
Public Criticism Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"This is classic First Amendment retaliation. We have a First Amendment right to criticize public officials."
"Elon Musk went after Twitter for this. He was very public about it."
"If the people you're speaking out against are this angry with you and this obsessed with trying to tear you down, it probably means you're doing a pretty good job."
"Seriously Sydney, men deserve to be berated in public?"
"Trisha Paytas could say all kinds of things about me tomorrow."
"A defendant is generally allowed to publicly criticize the merits of a case... but obviously that criticism not cross a line and never evolve into witness intimidation."
"Hosono was rescued in lifeboat 13 and was attacked by the Japanese public press and government who felt that he had not done enough to save his passengers."
"There's no doubt that Rachel Nichols was thrown on the bus and then ran over five times."
"If they're not saying bad things about you, you ain't doing anything any good."
"I've seen and it's just sick it really is just sick but alas he came out as transracial and pretty much tried to steal the identity of another K-pop Star called Rose."
"He's swinging man, he's coming out swinging trying not to get nailed on this because they're just about to get him in that corner where he can't get away."
"We were here for people. We were shelter, we were taking people as soon as the flood waters receded." - Joel Osteen responding to criticism during Hurricane Harvey.
"The president doesn't base his decisions off of the criticism of others but on what he thinks is the right decision to make."
"When I defend someone's right to say something and I don't like what they've said, invariably I get told that I'm endorsing what they've said."
"No one has an issue with Harry talking about his family, but what Harry is doing is he is attacking his family on a world stage."
"He's been emasculated in front of the world."
"I'm not saying technically he won the fight I'm saying you went whatever eight rounds would the best ever do it with F your records oh and two where the [__] it is you've won nuts people are so mad at me."
"Leave Leslie Jones alone. She's funny. Stop picking on her."
"Are we really living in a world where people are abusing them for missing a penalty?... You guys, anyone abusing them, giving any hate towards any of those three players for anything, you are absolutely terrible human beings."
"Harry criticized the queen despite saying she was hugely admired."
"They've clung to these titles which is hypocritical to me because if you hate the institution if it's racist yada yada get rid of the titles stand on your own tv but they can't."
"Stinks of incompetence at board level," says Emily.
"It's disrespectful, it's unacceptable what Ronaldo did last night," emphasizes Cavani.
"How is this person not cancelled like Chrissy Teigen, right? John Legend, all that stuff like that." - Trisha Paytas discussing Chrissy Teigen's past behavior.
"They don't give a anymore. They're just out here telling us their plan, and there are people backing it up. Actively putting it in place. I mean, all you need to do is just look at what the Democrats just passed with this inflation reduction act."
"Public criticism is important yet there are people out there that think if you just talk to people privately everything is going to be solved."
"Kevin Durant catches backlash for criticizing... a sixth grade basketball player... and I think that is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time."
"He could cure cancer and people would still be mad at him."
"Say what you want but you will be paid dust because clearly she wants fame."
"If you're not gonna try going vegan could you at least stop bashing it to your 20k audience?"
"It's so insane right now that you have Cuomo getting an Emmy, literally killed thousands of old people."
"I ask Allah to forgive our sins and accept our brothers and sisters in Islam."
"Companies don't get to shield themselves off from criticism."
"We watched this man publicly shame, mock, humiliate the mother of his child."
"I am NOT going to allow my ex-husband and people who have their agendas to tell lies about me."
"You have to hold the criticism, can't be getting all upset because people are calling them out."
"This is a massive mistake that not only affects America and it affects pop culture if you will."
"The goal is never to shame or bring hate to that celebrity."
"It has almost become fashionable and part of our culture to cancel someone, to ridicule someone, and to point out someone's mistakes or actions."
"Call me out all you want, that's totally fine, I'm okay with it."
"Shame on Carson, creepy disgusting behavior by him."
"The more you attack Trump, the stronger he gets."
"The first amendment protects people from prosecution from the government, it doesn't protect you from criticism of what you're saying."
"LeBron is a great dad so the question is now all of a sudden LeBron didn't get the COVID vaccination now he's irresponsible, what does that have to do with anything?"
"It's a lose-lose situation for Mr. Beast. I think Jimmy is in an inescapable situation if he kicks out Chris, canceled. If he don't, his channel will die for real."
"Joe Rogan and everybody else targeted by the cancel mob, you could take a lesson from Stacey Abrams and really any democrat. They don't apologize."
"Cochrane remained infuriated by Admiral Gambier’s incompetence, and upon returning to England, publicly shamed him for his conduct."
"JK Rowling, you know, create literally a cultural sensation for the better part of a decade... getting dogpiled by people who were once your fans because of a fairly pedestrian opinion."
"President Obama has a major meeting on the New York City of Bowl outbreak with people flying in from all over the country but decided to play golf."
"The fact that you can be killed just coming home from work... should actually shame the city of New York."
"People are basically calling out Ryland for being a hypocrite."
"You would think that after the Meghan Markle debacle that tour in the Caribbean of William K even, the fact that I mean come on let's be honest we have it almost exclusively white family that represents Britain."
