
Religious Advice Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"We're trying to make sure that anything that you hear, you base it and compare it off of what does the Bible say about these things."
"Parents, if you're Christian, get your children out of there."
"If people can dig this: Worship the Creator, not the creation."
"Just surrender to God. Surrender your dreams, your plans, everything."
"To live in victory, beloved ones, we must see spiritually."
"One straight part, don't follow them, and Allah says that is my advice to you."
"You're going to change the world? No, you're going to be conformed to the world."
"I want to help out the Bible-believing community by giving out my two cents."
"The best way to keep the enemy out is to keep Christ in."
"In these dark times, seek God now more than ever."
"I'm saying you repent, put your faith in Jesus."
"Don't be selfish. Don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself." - Philippians 2:3
"If you make God a priority, all other things will follow."
"Keep watch because you don't know the day or hour."
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path."
"You might as well come back and start all over again and do it the way God said it."
"If you're going to go all the way, you must cling to Him. You must hold fast to the Lord in times of prayer and the Word. And please, don't compromise that for anything."
"Be careful, Paul says about listening and falling as a believer to every wind of doctrine that leads people astray."
"The Lord is trying to say to us, 'Be ready, labor while it is called today.' Love that."
"Deal radically with sin. Don't play with sin. Deal radically with sin."
"Abstain from anything that leads you into temptation."
"God said the woman that you are right now, the man that you are right now, that man, that woman is not qualified to possess the blessing, you must become somebody else."
"Read your gospels, they will tell you that if you follow the spirit instead of the flesh, the world will not be as kind to you."
"Our only safety is in staying in God's Word."
"God has your best interest in mind. Don't expose yourself to unclean spirits."
"Don't pray the rosary based on how you feel, pray the rosary because it works."
"Go repent to Allah, like don't ask for a consequence."
"Come on back to Bible, viewers. Come on back to Bible, that's right."
"It's hard for humans to do that in general. God's like, okay, well, okay first you fix your take the plank out of your own eye and then we will talk."
"Always be ready to give an offense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that's in you yet do it with gentleness and reverence."
"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. That will actually solve the fractured relationships that people have with each other in our society currently."
"He won't give you more temptation than you can say no to."
"It means that the next time you're tempted, you don't have to do it."
"Making no provision is a really key thing here in fighting sin."
"Every morning you get up, you got to stay in the spirit of prayer, spirit of humility, walk in his presence, be sensitive to him."
"If you make God your number one relationship goal, it changes everything."
"Don't conform to this world, don't comply with this world."
"Christians who have overstated things, you need to back off a bit, faithfully to the evidence."
"How do we abide and how do we stand firm?" - A reflection on maintaining faith amidst adversity.
"Be wheat and separate yourself from the tares. Be blessed."
"Don't try to pull them back into your church if they're leaving, let them go. Those are blessed subtractions."
"Focus on loving and serving him. This will do wonders not only for yourself but most likely for your marriage too."
"The advice wasn't just 'don't eat from this tree.' The advice was 'don't go near it.'"
"Avoid people who sow divisions within the church."
"Avoid people who love themselves, money, pride, and unholiness more than they love God."
"Sometimes there's just randomness. Sometimes it just doesn't go your way. It's true, or all the time it doesn't go your way if you're me."
"You're going to get biblical advice but also practical advice."
"It's like something has taken hold of your soul and won't let go. That's why you need to pray for Purity, repentance, and ask the Lord to break that tie once and for all."
"Without God in your life, you are basically telling yourself that you have no purpose."
"Before we accuse people of worshiping Satan on purpose... as Christians we need to be careful of who we accuse."
"If somebody's saying that he's good and you should worship Him, run from that." - David
"Repentance suggests turning around, changing one's actions, even if you've been guilty of premeditated sin."
"You have an opportunity here to grow closer to God."
"We're to transfer our Treasures not our necessities are Treasures that which we've laid up we're to transfer those Treasures from Earth to Heaven."
"Don't let them come to you talking nonsense... in the name of Jesus."
"Choose life so that you and your seed will prosper."
"The Rapture is an event that's going to be a glorious event that happens in an instant."
"How about not even risk that and get saved today and avoid the whole thing very well put Pastor Billy Crone."
"Resist them and they will flee." - 1 Peter 5:9
"When you build your life on the Word of God, it's going to stand."
"There's more to life than being a spectator in the Kingdom."
"I'm begging you to repent and be baptized in the water in the name of Jesus Christ, free of charge. You can give this free. So beware of the crooks getting my necessary permits for the temple."
"Nobody is going to help us until Jesus comes, so load up." - Bible talk for common people
"God does not command you to pray to be strong enough to do something He told you not to do."
"Number one always ask God for what you want and number two my favorite prayer in holidays is for those who are not for me."
"Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness, no one will see the Lord."
