
Active Lifestyle Quotes

There are 377 quotes

"As the health of our elderly generation improves, thanks to advancements in medical science, people are not only living longer, they're also living more active lifestyles for longer."
"I enjoy playing ping pong, tennis, try to stay active, soccer."
"An active lifestyle and the confidence that you can have an active lifestyle, even if you are living in a body that is overweight, is a very important thing."
"We are not meant to sit around and just vibe out. We're meant to go do things, accomplish things, contribute to things that are bigger than ourselves."
"This car is to be driven. That means getting the most fun out of it you can possibly have."
"He was so active. This baby was so wild. I felt him like non-stop."
"Embrace a more active lifestyle, celebrate what your body can do."
"They walk a lot, they garden a lot, they work in their yards."
"An active mind, an active body is also a healthy mind... I see the ads all the time."
"A healthy diet and an active lifestyle will have the best impact on your body."
"Staying active, finding hobbies, or passionate jobs can make a difference."
"He's always doing fun things like that, he's always planning trips and going other places."
"You're more than your body, go out and do, you don't have to be obsessed, you don't have to hate yourself."
"How do they fit? They fit perfectly, now I was doing a little exercise trying to get them to fall out, they will not fall out of my ears."
"The Apple Watch ensures that you're an active person, tracking your health and goals."
"Generally if I can be if if I'm sitting I ask myself can I be standing if I'm standing can I be walking so on and so forth and those are questions you should be looking at because you know it helps and it totally helps."
"It's long been a mantra of mine to just keep making stuff and I get bored if I'm sitting still."
"The human body is designed to be strong and active well into our senior years."
"If you can move and go, then you can get on with life."
"It's all about sort of healthier eating and being more active."
"Just moving more, sitting less, and doing activity really matters."
"It means engaging in programs that keep me physically active as well as prioritizing all our Mental Health."
"Living on the edge, willing to take risks, to be really active, and to basically be living it up."
"Hey bro, I'm running, dude, I ain't trying to play around with no robots."
"It's one thing to have the cars, but when you actually rip them and drive them, that's the coolest thing."
"I'm gonna be moving doing something until I'm dead. I don't care what it is, it's gonna be something."
"Positive energy way more. I want our high were more active."
"They're healthier, they're more active, you know?"
"Feel like they can get out of there like computer like chair and like go on an adventure sort of because I do that because it makes me really happy."
"With Eleanor, there was no sitting around, she was constantly working."
"I'm never going to be one of those people that's just like, 'Oh, I'm retired, I'm going to sit on the couch and enjoy my life.'"
"This vehicle has all the necessary goodies to appeal to somebody who wants to live an active lifestyle."
"Hop yourself around, hop yourself about. That's way better."
"If you like the CX-5 but you're an active lifestyle rugged millennial who wants to go on the trails or mountain biking or hiking on the weekends then you'll want something more rugged and this is the vehicle for you."
"Take care of your body... having an active pregnancy is generally considered to be something that's good for you."
"Track your fitness with Oculus Move for a more active VR experience."
"He doesn't lie around and say I used to be so handsome, he gets out there and he does his job."
"We came here thinking we'd do a whole lot of relaxing and not much else, but as it turns out, this is a great island for an active holiday."
"That's it, man. What else am I going to do? Sit on the couch?"
"Let's go to spin class, let's start moving our bodies together and find community in that sense."
"A busy old day of lots of skating and smashing it."
"Never miss a chance to walk up stairs... keep physically active and your bones will stay strong."
"Chanel sneakers are really comfortable; you could actually run in these."
"This woman might be the best example that age is just a number. So long as you continue to practice, eat healthily, and be active, you can stay fit."
"Scientific studies show people devoted to active lifestyles are perceived as more successful, confident, and attractive to their peers."
"Biking's fire. I think biking blocks here, viking walks."
"Being productive and on my feet, getting things done, I find very worthwhile and purposeful."
"Staying active throughout the day is the best way to combat being sedentary."
