
Divine Work Quotes

There are 555 quotes

"Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."
"God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him."
"The Holy Bible is the witness of the work of God, and is historical record of humanity's experience of God's work."
"Salvation is primarily a work of God... He who begins the good work will finish it."
"You can't stop the work of God, no matter what. You can't stop the power of God."
"God is doing a work, and the work that he started in you, he's faithful to finish."
"Just because the streams end it does not mean that God cannot stop working."
"Resting in God is an Act of Faith, believing He is at work even when unseen."
"The ones who are going to succeed in the last days and do the greatest work are the ones who know God."
"Salvation is received and not achieved because Jesus did all the work on the cross."
"This is his work we're the instruments all of us wherever we are in our place we are the instruments but this is his work and he's not gonna let his work fail he's not in fact remember when he tells us I will hasten my work."
"Faith to know that God is still at work in you and on you, that he hasn't given up on any of us."
"Rely on Jesus to finish and perfect the work He began in your life."
"God who began the good work within you will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns"
"You could be trampling over the work of the Spirit... it's a bigger problem than just this man's image... you're coming against the work of God."
"Can you imagine how beautiful Heaven is going to be? The Lord Jesus spent six days creating the Earth as we see it now. He's been working on Heaven for how many years? It's going to be quite a fantastic place."
"Jesus desires to work through you and me in the earth."
"God never stops working, and he invites us to be a part of that with him."
"There's no question that there is a deep work of God happening in people's lives."
"This partner of yours is also part of that mission and is working with spirit and the light."
"If He can express the truth and God's disposition, and do God's work, then He is God in the flesh, He is Christ."
"From the beginning until the fullness of time, the joint mission of the father's word and spirit remains hidden but is at work."
"God has begun a work in you, and that's why you're going to heaven."
"And even when you can't see what he's doing, while you're waiting, he's working."
"If the Lord brings you... to accept Christ as everything, his work in us of the Holy Spirit."
"When you're doing the Most High's work...anything is possible."
"He never stops working, and He's working on our behalf in ways that we can't see, in just the right time."
"Thank you, Father, for the privilege of knowing You and for the assurance that You are always at work in my life."
"For it is God which worketh in you to will and to do of his good pleasure."
"Praise the Lord, that's just an amazing God that continues to do the work in us."
"God accomplishes his work through those who believe."
"God is not a respecter of persons... He's doing the work, you're not."
"God ain't finished working through your body yet."
"God rests yet he works; Heaven is a place of rest but it is not a place of idleness."
"God does perfect work through imperfect people."
"Sometimes you'll feel like you're by yourself in that, and then you start to see, oh wait, God actually is at work all over the place, and now these people are finding each other."
"God uses ordinary people with an extraordinary message to do his work."
"God is at work to ensure that he gets the glory and it works out for our good."
"God is putting His finishing touches on His masterpiece."
"God wants to do a work through his children coming together for his glory."
"God's doing an amazing thing in you."
"If you call yourself a man of God, if you call yourself a woman of God, if you believe in God, then watch God work. Let Him work through you."
"God started the work in you and he will continue until it's done."
"Isn't the message here that God's work is brought about by Broken Vessels?"
"God's work is brought about by Broken Vessels."
"The Brokenness might be a precondition for a kind of Revelation that Couldn't occur without that particular kind of Brokenness."
"Justice will be served. It might not be tomorrow, might not be a week from now, but the creator has work, and it'll come out."
"Let's pray, thank you blessed Holy Spirit for the mighty work you have done in us, planned by the father, provided by the son, but produced by you."
"When you've been in a waiting season for such a long time and God is doing a work within you, you can be in a waiting season for so long sometimes and it may look like God is not working, but God is working. You're not done waiting because God is not done working."
"Caring for broken people is not our work, it's His."
"This whole work of Salvation is a work of God from beginning to end that He will perform because His entire reputation is riding upon it, amen, for His own Glory."
"A sovereign work of God on a miraculous level."
"God does not work incompletely but he does work incrementally."
"Sometimes God does some of his great work where you can't see it."
"I am always faithful to complete the good work that I have started within you."
"God had to really work on me, my character, my integrity, He's still doing it."
"God loves to employ people in the work of the kingdom."
"God does the work in us when we are obedient."
"The church of His presence is a church at rest, because it's God working and we are resting."
