
Friendship Value Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"The most valuable thing that we have going for us is that friendship, having been together so long and knowing each other so intimately."
"I would rather have a friendship over the sex being great out the gate."
"Something I realize about my friends that I really appreciate and value is that when I'm sad or stressed... you just walked through it with me."
"I honestly genuinely do not know if I would be here right now if it wasn't for the support of this guy who has grown to become a really, really close friend."
"A place further than the universe aims to show the real value of friendship."
"Friendship is meaningless to you, but to us, it's everything."
"Friendship isn't always fun and it isn't always easy, but it's definitely something worth fighting for."
"Seize that friendship, say yes to that opportunity if it's a romantic relationship or connection, say yes or ask them out."
"I'd rather have best friends than even a boyfriend."
"Companionship? I've got that with good friends. Love? I've also got that with good friends. Loveless sex is somewhere between opportunistic at best and misleading at worst."
"What do you think the one piece is? I think it's the friends they made along the way."
"I could tell we both really cared about the friendship more than just the views or like the YouTube part of it because we easily could have made like videos exposing each other."
"Friends are better than money. A friend with a boat is better than owning a boat."
"The friends you do make in the hard times are the actually good ones that you can rely on."
"Trailer trailers mean nothing, your best friend means everything."
"The moral lesson of this anime is, it's a blessing for us to have friends we can trust, who know the best and worst of us, and who love us despite all our faults."
"Andy's a real special kid and to him, you're his buddy, his best friend."
"The thing that makes Woody special is he'll never give up on you."
"My company was actually my friendships, it was actually purpose, it was actually meaning."
"There's no amount of money that could make me never see my best friend again."
"My best friend Kristina... she is not imaginary to me."
"Friendship is important because you get to know their information and their idea and what they think; they can really make you become a better person."
"He assured Sor and Renga that everything was okay, considering them all his precious friends."
"Love can be defined as sacrifice. No greater love than he who lays down his life for a friend."
"Man's friendships are one of the best measures of his worth in mind." - Charles Darwin
"If Amy doesn't want to be my friend then that's her loss."
"Don't abandon your friendships, but cut out time wastes."
"When she's your friend, she's your friend for life."
"I learned the value of friendship. I learned the importance of self-worth."
"Find multiple sources of connection of intimacy of friendship."
"Friends last longer than relationships anyways so I think it's nice to have a lifelong guy friend that you can really trust and have fun with."
"No, I mean, you're a cool friend man but I really value our friendship. Well, yeah, I also want to know if we were dating who would be the big spoon."
"You're like I spent at least ten thousand dollars rent to people out to pretend to be friends with me."
"some of the best people you'll meet who genuinely care for you, and you generally care for them, when you meet up again, whether it's in like three weeks, two years, at their wedding, like the dynamics never gonna change."
"I think during my gap year you know I went through a breakup, and I really got to cherish my friendships a lot more."
"Platonic love can be just as strong if not stronger than romantic love."
"There's friendships and then there's bonds, and I don't really like the friendships. Friendships are something I'll have, but the bonds are something that I can't replace."
"The real sensation is the friends we made along the way."
"Be friends first... friendship looks good on you."
"It's about the friends you make along the way, it's not really about the subs you know."
"I miss you Josh, I'm sorry that you chose me, but I'll always cherish our memories."
"I loved seeing friendships that can be just as fulfilling as romantic relationships."
"Garrett knew it. He knew that friendship was magic and let the friendship be."
"I'd still be your best friend no matter if you have a big house or a little house."
"Friendship will strengthen me and the bond I have with my friend. Friendship is the only true winner of this battle."
"The real reward wasn't just some fancy crown... it was actually just the friends we made along the way."
"Charlie Gillespie has been an incredible band leader, an incredible role model, an incredible friend."
"You should find some sort of value in just being friends with them if you're already interested in them romantically."
"You're a true, true friend. Don't you forget it." - Applejack
"The only currency that really gets you anywhere is friendship."
"Maybe the real treasure were the friends we made along the way."
"The primary antidote to loneliness is healthy friendships."
"Timmy's qualities that he's gonna bring to the team are not hype, they're not athleticism, they're not shooting, they're not defense. He is a friend to all."
"I never thought I'd have friends like this who didn't danger themselves for me."
"That's what you do for friends, you tell the truth."
"We wish everybody had an Alex in their life. He has the most sweetest kindest personality, he would never go out of his way to hurt someone's feelings."
"Enjoy your friends, they accept you for who you are."
"I'd rather have four friends than one boyfriend, thank you, next."
"The real treasure is the friends we made along the way."
"The real treasure was the friendships we found along the way."
"Better to have you as a friend than nothing at all."
"You were my best friend, Ted. You were more than that."
"It's better to have a few friends than many acquaintances."
"It's your friends that you should really build that connection with because most of the times your friends are going to be there."
"The power of friendship, I'll tell you that right now." - Narrator
"Yes, I do have feelings for Roxy, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate our friendship as well."
"I feel like Sidney's been a close friend of ours since forever."
"Friendship is very important. Sometimes the man you're about to kill in cold blood can become your greatest friend."
"I'm excited to just have a nice time with my best friend Justin."
"The real victory was the friends we made along the way."
"They really do trust you and value you as a friend."
"We need genuine friendships, people that really like each other."
"I treated that [__] like gold, like loyalty, like an actual friend."
"The real treasure has been the friends I’ve made along the way."
"A great friend is someone you can be yourself with and they still love you."