"I believe in being active almost every day. I don't like lying about being an absolute pudding. I like to move my body."
"Making kids go be creative or encouraging them to get out and into the world in whatever way, I think that stuff is really helpful."
"Football contributes in making active health and healthy lifestyle accessible for all people."
"So basically my childhood was full of bikes and bike adventures."
"I need to exercise more anyway so I choose run everywhere I go."
"It's okay to be chunky, it's good, it's cool. Like me, I've never been that way and I'm just because I've always been active skating and yeah."
"You're styling, you're moving, and grooving today."
"The person that comes last is always running faster than the person sitting on the couch."
"The enigma stays put when you're moving around."
"This is life. This is what you should be doing. I don't have a desire to go sit on the beach and just lay in the sand."
"I'm a little old school. I like to participate with the bike."
"So I would say try everything, be active, yeah, don't get complacent."
"You're being called to go outside and connect not be a homebody all the time."
"You're not supposed to be sitting on top of the mountain and meditating all the time. We've got things to do in this world."
"Be active. I want you to do things walk around explore the new setting walked on the beach you know go swimming play beach sports I was playing beach volleyball pretty much every day just whatever you do keep moving."
"Keep running, hit the pavement running, don't wait."
"And that leaves me with one final thing to say: Get out there and keep on riding!"
"He wasn't the type to sit around; he always kept himself busy."
"It's about giving everything a go and trying everything. Love cricket, love all sports, really just needed to be active."
"Throw on your favorite active gear and go out and enjoy your beautiful planet."
"It's tempting isn't it to hide away on these darkest months, but not us."
"Pick yourself up, get out there, get active."
"He's a very energetic person and he loves to do things."
"Play is play, whether it's a hundred miles an hour in a three-story jump or following a feather around."
"As always remember, be active, be mindful, and be a hero."
"Chosen ones, you gotta move like water, you gotta constantly have some motion, you gotta constantly be working towards something, you gotta be active."
"There's no boredom in my life, no second of time wasted. It's challenging, but ultimately, it's the best thing I've ever done."
"I'm up and I'm out and I'm busy and I'm happy. It's weird. It's been a long time since I've actually genuinely been this happy."
"I love this because I'm talking, I'm moving, I can exercise. It's much better than editing."
"Charlotte's doing lots of rides as well, she has!"
"There are people that I see on a daily basis that are older than them that are physically active... taking part in their life."
"It's Sunday morning fit fam, you know what that means, it means it's time for some base hunting."
"We are going to unveil the Huawei Y6 P, the latest for young consumers living an active lifestyle."
"I'm a big advocate for older adults to stay active and healthy."
"We are a go do explore type of family with our travel style."
"The Baby Boomers led a far more active life with great social skills."
"I love being active, I love staying busy, I'm pretty social, so I love going out with friends and family."
"If you are living an active lifestyle and you care about your health and wellness, and you're concerned about dehydration and having headaches, muscle cramps, fatigue...this is where Element comes in handy."
"Tim McLean was a 22-year-old man born on October 3rd, 1985 in Manitoba, Canada. Tim was a very active person, he was very athletic, he loved sports, he loved adventures, he'd love going out traveling and doing new things."
"Even now in his 40s, Mayweather still lives a very active lifestyle and has that same championship mentality."
"Kayla rings are designed to be worn during all of your everyday activities, which makes them perfect for people who live an active lifestyle."
"Everybody looking for wholesome, convenient meals to support sunny active days."
"People who are very physically active don't think of what they do in any way whatsoever as exercise."
"The only thing that I'm doing that's healthy is this hydration stuff right here. Everything else, get up and it's go go go."
"She's retired from university, she's a go-getter."
"Just goes to show what a good workout can do for a dog."
"She loves the outdoors, she loves animals, very active, sweet bet you."
"Burn the energy off. Tire them out, you know, just be kids and have fun."
"I'm always doing something, learning something, going somewhere, taking a class."
