
Company Growth Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"Terry Smith explains return on capital: 'Companies have a cost of capital and a return on capital. If they make a return above their cost of capital consistently, then the value of the company grows over time.'"
"If you invest in a company like this, then your money is still compounding because you own shares of a company that's using all of its money to grow itself."
"I want to work for your company because not only do I believe this is a place I can develop and grow as a person, but it is also a place that is clearly driven towards being the best it can be within this sector."
"Oliver Winchester didn't even get to see the end of Providence Tool as he passed away in 1880, missing out on the truly amazing rise of his own company."
"Over the following half century, Yankee Candle would grow into one of the most famous candle companies in the world."
"A's hire A's, but B's hire C's. So, if you hire an A, they're going to hire other A's, which will hire other A's, and your company's going to get exponentially better over time."
"You can take a private company to the top. You do not need to sell out."
"Team growth is the most valuable growth for any company."
"Square's position as a company of note within the video games industry was solidified."
"FTX had already surpassed Twitter, NASDAQ, and Deutsche Bank in value."
"Building Jagex, one desk at a time." - The early days of Jagex's expansion and office setup.
"Tesla still has amazing explosive growth... Tesla is just so much more than an electric car company."
"Firefly is in a stronger position than it's ever been."
"If you buy into this set and forget it for four years, you're gonna walk away very, very happy with the potential of this company."
"We needed a new kind of truck and a new kind of car company."
"Seriously issue 25 to 50 of your shares at the current ridiculous price, that's not dilution you'd be cementing permanent and untold optionality."
"Unity comes in, it's up nine percent, just beat the estimate."
"Ultimately you want to get to that 10 000 share point in a company that you believe in."
"A company becomes a great company based on the right people they hire."
"I will do everything in my power to take this company to the next level and not let you down."
"It's tremendous for these two companies to be on the same journey at the same time."
"The value of this company is insane, and I'm honestly proud to be able to work with this company's products."
"I think long-term investors obviously recognize this with Tesla."
"The goal is to build the most incredible company in the world."
"Capcom was just starting to hit a nice little bump in its popularity with their Resident Evil series."
"We only added four tenths of a percent in fully diluted shares outstanding in the entire year."
"LCA, soon to be Golden Nugget Gaming, is my number one holding in my portfolio."
"This is a type of company that has a multi hundred billion dollar opportunity."
"Building a great company is less about revolution... it's much more about evolution."
"IPO is the ultimate goal, like a standalone company."
"2020 was a breakout year for Tesla, but in our view the fireworks aren't over."
"You can't build a company with hundreds of millions of users, and billions in shareholder value, without appealing directly to a core instinct organ."
"Bethesda just doubled in one fell swoop the number of exclusive titles that they could boast as you know part of the Xbox experience."
"Talking about the opportunity that's in front of this company over the next several years... it's about keeping that long-term focus."
"Coinbase is on their train, on their way there, chugging along to become a full-fledged digital cryptocurrency bank."
"If this just ends up being 10% of that, it would be bigger than the entire company is right now."
"I really believe that dedicating everything towards trying to build this company and its sustainability moving forward is something that I'm not going to regret."
"Greek gods and goddesses are facets of what could become over deadly passion."
"If you do not believe that Square is going to grow, do not invest in this company."
"When you say we believe in our company so we're buying our stock, you know what really says we believe in our company we believe in what we're doing so much we're going to build two new factories."
"Bungie begins our journey to become a global multimedia entertainment company."
"I mean, it's sort of like a safety thing to me, you know, like also like I think I'm pretty sure Tesla's gonna be the largest company in the world by the end of the decade sort of in my mind, you know."
"Facebook, this is a company that has been growing users still pretty strong."
"Borders soon became one of the largest book retailers in the world."
"The waves of innovation that we're seeing... we could actually see some of these companies grow at an exponential rate."
"When companies grow, decision-making moves further away from customers."
