
Media Responsibility Quotes

There are 218 quotes

"At our station, it's our responsibility to pursue and report the truth. We understand truth is neither politically left nor right."
"Our media outlets are complicit in what is a historic crime."
"Supernatural doesn't have an obligation to make a pairing happen simply because fans want it, but I do think they have a responsibility not to aggressively bait those fans and use harmful tropes in the process."
"The job of the media is to expose what is true."
"The media has a responsibility to use the information that is available to them to report that information and to explain it to the public."
"We're not responsible for what people conclude on Twitter based on a cursory reading of what all we're responsible for is what we reported."
"We have to be responsible when it comes to what we tell you guys and what we report on."
"Tucker Carlson is actually discharging that responsibility in the right way."
"I think if the media makes a mistake they should have to correct it."
"Your job is to report what's happening, not portray what you wish was happening."
"What CNN is doing here is not properly informing citizens of what's been done in their name."
"It's tricky to draw the line between helpful entertainment and false hope."
"The weight of this impassioned defense falls heavily upon Kilmeade's shoulders, transforming him into a resolute advocate for the reputation of a divisive political figure."
"Look people in the eye and tell them what you've actually failed to tell them for the last five years own the accountability for your own failures as the media."
"Journalists in the media have an incredibly important role and responsibility in preventing the spread of misinformation."
"You don't rank stories based on how crazy you are. You look into them. That's what journalism is."
"The media wants to explain that there is evidence, there is proof."
"It's not about being first, it's about being accurate."
"The media has to start telling the right story in this country."
"If it's a crime to be sent a document which may or may not be stolen then you might as well jail all the journalists in America."
"Should he be allowed to have a platform on YouTube where we are speaking right now? Absolutely not."
"Apologize to the family... faced with the images of their daughter's dead body because of you."
"The truth matters, American democracy is not a reality show."
"Everybody out there has an agenda. I have an agenda. The challenge is how do we tell those stories in an entertaining and compelling way without changing or cheating the facts?"
"I think there is more than ever a need for more media that takes a different approach that's much more unapologetic and explicit about the truth and the commitment to the truth."
"The anchor should try to be louder than the liars."
"I make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets: please deal with the misinformation and disinformation."
"Why do you think journalists catch heat when they misquote somebody? You can't just... misquote somebody and then change the sentiment of what you're saying."
"Just do it in a way which harms no one and which does not promote or bolster right-leaning media figures."
"The fourth estate was supposed to be keeping a check on power."
"The idea that millions of people have sent in their ballot, the news media should be very clear that those votes should be presumed to be counted, not uncounted."
"The media has an obligation to make sure they aren't perpetuating the big lie."
"The stories need to get out, we need to publish the truth, people need to know what's really going on."
"We need our news media to challenge those who are in power, to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted."
"The judge in the Dominion lawsuit has once again ruled against Fox News saying that they cannot use the argument that the voter fraud conspiracies were newsworthy."
"It's so important for news organizations to clean up their act, right, understand that, hey, maybe we need to revisit our training in journalistic ethics."
"I still see a distinction between this story says go out and kill people and this discovery was then misinterpreted and that misinterpretation said go out and kill people."
"The press should be adversarial to people in power."
"So what could the New York Times or Saturday Night Live have done? Well, outside of some very basic research and being open and honest with their audiences."
"Ultimately, people surmised that Shannon wasn't going to respond, implicitly accepting responsibility for her behavior."
"Real journalism is the painstaking reporting that will fight for progress and reform."
"Is it too much to ask that we treat a somber issue somberly? That we don't turn a serious and sensitive trial into content for our feeds?"
"Ultimately, the number one part of my job is to try to humanize these athletes."
"We are paid to filter through all the crap and say this you should pay attention to this you shouldn't and encourage our audience to do their own homework."
"Tatler has done their fair share of abuse toward Megan."
"Viacom CBS condemns bigotry of any kind and we categorically denounce all forms of anti-Semitism."
