
Ephemeral Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"It's like cotton candy: fun to look at and tastes good in the moment, but quickly vanishes into nothing."
"The privilege of youth, the absence of responsibility, the free-spirited nature of song and dance, all fleeting." - Logan Paul
"It's blowing in the wind, it's blowing in the wind."
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain."
"This is news today and it's chip paper tomorrow."
"Ethereal and effervescent like a wisp drifting through the mist."
"All those moments will be lost like tears in rain."
"All his moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain."
"That star shone bright but unfortunately it burned out way too fast."
"It was life-giving. It wasn't supposed to last forever. It was life-giving."
"Kim and Pete's relationship was very much so short-lived."
"Memory’s images, once they are fixed in words, are erased..."
"He was a light that burned quickly and brightly, and when it was gone, everybody missed it."
"Your bones will litter the space between moments."
"Luck and happy coincidences. Unexpected rendezvous and flirtation. Embrace the short-lived moments."
"Fame is the sun-time thing, sweetheart. Just a flash in the pan."
"I wish toadstools could last forever and all year round but their short season is truly the beauty of them it makes me appreciate them so much more."
"A puddle in the desert that wasn't there yesterday and will be gone in a few weeks as will you."
"All these people here, they're like smoke. They blow away in the moment."
"For what is your life? It's only a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away."
"We just wanted to make some lifelong memories together, and now it seems lifelong means only a few hours."
"All these people that are investing all this time in TikTok, it's like the Vine. It's gonna be gone and they're gonna be gone."
"In the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow."
"She will always be remembered as a bright star that lit up the sky for just a few seconds."
"A little bit, but then they just chew up, and disappear."
"...we're just vanished Into The Ether because one moment of glory and then the clam was gone."
"What is your life but a mist that appears for a moment and then is no more."
"TSR was alive and kicking for like 20 minutes."
"Containers are ephemeral in nature."
"What lovers say to each other should be written on the wind and in running water."
"Some last a lifetime, others merely a second."
"All these moments will be lost in time like tears and rain."
"Memories you could be talking to her in a minute."
"Shared by lost hearts woven together, just for tonight."
"It almost takes on a human form before dissipating into nothing."
"Octopus: born on New Year's, gone by October."
"As the snowdrop flowers continue with each step, you blink, and it's just feathers."
"Wow, as fast as it came, as fast as it went away."
"We have only today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not come."
"This gorgeous vision passed gently with noiseless dignity over my head as light and fragile as a soap bubble and drifted upon its stately way."
"Your life is just but for a moment."
"She bids farewell because her body will disappear soon."
"If love is a feeling, if love is butterflies what you'll discover is that butterflies fly away."
"Oh, I wish this could last forever, Mrs. Honeybee."
"It just seems so ephemeral and elusive and weird."
"Life is but a Mist that appears for a moment and then it's gone."
"...when he does spots, it's done, it's gone, and it's not and no one can go and do it the way he just did it."
"I was floating on a cloud and I knew it would vanish in a poof and I'd come Crashing Down to Earth but damn if I didn't want to spend every last second I could with him."
"I think he burned fast and bright you know."
"The value and joy of balancing the permanent with the ephemeral."
"Miracles have expiration dates, but it was like you were living the perfect ending."
"Our love was a flat shimmer pan, a miami asthma, a few fresh freaking fragments of time."
"It's better to have lived and had what I had because I was great, if only for a short time."
"It wasn't here for a long time, but it was here for a good time for sure."
"The stars will soon be gone, the island is there."
"Your consciousness, your sense of self, is this ephemeral, fragile little bubble floating on the surface of this deep ocean."
"Fame is the flower of a day that dies when the next sun rises."
"It's something that is magical that just kind of lasts for what it lasts for."
"I'm here for a short time, not a long time."
"It's such a special, like unique experience, then you know it lasts for split seconds, but there's nothing else that's gonna ever come close to it."
"Drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die."
"It is the nature of dance to exist for a better moment."
"Life is a blast but it don't last; live it long and live it fast."
"You get just a moment to shine, lightning bright, the moment when everything's right."
"It's here for a good time, not a long time."
"In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars."
"A footprint will not remain on the surface for very long; it has to be buried."
"Blink and you'll miss it; this is the story."
"I've known a heaven like a tent to wrap its shining yards, pluck up at stakes and disappear without the sound of boards."
"The ghostly traffic jam was gone, but the memories would stay with me forever."
"And then he just faded away like smoke in the wind."
"It was like everything around flashed to nothingness for a split second."
"It's a very rare pleasure, got to enjoy it while it lasts because it never ever does."
