
Personal Touch Quotes

There are 897 quotes

"It was nice to have something every day that, by the end of the day, good, bad, or indifferent, it was something that I had put my stamp on."
"April just like literally brought this room to life with her magic."
"These are some cute little clips I can put in the kids' hair."
"Meraki means to do something with soul, or to create and leave a piece of you in it."
"Gift-giving isn't just about the object itself; it's about the thought, the effort, and making it special for the person."
"There's nothing like the personal touch. There's a way to speak to people that AI will never be able to do."
"This is my favorite Christmas cookie of all time, and he knows it."
"Create something beautiful out of the ordinary."
"There is something very heartwarming about a handmade present, don't you think?"
"What truly sets Mesa Vista Ranch apart is its personal touch and unique experiences."
"You know what this needs? Chili oil. Mom's chili. Mom's fresh chili paste."
"The big man United family has a dog named Eric."
"The best gifts are thoughtful personal ones."
"A haiku about the other person: 'Brian my dude, how's it going today?'"
"We like to consider ourselves the mom and pop of YouTube at this point."
"The greatest gift you can give somebody is a Stu Finer shout out."
"I suspect I probably would [barbecue you a steak], yes I suspect that would be [expletive] awesome."
"Come on down to Smile Taxis, where every taxi comes with a smile from me, Tony Danza."
"Hope you found at least a show or two to love!"
"These subtle details add a human element which further enhanced the character of the boots over time."
"The best email marketing is when you're almost like acting as if the person you're sending the email to is a friend."
"The things that make the channel what it is are still there like a chattiness and the professor and seeing real stuff happening in real labs and real scientists talking and Martin's personality."
"Even if we're reviewing texts, somebody's like 'oh I like the way that guy does it, he has a charm to him.'"
"We've got brand new set up we've got new couches got myself table here a fern which you need in every interview set up I wouldn't get into do without it exactly."
"It's not about how many people get benefited by your project but it's about that one life that you're able to touch and change."
"Transforming an old 4x4 means addressing issues from previous owners while adding your own touch – it's all part of the adventure."
"It's okay to find something and make it your own."
"How lovely to have rose petal confetti from roses in our own garden."
"I love the warmth that this room has... at the end of the day, this is really Tan and Rob's bathroom."
"It's not the song or the festival. It's that you took the time to care."
"He just didn't come along and just commentate, he felt for you, earning him the sobriquet, the voice of darts."
"The best thing that anybody can ever do for me is a personal handwritten note."
"They put their own special twist on everything."
"Things aren't supposed to come out perfect they're supposed to come out you know like food."
"The sacredness of human touch can't be replaced by digital interaction."
"Put a little piece of you in everything you do because it will be very successful."
"Take something and make it beautiful in your own way."
"There's nothing more personal than your own handwriting."
"My stories were very personal gifts to my players."
"Impact is not just affecting millions, it's affecting the one or two people that get impacted with creative solutions."
"It was something that I still remember, nice touch."
"It's just so fun to be a part of, you really feel like he's talking to you whenever you're watching the video."
"I do like how he kind of inserted himself into it."
"Everything that you create has to be 100% unique to you."
"Audi made the TT great with this car, but I want to take it, modify it a bit, and make it great again."
"I don't mind the time, just give me a DJ that didn't put his iTunes on shuffle."
"The most important thing about Eternals to me was that Chloé Zhao was able to do her thing."
"I think our audience appreciates getting an inside look into who we are and what motivates us. It's different from dry, robotic media." - Unknown Speaker
"What I like about all of Coda's games... constructed by a real person."
"You're putting your very unique stamp on it."
"I like giving people things that they really use, that they would really like."
"I like to be very intentional when I give people gifts."
"I love connecting with the fans and trying to bring new ones to the track."
"Artwork and accessories inject color and personality."
"To make a really good car great, what you actually have to do is just imbue it with character."
"I feel like this is such a lovely personal idea to gift someone, it really shows how much you care."
"I think it's really fun and cool rather than just being like, 'Hey, my album comes out on this day, catch me on SNL' because it makes it seem like you care."
"Customize a thank you message: Add a personal touch to your form."
"Fujimoto is such a unique style of Storytelling that feels almost intimate in a way."
"Having your own style is an amazing skill that makes your work personal and unique."
"No matter what you do, whatever business you own, you have to make sure you have that personal touch with your customers."
"The thought and the love and the energy that you put into it will mean so much more than maybe some other gift."
"Any gift that you decide to give will be amazing and I'm sure the person will absolutely love it."
"Maybe, like you, you need to pull out a card from time to time and just to say hello or thinking of you and you just don't know what to put."
"Tones in the hands, man, the tones in the hands."
"I like the fact that my kitchen will tell the story of how it gets used."
"When we wanted to make the hospital gowns a customer who was amazing I would love their customer."
"I love infusing my home with seasonal touches especially in the fall."
"Wispy bangs are such a beautiful accent for any hair type and can give you a lot more versatility, especially if you don't want to commit to a full, thick fringe."
