
Negative Energy Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"The idea behind holistic tubes is that the majority of sicknesses or illnesses that people encounter come from a place of negative energy."
"I finally realized why people don't like us... They put all the energy for us to lose."
"There is an angry energy here. I feel it, it has a pulse."
"I just want to keep apologizing for sending that negative energy out there."
"Every time a demonic or shadow entity pokes at you, it's challenging you into your power."
"This is the loving way to deal with negative energy."
"I am free from all negativity, I am free from all negative energy."
"Fear is that energy which is most used and fed upon by those entities you describe as negative."
"When you run into negative energy in your life... point and go to another direction."
"All those negligent energies could put you in a very toxic place."
"Don't give negative people your energy. Take it away. Your energy doesn't belong there."
"The devil energy is manipulation... lies... deceit."
"They're stuck with this toxic energy... that's what's keeping them stalled."
"Don't be exceptionally fearful because ultimately you could end up attaching that fearful energy onto yourself and doing yourself more harm than good."
"There was an undeniable aura of I guess you'd say evil around it."
"Just remember that with everything that plays out this week, anybody's negative shadow energy, don't let it penetrate."
"If this energy does not feel good, why do you hold on to it?"
"He ain't nothing but a damn Incubus or succubus or energy vampire."
"I'm done giving people second chances. I'm done inviting in negative and toxic energies into my life."
"Devil energy trying to get somebody not to be vulnerable."
"You're in the process of completing some toxic cycles here. You're freeing yourself from nasty, nasty people, negative energy. You're done with it."
"You can just feel negative energy. You can feel bad people."
"The incessant attacks have to do with an unseen energy."
"Arman and Lucifer siphon energy from those without Christ in their hearts, feeding the eighth sphere."
"Everybody's so caught up for a check... that [stuff] come with bad energy and spirit."
"Energy is something that you cannot ever to lie about and the energy in which your Z gives out is not good."
"The entire place had a bad energy. It’s lucky they got out alive."
"...they felt a very negative energy... everyone froze... what he saw appeared to be a shadow standing over 10 feet tall..."
"Find healthy ways to flush out negative energy."
"The dark energy is going to gravitate and pull individuals based upon your pain."
"It is a really dark force it is a really dark energy it is really low frequency it's super predatory it's incredibly dangerous."
"It feels like it has negative intention. Oh my."
"I just want us to come together and for those that come with some negative energy just take it back."
"You're dealing with a fake spiritual person, somebody that's low vibrational, hell no."
"This karmic is just sinister this is a Sinister evil ass energy okay don't don't don't get caught up do not get caught up."
"If you choose to focus your energy on all the things that God took away from you or whatever entity that is that you believe in took away from you, then you will be consumed with that energy."
"I feel so relieved, no more anxiety or fear, all the negative energy left with them."
"I mean, come on, all the death that happened in this place, the anger, the negative energy."
"There's a lot of negative and ugly energy in the world as well."
"When we went to check into our rooms as soon as I entered the hallway I remember almost feeling as though I had walked into a wall of sorts of bad energy."
"This person might have entity attachment, they got some negative [ __ ] stuck on them."
"This experience has made me believe that negative energy exists in places where awful things have happened."
"If you wear evil eye jewelry, it's supposed to protect you from it, and then it breaks. And if it breaks, it means it absorbed too much negative energy and it served its purpose, so you need to get something new."
"Cruelty and abuse are the shadow side that we see with Pluto energy."
"There was also just a lot of negative energy in that house, and as someone who believes that negative energy attracts more malevolent spirits, that's another thing that I think could have influenced this house."
"Negative energy is like a poison. Chronic complaint goes hand in hand with low self-esteem."
"Since Laura wants to be bringing drama every day with negative energy, if we can all ignore her, then we can actually really have a good time in Dubai."
"There's a lot of negative energy that you're feeding into because you feel like jealousy or you feel like people are trying to tell you about yourself."
"Own self-sabotaging thoughts or this can even be releasing people or situations who are bringing negative energy towards you that are keeping you from where you're truly meant to be."
"Flowers pick up bad vibes and whatever, if you shake a plant, it doesn't like it."
"Lord, push out all the negative energy, any spirits, good and evil, inside this house."
"Anybody sending any negative energy my way, I ask that that energy is returned to sender thousandfold."
"Stop being out here be like, 'I wish I was older,' 'I wish I was an adult.' Don't do it. Don't wish that negative energy upon yourself."
"Her father told her that this is why he keeps her from there; there's an evil that lingers in that area from dark magic and negative energy."
"The negative energies bring challenges into your life which promotes growth."
"With each exhalation, making a choice to let go of that which no longer serves you, any negative energy or stress or tension that you feel within your body, you're capable of releasing that through your breath."
"Something about the mansion gave negative energy; it's something I never felt before."
"Do not give up because there's a lot of dark energies out here in this world."
"We're not born with devil energy; it attaches to us as we go through life."
"The more we resist something instead of letting it go or letting it be, we just accumulate more and more negative energy."
"Recognize that if there's any energies in your life that feel like they're lowering your confidence, they have got to go."