
Contagious Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"The more you focus on the good, the more good comes because it's contagious."
"Our feelings are contagious, right? A feeling state of joy, trust, hope..."
"What's the best thing about happiness? That it's always contagious."
"Enamorus's love of life is quite literally contagious; when it appears, it is said to encourage the formation of new life in the surrounding area."
"It's like their energy is infectious."
"Smiling can be contagious, creating a chain of positive reactions that have the potential to improve not just the moment, but someone's entire day."
"I wondered if madness isn't a little catching."
"There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor."
"Love is catching like wildfire in this community."
"Laughing is catching and hanging and stretching."
"Smiles are the currency of the heart; your joy is contagious."
"Laughter is contagious. It's a very social noise."
"We're becoming a living epistle of hope, contagious hope."
"Winning must be contagious there at South Carolina."
"Share a smile, they are contagious, and subscribe to Crazy Nate."
"The confidence you have in yourself is contagious."
"Your passion is contagious in the best possible way. People want to be a part of that."
"Her smile was contagious and could light up any room."
"Those crazy feelings you get sometimes, Neve. I swear they're catching."
"Laughter is both involuntary and contagious, so much so, that you cannot pick up on identity cues." - Rhett
"His energy is going to be contagious."
"My mom's love was just contagious."
"Confidence is contagious. And when you have a high level of self confidence, other people are going to feel confident in you. And this will actually change their entire perception of you at work."
"Her smile was so contagious that it could make anyone forget about their sorrows."
"Laughter is contagious. It really is. You get me to start laughing and it's hard to stop."
"Look at that smile, she's just contagious."
"Even during this global pandemic, which has killed hundreds of thousands, your smile is the most contagious thing in the world."
"It's a positive virus. Faith talk, strength talk, optimism talk - I think that's contagious."
"The fear that people have, it's contagious. It's more contagious than the virus and it's just awful to see."
"Her smile was contagious, and even if Naruto fought it, the smile formed on his face anyway."
"Your kindness is contagious, continue to be kind and see how you can change the world." - Miss Jamaica
"Your enthusiasm is extremely contagious."
"Your laughter is infectious, very contagious."
"Laughter is communal, it makes people want to laugh more."
"People need more of that because joy is contagious."
"You have such a contagious laugh."
"Your excitement is so contagious and it makes me so excited for everything."
"I feel like it's very contagious to be positive and to be and do the best you can."
"Everything about them is just so contagious and fun and I can't help but want more honestly."
"Thanks for tagging along, catch the crazy and pass it on. It's contagious."
"Energy is contagious, it also always tells the truth."
"It's like a contagious disease... it spreads from the perpetrator to the victim."
"Negativity is so contagious, you wouldn't even believe how much it can drag you down."
"When you enjoy the process and you start to catch fish, that excitement's contagious."
"The best thing about smiling is that it's contagious."
"Anti-flu measures were based on the premise that this was a contagious disease."
"She started cracking up and her laugh was contagious and I couldn't help but laugh."
"Good is contagious. In any activity, anyone who thinks positively is an ally of creation."
"Smile even when you don't feel like it, it's contagious."
"We've all heard the saying that laughter is contagious, but what if it actually is?"
"It's the whole journey, it's just contagious."
"The joy is contagious; how many times do you see someone experience genuine joy? What do you feel when you see it? You feel joy because the seed just got planted inside of you."
"You have a vivacious laugh that people find is contagious."
"Measles is the most contagious disease we know of."
"People have to sense that the person of love that we have is contagious."
"Whenever you speak to someone who's got a pair of Falcos, they just speak about it with so much love and enthusiasm, and it's just contagious."
"That contagious laughter where even after you're done, you think about it again and you're just rolling again."
"Nothing is more infectious than a smile."
"She had a contagious sense of humor and all that knew her loved her."
"It's contagious, this kind of fun; everyone wants to join the party."
"Love is catchy, there's no question about it."
"The joy of that community was contagious."
"Once one yawns, it's very contagious, and lions, they all start to yawn."
"Yawning is known to be very contagious, meaning that seeing someone yawn can trigger you to do it."
"You generally have the most contagious laugh out of everybody I watch."