how does he then turn around and blot us out of the book?"
"The power of God wants to accommodate you in the will of God for your life, which is written preemptively before you were born."
"That we should be holy and without blame before him in love."
"Your souls have known each other before."
"Before I created you, I knew you."
"Before you were formed in your mother's womb, I knew you, I called you."
"Every moment of Lisa's life was laid out in this book before a single day began."
"Before you knew God, God already knew you."
"That's right, the Bible says in the book of Ephesians chapter 1 and verse four: 'According to as God has chosen Us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy.'"
"Soul contracts, first of all, can be made before you come to earth, and they can be made once you're on Earth."
"Every one of us has a book in heaven with our prophetic destiny written before time began."
"God’s purpose and grace was settled for us before time began."
"It was predestined, it was predestinated, it was the will of God."
"Every event of Christ's life on Earth occurred at the precise moment that the father and the son had determined in eternity past."
"God knew about you before your momma and daddy had you."
"I believe he settled the issue that he wanted me in heaven before I even knew he existed; and he loved me before I loved him, and he chose me rather than I chose him."
"God already knew things in advance and he had already prepared a way by which Christ could come here on Earth to save you."
"Everything that happens in your life is preordained by the most high because the truth is that your destiny is only between you and God."
"A relationship coming towards you, destined, ordained."
"Before you were ever born, there's a 'you' that God needs for you to be."
"These encounters are predestined and the Soul contracts' fulfillment brings about a profound sense of completion and purpose."
"In predestination perhaps more than any other doctrine, we are confronted face to face with the depths and the riches of the mercy and the grace of Almighty God."
"I don't think what happened today is an accident."
"A soul contract is the plan that you've made for your current life before incarnation."
"Before you were born, God was involved with you."
"I have a declaration to make as to the provisions which God hath made to suit the conditions of man, made from before the foundation of the world."
"God knows us before we're born and what we're going to do. Then how can he be mad at us?"
"Your soul chooses which numbers are going to influence your whole life before you're even born."
"...God knew that this was going to happen before we even knew about the coronavirus."
"You were chosen from the beginning."
"It's totally unrelated to us it means that speaking from our point of view salvation is purely luck it is purely arbitrary it's not related to anything in us whatsoever God has simply chosen one person and not another and that's why that one is saved and not this one."
"He chose me before the foundations of the world to be his."
"God chose you in advance. He knew everything that you would do and everything that you would commit, but He still wanted you to be in connection with Him through Jesus Christ."
"My death is written in the stars."
"You're condemned to hell. I knew before you were ever born what kind of a wretch you were going to be. But the moment you entertain my voice when I began to speak to you, and I began to reveal myself in your mind, I showed you then who you really were."
"Before you were born, God set his love on you."
"Did you know he had a dream about your life before you were born? When he knit you in your mother's womb, he already had a dream."
"God predestined us to Salvation because he foreknew the choice that we would make."
"God predestined a group to be saved because he knew what their choice would be."
"We are predestined to reign with Christ. Our wordless intercession is heard."
"Our names are written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world."
"This has been ordained since the beginning."
"Understanding that the parents that God has assigned for you is predestined. He allowed it to happen not to destroy you, but it's because that's what God saw fit."
"Was she always destined for something like this?"
"Allah has pre-measured and predestined, and what He wills, He does. Finish, move on, otherwise you will be in an everlasting loop."
"All of our days are written in his book before we've ever lived a single one of them."
"Predestination is only in light of the fact that everyone has freely rebelled against God and everyone already deserves hell."
"Understanding Judas: either God predestined him to betray Jesus or Judas chose to do wrong."
"Long before you decided what you were going to do with God, God decided what he was going to do with you."
"God has predestined you to be conformed to the image of his son Jesus."
"All of it is within Allah's pre-measurement, all of it."
"Elect according to the foreknowledge of God."
"We don't know who's not elect. We do know if someone dies screaming blasphemies against God, that person wasn't elect."
"Your survival is already pre-arranged."
"God has chosen us before we were ever born."
"If we were going to come down as Spirit children to a devout Mormon family... it would have been because we were extra faithful, extra righteous in the pre-existence."
"He chose us before we could mess up."
"Once you guys meet each other, if I was to take your natal charts and do a synastry reading, it would show that it was pre-planned and predestined for you two to meet."
"None of this is by accident. I already decided about your life before you were born."
"God has his chosen, and their choosing has to be confirmed by the hearing of the gospel."
"It's in the stars, it's in your life contracts before coming here. You chose each other that you will meet. It was an agreement between yourselves."
"Everything that happens is what God planned for us to happen, you know? There's no such thing as luck. Like, the pen has been lifted and the ink is dried. Everything that happens is what God planned for us to happen."
"He was dedicated to the devil before he was born."