"It's important to cover some of these dark events. I know it's sometimes hard to listen to, but it's a part of our history."
"We need to be covering this with the same ferocity."
"If news outlets were responsible, they would run continuous like a dashboard continually updated data on things like crime rate and greenhouse gas emissions and extreme poverty."
"Having a voice with a large platform is very dangerous when misused."
"Casting choices can help reinforce white supremacy or help dismantle it. So Netflix, do better next time."
"Truthful reporting in the media is essential to our democracy."
"I mean no disrespect in covering this story, I just cover hot topics, trending topics, and news."
"Just don’t let misconceptions float around unchallenged, even if it’s like implied by having a villain say it."
"The Dominion stuff was total BS." - Fox knew from the top-down
"Protect your sources even if they don't protect themselves."
"Their job is to report on the news for the benefit of the American people. They want to report on the news as accurately and earnestly as they can."
"I think it's incredibly important that the information is dispersed to the most amount of people."
"I just wish people were more cognizant of like do I know enough about this topic to be speaking on at length to millions of people."
"You folks can only preserve that hard-won credit in one way with solid fair-minded accurate and energetic reporting."
"I promised myself I was gonna do a whole lot more punching up and little to no punching down."
"We have to counter the misinformation and disinformation."
"I don't think this needs to be a news story but I think at the moment it really does because we need to see the climate change so that people do feel that they can be their true self."
"It's always you always have to have balanced information. You gotta present both sides of the argument and let the viewers decide."
"If another outlet reports something, don't run with it unless you have your own sourcing to back it up."
"It's up to the facebooks and youtubes in particular to think about whether or not they want to be effectively cable networks for disinformation."
"We're more informed on how we can best do our jobs to be the best news station that we can be for you."
"Viewers can only make their own minds up if they're given all the available facts."
"The chief job of a newspaper is to inform, to tell people. For decades, the freedoms of thought and expression have been central to Western democracy."
"Do you think it's the media's role to publish a diverse set of opinions?"
"You can't just take one movie and make it responsible for all the behavior in society."
"The media outlets and newspapers that refuse to report on the truth of this story are just as guilty as Epstein himself."
"Now that the emails have been published for several days and the Biden campaign hasn't denied a single one of them, shouldn't we all admit that they're true?"
"Put it out there, figure out if it's true. That's your job as a journalist."
"Fox News needs to be held responsible for their actions."
"I do not view your channel as some kind of forum for hate speech."
"We are going to produce content that speaks truth to power."
"Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to act news I'm your host 10 million dollar studio and today I ask the important questions: are you giving your child digital heroin?"
"There's a concept that undergirds the journalism at propublica: the public interest."
"Merely referencing an article or approving of it does not create a separate publication."
"Broadcast networks should run the press conferences but be ready to fact-check in real time."
"Tonight, we are retracting the story. We don't know whether the information is accurate, but the fact is we do know it wasn't ready for broadcast and for that, I apologize."
"I urge Fox News to order Carlson to cease propagating the big lie on his network and to level with their viewers about the truth."
"Journalists must be independent voices, not acting on behalf of special interests."
"If you're giving people bad information like that and you're doing it as brazenly and as confidently as you are, then you're potentially giving people a false picture, a distorted picture of what's coming."
"I'm absolutely all for these big channels talking about issues like this."
"Sadly, there will always be racists, misogynists, anti-Semites, and child abusers. But I think we could all agree that we should not be giving bigots and pedoph"
"In any normal world, if 88% of voters supported something and we were in the middle of a pandemic that exposed the extent to which we needed that something, it would be the media that was holding politicians accountable."
"The best weapon we have against misinformation is to fact check."
"That's journalism... it's not our job to abide by whatever strictures or public relations campaign anybody has."
"These aren't characters, these are real people... Things that you say and accusations you make hurt real people."
"Ensuring respectful handling of sensitive topics."