"Imagine getting up and going to work in the morning for a company whose new owner is systematically attacking your colleagues for his 84 million followers in public on the site you work for and knowing you might be next."
"Elon Musk has now publicly agreed with and amplified criticisms from the right of two individual twitter employees today one accusing its top policy exec of censorship and the other accusing a company lawyer of facilitating fraud."
"People are mad at Kanye West for what using religion to sell like pastors haven't been selling dreams for years."
"Chrissy Teigen is a sick, relentless, cruel, self-aggrandizing, needy, attention-starved bully."
"Kenneth Copeland defended his lifestyle in the weirdest and creepiest way."
"You can't make bad decision after bad decision after bad decision and then moan when people start singing about you in the ground."
"Expressing the truth when you know it's going to make people upset...I'd rather take some no name account on social media calling me a shill knowing I put the truth out there opposed to the other way around."
"The day and age that we living in, you can get canceled for doing that."
"Ellen and her net worth of 400 million dollars said nope." - Caption about Ellen DeGeneres refusing to help her crew during the pandemic
"Americans are starting to finally wake up to this Uber narcissist grifter."
"Nothing is actually going to change if he didn't change after being called out during the By Sister scandal."
"None of these accusations are going to stop me, none of these accusations have affected me."
"2023 will be the year 'passport bro' starts getting shamed."
"He's basically he's basically he basically has slammed him in a very public way in a very polite way."
"I've read so many terrible things about myself and just wanted to please this hypothetical."
"You can't please everybody, and sometimes it's hard to avoid negative feedback."
"Honestly, yeah, they do actually, it's kind of embarrassing Blizzard."
"Imagine what it would be like to have somebody with such a massive platform make a video pointing at your body and saying, 'I don't want to look like this.' How terrible do you think that would make you feel?"
"The only thing that Hunter Biden brings to the world is that he has proximity to his father."
"Joe Rogan has been promoting healthy living throughout the whole pandemic. Why aren't the health experts or medical professionals that signed off on this open letter to Spotify doing the same?"
"A list of those who gave to COVID-19 relief efforts: 6 million, 1 million, 35 million... And a list of all those who continue to exploit fear and profit from it."
"I'm absolutely fine because this is the world we live in haters are going to hate they're going to pile on it's absolutely fine I've got no problem with it there will be no apology because there's nothing to apologize for we keep doing what we do."
"Would she have gotten as much Guff had she been a man?"
"For him to be alive when we've done this, shame on you. Shame on you, Ed Woodward. Shame on you, the Glazers."
"Elon's like biggest most impactful mistake or mistakes has been during his tenure definitely the Twitter blue thing in my view."
"Experts have not just failed, they have failed to admit that they failed."
"I don't revel in the demise of anyone, but when you consider the amount of people who died because of the kind of advice they got from people like Phil Valentine, it's madness to me."
"Greg, you have officially stepped over that threshold. This is not about trying to correct you, this is about pointing at you and letting you be the example that everybody else can see as to what not to be."
"For all the people saying stop with your [ __ ] math equation, stop with your anything, just call it what it is, a robbery." - Brian Campbell
"People calling this out aren't saying that the game and the company have changed for no reason."
"Trey Young's balding chants are echoing throughout Madison Square Garden."
"I get called everything under the Sun, so being called old is a generous compliment."
"I feel like all that stuff is important if you're writing a character from that setting however really secondary if you're writing a good character which I don't think would be a controversial take yet people still seem to hate me for saying it"
"Why did so many people say this is a bad idea? Everyone was saying that I'm lazy, go ahead and use an ax. Yeah right, you can't use an ax to go through a log that is like 14 inches or even bigger."
"Let's not act like what Fat Joe said on the stage about y'all is not the very same thing."
"Jim called Musk out on the mat on Twitter after Musk began to focus on Starship instead of delivering the Crew Dragon."
"There's no doubt that excessive and unnecessary force was used by the ATF that day at Mount Carmel."
"Everybody should have got banned for talking [ __ ] about Barron Trump when he was a little boy."
"Don't cancel Taylor Swift, like if you want to cancel Taylor Swift, there's something seriously wrong with you."
"Harry is very much being dishonorable to his grandmother by complaining about these things."
"Elon Musk... stated that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were 'Incredibly Dumb' and others like Toyota have eventually agreed."
"I didn't lie in my criticisms of Greg Ducette... I still believe that Greg Ducett committed an unethical action..."
"Just because we met doesn't mean that you're not going to get clowned on for doing a disservice to the Asian community."
"Wow, the diversity, you woke people so stupid."
"Maybe Trudeau is very much aware of the uselessness of AI to the average Canadian, yet still heavily invests in the technology for more nefarious reasons."
"I would never shut up about things that's wrong. Wrong LeBron! You shut up about China, human rights abuses, and everything they tell you to speak up for, to get along with the program so that Nike can make some money off of you."