"Very few things can destroy ministry like jealousy."
"Don't be distracted by somebody else's spiritual progress, focus on following Jesus."
"One thing about fashion is, no matter how much money you got, if you got drip, you could always be fresh."
"Belief and action go hand in hand. Without action, your faith is dead."
"The secret of the Lord is with him that fear him he wants to give you some secrets listen up he's going to talk to you about how to maneuver through times like these."
"Stay away from crazy costumes that make the whole world think, ask for the truth, ask for God, and love each other, will ya?"
"Do not despise prophecy, but test everything."
"Please make it a point that you realize that you need help, and that help is only available through the Lord Jesus Christ."
"He is telling you for you to hold on to this clothing of taqwa is far better."
"You want God to be real with you, then you come on back and be real with him."
"May awareness and understanding of life expand so that all may come to know the author of the universe."
"It is time to seek the Lord. Seek the Lord while He may be found."
"Please be careful using the words God told me in your communication."
"Thank y'all for tuning in, man. Put God first in each and everything that you do."
"Commit thy works unto the lord and thy thoughts shall be established."
"You have to love the sinner but hate the sin."
"You need to trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Jesus said, 'unless you're born again, you will never see the Kingdom of Heaven.'"
"Do not take unbelievers as your friends and protectors in preference to believers."
"Attachments prevent us from entering into the promise of God. Learn to let go of people, of situations. When you let go, your hands are open to receive."
"If there was one key to success in every area of life I could give to anyone, it's to grow closer to him, make it your quest to know him, get to know him more and more and more, closer and closer, press in to know him."
"Maintain your connection to Allah, curb your desires, discipline your desires, and try to have perspective in your difficulties."
"Shining as blameless, harmless, and faultless children of God."
"Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your father in heaven."
"Start very simple, open your Bible first of all, get in your Bible. Open it up and start reading it."
"Breathing out is Paul says, Be anxious for nothing, meaning, don't live a stressful life."
"If for you being some Godly Christian man I think you should learn how to keep your mouth shut sometimes when it comes to those topics because it's very hateful and hurtful."
"Stay close to Him, talk to Him, commune with Him daily."
"It's dangerous to save believer who just got born again and you are teaching him about dimensions of financial prosperity."
"Now if you're not saved, you should give your life to Jesus Christ."
"The answer is to get right with God, not to give up."
"Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything."
"Don't you ever let anybody tell you that you're saved for your past, present, future sins."
"I'm encouraging you to get back to repentance, get back to purity."
"The Sunnah: Pray the missed prayer as soon as possible."
"Hey guys, be safe. You know you can pray from home. God will still hear you."
"Be holy, it really puts heat under the devil."
"She will be holy without fault in the same way husbands ought to love their wives."
"Never let your work for God replace your worship of God."
"Commit to becoming more obedient to the Lord than you are committed to your spouse."
"Make a firm resolution to go all in, be willing to do anything necessary for your salvation."
"The life that leads to heaven is not one of withdrawal from the world, but a life in the world."
"You should be on God's side, not man's side."
"go to Jesus Christ that's the only solution and siak only way"
"Beware of false prophets... you'll know them by their fruit."
"Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins."
"Don't fall back under the yoke... stand firm in the gospel of grace."
"Consider it all joy my brothers when you meet with various trials."
"So the two tips to being free from the enslavement of pornography is one see the cross understand the sacrifice of the father and two fear God as though your life depended on it and it certainly does."
"Don't dabble with it now, the Lord delivered you from that smoking habit."
"The best way to prepare for what's coming is to be delivered from religion into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ."
"Stay away from these gnostics, stay with the true doctrine."
"Keep your mind on God continuously. How do you think about God continuously? That's the subject."
"I'm not good at spiritual advice so that is precisely the kind of question that you would take to your spiritual father..."
"We have to be anchoring our heart in the word right now."
"The solution: increase dhikr of Allah to soften the heart."
"The greatest love you could do for somebody is tell them, listen you need to repent and receive Christ as your Lord and Savior."
"Knowing is better than not knowing, take it to your pastor and find out the truth."
"Make sure I put God first in everything that you do."
"If you're in a situation where you find yourself being tempted you need to flee that's the one sin that God tells us to just run from."
"Don't leave the church if it's faithful to God's Three Angels message."
"Do not be unequally yoked to an unbeliever."
"It's okay to leave a dead church. Yes, I would encourage you to leave a dead church. I don't know why there's like the secret thing among preachers that we're not allowed to tell people to leave their church. I'm not one of those guys."
"Stick to singing to God and calling God directly."
"The best way to protect yourself from sin is to avoid its sources and its places."
"Turn your focus from the world to the word."
"If you have a blemish, why don't you talk to the Lord about it?"
"Never give your heart away to anybody except Allah subhanaw taala."