"But most of all that is that the majority of your audience are young people to begin with so by putting out this message that it's a prank or that we were trying to prank our viewers it sends out a negative message to younger folks."
"It's why it's so important to ensure the facts are verified."
"We will never lie. It's going to be as honest as a news organization has ever been."
"We need a media in this country journalism to actually report information and challenge those in power."
"If we make a mistake, we correct it. That's what journalists are supposed to do."
"As this channel goes, I always try my best to get both sides of the story."
"I'm all for freedom of content, but if kids are watching this, that's a mistake."
"We owe it to our black staff, black talent, black production partners, and viewers to demand change and accountability."
"The best way to fight against fake news if you think fake news is dangerous then challenge it and give real news."
"When we chalk everything up to, 'that's their culture,' we have removed any and all responsibility of our government and 20 years of context we, as the media, are also responsible for."
"If you really want to get past racial barriers be fair in coverage be honest."
"The cops have done everything in their power to cover it up... it is incumbent upon the media to find it and show it."
"Here what is propagandistic about the film is its attempts to side step away from difficult topics pinning the responsibility for them elsewhere."
"You get in front of that camera and you tell the world what's going on here."
"This is a very critical time for the American people and the American people deserve real information."
"This still doesn't mean journalists can just lie about everything."
"Imagine the idea of these creators thinking that what they do doesn't have an impact on their audience, right?"
"This is not some random guy on Twitter... it is the son of the president of the United States."
"Does there come a point where the corporate media has to... actually cover these facts?"
"Behind fear-based headlines, this 8-week adventure is certain to test us in unimaginable ways."
"All the media has to do is start behaving honestly."
"Democracy is that way, the wolf that wins is the one we feed and media provides the fodder."
"I'm not going to talk about it too much because right now Linus Tech tips is doing a third party investigation."
"On them the U.S. media should report on them regardless of what the source is. What the only thing that matters is, are they true? Can they be confirmed and are they newsworthy? Are they relevant to the public?"
"Fundamentally, that is the one thing that if you fail at, you have failed as a journalist."
"There's a line between reporting news and manufacturing it."
"The reason that I'll continue to make the content that I do and be Unapologetic about it because in my opinion this is creating a larger and systemic harm."
"I'm going to the money, Candice. I don't want Netflix to do that. I want NBC that airs the Golden Globes to say I'm going to the money Golden Globes."
"Educate, inform, but not form people's opinions."
"It's a reality of the responsibility you have when you have any microphone at all."
"There were other options on the table... this dude lied about exactly how much he helped his brother."
"Our purpose is to do journalism and we're gonna make this a fight for civil liberties."
"We intentionally pick the important content knowing that they're not necessarily going to make as much revenue or get as much viewership because we really respect our audience." - Ana Kasparian
"We really respect our audience. We want to make sure we get you guys accurate important information on a daily basis." - Anak Casparian
"Black media is supposed to narrate the truth, the stories, the perspective that is not usually had."
"The mainstream level media should be asking questions okay but they're not asking questions."
"It is crucial for media organizations to be responsible for their creations and strive for balanced, objective, and fair reportage."
"Since there are cases in this video that do cover tragedy and the loss of human life, it's important to do so with respect and love to those missing and their families who were affected."
"The press's responsibility though is to make sure that we're informed of the real information, that's what they're supposed to do."
"The guy who did the shooting said I'm doing it because of race. If we left race out of the story, we would be lying to you." - Cenk Uygur
"Thank you for opening up the door for outlets like mine to step up and do just the bare minimum and tell you guys the truth."
"What have we learned from this today? Blackmail is not effective. This video is not an endorsement of blackmailing. Lil Simsy does not endorse blackmail or treason."
"Facts matter, and that's all you're ever going to get from us here on Political Beatdown."
"The media's job is to honestly and accurately convey reality to its viewers."
"As journalists, we can't just report things that aren't vetted with multiple sources."