"So what if I told you there is a small little rocket company that you likely haven't heard of that is not only claiming all of these crazy things, they're already building it and testing it at frankly a ridiculous pace."
"You also want a company that has good growth potential."
"Is this company going to be one of the most important big tech companies a decade from now? And I gotta say I'm pretty darn confident that they will be."
"Shopify is just starting to get that respect of, 'Wow, this could be a giant in the future.' And I honestly see them as being one of the biggest tech companies in the world in 2030."
"Nintendo has a lot of growing up to do as a company."
"This is the era where Rockstar really took off."
"Tesla will keep executing and eventually the fundamentals will become undeniable regardless of the macro circumstances."
"What does this mean in a company? At a certain point you're gonna have to upgrade the talent that you currently have."
"We didn't wanna wake up in five years with a big company, but feel embarrassed about how we did it."
"I think it's guaranteed to win 'cause the Gap's at the bottom, so the only place you can go is up."
"Voyager Digital currently 26 bucks, ran up from 15 since my interview with the CEO."
"I have lots of high hopes for the company and I want to grow fast."
"Find the companies that you think could be game changers."
"Dual listings are usually considered very positive for companies."
"Tesla is going to be a multi-trillion dollar company. I invest around that thesis and then I don't have to worry too much about how things are going in 2021 or 2022."
"Over the last month, Tesla stock up almost 30 percent."
"My purpose is to create a company that creates more millionaires than any other company in history."
"We're just at the beginning. If you think about half a million global, yeah, we're only what, 10% of the way there?"
"It's cool to think about that. So it's kind of cool to always think about okay, well, I could pay my Netflix subscription with these dividend payouts."
"If AT&T had a lower dividend-paying yield and in return their stock grew a little bit more, I would still be an investor in this company."
"Rivian is a brand and a company to be reckoned with."
"We're just at the beginning of the curve for Tesla."
"I almost feel like it's a slam dunk for a 2x or 3xer. Am I wrong on these companies?"
"ARC Invest buys a big stake in a small innovative company, other people get on board with a trade, and the share price simply goes vertical."
"Individual investors poured more than half a billion dollars into Tesla shares."
"Twice as much money, but we turned them down to become Blizzard."
"This has been a great buying opportunity for Tesla stock."
"Q1 was once again a record quarter on many levels reaching the highest deliveries, profit, and an operating margin of 19%."
"We believe the strategic management of our balance sheet combined with the implementation of our bitcoin fund and crypto strategy will provide significant future value for the company."
"The Tesla we see today, at this very moment, is the most inefficient, least-optimized, most cumbersome, dumbest Tesla we will ever see."
"I'm the guy who started that company. I've now got an awesome team built out."
"I'm a believer. I believe that we can grow our company, strengthen our company, build our company, and that's what our entire management team is focused on."
"Q3 was our best quarter in history... record production deliveries, record revenue, record net income."
"I've never felt more optimistic about the future of Tesla than I do today." - Elon Musk
"There's a lot of growth priced into the Tesla stock."
"This is one of the ones I most certainly would expect ARK Invest to be getting involved with."
"Over the last few years ring has greatly grown its portfolio of devices."
"Tesla could be hitting an annual production rate of over 1 million vehicles by the end of this year."
"The best time to invest in the company is before the hype kicks back up."
"This is the story of how three strangers-turned-allies made it easier for people to send and receive money online and built a billion-dollar company."
"I've never been more excited or optimistic about Tesla in the history of the company." - Elon Musk
"Embracer has a catalog of over 200 game franchises."
"Tesla is pretty much at a $10 billion per year EBITDA run rate which is fantastic... pov ratios don't give adequate valuation metric or framework to really know how to value growth companies."
"Sony sees that and they're going after it. It's smart."
"This stock is taking off because of being added to the S&P 500."
"Tesla will continue to print more and more money over time."
"In five years, 10 years, Tesla's gonna be monstrous."
"This company is going to be a cash flow machine again in 2022 and beyond."
"They have a phenomenal opportunity to get there."
