
Historical Practices Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"What does it say about our past when just a hundred years ago, people were essentially shopping for infants?"
"Script is really a form of debt bondage; it's very predatory but was outlawed in 1938 in the United States."
"Swilling the Planters with Bumbo, which was a type of rum, sounds better than 50 emails pleading with you to vote."
"Stopping racist practices after 350 or 400 years but then taking no effort to dismantle them is not the same as truly combatting racism."
"Fellas, is it gay to be male pirates who get married and share loot from our voyages? 1600s marriage between male pirates is common."
"The Tanakh denounces human sacrifice as barbaric customs of Baal worshipers. For example, Psalm 106:37."
"The practices of child sacrifice among Canaanites are mentioned in various biblical texts and corroborated by historical evidence, including Roman witnesses' accounts of Carthaginian sacrifices."
"Buried alive: once a reality, prompting the practice of placing a bell in the grave in case the person was buried alive."
"We look back on those ancient practices, the idol worship, the human sacrifice, and we all mock it as absurd."
"Decoding the mystery of dreams is not a mark of the modern day but a practice of thousands of years old."
"The miracles of modern medicine when all our ancestors could do was drag themselves to shrines and pray and hope."
"Obstruction of Congress is about asserting privileges that are time-honored."
"The president asserting privileges is not a game, it's been done by every single president."
"What does it say about a culture if its supreme ruler is buried wearing a garland of drugs?"
"Their medicine was completely insane... it was a throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks approach."
"The royal heir and the spare would have quite different potential programs of education, and certainly really up until they were nascent, up until the 16th century, really the royal heir was all about training for war."
"The dead were no longer being fed, people used to routinely leave offerings to their ancestors."
"Bogs were sacred places where ritual practices took place."
"In terms of the bikini aesthetic, there's already precedent of people going into battle naked."
"Beer was safer than water to drink in polluted areas."
"Cannibal cures were in widespread use from Roman times right up until the 18th century."
"Vikings tasted blood from wounds to discern the severity of injuries, a gross but fascinating practice."
"Old ways from our grandmothers kept civilization alive for thousands of years."
"Nobody did it like the ancient Greeks, and I mean nobody. Ancient Greeks would wipe using broken pieces of ceramic!"
"Build yourself an outhouse... outhouses have been around for thousands of years, they've always worked, they always will work."
"From the earliest beginnings man has used natural means to catch a glance beyond the curtain to get into contact with the supernatural."
"The search for secret knowledge through supernatural means is undoubtedly a practice as old as mankind itself."
"We know from several documented practices, histories, and languages that the Indians who inhabited this area had traditionally followed the customs of their forefathers."
"Wearing jewelry was common in the ancient world, and just as it does today, was often used to signal someone's social position or status."
"It is still unclear why people in the Iron Age did this to their forts or how they came up with this method."
"In Edwardian Devon, it was often part of a tenant farmer's contract to line his fields to neutralize the acidic soil."
"I don't think any child should be asked to do that, under any circumstances. I don't think it would happen today."
"Witches were willing to risk getting hanged to keep their forbidden traditions alive."
"Humans do take animals and have for millennia."
"Animal trials were fairly common in medieval and early modern France between the 10th and 18th centuries."
"Every single nation since the dawn of civilization has practiced slavery in one form or another."
"It's cross-cultural and it's been happening for centuries." - Jenna
"Sustainable choices aren't a new idea. It's the disposability that's a new idea. If you look back to like your grandparents' generation, their culture wasn't to throw things away, they had a culture of fixing things."
"Medieval doctors when they drill a hole in someone's skull and they end up killing them rather than relieving them of their headache."
"Practitioners that worked with this invisible force or vital energy were called magnetizers or mesmerists..."
"Isolating the sick did reduce the number of healthy people exposed to infection."
"Lice were common in the Middle Ages, and removing hair on the head helped combat the problem."
"They acted out on those beliefs in the way they ordered their settlements, the kinds of buildings they lived in, the kinds of clothes they wore, the way they buried their dead."
"Absolutely the way things are done in the early days of aircraft."
"Rome's polytheistic religious practices were remarkably tolerant for the time and throughout the centuries even incorporated many deities of their former enemies."
"Alchemy dealt with the mineral part... directly related to the original great work."
"His vineyards created red wine and that's what he took with him to the afterlife."
"People bought poisons for things like rat poisoning and fly papers."
"When they would be buried they would pack flowers and anything to take the smell away."
"Baby farming was I suppose you could describe it as unregulated adoption."
"It's not so much that there's no necessity for theory but that the theory that we desire is all bound up with and given in the history of a set of practices that we were aware of and that we study..."
"Indigenous cultures have found ways to be sustainable for millennia."
"The church came up with this brilliant idea of making the punishment fit the crime."
"Ultimately, it did help preserve some of these deities and some of these practices so that we can talk and discuss about them today."
"Sometimes we can look back to practices from over 100 years ago and they're just as cool today as they were then."