
Digital Impact Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The eventual book became an instant hit and the online version received around 20 million views."
"The entire universe has become an electronic echo chamber where every single thing that you do, for better or for worse, has the potential for rippling around the entire planet."
"Every generation has like a war that they have to go through, and how like Our Generation's war is like a mental one because of our phones."
"TikTok has had a real impact on the entire music industry."
"The biggest change in social media in 15 years."
"The game has permeated every part of the internet and is still as relevant as ever."
"Our attention span is declining year after year."
"I think TikTok is a digital fentanyl that's harming our children..."
"I cannot understate how game changing digital has become for title sequence designers."
"YouTube has transformed the nature of evidence."
"Teenagers say the things don't feel real till you see them on social media."
"YouTube just in general has been such an amazing thing that has impacted my life."
"Your life can change just by hitting upload."
"James Charles lost 3 million subscribers in a span of four days."
"Only after I've made my case and explained things properly can I actually genuinely state how much I adore and how much this app has completely changed my life."
"There's this moment where someone said to us, you've got half a million people running through your site every month, and that just completely blew our minds."
"This was the perfect storm, and by the time everything is said and done, people will be begging for that digital virus."
"What if you could affect things that are happening in other people's worlds based on what you're doing in yours?"
"The algorithm is ruining the minds of children."
"It's such an ironic moment where it's like this is all digital, it's all fake, it's not real, but it's having deeply real world effects."
"There's a difference between a memorable view and a forgettable view... It's much higher probability that you are producing a forgettable view on platforms like Twitter or TikTok."
"Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to act news I'm your host 10 million dollar studio and today I ask the important questions: are you giving your child digital heroin?"
"I hate that you can log off, but it's still happening and you can't stop it."
"You can create more opportunity, especially because of social media and the internet."
"It just takes one single piece of content to change your life."
"You're putting training wheels on your brain."
"We're introducing truth and consequence into cyberspace... profound."
"The ability of one to affect many is scaling exponentially, and it's scaling for good and it's scaling for evil."
"Social media changed everything... in bodybuilding... in business... it's been the most powerful invention of the past hundred years."
"The internet tends to amplify your feelings towards things positively or negatively."
"1.5 million views in just seven months. Isn't this insane?"
"As the timer hits zero, every single website that took part in this game was completely Jokerized from top to bottom."
"Wow, I'm blowing up on Twitter... which is the whole point."
"Our digital lifestyle has seriously affected our ability to concentrate."
"Beethoven and Mozart have been really quiet since YouTube diss tracks became a thing."
"It's not isolated to social media or the digital world in terms of how it's affecting people in the real world."
"The big shift that I saw was in 2001-2002 with the advent of the smartphone. What the smartphone meant was that all of a sudden, there was 24/7 mobile access to these behavioral digital drugs."
"At the end of the day, I think these viewbots are doing more bad than good because there's no real positives to viewbotting."
"One cannot deny the impact he's had on the internet scene."
"He has over 5 million impressions per month on Twitter alone."
"Having a blog is going to have tremendous impact on how much traffic you get."
"The single most important impact of digital is not so much to improve efficiency of what we already do but to actually change the fundamental design of the business that we are running."
"Sometimes we get so caught up in the internet and the things that happen on there that we start to lose our focus."
"Without YouTube, the ranch would have been gone years ago."
"A flip of a switch or click of a button can erase whole histories."
"These dopamine hits from social media are so addictive; it's like a digital fentanyl."
"I'm scared for the generation right now growing up on social media so heavily."