
Hypertension Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"We did a study, medically supervised water-only fasting in the treatment of hypertension: 174 consecutive patients, 174 people achieve low enough pressure to eliminate the need for medication."
"The first principle of hypertension is knowing when to treat it and when not to."
"Nearly half of us have high blood pressure, so which foods can help? We're about to find out."
"A lot of us think high blood pressure is no big deal. It's become normalized. But, my friends, I guarantee you it is a very, very, very big deal."
"Hypertension was at least a contributing factor in 670,000 deaths in the U.S. alone last year."
"High blood pressure or hypertension is the second most common cause for kidney failure in the United States."
"Insulin resistance is virtually in every instance the cause of hypertension."
"Increasing exercise or decreasing a sedentary lifestyle will help to reduce the blood pressure."
"The higher your blood pressure is, the more benefit you're going to get from medication."
"The more readings you have, the better. The more important it is to take them all into account."
"Berberine can lower blood pressure and has been proven to prevent cardiac muscle fibrosis or scarring after a heart attack."
"The only way to get many people's blood pressure down under 120 over 80 is with prescription medications."
"The first one is essential or primary hypertension, this is the most common type of hypertension."
"Exercise can have drug-sized effects in reducing blood pressure."
"Hypertension is not only a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, it's also a very important risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer's disease."
"Plant-based diet adds to that because it helps trim off excess weight which will help bring your blood pressure down."
"You have genetically inherited hypertension or you have familial hypertension."
"Controlling blood pressure is vital to prevent harmful effects on kidney function."
"All you need to know is blood pressure readings of 140/90 mmHg and above is considered high blood pressure."
"It reduces blood pressure in people who have normal blood pressure and it reduces blood pressure in people who have hypertension, that's the bottom line."
"Dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers tend to be the best for patients who are non-elderly African-American."
"It's not just a matter of lowering the salt intake or even taking blood pressure pills."
"Berberine might lower blood pressure. Taking berberine along with medications that lower blood pressure might cause blood pressure to go too low, monitor your blood pressure closely."
"...white coat hypertension is real life, right? White coat hypertension is living in the real world."
"Hypertension, often called the silent killer, can lead to severe and potentially life-threatening health issues."
"Diuretics are considered first-line antihypertensive drugs due to their efficacy and low side effects."
"The Nitric Oxide Dump Exercise can significantly improve systolic and diastolic numbers as it relates to hypertension."
"Lower calcium intake was the most consistent factor in hypertension."
"So, if you're taking any of these things every single day for months and months and months they could be contributing to your hypertension although most people don't consider them to be drugs."
"Hypertension is a common problem and it's a common contributor to heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and morbidity mortality in our country."
"So what role does hypertension play here? Lower is better for cognitive outcomes long term."
"Risk factor number two is high blood pressure."
I think the best book ever written on hypertension is this one called "The High Blood Pressure Solution".
"It is especially common among African-Americans and they tend to develop high blood pressure at an earlier age."
"The DASH stands for Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension or high blood pressure."
"For many people, it's possible to drop their blood pressure so significantly that eventually they no longer need medication."
"High blood pressure been killing people for a long time... if you don't get it under control."
"We do have the power over our blood pressure and hypertension, not just the medications. I'm not saying not to take the medications, but be mindful when you make these major changes in your diet and exercise."
"Hyperaldosteronism prevalence about one in five of our patients with resistant hypertension."
"Losartan, an anti-hypertensive drug, can reduce collagen in tumors, restoring blood vessel perfusion."
"Home blood pressure self-monitoring and telemonitoring are effective in facilitating antihypertensive drug titration leading to the achievement and maintenance of blood pressure goals."
"Alcohol consumption increases the risk of hypertension."
"If your blood pressure is 200 over 100 and it's been there for a few years, look out in the next decade."
"You know, it's just the risk is linear, but you know, 130 was is a pretty reasonable place to say that you know, that's where you start to have hypertension."
"I remember my attendings just saying, 'Well, a lot of times with hypertension, it might take two or three hypertension meds just for hypertension alone to manage the situation.'"
"At what blood pressure reading is stage one hypertension defined blood pressure readings stage 1 hypertension that is going to be 130 to 139 systolic and or a diastolic of 80 to 89."
"Valsartan is the first drug of choice in black patients with hypertension and diabetes, and it's the replacement drug in anybody else that's got side effects."
"So, closer to seven, we might be looking at systemic hypertension."
"Hypertension is considered to be the most modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease, even more than smoking and diabetes."
"Exercise has been shown to be effective in the prevention and treatment of hypertension."