"I speak from a very educated mind. No you don't. I look at his face, look at his face, I cannot take this man seriously. He said I speak from a very educated mind. Bro, you're not educated. That's my whole point of this video."
"So Mother's Day is in two months. Oh Karen, this was not a good look. You drank, you drove. Karen, you know I go up for you but, like girl, get it together, connect the dots."
"The Paul Brothers didn't earn nine figures by being good people."
"When your rivals get annoyed about your signing, when they dismiss the player, when they rip into him, when I diss, mercenary, and Dylan Editor, I can smell the stench of jealousy oozing from your pores like bad body odor."
"She was a complete Maverick, yes. I mean, Harry has criticized the RO family and Diana also criticized the RO family."
"Nick Ferrari thinks people are stuck in Sudan because 'a few civil servants can't take the odd hard word without having to race off to The Priory and have a lie down in a darkened room.'"
"NYPD is openly harassing a media professional and attorney simply because I outperformed the mayor in an interview." - Activist
"She failed her A sample, she failed her B sample, she was banned by AIU CAS unanimously rejected a repeal, Let's Run crowd rightfully roasted her and will continue to do so."
"Drake has been accused of being a culture vulture for utilizing accents and phraseology from other heritages."
"Trisha Paytas has, for years, been criticized for her weird obsession with Jewish men."
"Let's be real people out there saying that don't come after her for what she's feeding her kids, yes, this is bad."
"Government is the only institution that can get away with giving themselves a raise when they fail."
"It's become sport to dunk on the CDC." - Rand Paul
"Some people say, 'Well Armando if you're changing people's lives why don't you just put on the internet for free?' Because I love money."
"The American people are stupid, they're really really stupid."
"I think there's a discussion to be had. CD Projekt Red said they wouldn't do something, and they're now doing it. I think it's fair to call them out on that."
"And therefore they've got to villainize people like me and you they got to villainize people like Chris Pratt because you know left of their own devices there will be no more civility you know god forbid."
"It's embarrassing for the church to have this much money."
"Harry and Megan have made it absolutely clear they regard freedom of speech as bonkers and they are trying to shut down anybody who dares to expose their con and their game."
"She just shared a thought-provoking meme; they went full [expletive] Ham on her."
"So, at the end of the day, you guys are coming at me, and after what my church just went through, and y'all sitting here laughing and making a mockery of it."
"He said Kanye West is actually doing a disservice to black people, he's dangerous, we should have listened to him."
"Did you hear about the shell CEO getting shredded at a TED Talk yesterday?"
"You're doing potentially important work when your critics aim to aggressively attack your work."
"The only thing to do is to carry on criticizing them until they're driven from office."
"Am I happy people are losing their minds over this? Gotta cancel The Rock, he sucks and this, that, and the other. Does he? He's a coward, yes, but there is more to this, folks, believe it or not, there is more to this."
"Imagine being a part of WWE creative and all of this news that comes out about a certain story or a storyline and it receives nothing but negative attention. How does that make you feel?"
"The comments by Sir Alan Duncan effectively accused two conservative peers... This is disgraceful."
"The mainstream Democrat establishment media are insulting them, calling them Liars, sending hate and harassment their way for daring to speak up."
"Cutting Zelina's match on the 9/11 show is atrocious but more than anything It's indicative that WWE just doesn't have their wits about them any more."
"Lee Yi faced strong disapproval following aggressive comments he made regarding the CCP virus and its death toll."
"I think they've gotten worse. They always have been bad, but they've only become bigger and more emboldened."
"Colleen used minors for content, scared them, scarred them with trauma, and seems to have no remorse."
"Ted Cruz is pulling a flood cruise and cruising over to Cancun with his family."
"People will talk about anybody because they're not doing the work. They only talk about the people that's at the top."
"Tory Lanez is a disrespectful narcissistic little bitty [expletive] of a man that cannot take his ego being bruised and it is extremely obvious to see by anybody that has two [expletive] eyes and two ears they can see in here, child."
"You're not making black women jealous, you're grossing us out."
"Nobody's perfect, but that's not... You gotta make sure you strong, you could see them people comments and you could just be like, forget them."
"It's really sad to see that this man was discouraged... these people weren't just attacking a game, they were attacking Wale."
"Listen, guys, it's wrong. They shouldn't be doing it and we should call them out on the internet as much as possible whenever it happens."
"They're saying they're going to award them during commercial breaks. It's so offensive."
"This fanbase expects wins and if they're not winning he's gonna hear a whole lot about it."
"Chris Hemsworth really is doing God's work by calling out Brie Larson here."
"Chicago is being ripped apart even Obama adviser David Axelrod admitted as much this weekend."
"Hillary Clinton's biggest fundraisers are now trying to stick it to you as hard as they can."
"I never get disciplined and Ruby Frankie herself would respond to that criticism online..."
"She's getting a bunch of blowback for what she did but it was pretty darn bold and pretty darn Brave."
"After a while, he even released the track 'Don't look down' with singer Asher, in which he responds to the detractors who wrote mean comments on the Web and called him a loser."