"Even when I mess up, God can't quit working in me."
"God is working miracles. God's working miracles, and you say, 'Well, you know, I didn't see anybody get healed.' You don't know what God is working."
"God will work a work in our day that but few anticipate."
"He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ."
"Jesus is already there, he got there ahead of us. We're joining him in the work that he's already doing."
"I personally believe as a believer that God is doing a strange work in and through the church, in which even the people who are doing that work don't fully understand their role in it."
"You are called to work the works of Jesus."
"Don't you worry, God's working behind the scenes."
"The Lord does everything for us, then He gives us credit for that little bit we are willing to do."
"God who began a good work among y'all, I'm convinced He's going to see it to completion."
"God's work is never antiquated; it is all a revelation of eternal activities."
"Jesus symbolizes the power of God to be at work in your life."
"While you're waiting, while you're worrying, and while you're in here worshiping, God is working."
"God chooses ordinary people to do His extraordinary work."
"Baptism is not our work but God's."
"God's blessed me, God's provided it, God's a miracle worker."
"Allah works behind the veil, manifesting Baraka in various ways."
"We are tremendously excited about what God is doing."
"The Lord Works through all our failures."
"Believing that he is working even when you can't see him working is called faith."
"God sometimes does his best work with those of us who are most following him."
"The works of God are to believe on him whom he has sent."
"We want to invite you to come and invite you to be a part of what God is going to do here."
"God worked with the rest of her life and gave her a bright new future."
"Finish what God has started in you."
"Jesus said on the cross, 'It is finished,' because it's something about Jesus. He starts something, He finishes it."
"What is the providence of God? And how does God work in the lives of mankind today?"
"God works in our lives today ‘PROVIDENTIALLY.’"
"God is working in the world today – providentially, but not miraculously."
"Testify about what God is doing in your life."
"Jesus does his finest work when we're broken."
"God is at work in my life... He is accomplishing a purpose."
"How to serve with honor in the work of God: be reliable."
"He wants to encourage you that you are doing such a powerful work of God."
"The Lord your God created the heavens and the earth in six days and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed."
"You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands."
"If you trust and believe... He will do wonders through you."
"In contemplative prayer, you allow God to do these things... it's listening and letting Him do the work within you."
"We are invited to participate in God's work; we have agency."
"For it is God who is all the while effectively at work in you, energizing and creating in you the power and the desire both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight."
"It just kind of shows how God works in situations and works towards healing."
"When we're praying, God is working."
"They all, each and every one of them, did something wonderful for God."
"It is God who is at work in you, both to will and to do His good pleasure."
"God does great things through small beginnings."
"God does work miracles, and He works them through us."
"God is up to something when you see God at work in the lives of people around you."
"It is God who is at work in you to will and to do of his own good pleasure."
"I'm really glad I'm here and I'm excited about what the Lord's doing."
"He who has begun to cleanse thee will never leave the work until he has made thee without spot or wrinkle or any such thing."
"God is working even if it seems hard and sad, just remember that God is doing something and just trust him."
"It is God working in me, both to will and do His good pleasure."
"This is the work of God, that you believe on Him whom He has sent."
"God is working with us, performing his word, confirming his word with signs and wonders."
"He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
"Embrace this season of seeking and surrender, knowing that God is at work in your life."
"God is in charge of his work and he's going to finish what we could never finish."
"God has blessed us, and he is working through us and in us, and it's amazing."
"Even when I don't see it You're working, You never stop, You never stop working."
"When God is working in the background for you, it means where he's working you can no longer see, you can no longer perceive, you can no longer tell, but he's working and everything is working for your good."
"I believe that God is doing a special work in the hearts of his people."
"For those who wait for the Lord, from ages past no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who works for those who wait for him."
"This is how redemption works; it's His work."
"This is the work of God, that you believe on Him whom He hath sent."
"In the New Covenant, God's working for us."
"It is God that worketh in you both to will and to do."
"Fiat means now, yes, it's the immediacy of God's work."
"Even in a challenging and trying season, God is still able to work in us."
"God is always at work in ways and in places that you cannot see."
"Faith is not human opinion and dream... it is a godly work in us that changes us."
"I think sometimes we give so much credence to that which we have created that we ignore what God has created."
"We thank You that it's working in us, from the top of our head to the soles of our feet."