"One of the things we love friends that little window there we added in at the last minute."
"There's something about its small scale that feels personal, like you can tell it was made by a team of passionate artists."
"Always make these little groupings as personal as possible."
"Styling with a personal object that begs the viewer to touch it."
"I love to add in little tiny stems of that box because it's so pretty."
"It's like a special treat to make a personal video just for you."
"Give them a nickname, it's more sentimental."
"Players are not spreadsheets, don't ever lose that human touch element."
"So take that extra step have the print delivered to you take it out of box take it on the bag sign it put it back in the box ship it out."
"There's nothing like a human touch to things."
"It's these little details that just make you feel special."
"You know when it's your birthday and you get a delivery to your door, and it's like wow, this person really thought of me?"
"Lovely stuff and in this little compartment it looks like we have kisses."
"People need to connect with a person and not with a company."
"People relate to other people they don't relate to Brands so I think having different people write it is great."
"I seen a [ __ ] slice a Hot Pocket in half and add some [ __ ] to it, some pepper, put some bacon in it, [ __ ] it back up."
"There's somebody coming in and bringing some humanity into whatever it is that they're doing."
"You connect to the photographer, not just the image."
"Meow, oh guys, I'm so happy you were here with me today."
"When you cook the dish and put your soul into it, it's very good."
"The best gyms in the world are often just like little shit holes... because someone made it something special."
"It's a really lovely brand it's run by two sisters they're a small business."
"Nutella works too, these will be my signature sweet Sushi."
"Every order gets an autograph from me to you."
"I just think that is such a thoughtful little gift."
"Letters are so much more personal than any type of interaction that I've had."
"Yes, I did take the time to draw a little Santa hat on each of their names. #details"
"Isn't that just add the right amount of something in there? Oh, I like that."
"This whole setup looks like it was built by three different people but I love it so much." - Appreciating creativity and uniqueness.
"I painted my car yesterday, it's now like a color-shifting light purple."
"It's those small things that make the story so unique."
"I'm not your mom, but I always like to if I get a new mount."
"Every time you're going to shoot a slasher, you would like to feel like it's a different guy. We wanted to add even more personality to the slashers, make you feel like every time it's a new guy."
"Candles are a tried and true gift idea but I think that giving a DIY candle just makes it that much more special."
"A powerful thing... don't create how-to content... create how I content."
"I guarantee you in every single situation I've been in when I make my own salad dressing people think I'm unique and cooler."
"What sets you apart from the others is how personal you are to the fans, keep it up."
"Start with a familiar base, and you can add something in that can be your own secret weapon to the mix."
"If someone presented me with a homemade card with flowers from their garden that they had pressed, I would be absolutely thrilled."
"You all have a station of ingredients that each of you left behind in your very own kitchen when you left to travel here."
"Every single order comes with a handwritten note."
"Every order gets a handwritten note signed by both of us, me and Logan."
"There are lots of creative opportunities when it comes to something like this. It's just a fun way to put your personal mark onto a photo."
"Out with the old and in with the new, I always sign the inside of my engines whenever I when I run the last one in there."
"Each one has a little bit of my personality."
"In the quietness let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart... Jesus is going to touch somebody right now."
"He just wanted to give them something special to take away and an experience."
"Mariah makes sure there's never a shortage of snow at Christmas."
"The house is just old, everything here is a little bit wonky donkey."
"It's the little things that make the difference."
"I hear they're calling her Lily which is very pretty and seems just right."
"The secret is the is the feel, the sensitivity of the person handling the piece of the person putting it together that's what makes one different it's the human element."
"It's okay to give your player something every now and again that says we get you."
"I want to end by once again wishing you an extra-extra Merry Christmas!"
"Tip: Mix in vintage; it adds character and personal touch to your boho space."
"He's really good at taking a simple kind of chord sequence or whatever and adding just enough spice to keep it interesting and put his own touch on it."
"Sending all my love to you through the only way that I know how, which is the finger guns."
"One final little-known fact is the crew member Ellison Onizuka brought his daughter's soccer ball with him on the mission."
"I made most of them especially to turn red like blood when they fade. That's good. I quite like it. It's a nice little touch." - Rambu
"The best gift is one made with your own hands."
"I think prints are such a great thoughtful idea."
"I think thoughtful gifts are better than... well, they are. It's not about the values, you know."
"You don't have to follow any specific formula or format for your storytelling."
"If you can captivate me to the point where I think it's just you and I, as if you and I are having a cup of coffee or we're having lunch and I'm simply listening to you speak, you've already won."
"I feel like you guys would rather see a video that is edited by me."
"Throw in some personal experience and you could really take your content to the next level."
"It's just so nice when you let people know that you care."
"It's the little things that make a house a home."
"It's your date; it's a date that's 50% you. It's your thumbprint, and your thumbprint is yours."
"I like to drop off the guest a bottle of wine and write them a little personal note here."