"Life is so fleeting, and nothing is promised."
"You are the music while the music lasts."
"For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night."
"That is crazy, it's so cool though, and then it just vanishes. I love that."
"We were burning so damn bright, just like a shooting star turns into dust."
"Internet trends have the lifespans of mayflies."
"With women and wine, I defy every care, for life without these is a bubble of air."
"For just a second, so quick that if I had blinked at that moment, I would have completely missed it, the Moon was illuminated by a fiery orange color."
"A shooting star is brilliant for a tiny moment and then fades away into obscurity," laughs the Flying Scotsman.
"Her voice would not cease, it would just vanish."
"This life is a vapor, like dust here today, gone tomorrow. It is fleeting."
"Strangers in the night, the moths will meet and mate only once in their lives."
"Legends aren't always built over years, sometimes they flash bright in a single season."
"It's like a shooting star going through the air."
"You were 13.8 billion-year-old stardust, and your life is but a flash, a spark of light."
"Life is a dance, Laura. We get one go around and then..."
"Spirits come and go in whatever way they can, sometimes it's their choice, sometimes there are other factors at play."
"Time is like the powder off a moth's delicate velvet wings, drifting up into the heavens, mingling with the stars."
"Enjoy it as a flower arrangement for the time that you have it."
"I finally put it all together, but nothing really lasts forever."
"After the tower fell, the creature just vanished like it had never been there at all."
"It kind of just sort of vanished into thin air, like it was never there."
"The funny thing or the most interesting thing of a flower of a dragon fruit is it will only open for one night."
"Out of a misty dream, our path emerges for a while, then closes within a dream."
"The sky wept stars that quickly floated and disappeared into the darkness before our wishes could meet them."
"The spectacle is known as the mayfly dance."
"After about five seconds, the darkness returned, but with the sky and the air filled with a purple glow."
"The falling star was a bright slash of paint across the oak and sky."
"With recording, we're basically trying to capture ghosts; that's what sound is for me, this flux of energy that goes into the room as I speak right now."
"There's something lovely about making something so beautiful that's only going to last for a few hours; it makes it even more special."
"We need Quantum field theory because it arose out of our need to describe the ephemeral nature of life."
"Rising to the skies with the smoke, I send my thoughts; sometimes hence I will appear to folk like this."
"Love had lasted only that instant when we had been united, splitting between Earth and Moon."
"Oh my, a finicky thing that cookie. The taste is sweet, but the effect is brief."
"A ghost wind passed on this ground."
"I've written about 12 TV themes, most of them were around for one season and disappeared."
"Fame is super unbelievably fleeting."
"We've introduced a new org type called the scratch org and the scratch org is an ephemeral environment that you create immediately when you need it."
"On the day they will see it, it will be as though they did not stay in this worldly life but an afternoon or a morning."
"It lasted for only a magical flick of time, so brief and brilliant and beautiful."
"Love seems unconquerable but vanishes like smoke."
"The Shining times wouldn't last forever."
"...everything changes, snow becomes water. It's beautiful because it changes; things are fleeting."
"He's like just a ship in the night, isn't he? Like a passing cloud, lights dimly blinking on the horizon."
"That's the thing about magic tricks; they're always disappearing."
"Just like 'the face of eventide', it's the flower that blooms merely for a night."
"Life is like a dream, friends like a mist."
"It's kind of ethereal. And it's this ever-changing, ever-evolving thing that can disappear in a moment."
"You know when you see something weird for a moment but as soon as you look closely it's gone."
"Farmers have to look every day for orchids on the vines because flowers only last for one day."
"I love those; they are going to be gone in 10 seconds."
"I've been in a dream, and this is the only evening we'll ever have together."
"The limbs of your imagination can be made true if you wave the wand around for a fleeting moment, but art is fleeting."
"Here today, gone tomorrow, it seems like in your own mind."
"He was ephemeral; he changed color and mood frequently."
"A Fighter's fate is like a splendid firework; it will fall quickly after it burns out."
"I loved hanging out by the campfire after dark, I loved the way bits of fire dust would float up and disappear into the night air."
"We burned out bright right across the sky."
"Some moths don't have mouths because they emerge from their cocoon ready to mate and die shortly thereafter."
"Hand in hand, building castles out of sand, searching for the ground."
"Life is so ephemeral, things are so short-lived, and if it's something that you enjoy, live it with your full heart while you're doing it."
"Life is brief, bright, and beautiful, and yours to live."
"What's up with dreams? They feel so vivid when you're dreaming, then they disappear into nothing when you wake up."
"The moon reflected in the water and a flower in the mirror are things that can be seen but not held."