"The leggings allow you to work hard and feel dry so you can effortlessly transition from sweat to street."
"Active flexibility is the process of using your muscles to find flexibility rather than pushing into it."
"...just super cool to see that he's really active in the car community."
"I'm feeling so much more myself this week. Monday will be week four completed and I'm feeling so much more active."
"Go take a class, go do stuff that challenges you. It's exciting, it's fun, yeah, it's great, all about it, I love it."
"Even though it is hard, it can still be fun. It's a great way to stay active and enjoy life."
"Everything I think is like standing desks...I just want to be a very active old woman with great posture."
"I really appreciate being healthy and active."
"Get off your ass, train physically, run to work like you do, go to the gym, exercise, eat well, sleep well because that's the baseline."
"Our kids keep me young, they keep me moving, they keep me active."
"When you eat a proper human diet and you live a proper human life... you can't just sit in the recliner."
"Just because you take an hour four days a week to be active does not make you active."
"As long as you're moving and you're safe, that's all I care about."
"Get outside, get outside and enjoy it, that's what it's all about."
"The most important thing you can do with your life is every hour do something active."
"I'm definitely gonna go for a walk, I wanna go to the gym and exercise."
"I am forever so grateful that having Bonnie gets me up and about."
"Increasing your NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis, is a fantastic way of just kicking your body into gear."
"I'm gonna put on a workout set, we're gonna get a good walk in, and just enjoy the morning."
"I'm running around town, I've got things to do, and I'm looking fabulous while I'm doing it."
"So if you play sports, boating, anything where you're going to be running around, and your sunglasses or glasses might fall off, then having this strap is awesome."
"It's really easy to get on your bicycle and head over to the park or head over to a neighbor's house."
"I surf a lot. I love staying active, I like being outdoors."
"Really happy to be out here cycling."
"Get those knees up, come on, pump it, pump it!"
"If you're having fun in your life and you're active and always doing something, but you don't have a formal exercise program, there's a lot to be said that I may see less movement problems in you."
"Spanish water dogs are very loyal and are best suited to owners with an active lifestyle."
"Definitely not like a slow lazy Sunday, but it's definitely a fun and exciting Sunday."
"We designed this coach or this floorplan quite a few years ago with a few customers who really have an active outdoor lifestyle."
"Even though it gets very cold here and they have like a real true winter, people still live an active lifestyle."
"Get up off your couch and get out there."
"They're always on the move, always in the groove, always going places."
"I feel marvelous with the wind in my face, head up, chest out, swinging my arms."
"We're going to start standing, we'll have a seat, we'll transition to standing, and we'll end our workout back in our chair for a nice stretch."
"He was always looking to get out and run with every given chance."
"It's too glorious to stay in bed, so we're up and we're off."
"I encourage you to get out and actually drive them."
"It is known all around the world for cycling and walking."
"They don't have cancer, diabetes, hypertension, because they don't live sedentary lifestyles."
"I want to be able to when I'm 70 or 80 years old be able to go out hiking and go out doing things with my grandkids."
"You don't stop skating because you get old, you get old because you stop skating."
"If you play sport at home or you want to try a new sport, there's so many different sports societies that you can join."
"Exercising and being active with something you really enjoy is satisfying."
"This is how we actively age my friends."
"I'm such a doer. I like to be busy."
"To live an overall more active, more mobile, pain-free, happier, healthier life."
"I like to be out, I like to be very productive."
"We have shown that Berlin does have a cycling scene, and it is thriving."
"You have more control over your life; you're more productive."
"Don't sit on the couch at home and watch YouTube videos, get out and look at birds."
"You feel so much better when you're an active person."
"Be more active in your daily life with things that you don't even think about."
"This city is so lively, like there's so many people out walking, jogging, and it's just so upbeat."
"If you're an active person, this is waterproof, so you can wash it, sweat proof, it's resistant to salt."
"My goal always is just to make people enjoy being active."
