
Technical Challenges Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"We build it as we fly it, so damn it, technical difficulties and all, we roll baby, we roll."
"SpaceX's investigation pinpointed the attempted boost back burn as the beginning of the complications."
"We built a robust character customization system that is entirely new to Diablo and it was a daunting amount of technical character work."
"It's a fascinating thing especially because the technical requirements of such a long journey with so many constraints to consider challenge each of us in a unique way."
"We learned that rocket 3.2 shut down about 12 to 15 seconds too soon after depleting its fuel only half a kilometer per second short of orbital velocity which sounds like a lot but that is so close."
"I think it's absolutely gorgeous despite its technical problems."
"You can do things like this though which is you know going up off these are all connected right now."
"Unfortunately, it's very fragile the coil producing the sound is lesson is about one thousandth of an inch in diameter."
"In an ideal world, everything works as magic. But we don't live in an ideal world, fortunately, and we lose connection with API sometimes."
"What's the point of an awesome light if you have no way to rig it up?"
"Golden guns are an ever-evolving topic. On some of the more original characters, we ran into tech challenges when trying to add gold versions."
"Virtually we almost went down on his first stream. We went to like 100% capacity and we were ready to shut off countries one by one just to keep the stream up in the United States."
"We're just getting started. We still have technical issues, but we're just getting started."
"Fantastic ability on the ball but when he gets pressed he struggles."
"Despite numerous attempts at patching it, leaks would still be a continual issue."
"We should be talking about frame times...the struggle never ends."
"It's not as simple as opening a goddamn terminal and typing 'delete ransomware'."
"Hackintoshing probably isn't for you if all of that trial and error sounded like an ungodly amount of work."
"When the network doesn't perform the way you anticipate if you've built up a little bit of a relationship with what those weights and biases actually mean you have a starting place for experimenting with how to change the structure to improve."
"It's going to be a good air water WRB after that it's going to handle details assemblies really fail in the field."
"Even the recommended GPU struggles without upscaling."
"Fortunately, with the little tech note, that technology, we do, you couldn't get away with it."
"We understood the problems but changing the game engine would mean resetting the development environment."
"So mounting pressure has some of the highest potential to influence performance it's also the most difficult to screw up if you know what you're doing."
"But maybe there were some bugs, some issues they were trying to do a lot with this game, and that's kind of what we're seeing a lot of these delays come from."
"The CPU is the primary culprit of performance woes on PC and console."
"Technically I'm never clipping... but all of a sudden my meter is just pegged."
"When it came to making Maleficent fly, a pretty simple costume addition ended up being one of the most challenging things."
"The main difference in writing for a video game is variables."
"If Russia does experience production problems it may find that it doesn't have the technical expertise or the technology because technology sanctions have been one of the big areas of focus from the West against Russia."
"Wind turbine technicians: facing down potentially the most deadly scenarios imaginable without batting an eyelid."
"Typically setting up the right environment is the hardest part... so I think it's really important to be able to get help from others..."
"You can't possibly know everything. You can't possibly know how to take every car apart."
"Wow, that's pretty dumb for a livestream if your connection can take it."
"I bet I will have missed something, the curse of recording stuff is searching like this."
"It's easy to make something loud, but it's difficult to make something loud but still have clarity."
"Despite the technical issues at the start, it's been overwhelming."
"While a lot of their ideas and open-world design would come at the sacrifice of graphical fidelity and having to implement a lot of fog, the ability to let players tackle missions in whatever way they wanted was profoundly liberating."
"It stands to this day as the most amount of time a single encounter laid undefeated while also not requiring any retuning or bug-fixing."
"The initial challenge on Donkey Kong Country was actually believing that we could get it to work."
"A concentration of unusual technical solutions."
"Despite the technical issues, there's still something special about the game."
"It's not an easy thing to work with, especially on thin metals."
"The service still needs work. Input latency is a hurdle."
"Performing this migration for hundreds of millions of customers without disruption is exceptionally challenging."
"We're constantly looking at improving the hero AI; it's a tricky thing to get right."
"Some people are just not compatible with equipment."
"I like seeing developers try to port challenging content to less powerful machines, I think that's genuinely pretty interesting."
"Learning to TIG weld is challenging, but we'll get you there."
"Mixing with the limiter on, you're gonna find out in that moment what your mix is made of."
"There's a reason it's called 'Rocket Science'."
