
Team Value Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Sparkle is insanely valuable and a huge addition to the HSR roster."
"Sophia is becoming aware that the one she has replaced was a valuable asset for the team and a helpful grantor, contrary to what he is portrayed by his now former companions."
"James is a really valuable member of our team."
"We’re more than just expendables. We’re the Pandora Force."
"Teamwork, communication, and strategy became as valuable as endurance, strength, and speed."
"I'm still a samurai warrior. I don't feel like the old guy that you just need me on the team for. They don't want it with me."
"Consider subscribing. It's completely free, and I put a ton of effort into my content to make it as good as possible, so you won't regret it anyway."
"No player is bigger than Manchester United. Point-blank period."
"There isn't a team in the world that wouldn't benefit from having N'Golo Kanté on the side."
"He's a really really awesome talent and I think whatever team ends up getting him is gonna love having him on their roster."
"He's a difference maker, that's what Ed Reed does, that's what your Polamalu does, those are the guys that you want on your football team."
"I think he's shown his value in the squad this season."
"United will not want to sell Martial, so if he wants to stay, he's a valued part of this squad and fights for a first-team slot."
"Having someone who will die for the badge is a plus."
"There was no member of the black bulls that is weak, and I love every single one of these members."
"At the end of the day, if one of our team members doesn't get home with their family, what's it all for?"
"Clay is admired within, he's admired without and you can't put into words what he means to our team, means to our fans, our coaching staff, his teammates."
"Thank you so much for thinking of me, thinking of the team, it's truly so, so, so, so appreciated."
"He's such a top player, we need to keep him."
"He's a marine, an ex-marine, he's an expert marksman, and he would be a tremendous asset to anyone."
"He's been quality this season, I think he is possibly our best player."
"My team is currently the highest value. What this means is that anyone that plays against me is gonna be getting some fairly nice inducements that they can use to level out the playing field."
"Bardock is just an incredible character all-around. Probably the most valuable character to just put on your team in general."
"Everyone wants him, and he could walk into any team in the Premier League."
"I think he's super valued by the coaching staff and the players see the tremendous value he brings."
"He might not be the best quarterback or player in the league, but he might be the most valuable to his team."
"Deliana is just super OP, can't express enough how great she is to have on your team."
"Congratulations, Jonathan! You got the job offer... they are lucky to have you."
"Sanchez, you're a survivor. This is why I've got you on the team."
"Pogba is world class, the best player we've got in this squad."
"All these Arsenal fans that are calling for Thomas Partey to leave, I'd rethink your strategy because it's clear to see that he's still very important to this team."
"He's our best player and if Tottenham want to finish as high up in the league as possible, you need your best player to stay."
"Rose is the de facto most valuable member of a team."
"Players like Arigi are essential. You don't win big trophies without them."
"The best skill for a developer to have on your team is the ability to know what actually matters."
"Definitely try it if you're a red wine drinker, amazing."
"Some of these guys are absolutely irreplaceable in the role that they serve."
"The value of this team is not something you can touch... it's the feeling that I have from my toes to the core of my heart."
"Smart, tough, dependable players that we're happy to have."
"Devin White he's been the MVP of our defense this year."
"I mean, going Johnson, he's been fantastic for the Bears. He's been one of their great pieces on that defense." - Falcons' selection of Jaylon Johnson.
"Having Dustin Martin be a part of your football club over the 2010s turned out to be a very good thing."
"The bottom line is if a driver can win races for you, you want to have that driver in your team."
"Dawn's an amazing asset to our team."
"The Maple Leafs are the second most valuable team in the NHL, not based on winning, obviously, but on having a monopoly on Canada’s largest city."
"United's Squad is the most expensive Squad in football history."
"The best ability is availability. You know, these guys who look like a million bucks but are injured or they're late or they're undependable, it doesn't help you if they're not there."
"Smith is part of the present and the future of this team."
"Piccolo is probably the most useful and crucial member of the Dragon Team going."
"To have a superstar that is this selfless, with little ego, who maybe isn't as invested in the sport as others are but to still play at an elite level, is such a valuable tool for any team to have."
"Everybody has really different strengths; everyone's different sizes, shapes, different backgrounds, different ages. Our team is richer if those different people are more authentic and true to themselves."
"She's going to be an amazing asset to any team that she plays for."
"Invest in them and let them know they are more than just someone filling a role."
"I think he's one of our best players, and he's one of our players in a very good team."
"No one person is bigger than a club or a league."
"Everybody matters and every job in that shop matters."
"Garland's the best player on the team."
"He's worth it, he's put more dimension as the centerfielder than they've had a long time."
"I hate these days. You're a good man and you've been a big part of our team."
"What's the value add for our team? It's international presence."
"The team is actually viable when he's on the floor."
"It's great to have one of the best in the world in the team."
"Our seniors, they led. We always say you're only as good as your seniors."
"For them, their teammates were every bit as important as family."
"We have a freak; he's a good freak. We love him dearly."
"I work with people who really, really did care about what they were doing."
"Focus less about what the company can bring to me, but instead focus more on what I can offer to my team and what value I can bring to the company."
"Jokic is the most important player on the team."
"I had been throughout my entire career systematically undervaluing some of the most important people on my teams."
"If you take this player off this team, how bad does that team get?"
"Ultimately, who actually delivers value for your organization are these cross-functional teams that need to work with each other to actually get the work done."
"Every member serves a purpose; no one is forgotten, everyone has a badass moment."
"This team is more important to me than my own life."
"I really value the people that are in my team."
"Your team is your best investment."
"That unreal defensive versatility opens up so much for Denver on the other end, making him one of the game's most valuable role players."
"The most valuable thing on your team besides an elite player is cap space."
"It's not about being able to work on the flashy tasks anymore; it's about doing the things that unlock the most value for the team or the project at any given time."
"Having Alex back on the team was great; without Alex, it didn't feel like there was something missing."
"He's so important to them, I'm not sure if they can win the Premiership without him."
"Everyone I think on this team deserves a five-year contract, but you know, it is what it is."
"I guarantee you he's the proverbial guy that you want to have on your roster when times get tough."
"I think he's been really important."