
Scientific Analysis Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"You can't use any specific event as evidence for or against climate change; you have to look at a trend because climate is weather over time."
"To add to the perplexity, the vegetation in the vicinity withered and perished, soil analysis revealed an unusual abundance of calcium at the landing site."
"Analyzing the spectrum of an object can tell us about its physical properties."
"We can say whether these two fragments belong to the same individual, if they do, the matching that they did is okay."
"Physics and astronomy professor Dr. John Willis... said the footage was not the best quality to make a positive identification of the object."
"The absence of that string from any eukaryotic or viral genome in the blast database makes recombination in an intermediate host an unlikely explanation for its presence in SARS-CoV-2."
"What the calculations can tell you is a mass and an orbit."
"The neutron analysis shows that some pottery from the caves and some from the settlement have the same chemical fingerprint proof that the scrolls and the community are linked as Deveaux thought."
"The tendency for the virus to become less virulent over time is not likely to happen with SARS coronavirus 2."
"There's some almost high school level chemistry tests certainly college level no more that can quickly and easily determine whether something has been constructed on earth or not."
"Our analysis clearly shows that covet is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus."
"The brain is a logical instrument... properly described only by quantum physics."
"Historians, scientists, and religious leaders have argued over the authenticity of the Turin Shroud for generations."
"These are the kinds of scientific analyzes and studies that I like to see when it comes to cryptozoology."
"So it could potentially be a really, really good finding."
"We wanted to know if the substance was the same for all the samples."
"The data actually suggests this is a pretty mild illness, at least the omicron variant."
"The one hypothesis continues to look weaker, the other stronger."
"Averageness, symmetry, and expression accounted for 71% of the variants in attractiveness ratings."
"Who, in this room, is sitting here, not doing something that they believe in their heart has the opportunity to make them come alive?"
"Let's maybe get into the EL reporto. Signals are mixed when it comes to vaccine safety."
"The fundamental scientific analysis is both exciting and gives us great insight into how the volcanoes and the Earth works, but it also allows us to help society live safely with volcanoes." - Christina Neal
"Based on this IR spectrum, we can say that B is the answer."
"Every molecule has a very specific fingerprint pattern."
"Of the eight studies examined, only one directly measured performance, and none supported the premise that trans women can be fairly included in female sports."
"Let's work through the nuances of the Fermi Paradox."
"Plasma does seem to be not the best but its strength, of course, is the fact it's so hard to counter."
"Even if a chunk of a line hadn't been seen before it did fall to earth from outer space they both agreed that it wouldn't necessarily have come from an alien craft."
"In the relatively small time periods that they were on the surface for the heat up and cooldown rates were just way too slow to cause any big problems."
"What happens to your body if you drink rosemary tea every day? Let's take a look at the science behind Rosemary's medicinal properties and how it can help treat a variety of conditions."
"There's gold in poop: a lot of information can be determined by doing a microbial analysis."
"The climate scientists come along later and read that page by page as we go down through an ice sheet."
"The overall effect here is that you'll actually reduce norepinephrine release from these presynaptic nerve terminals."
"But this kind of new data and this kind of synthesis of all these different kinds of things help us see that this is a regional story that is not a subduction story."
"...the central density of the sun is extraordinarily large and we can use these basic, basic, basic arguments to argue that this is that the central density must be what the central temperature must be..."
"If all the other factors stayed the same and the radius doubled you would see on the bottom left hand um of the screen there of this slide you're you would get a 16-fold increase in the milliliters per minute going through that tube."
"The partition function is indeed a powerful tool."
"Based on the d score, if you have d score value more than one, then definitely you need to choose this as a best binding pocket."
"How to identify which protein-protein interaction is the good one is based on the binding free energy between two proteins."
"Volcano plots are useful for identifying genes that are significantly regulated."
"Thermogravimetric analysis, or TGA, is a thermoanalytical technique that measures the weight changes of a sample at a given time and temperature."
"Once you've determined that all of the samples have the same amount of protein based on the loading control, you basically look at the size or the darkness of the band to determine how much protein there is."
"The question that I'm going to ask is how these men approached that struggle, how they actually planned this expedition, what science can tell us about the mystery of the reasons why they died on the return journey."
"Determining the behaviors of extinct animals is very tricky business."
"Just because they're 30,000 years old doesn't mean that we can't apply modern forensics and come up with good answers."
"The future of us humans and indeed the future of the Earth system doesn't sit with scientists like myself; it sits with a really deep analysis of who we are, what's important to us, and how we can go forward in the future."
"You shouldn't make any big sweeping conclusions just from looking at the arrows."
"To match the density of three point three grams per centimeter cubed, you need to make the planet about 50% water by mass."
"We have a lot of science to put in there, and the volcano observatories are very high-tech places where a huge number of signals are continuously recorded and analyzed."
"Peter concluded that the Caranas meteorite survived its passage through the atmosphere because of its high speed and shallow entry angle."
"By analyzing the fluctuating scattered light intensity due to Brownian motions, DLS can obtain a particle size distributions of small particles suspended in the diluted solutions."
"It's an extremely powerful way to characterize things at the nucleotide or gene or amino acid or codon level."
"For just simple gene expression analysis, you generally want like twenty to forty million reads per sample."
"A really thorough and rigorous analysis might involve solving the actual heat equation in two dimensions for each separate solid."
"Through an inverse Fourier transform, you recover a CTF corrected image which is closer to the object than the image that you first recorded."
"We can predict earthquake intensities or earthquake strong ground motions at a particular site using attenuation relationships or ground motion prediction equations."
"At this moment, the vaunted technology has produced something astonishing, but it remains for the limitations and cleverness of another device, the human brain, to figure it out."