"Despite a troubled start and problematic engines plaguing the aircraft throughout much of its service life, the F-14 was a marvel of Cold War technology."
"Even the stuff that's annoying on a technical level, it is jaw-dropping what they've managed to pull off."
"Rapunzel's hair seems pretty funky and I know Square Enix said the reason why it took so long to show off Rapunzel is because trying to get her hair to work was a trip."
"You can see it's not that difficult to set this up incorrectly."
"This is the setting with the most amount of work, this is where I want to shoot with a GoPro but I want to hopefully or attempt to color grade and make it work with other footage."
"Everybody loves a good slow-motion shot. The thing is, when you're doing slow-motion on a camera, your frame rate is much, much higher."
"We can't retract radiators because we carry magazines rather than heat sinks."
"It's not as straightforward as simply opening Visual C++ 2022, and clicking 'Compile'."
"It's not impossible, but very hard to run your own email infrastructure."
"Some combos in Armageddon weren't even possible if you're playing on widescreen."
"Let's dive in, issue number one which has always been a problem with this car once we went to a big turbo was boost creep."
"Dropping that exhaust proved to be a bit more difficult than we originally anticipated."
"Thank you very much for joining me for my first live stream I'm extremely pleased that this even happened we had too many technical errors and it's all working well."
"From here the rest of the spacecraft, besides a few specialized sensors and solar panels, had to be designed to fit within the umbra, or shadow, of the shield."
"No touch is solved just by identifying the problem and splitting apart those boards."
"Nonlinear effects impact circuit performance and regulatory compliance."
"They're probably not going to be able to solve all the areas of performance and efficiency that they need to in one generation."
"If you separate these two things out, it turns out testing is trivial."
"The balancing of the multiplayer is there even with all the tuning fiasco and how there are glitches and stuff."
"Regardless of the technical issues and frame rate problems, it's a damn good game."
"It's not just the setup that seems complicated to me, it's the maintenance."
"One minute ten and counting, overclock here for Sam and Sparker, so expect a little bit of volatility here."
"Valve's community has proven to be everlasting, still pressing on in the face of broken, unsupported tools, soft cease and desist, and even worse, source spaghetti."
"Consideration: how to get minimum output load current on an adjustable power supply."
"There's a learning curve figuring out how to put together the most effective vehicle."
"My team, they've basically in the next-gen consoles... and this year both of those are failing."
"Solving that last one percent of interventions is the most difficult thing."
"It's gonna be tricky... but even just taking Hubble and boosting it is a pretty big win."
"Sometimes you have to be flexible when it comes to troubleshooting complex technical issues during testing."
"Mercedes couldn't really find a solution in the ground effect era and thusly they were subject to the purposing situation."
"Some subjects have a complexity due to their intricate details, challenging proportions, or dynamic forms. But once these technical hurdles are overcome, they can inherently be visually appealing."
"...I could literally talk for hours about how the dragon drop behaviors work just know it was hard and that we had to do a lot of work deeply understanding both react Mosaic code that we forked and react D and code that we kept very up-to-date on."
"It's not easy to speak about such technical subjects and compete with rock stars."
"Most of the work with dealing with APIs is actually passing through the correct URL with the right parameters."
"I love faults like that, where you have to try pinpointing different things, just working your way through it."
"As a performance engineer, I get asked lots of different issues and lots of strange things."
"In the suburban garden, when it's ground-mounted, it has to fire through all the obstacles."
"Scaling in technical rather than team terms is really only ever tricky because of the second category of these problems: the distribution problems."
"The things that hold us back as technical people are never technical factors."
"I remember clearly I tried doing this without Docker before, and it took me about a whole week to get from something working on my local to deployment."
"Intermittent problems are always the most difficult to troubleshoot."
"Environment variables can be an absolute pain to work with if you don't have these two key things set up."
"It's tricky to get working, but it's pretty nice once you can get it working."
"The field of computational ethics is super interesting and there are interesting problems that are technically interesting; they're challenging."
"Decoupling a monolith is much harder than building a loosely coupled system from the beginning."
"Ninety percent of the challenge when it comes to Mask R-CNN comes from installation."
"That's honestly the only way that I can think of to get a realistic simulation; you cannot just fake everything."
"We started this thing, we overcame technical adversity, and now it's time to triumph."
"The additional problems of occlusion and projection are what make a lot of the complications to processing of photographs."
"The challenges with big data are mainly engineering problems."