
Herd Immunity Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Vaccines for me are just this win-win situation. It protects me, which I'm pretty happy about, but it also protects those around me and contributes towards herd immunity. So it's a win-win situation."
"Vaccination policy really doesn't work unless everybody joins in together... a substantial majority of the population must participate in order to achieve what is referred to as herd immunity."
"Vaccinations are based in part on the idea of herd immunity... beating diseases is a team sport."
"When you go below that herd immunity threshold for some diseases, you will start to see outbreaks."
"Humanity has managed to defeat the dreaded virus a lucky victory probably achieved thanks to herd immunity."
"Herd immunity is the situation where you get so many people in the population that develop an immunity to a disease."
"Herd immunity means that there is so much immunity that there's almost no virus."
"These low antibodies in recovered patients, that's a huge red flag for herd immunity hopes."
"Where's the light at the end of this tunnel? It's my prediction is the delta variant is going to cause a much more rapid herd immunity response."
"Without reaching that herd immunity threshold, COVID-19 will still be able to spread and mutate throughout the unvaccinated population."
"I think the policy of herd immunity is the right policy."
"We have got to get enough people who are immune from this disease fast enough before these variants take over."
"Nearly done: Minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity."
"Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune."
"That opens the possibility of it creating herd immunity."
"Herd immunity is essential for protecting vulnerable people who can’t be vaccinated, like very young children, older individuals and people with compromised immune systems."
"Focus protection would allow society to achieve herd immunity and return to normalcy in three to six months."
"If you actually want to have something approaching herd immunity, trash back in the populations that are most healthy."
"I'm just hoping that this will generate enough herd immunity."
"The more people that have had the infection and survived and that's really how we get beyond this."
"If Europe can get to herd immunity anywhere near the end of June, that would be absolutely amazing."
"Herd immunity was never the government strategy."
"Sweden didn't do a full lockdown and right now the capital Stockholm is expected to reach herd immunity in a few weeks."
"Between the infection rates and then the actual vaccinations, it's looking like by summer we're gonna hit that herd immunity."
"The only real protection against a novel virus is herd immunity."
"Once your country is highly immune from either vaccination or infection or both, you should welcome every new variant."
"Herd immunity is a crucial concept... but the big cure is the vaccine."
"Maybe the vaccine isn't as necessary as the media would lead us to believe." - "Did we ever get to herd immunity without a vaccine?"
"If we've really underestimated the number of infections out there, and it's already up to 20, 30, 40, 50 percent, we could already be heading into the herd effect or the herd immunity effect."
"True herd immunity won't be established until there's a vaccine."
"Vaccines are a safer way to develop herd immunity without the risks associated with the disease itself."
"We don't want to stop everyone getting the disease because we need enough people to get the disease, that society develops some herd immunity."
"One group is saying this simply means that we should quickly vaccinate everyone so that they can join in with 100% protection..."
"The implications for herd immunity are potentially huge."
"Herd immunity may arrive by sometime in April."
"China lifted covid restrictions after achieving something close to herd immunity."
"My assumption is that spread is reduced because of better herd immunity."
"We are lucky it isn't as deadly as it might be but any herd immunity that we long-term build against cover 19 will not work against any deadly virus."
"Herd immunity may be our only way out of this... but this is a very dangerous idea to promote."
"There may be herd immunity developed as well."
"The best defense is a population that has herd immunity."
"Herd immunity protects populations when a large portion is vaccinated."
"Once we get to 50% of the people that took it, the virus will probably die off."
"'Her immunity was never the government strategy but it was what Dom was pushing until he was finally persuaded to drop it in early March' is that a fair assessment well it's obviously laughable"
"I like kind of like herd immunity, right? If enough people wear masks, it cuts down the transmission. What, 70-80 percent is what you need for herd immunity for this virus."
"If we get herd immunity, let's get it with the vaccine and not by letting everybody get infected."
"If any state is approaching herd immunity, it would be New York."
"Herd immunity is when a large enough proportion of the population is immune to an infectious disease, offering immunity to the non-immune."
"Dr. Fauci says that if 75 to 80% of Americans are vaccinated, then by the end of the summer of 2021, we may be able to achieve herd immunity."
"That would mean we would have herd immunity that would allow us to get kids back to school in the fall, to get people back to work and all that good stuff."
"Vaccines work by inducing population-level immunity, herd immunity."
"Our best chance of defeating the disease and protecting lives is most likely herd immunity."
"Herd immunity is when enough people in the population become immune to the infectious disease so the channels of spread stop."
"Herd immunity is vital to public health."
"If a large enough proportion of the population are vaccinated, it helps to prevent the spread of the pathogen, and this is what we call herd immunity."
"It's a very effective vaccine for producing herd immunity."
"When enough people get vaccinated for infectious diseases like measles, it protects everyone, not just those who got the shot."
"Vaccinations can give us something called herd immunity, which basically means there so much of the population has immunity to a disease that it can basically wipe it out."
"The real power of vaccines is that they stop the disease from spreading further."
"If the XE is 10% more transmissible than the BA2 on its own, that's only going to increase the rate at which herd immunity is generated throughout the population."
"If the vaccine does not prevent people from getting infected, then no, we're not going to get true herd immunity in the absolute sense."
"The idea when Tony Fauci talks about herd immunity as a concept, he's hoping that that is possible."
"If you have 90% vaccinated, you can have about 10 to 15% strange parents; doesn't matter because the epidemic cannot spread if most are vaccinated."
"Protection from the diseases they cause can only be achieved by freedom in a very high percentage of the population."
"There is a light at the end of the tunnel, I just can't see how the virus can dance around in terms of mutations around the immunity that's already out there."