"The media is supposed to be the accountability arm of the elites in this country... but obviously they're not."
"It's not fear-mongering, it's telling the truth."
"It's one thing to report the news, it's another thing to lean on that news for your own opinion."
"I know that people who watch the Midas touch Network want the facts, want the data, and want the specifics."
"The media in part contributed to Donald Trump's rise... maybe you should have been a little bit more responsible."
"I think we have a responsibility to present things... sometimes if a story has been super overhyped... it's up to us to parse the difference."
"Journalists have a job to find the truth, to tell the truth, to speak the truth."
"Why don't you ask if he's that you know just ask and the answer will be of course they haven't because they know the answer right right."
"Make sure you hear it first with all the facts in context here on the mest touch Network and legal AF."
"Very unpatriotic... freedom of the press also comes with responsibility to report the news."
"Welcome to Indisputable. We tell the truth because the truth is simply indisputable."
"I challenge the government... I think that's part of the job of the media." - Dylan Ratigan
"These are important topics to cover and that's why we cover them."
"Our democracy can die in The Silence if the media doesn't stand up."
"This just came out last night so I wanted to be able to deliver you guys this news."
"Let me give you an update to a story we reported and a correction to a name we submitted."
"The significant question is responsible objective transparent reporting taking place."
"Sharing the truth about social problems misrepresented in art and media is important, necessary work."
"Journalists have to fact check everything, that's what we should strive for."
"The media has to stop with the constant publication of the names and pictures of the shooters."
"We are in a time where we're having a powerful and important conversation around systemic racism in every institution. Any of us in the media can't be exempt from that conversation."
"Keep talking about it. Make a commitment to keep covering it."
"Fox News is totally on the hook and liable for misleading millions of people about the severity of this crisis."
"Okay so we conducted the interview tonight and I'm not going to release that because there's so much more to just that interview."
"The function of the media should be to hold power to account."
"Media's job is to hold accountable those of all parties without regard to party."
"Platforming dangerous individuals only amplifies their influence."
"It felt really important to make sure that people realized that we were not invalidating anyone's experiences on this show and they were not passing out um hurtful or harmful ideology about trans people."
"We need to be more discerning, more truthful, and more responsible about the information we absorb and repeat."
"Your job, the media's job, is to illuminate the facts, not fan the flames."
"Information and misinformation is a big problem."
"There is no room for images on the TV of violence, aggression, or even disrespect. No matter what they do to us, we have one rule: honor and dignity at all times."
"It's virtually impossible to believe that Britain could have got away with the invasion of Iraq if the media had been doing its job."
"Your job is to make sure that the public who consume our news are as informed as we can make them so that they can make their own minds up."
"This is literally what George Galloway thinks in George Galloway's words, and we're a media organization. If somebody says something of real interest to our audience and the wider public, we're going to publicize that. That's what we do. That's the name of the game."
"I ask the media just print the facts, people want to know facts, not skewered testimony, not lies, not interpretations, just the facts."
"I think that the media has more responsibility than the person."
"Ethical journalism strives to ensure the free exchange of information that's accurate, fair and thorough."
"Let's not irresponsibly use our platform. Let's see what's going on before we report on that."
"This is the responsibility of a local television station that takes its responsibilities to heart, that we are here to serve our community."
"We're trying to get to the truth, we're trying to do real journalism here."
"I'm gonna try to do my best to make sure that the information that I'm bringing you guys is correct and accurate and not fake news."
"The role of the media in a Democratic Society is not to sing us lullabies and tell us everything is okay when it's not."
"We should not deluge people with an hour of gore, but we should show much more than we do."
"The ABC needs to adhere to its Charter and its statutory obligation in its own act of delivering news and current affairs which is accurate and objective."
"The media... always is to get the story right."
"It's our responsibility as YouTubers or Independent Media to shed a little bit of light on how it actually is."
"The media has to be honest, but it can't keep telling you what truth is."