
Self-benefit Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"A human being will have nothing for his own benefit except whatever efforts he made."
"Helping those in need is more helpful for us. God is giving us a chance to be merciful."
"I possess gifts of the soul that benefit me and others."
"Things are about to start really flowing for your highest and greatest good."
"You're not selling, you're helping someone make a decision that's going to help themselves."
"Building my own business: all the benefit accrues to you."
"You always want to feel like you're doing it for yourself and not for everybody else around you."
"Learn the setup of life to avoid getting hurt and to benefit."
"Let go of relationships that are not beneficial."
"Our Dean is not offering you benefits to join it. It's the truth, and it only benefits ourselves."
"If you can see what you're doing as a craft, you can see it as a game that each day you try to get a little bit better at, not to benefit your boss but to benefit yourself."
"Your bank account should work for you, not against you."
"The more you help others, the more you help yourself."
"Players having their cake and eating it too."
"I could definitely see a lot of you guys using this to your benefit by learning to listen to your intuition and kind of better gauging where you're supposed to be going."
"I pays attention because the attention pays me."
"Once you come to terms with these feelings, you can actually beautifully turn them into your own favor."
"The ability to prioritize the benefit of your future self ahead of the enjoyment of your present self."
"Integrity not only benefits others but it benefits us."
"Just being you is what's going to benefit you here."
"Being kind is not only a gift you give to someone else, it's a gift you give to yourself."
"Giving back is actually the best gift that you could give yourself."
"Every single move is going to benefit you if you do it to the best of your ability."
"The merciful man doeth good to his own soul."
"Victory comes from making choices that benefit you."
"You have to be wise and beneficial to yourself, beneficial to your family, your people, to the mission of uplifting, inspiring, creating."
"Helping others is a wonderful thing, and when you do, you're really also helping yourself."
"You are the one who is supposed to benefit from these teachings."
"You are a benefactor of your own positive energy."
"The fact is each and every one of us would benefit greatly if we could just find out when we're being exploited."
"I worked very, very hard knowing that every hour that I worked was for me."
"You know what, I think would be great and maybe slightly disappointing after? You could do it. Because a lot of these, you could use to benefit yourself financially or other ways."
"The moment an individual is unkind, he is doing something to himself."
"Don't make this decision for others' benefit, Op. Give yourself a chance at happiness."
"Isn't it crazy how much our brains can work against us but also for us?"
"I'm doing myself the benefit, giving myself the benefit."
"It's not about giving up something you enjoy unless you get something back that's better."
"Entrepreneurs will always take actions to benefit themselves at the expense of others."
"To live the law with others about you does not especially favor the others so much as it favors you."
"Take photos. It's gonna not only benefit you to see how far you're coming."
"My efforts were going directly into something that made my life better. I could never go back."
"May they understand that we don't love other people for other people, that we love other people for ourselves, that we are blessed through the love that we give."
"The superior motive for self-improvement is for yourself."
"I'm so sure of my choices and I know that not putting that toxic substance in my body benefits me hugely."
"You don't forgive someone else for their benefit; you forgive someone for your own benefit."
"A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself."
"The peace that you give to the world becomes your own."
"It's your intelligence working for you, not against you."
"Behaving compassionately improves the lives of others; it also improves our own lives."
"When you help others, you're often helping yourself."
"We ourselves are the first beneficiaries of love when we love."
"I think the best way to thrive is to be comfortable enough in yourself that you feel that you're an individual and that you're working for your own individual benefits."
"It's time to leave a relationship when you're no longer being benefited by it emotionally, financially, or spiritually."
"When individuals are compassionate, it actually improves the lives of others and serves others, but it is a great benefit to each of us."
"The primary beneficiary of our loyalty is ourselves, not our egos, but our true selves, the soul."
"Being humble is actually completely natural to us and benefits everyone, including yourself."
"You write stories for your own benefit... that's called having a job."
"I think when you can get to a space where your art is beneficial for you as an artist, that's when it's the most genuine."
"Whoever is grateful, they are grateful for themselves, for their own benefit."
"If you do good, you do for yourself."
"If you do good, you are doing it for yourself."
"You forgive someone for your own benefit."
"You're only the one that's going to benefit from it. I just acknowledge you at the end, but really, it's you did it for yourself."
"...every relationship that you're in should benefit you in some way."
"You're the one that needs to benefit first."
"When you give to another, you're giving to yourself."
"The word of blessing bubbles up from your heart, going through your mouth, and you become blessed first."
"I've always tried to be the best because that's good for me."
"When you do good, you do good for yourself."
"I possess the gifts of the soul that benefits me and others."
"When you do good, you do good for yourselves."
"Don't let your first time donating be the last; aside from benefits for other people, you're benefiting yourself more than you're benefiting anybody else."
"Whoever's grateful is grateful for himself."
"The more you give away, the more you're doing for yourself."
"Anything you sacrifice, you're actually sacrificing for yourself."
"It's like pay it forward, but like for yourself."
"Focusing on a career not only benefits you but sets you up for the rest of your life."
"I'm going to say just remember this is your journey, your journey alone, that's going to benefit you."
"What are the benefits to being in a situation where I have a new chapter of my life available to me?"
"We must improve for our own purposes, for our own benefit."
"At the end of the day, the person that benefits the most, the person that gets to live with your heart every single goddamn day is you."
"If I'm beneficial for society, I'm beneficial for myself."
"It's like Alchemy, you know what I mean? We're like, we're going to take the negativity and use it to benefit ourselves."
"The concept of real giving is recognizing that you're building the kingdom of God, and it's for you."
"Doing good is not difficult. Just speaking good is monument for those who do it. For those who do good for others, also, at the same time, doing it for themselves for they are building the good world they all want and deserve to live in."
"This is for us, nobody benefits from us reaching our goals other than us."
"If you're not in it for you, if you're not doing something that is benefiting you specifically, it's never going to last."
"Someone here needs to stand in their power and make new decisions that are for their benefit."
"The more you really understand what the energy is trying to show us, the more you can use this to benefit yourself."
"Forgiveness, when you forgive someone who hurts you, it benefits you more than it benefits them."
"You will turn your life completely in a different direction which will be only in your favor."
"Being of service to other people is actually being of service to yourself."
"You will like yourself better if you really start making decisions for yourself for the benefit of yourself in the long run."
"I decree and declare that I shall produce a hundredfold, and I'll be the first one to benefit from my harvest."
"The more you express yourself honestly and openly about how you feel will actually benefit you and not be a detriment."
"If something's for you, it's going to work for you, not because it works for them, but because it works for you."
"It's a little benefit that I can give to myself in the morning and know that I am getting all those really necessary minerals, vitamins, and nutrients."
"You have a master plan here, you know that this is going to benefit you in more ways than one."
"It's you being a little bit sneaky, and I don't mean that in a bad way; I mean it in a very positive way for yourself."
"You're going to overcome something here; just remember, you guys possess gifts of the soul that benefit yourself and others."
"By obedience to God, you benefit yourself."