
Cognitive Change Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"There's a fog or a cloud that just lifts off of your brain... and you'll start thinking in a completely different way."
"Whenever you make your brain work differently, you're changing your mind because mind is the brain in action."
"If you want to change what people do, you've got to change their thinking. If you want to change their thinking, you have to change how they feel."
"Self-realization is the physiological conclusion of all beliefs about yourself because they're unnecessary and causing harm to you."
"Paradigm shift is a fundamental change in your beliefs or worldview."
"Overwriting it which means repeating a new thought or behavior so many times with such emotional intensity that it becomes a more energy efficient pathway for your brain than the one that you've had until now."
"Change the questions you're asking, change the way you look at things."
"Lord, what that means Trey is that your thought patterns will change."
"You have a choice of what you wire in your brain... from a worrier to a warrior of the mind."
"Thinking in a certain way changes how you analyze everything."
"Now, the thing that we're going to replace that catastrophizing with that's hardwiring into our brain is we're going to replace it with the way the human animal works. I can get good at anything, right?"
"We can move from incorrect to correct perception."
"Your brain starts to literally change function, and you start to have more empathy for these people."
"I became addicted to the feeling of thinking in a completely new way."
"Positive programs can replace negative ones if we so choose."
"It's like a switch has been flipped in his brain, turning up the colors and sounds of the world around him."
"What do you do when you got a new brain but old memories?"
"People can change their opinions over time, especially after trying something new repeatedly."
"We must make some radical changes in our way of thinking."
"The mental warfare, because I don't have the capabilities that I used to."
"I can help change people's minds through story and writing."
"Out with the old brain rot, in with the new."
"Curiosity shifts your brain state and physiology."
"Thought actually can change the physical structure of the so-called hardware and its function."
"I've learned that I just need to think a bit more."
"Psychedelics and stuff like that can change people's way of thinking."
"It's a great reminder that the sky is not the limit. It's really our mind. When we change our mind, we can change our brain, and we can change our brain to change our life, we can change our world."
"It helps your brain literally like rewire itself to delay gratification and to learn this is how we're gonna do it now yeah we're not doing that no mo."
"Art is really about changing the way your brain works, the way you see things, the way you perceive things."
"Flowers for Algernon, but with reverse results."
"Rewire our brains, that's the thing we have to think about."
"The Holy Spirit helps us to think according to the new reality."
"It's sort of rewiring the way you think."
"All learning alters the brain, whether it's automatic or not."
"Can the brain, which is conditioned, radically change? Yes, we are saying that they can through insight, yes."
"In summary thus far by being in flow, dichotomous thinking ceases as the mind is purified from the beliefs that result in it."
"After the acute effects of psychedelic drugs resolve, people may leave with an increase in the capacity for cognitive flexibility."
"When you learn to drop deep into the sadness and fully feel it, the sadness goes away and then the thought fades away."
"Experience literally changes the brain."
"Extreme ownership, everybody needs to read or listen to dichotomy a leadership, is actually going to correct your brain."
"My brain is kind of rewired into thinking differently and it's been working out amazingly."
"To change the mind is to make the brain work in unique ways."
"The mind can change the brain throughout the lifespan."
"Does learning a second language somehow change your brain?"
"When you do behavioral treatment, you're really doing is retraining the brain to do something different."
"The most effective route to change is not through the musculature but is through the brain, your brain."
"Renewing the mind is more than just learning; renewing the mind is changing."
"Our brain is moldable, which means that we have the ability to change our brain based on our everyday experiences."
"The changes induced by literacy go way beyond the visual word form area."
"It changes, it alters your mind through language."
"You change your brain, you change the game."
"In that illumination, the brain itself begins to act differently."
"We're going to see things in a different perspective now."
"People will not only have to learn to think very differently, they will also have to feel and experience things in a different way."
"Proof writing will completely change the way you think, it'll change the way you talk, it will change your life."
"We suddenly lost some aspects of memories... we have gained other things, we have gained reading and writing."
"Learning is a change in long-term memory."
"This guy has an advanced degree; he's a super smartie. And his wife's like, 'Oh no, this is not my husband. This is not what he is like. He never forgets anything. He beats me in cards every time we play. This is not the guy I know. Something is wrong.'"
"The very moment you stop believing those negative thoughts, your feelings will change."
"Learning a language changes the way your brain works."