"High blood pressure or hypertension is a leading cause of heart disease, strokes, and kidney failure."
"Hypertension is not a natural consequence of aging."
"Isolated systolic hypertension is something that you should not like to have."
"Obesity is correlated with hypertension."
"Secondary hypertension implies that there is another disease process going on in the body."
"Thiazide x' ace inhibitors or ARVs, calcium channel blockers are all first-line medications in the general hypertensive population."
"High blood pressure is called hypertension."
"Calcium channel blockers are your best choice for isolated systolic hypertension that is age-related."
"Poor diet is considered a prominent factor for high blood pressure."
"If we as a population, lost a little bit of weight or drank less, or had less sodium in our food supply, our entire population's blood pressure would go down."
"If all of your patients present hypertension all of a sudden, the first thing that comes to mind is there's something wrong with the water."
"High salt diets, which cause you to retain sodium, could also lead to higher blood pressure because you're also retaining water with that sodium."
"Hyperaldosteronism could lead to high blood pressure and hypokalemia."
"Thiazides like hydrochlorothiazide and chlorthalidone are often the first line treatment of choice for initial therapy in uncomplicated hypertension."
"The DASH diet, Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension, is poor in sodium and rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium."
"High blood pressure is called the silent killer."
"Blood pressure is commonly called the silent killer because it does a lot of damage and it doesn't really cause any complaints at all."
"Fructose directly contributes to hypertension in addition to fatty liver."
"The number one cause of chronic kidney disease is diabetes, and the second cause is hypertension."
"Recommendations for managing high blood pressure include weight loss, lifestyle changes, and a balanced diet."
"Garlic is a healing herb, helps with hypertension and even can help with the common cold."
"Two out of three Americans have prehypertension or hypertension."
"If you've got hypertension, it's not because of salt, it's because of sugar."
"Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common risk factors for kidney disease."
"That's the way that our body tries to compensate for high blood pressure."
"A normal blood pressure is a systolic value of below 120 and a diastolic value below 80 millimeters of mercury."
"If you have high blood pressure, treat it with diet and exercise."
"Malignant hypertension is a rapid severe rise in the blood pressure and it becomes life-threatening almost straight away."
"Stroke, cerebrovascular accidents, myocardial infarction, cardiac failure, and renal failure are more common in hypertensive patients."
"Minoxidil was introduced in the early 1970s as a treatment for hypertension."
"High blood pressure is a disorder that may have no symptoms but can cause serious problems such as heart attack, stroke, or kidney problems if left untreated."
"Hypertension is a big risk factor, but we are very good at treating it as long as we recognize it."
"Hypertension is often called the silent killer because most people don't even know they have high blood pressure until they have their first stroke."
"High blood pressure is a major global health challenge."
"High blood pressure is a treatable disease."
"The only way to know if you suffer from high blood pressure is to have your blood pressure checked regularly."
"Autonomic dysreflexia... is a medical emergency. That patient's blood pressure gets so high, it goes through the roof."
"Hypertension is the number one cause of stroke, peripheral artery disease, coronary artery disease, and end-stage renal disease."
"Diuretics have the best reduction in mortality for essential hypertension."
"The most unstable patient in this situation is our 80-year-old. Look at that blood pressure, 220 over 130, guess what, that is a hypertensive crisis."
"For somebody to have new onset with a systolic over 200, you know, in a diastolic over 115, on a regular basis... I mean, 200/202 over 117, I'm like looking at these numbers, this can't be right."
"The Aces and the Arbs... the number one drug, the safest drug, the best drug that most of you should be on for your blood pressure as a starting drug because they're generic, which means they're cheap, they're once a day."
"High blood pressure is still called the 'silent and invisible killer' because it rarely causes symptoms, but is one of the most powerful independent predictors of some of our leading causes of death."
"If you've got high blood pressure, your diet should include foods high in calcium, magnesium, and potassium."
"Hypertension means high blood pressure, and blood pressure is the pressure of the blood pushing up against the walls of your arteries."
"The American Heart Association recognizes Hypertension at systolic pressure of 130 or higher and dias pressure of eighty or higher."
"There appears to be a causal relationship between sleep apnea and the development of Hypertension."
"Hydrochlorothiazide is going to be your drug of choice in the average newly diagnosed patient with essential hypertension."
"You can also reduce high blood pressure with regular physical activity."
"Super high blood pressure... that would probably account for the dried blood around both nostrils."
"Anything that's raising blood pressure really high, you definitely want to avoid."
"Blood pressure is called the silent killer because it hardly ever has symptoms."