"This entire year marks a big shift for us from a YouTube channel to a production company."
"Every day in the company is a step toward greatness."
"Rivian has a big new investor as George Soros bought nearly 20 million shares."
"Starlink is going to be a star IPO star brand and I think it's going to be a company that actually does change the world."
"I felt like such a proud mythical beast, seeing how far this company has grown from just two tall dudes sitting at a desk that is way smaller than you think it should be."
"The founder of a company can either be the biggest bottleneck or the biggest lifeline."
"Bringing their total stake in the company up to 49."
"I think Netflix will normalize its growth and I think this company is going to continue growing."
"I honestly believe this company it's gonna be huge."
"Retro Studios' hiring spree continues, exciting times ahead."
"He has like high expectation for his employees so that's why like the company's able to move like so fast."
"There's a good level of interest around, and that's phenomenal news. The hardest thing to usually get is a high level of interest, and this company definitely has a very good level of interest."
"Over the next 12 months, we'll be recruiting over 100 manufacturing tests and design engineers into the company."
"Our story begins in 1962 with an interview Newsweek with Walt Disney alongside discussing the company future movies and new television programs."
"My most bullish and excitement about Tesla is knowing that I don't know what they're going to come up with next."
"All these changes actually allowed Niantic to double the valuation of their company."
"Tesla's revenue growth is absolutely insane, destroying the S&P 500 on average."
"I believe this company is going to generate a much higher amount of free cash flow and earnings per share over the next 10 years."
"I personally think Tesla will be a trillion dollar company."
"It's going to take some time for Tesla to grow into its lofty valuations... Just be patient, it's gonna be okay."
"Let us know how we can get better because that's what we want to do."
"Tesla Energy could dwarf Tesla the car company."
"It's hard to think of another company that has a more exciting product and technology roadmap."
"The stock has also appreciated relatively well over the last actually 40 years since then we went public."
"I'd rather just take the risk and hold it long-term because it's that kind of company that just has so much future potential."
"The more successful the companies are, the more effective you are able to be over time."
"The real questions to think about is can the company continue to grow at least sort of high teens, 20% rate, and will those margins at least stabilize?"
"Learn directly from your users throughout the life of your company."
"We've been around for two decades and I honestly like to say that we're the company that grows Disc Golf in Florida the most."
"I never thought that I would own a company with 48 employees."
"The company's growth was phenomenal, reflecting its success in both commercial and military markets."
"This is one of the fastest growing companies of all time."
"from this company from 2003 to now I mean there's these Studios all over the world"
"I'm so much better equipped to scale my company to the next level."
"Hope you guys enjoy coming with me on the ride, it's really cool to see the company growing."
"The crossing the chasm play is I need to change the state of my company from a cool possibility to a what accountants call a going concern."
"I believe on 2024, this company will earn over $2 billion in free cash flow."
"Think about the really successful companies and what they started with."
"If I do a really good job here, this company grows."
"You know in every company you one great executive away from taking your company to the next level."
"It's about the long term and our belief of what [the company] can become."
"The biggest companies in financial services today all have this in common: they're geared towards highly scalable digital acquisition."
"People like companies with high durability High uh predictable revenue and that's where combal has moved."
"Creating a market for the shares...it enhances the status and financial standing of the company."
"It increases public awareness and public interest...people take a much bigger interest in how his business is run."
"With Rooster Teeth, it's one of these companies where every time I think that it's better and better, you know? It's better than what I could have ever imagined."
"We need companies to justify their existence in economic terms, to do two things: to earn a return on the capital that investors have given them and to grow."
"This company has definitely changed and they are definitely hungry and working towards making their customers happy."
"Literally every company has to start somewhere."
"If I want to own these companies for 10 or 20 years, do I think they'll make more money and more revenue 10 or 20 years from now versus today?"
"One of the most exciting things that's hit our company in a very long time."
"What you want to look at is what direction the company is actually going."
"If you add value to a company, that's where you start to make your money."