"I'm also very lucky to have a good close set of friends on whom I can rely. I'm also trying to be as close as I can to my family in my own conventional way, and alhamdulillah, they are very supportive."
"The real loot is the friends that you make along the way."
"A faithful friend is a strong defense, and he that has found such a one has found a treasure."
"The true meaning of friendship, something I couldn't have ever been prepared for."
"The power of the fragment, the power of friendship."
"You are my one true friend in this dark age of death."
"Friendship was created by God to benefit you."
"The greatest thing about the group cruise is the friendships that we've seen made."
"I put more value into my friendships than the person I could be dating right now."
"My friends are my hope, kind of sit at base best. I'm not alone and holy some moogies tits, I think that's where sewage is looking right now."
"Momo values the lives and safety of her friends more than anyone else."
"The friends that you choose to be around make all the difference in the world."
"I do think this is their time, got a bit of bias, gotta root for these guys, a lot of friends on the team."
"It's pretty special, that friendship and that bond."
"I feel like everyone needs a Jonah in their life."
"Friendship is the true magic of scientific advancement."
"My only regret was not being able to make 100 friends."
"Why do you look surprised? Please, tell me you don't need to hesitate. After all, we're friends."
"If you can give friendship to other people, you are giving people the greatest gift possible."
"I think you just stepping up to the plate and finding out who your demons are for your family... I could not be more proud to tell the world I'm friends with you."
"When you find good friends, you hold on tight."
"Once you've had a taste of healthy, supportive, loving female friendships, there's no going back."
"Hey, hey, Arai, is that your friend? Introduce me. Yeah, he's my best friend from high school. He's a very special friend who changed my life."
"Partners come and go but good friends are forever."
"It truly is that way and these are true friendships that would exist if we weren't in the same industry."
"Night vision is very cool but you know what else is cool? Friendship."
"Having friends is awesome, remember that there are people in your life that care about you."
"Crave authentic, meaningful friendships that allow them to share their dreams, bear their soul, feel understood and accepted for who they are."
"I'm surrounded by great people, I've got a great circle around me, one of my best friends, me, absolute gem and a rock to my life as well."
"Platonic relationships are just as important as romantic relationships."
"I cannot live my life and my craft, what makes it rich and makes it able to give something back, is having a life, the close friendship, yeah, when it comes right down to it, more important than anything."
"Are you all one family? No, no. Are you all neighbors? Yeah, yeah, perfect, so you're all friends, and friends are like family."
"Cherish the friendship... I appreciate you, brother."
"I'm not buying no friendship; it's too expensive."
"Friendship is everything. I really feel that way."
"I laugh every day; my life is going to be longer because of friends."
"I'll make peace my own way, and I don't need you. I only need my friends."
"I am helped by some very amazing friends that I love!!"
"Sometimes they drive me crazy, but I wouldn't change my friends for anything in the world."
"This is a city I met all my best friends, and I wanna thank every break, every entrance to every building that I step in."
"One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives."
"Friendship is what's important, not shows."
"It was just such a nice time, just having my friend near me."
"The Changebringer was the friends we made along the way."
"Hey, you! Whoever you are, you can ruin our party, but you'll never ruin our friendship."
"I don't actually have a lot of girlfriends... you just need two or three good friends."
"Friendships benefit your mental and emotional health and are even more important when face-to-face connections are difficult."
"What matters the most is these moments right here on the Pod, and I will promise to text you back next time."
"Who needs to date anyway? We always have a total blast just hanging out together."
"He's a very good friend of mine, as well as a mentor and teacher for me."
"Thanks for teaching us that friendship is so much better than winning a silly argument."
"Life goes on even without my best friend here, and he decides that not caring about things is dumb because I liked having friends and stuff."
"I still got my health, I still got my friends, so yeah, I'm okay."
"I love you, and I value our friendship."
"Friends aren't toys you can take off the shelf and play with until something more interesting comes along."
"If he's ever wind up with this guy as a friend, don't let him get away."
"Take joy in the journey and the friends you find along the way."
"Use money to make friends so that when you fail, they will receive you into everlasting habitations."
"It wasn't just about old stuff or making money, it was about being friends and loving the same things."
"She's truly a good friend, I just I gotta say it."
"You guys are my best friends; I love you so much."
"As long as you hold on to these friends, your life will be better than you ever dreamed."
"Sasha and Anne have a very strong friendship, Sasha and Anne are BFFs."
"Friendship is unwavering; it's yours forever."
"You've learned to be friends, I think that makes all the trouble worth it."
"For me, the most interesting part of the movie was their friendship."
"Better to lose a well than a friendship."
"Friendship means more than teams."
"Friendship should not be measured in quantity anyway."
"A friend makes it all mean so much more, a friend you can call, a friend will be there, let me be your friend to the end, with the world to share."
"Any true friend is better than a fake friend."
"I just needed a friend to talk to."
"Our friendship means a lot to me."
"She has a great friend group and I never had that."
"Great party last night, great friends, it really makes a man start to think."
"I feel really lucky to have a group of friends like you."
"I love y'all so much, thank you for being such great caring friends, I really appreciate you."
"When the world is so complicated, the simple gift of friendship is within all of our hands."
"The only reason TST is a thing is because we were friends when we had nothing."
"The perfect hangover cure is friendship."
"Family are the friends you're given; friends of the family you choose."
"I trust our friendship; it teaches us more than we can ever expect from each other."
"I don't measure friendship on likes and comments."