
Career Preparation Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Most of the work is done before you ever walk in that room: making sure that you're a top performer, asking your boss what it would take to get a compensation adjustment, and actually exceeding those goals."
"My number one goal is that you actually get a job."
"It's no secret that learning how to code is the number one thing that you need to do before actually getting a software development job."
"If you're going into maths or science, you're gonna do quantitative stuff. If you're going into history or literature, you're going qualitative stuff."
"The reason you're here, you're taking this class, and your goal is to get good grades because those grades are signaling qualities about you to the outside world."
"The A+ far outweighs whatever you will learn on the CCNA when it comes to entry-level IT work."
"The purpose of the concept art boot camp is to truly help you get ready for that job."
"Step one is our first licensing exam, and it's really, really important as to how competitive you are when you apply to residency."
"The study of law at university is not the only preparation to become a legal practitioner, but it is the best preparation."
"Graduate with some internship experience on your resume."
"Hi from Germany. Studying for the bar exam in Chicago, only a couple of weeks away."
"I got my audition tomorrow at 9:00 a.m... I better practice my lines real quick."
"Your GPA matters, but experience and practical skills are equally important."
"Those are the pros and cons that are great to know about accounting before you major in it or before you go out and find your first accounting job."
"Boot camps are really a great way to get hands-on experience."
"His plan worked. By 1978, Dimon graduates Summa Cum Laude from Tufts, and is accepted to the Harvard business school."
"You can tell someone really wants to work there and has done their research."
"Start preparing now if you're looking for a job."
"Grab this book before your next interview. It is going to make a difference, I guarantee you."
"I feel like in the future all the jobs are going to require really high levels of education."
"From concept to creation: Learn web design fundamentals."
"Education is how long are you waiting for that job after."
"Things are going to change once you get into your company, but that doesn't mean it's not worth it."
"The real motivation has to be concrete: you will get a job."
"These skills will apply and help set you up for success."
"You've already beaten the odds, but the challenges aren’t over quite yet."
"It's not just about going to school anymore, it's about what skills can you bring to the universe."
"There's no question that all of my experiences within the game of football... have prepared me to take on a challenge like this."
"When you go to the industry, you need to have knowledge in several fields."
"With a Master of Science in Business Analytics from the UB School of Management, you'll be able to gain a combination of technical, managerial, and communication skills."
"We're not championing excellence and outcomes. We're not saying that the goal of education is to get a kid in a position to get a job that lines up with their talent with their skill sets."
"Your showreel is king, and a good school can definitely help you do that."
"Experience is more important than the degree."
"It's absolutely clear that AI also gives you a huge competitive advantage in taking on roles."
"School teaches us to be an employee, not how to become wealthy."
"Most schools do not teach you enough to get you a job."
"Do something to internships to a voluntary service serve some weight do some work because this is all going to be useful to you when you go for your visa interview."
"The best thing you can do though to prepare for the future of work is being open-minded."
"I just felt like I needed to talk to y'all and get you all ready for these jobs."
"Just having an engineering degree is not enough. If you're going to build the business builders and the job creators of tomorrow, they have to think about the world as a market."
"Use that time to develop more skills, make yourself more valuable."
"No other program out there prepares you quite so well for a career as a women's wellness coach"
"What practical things can I be doing right now to help my future application?"
"It's that practical experience that I know will serve me well in whatever I decide to do after graduation."
"That's the importance about high school, you're going more towards what you're actually interested in, what you want to do as a career."
"You'll be building things that you can put into your portfolio and be ready to create your own projects too."
"Our main goal is to make you job ready and to make you less stressful in this career."
"Welcome to the past the interview series where I break down the interview processes of world-famous companies to help you get hired."
"Google actually acknowledges that you need to have a great resume, portfolio, interview ability among other things to really increase your chances to get that first job."
"Wall Street Prep offers financial modeling courses so you can be ready not just for interviews but for your job on the desk as a banker."
"Setting up your computer to build and deploy industry standard machine learning applications so that you're ready to maximize your impact during your first week of the job."
"They did train me quite well to go on with my life, go into the world into the workforce."
"It's a course about soft skills; we should improve our soft skills before graduating."
"You are investing on Leaders of Tomorrow, you are investing on managers of tomorrow, on board of director of tomorrow."
"Dress for the job that you want to have... decorate your resume for the job that you want to have as well."
"College is about more than just preparing for a job; it's about having the tools and support you need to find your calling and to find yourself."
"College education is more important than just learning skills for a job."
"This is an absolutely essential skill set to master if you want to get a job in a studio."
"Our college of nursing and health sciences sets their students up for success past graduation."
"It's a college where people go to become officers in the military."
"Foxes aims to make students more disciplined in their timekeeping and their work rate so they can fit into jobs in the outside world when they graduate."
"The purpose of this webinar is to give you a general understanding of the common skills used in this field and how one can prepare for their first role when applying for jobs in health informatics."
"Crafting an impressive cruise ship job CV requires attention to detail, tailoring it to the specific job description, and showcasing your relevant accomplishments."
"Your nurses training will provide you with a first-rate education."
"The curriculum is geared strongly towards getting the jobs in the industry; you're also going to get career support in terms of soft skills."
"Imagine how ahead of the crowd you will be by going through six internships already."
"It helps students to gain practical work experience in their relevant field of study."
"How to create generational wealth and how to prepare yourself for a finance career coming out of college."
"This is a 10-week course intended to teach young people all technical aspects that I think they need to go out and do this stuff for a living."
"Learn about Accenture before taking the test; understanding what Accenture values might help you choose between two similar answers."
"We're not teaching you to get a job at company X... we are teaching you the fundamentals."
"Students that want to become a technician take system support and networking."
"It's like going to school, except instead of spending four years, this is literally nine months and you're done."
"Math and science are your foundation for anything you want to do."
"It's a lot of professional development events, like resume building, networking... they'll help you prepare for a career fest."
"UVic is consistently ranked amongst the top Canadian comprehensive universities for preparing career-ready students."
"When you finish university, you can say that you've done all these briefs, you can show them to potential employers, and you can say that you've got real experience under your belt."
"We need to transform education so that it does a better job of preparing students for careers."