"He wanted a more merit-based system; he believed a more equal and fair playing field would allow the company to grow beyond its wildest dreams."
"It's really helpful for our owners to see just how big our ideas are for what Rivian can become."
"I'm a huge believer in the company long term, short term, and dividend growth just from a value perspective."
"If the overall market goes extreme bearish for a few years, do you expect Tesla to still grow steadily?"
"Get back to the real work on the real goal which is building your great company."
"It's always better to know then you can truly making those steps towards being a healthier company as well."
"My point is, we need to invest more in the company if we want the returns."
"It's an interesting time because a lot of the companies that are in the room today could be breakout companies in the next one to two to three years."
"This period, this timeframe for HK, in my opinion, is like the second generation of the company."
"This company will continue to evolve, do R&D, surprise and add value to the lives of people."
"Join us on a journey; we're gonna level up as a company, we're gonna evolve."
"Bash at the Beach was a turning point for the company."
"We're very focused on continuing to build a massive company that brings a lot of joy to people."
"It's going to be a historical moment for the company."
"Interest rates are on a 40-year decline and many small to medium cap companies are on a 10 to 15 year exponential increase."
"Zoom as a company five years from now, you're gonna look back and say, okay, wow, I got that stock fairly cheap."
"Your future self might go by the way, this is the biggest company in the world now, so if you just invest in that... cool, I'll do that now."
"You're literally one relationship away from changing the way your business is running."
"My ultimate goal is for this company to outlive me and enhance people's overall lives."
"I would like to eventually work my way out of the company so that I can offer other people opportunities to have a leadership position."
"Find a job that allows you to keep as much of that as possible but that also, that when you do go to work for 40 hours, maybe 45, you enjoy it, you want to be there, you want to grow with the company."
"If the share price is $50, it means the company's doing a lot better; it's a much bigger company."
"We're the fastest growing catamaran company in the world and we have over a thousand employees."
"Tim Cook's success to me is unquestionable; Apple is now the world's most valuable company at three trillion dollars."
"Georgia Peach is the start of a huge change that is coming to our company."
"It's a pretty cool spot, obviously, as the company's continued to grow."
"The company has a nice starting dividend yield sitting at 3.4%."
"Nvidia is going to be the biggest company in the world soon."
"Chipotle is a notable outlier with a price to sales of 6.8, meaning their last year's revenue is 6.8 times their market cap."
"An accurate and complete training program will benefit your company in more ways than you can imagine."
"Palantir is literally still in their infancy, and what we are witnessing now is just the very beginning of Palantir's growth trajectory."
"Once he was in charge, he made a bunch of changes that over the past three decades have raised the value of the company to tens of billions of dollars."
"We're a $5 million company over the course of the year."
"If you want to build a really successful company, that's what you want to focus on."
"So, consultants can seed ideas but in the end the company has to figure out how to solve its problems."
"I tell you, I know this company well and seeing the stuff that they're up to for the future is mind-blowing."
"People are talking about your company right now the way they were talking about Google 20 years ago."
"It's quite an exciting time for us at the moment."
"Netflix has become a truly global company."
"The company managed to move a little over 16,000 units last year."
"They are founders; they founded the concept, but Ray Kroc founded the company that developed the concept into the largest fast food service organization in the world."
"Tesla is the one company that has proven that they go from garbage to really good product very quickly."
"It's been a net benefit for the company overall."
"Invest in greasing the wheels of the things that your company spends a lot of time doing."
"78% of employees want to provide feedback, ideas, and solutions to help the company grow."
"I think this could be a double, a company that goes up 2x in price."
"Aging populations can be quite a big driver of certain companies' growth."
"I love the merch world. I love that I get to grow a company now, not just Smile More, but a company."
"I want to make the company a lot of money, I want to have a lasting legacy."
"I'm going to build a monster company."
"You focus on building into the company all the things that company needs to be great."
"To go from a good company to a great company, you need disciplined people, disciplined thought, and disciplined action."