"This is the plan of salvation... Jesus will never cease his work until all are brought up to the enjoyment of a kingdom in the mansions of his father."
"He works his work in a mysterious way."
"I declare today over our church that you who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it."
"He does marvelous things without number."
"God does his best work with empty, when by his spirit he begins to fill it with himself."
"I am living proof that God can even take all of the bad things that have happened to you and work them together for good."
"God worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure."
"God works... He has never stopped blessing and preserving and guiding everything that He's created."
"Jesus wants to work in your life in preparation for His return."
"The work of God, the work of the Holy Spirit in and through His people, it's absolutely unstoppable; nothing can stop it."
"God is far more interested in what He's doing in me than what He might be doing through me."
"For when he sees his children, the work of my hands, in his midst, they will sanctify my name."
"To Him that made great lights: for His mercy endureth forever."
"It is miraculous what God has done in my life and in my ministry, and it's far, far beyond my ability."
"This is the work of the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes."
"It's amazing how God has worked through their lives."
"It is the same God which worketh all in all."
"Jesus has been with you all the time; He's been working even though you rejected Him."
"God works not only in this life but in the age and ages to come."
"God has my dad and it's God who's gonna finish the work that He started in him."
"Every great work of God starts in prayer."
"God is always working, even if you're not."
"God has begun a good work in you and you ought to complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
"God can still work through flawed people."
"God is not just interested in working through us; He is just as interested in working in us."
"The Holy Spirit does the work of illumination."
"I offer it up to you, and He knows how to transform it."
"God is faithful to work on our behalf as we trust Him."
"We are to do the work of God without haste and without sloth."
"The only prescription to remedy that blindness is God's sovereign work of regeneration."
"When we give Him our will, then He will work in us to will and to do according to His good pleasure."
"Just because God ain't talking to you, don't mean God ain't working it out."
"Thank God for what He's working out for you that you don't even know about yet."
"God is at work even when God's servant reacts poorly."
"It has always been the habit of God to work through people who were frail and weak in their natural selves."
"It's not the reflection of the work of men, but of the work of God, and we give Him all the glory and all the praise."
"The work of King Jesus goes forth."
"Return to your house, and tell what great things God has done for you."
"He can use all things to bring about His glory and your good."
"It's not over, it's not finished, you're not through; God is about to do his best work in your life."
"My life is worth nothing unless I use it to finish the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus."
"But the one who plants in response to God, letting God's spirit do the growth work in him, harvests a crop of real life, eternal life."
"The grace of God is at work in this life, and it is this grace that will gradually change the world."
"Faithful is he who began the work, he will complete it."
"God almighty works with very simple instruments."
"We are His messengers, we are His associates, we are His co-operators."
"The God who started this great work in you will keep it up and bring it to a flourishing finish."
"In the darkest of times, God was beginning to do a mighty and awesome work."
"I believe God exists and I believe God still works miracles today."
"What God has done for others, He's doing right now in you through the power of His word that's been planted in you."
"I believe that God is doing an incredible work in you."
"You are better men than when we started, and God has only begun His great work in and through you."
"Keep pressing on, keeping your mouth shut when necessary, and watch as he continues to work in and through you for his glory alone."
"We are all planters and waterers, but God gives us the opportunity to witness the increase."
"I am so excited about what God is doing in your life, in my life, everybody's life who is following Him."
"When God is through with you, men and women will marvel."
"God is doing a new thing in this place."
"We are grateful for what God is going to do in them and through them today."
"God is at work, although things look hopeless, I see God planting seeds that will grow through the years."
"The Holy Spirit of God is gonna do incredible things through you guys."
"Anyone who truly has an understanding of what God has done for them in Christ will be motivated to evangelize."
"God has already brought you this far, He's still working in you."
"When you see this new thing, you're going to stand in amazement and say, 'Wow, look what the Lord has done.'"
"I think it is safe to say that God works with imperfect people and we certainly can't comprehend all that God is or has to offer all at once."
"He does work to create salvation and faith in the lives of those He has chosen."
"It is God who is at work within you, both to will and to accomplish."
"Everything that's happening will be the power of God working in and through each of us."
"God's doing a unique work in this place."
"Not in your own strength, for it is God who is all the while effectually at work in you, energizing and creating in you the power and desire to will and to work for His good pleasure."