"I'm going to discover that everyone who bothered me here irritated me starting from my parents to my colleagues were a part of the same divine being as me and we all agreed beforehand that we'd play the roles."
"No matter what if God's called you and preordained you you're going to become a Believer even if you don't want to become a Believer because it's irresistible Grace."
"For he knew all about us before we were born, and he destined us from the beginning to share the likeness of his son."
"Predestination means we were chosen before the foundation of the world to be His but we have to cooperate."
"Before you came into this world, there was a special election in Heavenly places. God looked at you and others and picked you."
"You were healed before the foundations of the world because the Lamb was slain from the foundations of the world."
"Your name has been there in the Lamb's Book of Life since the foundation of the world it doesn't mean that you were predetermined to come to Christ it does mean you were predestined according to the foreknowledge of God."
"God knew you before you were even born, and he predestined you to be conformed to the image of his son."
"God has ordained everything for his people who will be saved."
"God marked out your boundaries beforehand, before you even came on the scene. Your boundaries were marked out for you."
"All I know is, I believe based on that scripture right there that God knows from the beginning who's going to say yes and who's going to say no."
"He knew all about you before he chose you, and he still chose you."
"God chooses us before the creation of the world. He took initiative, reaching out to us."
"Murdered. Pryker was born to be murdered."
"I feel like everything you do was already like predestined, you feel me?"
"This was yours, it's already been predestined."
"God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world."
"He chose us not according to our works but according to his sovereign choice."
"Everything pertaining to your life and your purpose I have dealt with concerning you before the foundation of the world."
"...your life is not random, he has a plan for your life before the foundation of the world, before you in your mother's belly he knew you and had a plan for you."
"If God didn't predestine you to Salvation, you are lost."
"Predestination is fundamental to the Christian faith."
"God had the redemption by blood in his heart before he ever made the world."
"I don't believe that God predestines wickedness and evilness to happen. I think that is horrid."
"Predestination is actually good news rather than bad news."
"...we're talking about God's predestination work. In other words, I think the 'P' here is a better 'P' as predestination."
"God chose in his perfect will and in his sovereignty who goes to heaven who goes to hell."
"Their destinies are not lost, what God planned for each one of them before they were ever born will not be stolen from them."
"Before the beginning of time, all your needs were already met because everything was given to you."
"Every individual born, God chose you before time began."
"God knew ahead of time that Adam and Eve would rebel in the Garden of Eden."
"What God has predestined is already established. It is stamped, it is already ready. It is not like God spontaneously wakes up and allows you or sees you going through the journey of your life and says oops I need to do something for her or oh my I need to do something for him."
"God knows you before you know him."
"Before they even thought about you, God thought about you."
"Before you were in your mother's womb, God knew you, and He called you and gave you a specific destiny now, before you were born, before you were even in the Earth, in the womb."
"Those whom he foreknew he predestined."
"Calvin's teachings on predestination were found completely abominable by the Eastern Orthodox Church."
"Jesus has always known who were those who were his before he created the world. He saw you in this moment, before he formed the earth."
"Just because Christ or God knows what's going to happen in the future doesn't mean he chooses those things to happen to us, right?"
"He chose you because he knew in time you were going to choose him."
"He made sure he threw out the lifeline before the foundation of the world."
"Every day of my life was recorded in your book before I was born."
"Every moment of your life was laid out in that book before a single day passed."
"Remember before you and I were ever born, God knew all about your life for all eternity."
"Before I formed thee, I knew you."
"What about predestination? 'According as he hath chosen Us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and Without Blame before him in love.'"
"If God chose to save you, there's nothing you can do to stop that."
"The outcome has already been predetermined."
"There's a certain amount of predestination...finding out what you really want when you try to do something else."
"Predestination and free will at the same time."
"If God left me to my fickle free will, I'd be out of here."
"The Future been written in advance."
"You were in the mind of God before he created anything or anyone."
"God chose you in Christ before the foundations of the world."
"It's almost like this was meant to be because I didn't build this. This was already here, so I can put..."
"Your answer was not coming, your answer has already been written."
"Before I formed you, the physical part of you, I knew you, the spiritual part of you."
"You did not choose him, he chose you."
"To access your destiny, know your purpose that was set before you were born."
"In Christ, I am chosen from before the foundation of the world."
"Some things are pre-ordained and cannot be coerced."
"Before the foundation of the world, God predestined and planned for all of humanity to go to heaven."
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you... My plan for your life started way before you even came out of the womb..."
"The road map was laid out for me from the very beginning."
"The day before, God was already orchestrating your future."
"...Jesus was chosen before the creation of the world."
"He chose you before the foundations of the earth."
"The true meaning of foreknowledge is to choose to love beforehand."
"Before you existed, God determined to make you like Jesus."
"Another way to look at it--that the end has already been determined."
"Those who are appointed unto eternal life will believe."
"God's already gone before us and he's already marked them out."