"Resurfacing hips allow you to be active; they are the state of the art, the best hip you can get as long as your bone is strong enough."
"I grew up dancing, I did stunts, riding on horses and causing a lot of trouble for my parents."
"I'm tired and I'm still having so much fun."
"It's definitely made, I think, for that more active lifestyle RV'er and individual."
"Both me and Sarah would agree that this week wasn't really so much about losing weight, it was kind of like becoming better, healthier, be more active, making better healthier habits."
"I live in Tampa, Florida, have two amazing kids."
"There's never a dull moment for us; we're very grateful for that."
"Go out, have a freaking adventure on a bicycle. You no longer have an excuse if you don't like to run."
"Someone who enjoys nature, arts, and has an active life."
"There's so many things you can dabble into to stay active, and I love just doing a little bit of everything to get moving."
"I'm like a very active person so I want to go out to eat, I want to go on walks."
"If you like animals, if you like being outside, if that is your thing, if you need an active job, there's also a beet harvest that's pretty popular with travelers."
"I'm active, I'm healthy, I'm having mutually beneficial experiences."
"I still prefer to use the car, I prefer to have fun with it rather than just sit and look at it."
"Skateboarding is such a positive thing for kids."
"We are meant to be active and that we put a lot of emphasis on nutrition."
"I think it's great for people who are on the go, again also just very travel-friendly."
"My goal is just to walk Milly into preschool, to be able to be an active mom, to be able to go on school trips, to be able to walk in the grocery store."
"I've always been someone who likes to stay busy, so having animals keeps you busy."
"Good morning, guys. Today is Sunday, and I'm going to have a pretty active Sunday than I usually do."
"She was the type of person that just wanted to be friends with everybody, very very active and outgoing."
"Make a small goal of something active each day and then build from there."
"Go crush this day, go get a workout in, go spend time with your family."
"Suzanne was an unfailingly happy person, 38 years old, very active, and loved being outdoors."
"It's more important to focus on getting good nutrition and being active."
"After having dinner, go for a walk. Don't be a couch potato."
"I exercise regularly and have a lot of things going on."
"There's typically the go-go years where you're spending a lot more, you're more active, you're doing a lot more, you're traveling more."
"That's what we're looking for, right? That's something that we can really push into and ride hard and have fun."
"Participate in life, that's the biggest thing."
"They've said that they want walking and cycling to be the preferred mode of transport for short distances."
"I've been constantly on the move, bro. I'm trying to bring y'all content back to back."
"Mobility is S tier; the more robust mobility you build up, the more active you'll be able to stay and the happier your life is going to be."
"Our life should be a collection of hobbies really if you want to stay active and always be learning things into adulthood."
"Being active is more than just working out and being fit; being active is a celebration of the body that you have."
"You're able to get more people walking and biking and being able to make those meaningful trips."
"Public transport is believed to result in an additional 8 to 33 minutes of walking each day according to a New South Wales health study, representing improved health outcomes for its users."
"I was never really a sedentary guy, so I always wanted a dog that really could go out and perform."
"I do really recommend taking out the middle level to give them as much of an active layout as possible."
"The people who were pretty active in life, they would age slower than the people who were pretty sedentary in life."
"We Are 73 and 83 and regularly go downtown to the symphony, the ballet, the library, and the Arts and lecture series."
"It's about acquiring knowledge, about acquiring experience, and about doing as much as one can to keep yourself busy."
"We go to the gym, rock climbing, camping... lots of stuff."
"I'm healthier, I'm more active, I sleep better, I eat better, my energy is through the roof."
"I'm 52 now and I feel great. I'm out having fun, I'm dancing, I'm dating, I'm singing, I'm playing, I'm traveling, I'm doing all those things, and I have freedom to do it."
"The end goal isn't it, that you stay as active for as long as possible and are fully able to partake in life."
"Get out there, be active, do 150 minutes of cardio a week, eat a healthy diet."
"I've been standing for most of the stream, and it makes me feel good."