"I like to write a little note on the bottom of every packing slip."
"It's nice to kind of start incorporating that into your home a little bit."
"I'm really excited to do this; I think it's a nice little personal touch."
"This pond is going to have a wetland filter, an intake bay, an awesome waterfall, and then of course Laura's touch with all the beautiful plants."
"I love when people just do handwritten messages."
"I always try to add some human factors."
"Nothing beats face-to-face touchpoint communication. Nothing beats me talking to you about why my brand is great."
"Every single order gets a handwritten note from Logan, signed by myself too, on a super neat piece of paper."
"I think the biggest thing for both of us was just to bring in things that we loved and that made us happy to look at so often do we say like oh my gosh this is just like so relaxing in here I feel so good to come home to this place which is like the best feeling ever."
"I love that little personal touch."
"He understood the power of the personal touch."
"That's what I get. It just makes it unique."
"I'm really glad I did go for my own handles because that's just something that I'm always looking to make things look a little bit different."
"Handwritten notes and cards are so meaningful."
"Here was a fun little surprise like anybody would have ever seen this. I guess I would because I was going to be repainting it but this was a homemade piece signed by somebody and I will leave that alone."
"By choosing an item that's close to you... you are intentionally infusing the space with its vibe and energy."
"Make a buyer letter, let the seller know what you liked about the property, try to tie into the emotion of the seller."
"I appreciate movies by people that I feel like only that person could have made it."
"Agent to agent conversations, sometimes having that personal touch is very important."
"Retail customers, they will receive one of these signed by the employees that worked on their unit. It travels with the unit as it goes online, so everybody signs it."
"We are doing DIY gifts that you can send in the mail."
"Building a lasting legacy requires care, dedication, and your unique touch."
"I got these and they were out of 151 so the shop owner gave me a personal, so I thought it's going to be lucky."
"Do you want me to use AI to deliver stuff to you guys or would you rather me actually have a human touch and care about it at a high level?"
"I like giving things flavor with my design."
"Gerber felt a personal connection to the readers and wanted to give them a personal goodbye when he left the series."
"I like to incorporate hand-drawn items and hand-painted items into my junk journals. I think they give a nice little warm touch to any journal."
"Personalize it, make it your own."
"The service and personalization is unmatched."
"That [__] caught a catchy, you know what I mean? I'm like [__] and so and like I always do when I make a business I name it either after my family or somebody that died you know what I'm saying."
"I just love collecting little spoons and cups. It adds character to your house in a conspicuous way that you would never think."
"I love aesthetics and obviously I'm doing it for someone really close to me, so it's so cute."
"Feathers become your signature on the quilt."
"Sunny Glassner is kind of a great guy and and in his ad in the Yellow Pages he says happy Hanukkah from Sunny glass I thought that was a really a personal touch that I could appreciate."
"As I'm putting this on here, I could have used a sticker and put a vinyl wrap on that and made that absolutely look perfect, but it's not the same to me. It's not the same as having something that's hand done on the car."
"It just feels like somebody put themselves into this design."
"...it makes it more personal if you're giving like a gift card or whatever."
"It's always exciting when you get a piece of personal mail."
"Every shirt, every package, even if it's stickers, comes with a note card that we write on, we both sign it, and thank you note."
"A letter or card of condolence written in your own hand conveys that personal message in such a better way than any electronic version of communication."
"Every artwork you see in this house...she made it...touch of art by the feeling of being at home...seeing this art across the entire house."
"So easy to listen to and so personal."
"Keep your brand fonts and your colors so that you're able to add them and just create a special touch for your people."
"The most important thing about customizer clothes is to always put your personality in there."
"This match has to have a personal touch for you."
"Maybe I should put a bit of me into it, like what am I doing in Kiev now, maybe people might be interested in that."
"People that learned recipes from their own cultures or other cultures and shared that with a personal touch, I like."
"You take your own little detail to make it yours."
"Even if you feel like your attempts are pretty crude, people love getting an actual painted postcard in the mail, so go ahead and send it off to somebody and make them happy."
"Such like a beautiful, personal gift to give to someone, and especially if they have like a new addition to the family, whether it's a dog or a baby or a hamster, whoever."
"It always pays to add a personal touch in all that you do."
"I think that is such a huge part of like sort of My Success with my content because it's very casual and it's very personal but because I make sure to add all that in, it feels like a mini production."
"Yeah for sure some art art is really fun and makes makes a home a home."
"Junior did a lot to this car specifically to try and kind of bring up the flavor, to add a little sauce, if you will."
"This could be a wonderful personalized gift, right? So I hope you enjoy your holidays and thank you very much for watching."
"You'll get to mine and it'll be painfully obvious which one's mine."
"sealed with care that's actually very sweet I feel like they care about me little me"
"Nice, but it's those fine imperfections that make a DIY project a DIY project."
"Making something is a special way to show you care."
"It's so nice to make personalized gifts at Christmas."
"This is something more tangible and like I just cherish it so much."