
Societal Shift Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"I think we're going to see some major, major things play out, whether good or bad, but I think there is a lot of hope in the Age of Aquarius that things are starting to shift in the right direction."
"The spirit of personal independence in the women of today is sure proof that a change has come … the radical change in the economic position of women is advancing upon us…"
"If you actually want a serious culture shift in America, you have to make it a culture shift; it can't just be a government shift."
"We could be seeing the beginning of the end of what is the traditional royal family."
"Parents should have the time and the space to be able to care for their children and also work but that requires a much bigger shift in thinking."
"So we have a generation that's beginning to believe it's not about ownership. It's access."
"More people are moving into a new religious category every single year, and that is the religiously non-affiliated."
"The left has moved significantly more radical over time."
"The culture changed and generally bent in the direction of actual genuine progress."
"This is a moment in history where there is a global shift."
"We seem to be moving away from the principles of July 4th... and that's a disaster for the country."
"In the post-institutional age that we're in...people with bylines, massive buildings, the institutions that once kept our country together are now being mocked, ridiculed, and not taken seriously at all."
"I still think of it as a basic staple of life, along with beer and ice and grapefruits."
"The first generation that didn't have to retire to a factory or the field."
"We must rapidly begin the shift from a thing-oriented society to a person-oriented society."
"I think it's probably the biggest change we've faced since the Industrial Revolution."
"The power of the pharmaceutical companies will dissolve."
"The left has just continually gone further and further left."
"We want to make sure that all rewards and all powerful items are not gated by multiplayer content."
"There's No Going Back. It's the genie out of the bottle now."
"We can never go back to the way things were."
"There's real structural change that we are seeing because of what I would describe as two mega trends: hybrid work and the great reshuffle."
"There's going to be a massive cultural shift."
"We have to push until we reach that social tipping point where politics change."
"We're not looking for reform; we're looking for transformation."
"Ultimately people are genuinely better off in a certain ideology they'll overall kind of gravitate towards that."
"Transition from a civilization founded on virtue to one founded on narcissism."
"The days of the visits will soon be over. Yes, a new world is coming."
"Black people are now controlling information from right here in the United States of America."
"People really don't understand just how big of a sea change this is going to be."
"Many people will not be able to go cold turkey but sooner or later we'll get there."
"I do think that we are on the edge of something pretty big here."
"We are talking about a cultural and economic shift."
"Bitcoin is the ultimate tool of the powerless."
"This dilemma is now pushing more people to rent than buy."
"There's becoming little space to deny that the world is changing."
"The future is not going to be going left, not anytime soon. The pendulum is swinging and frankly I think it's about goddamned fucking time."
"The millennial generation is... this process of the liberalization and everything going left and it didn't begin with Millennials."
"We are going to leave these institutions behind."
"The grid is going to get more expensive the more people disconnect from it."
"This is a great awakening... there is a splitting of parallel realities happening right now."
"The ultimate deviance from our spiritual selves and our creative selves is a technocracy."
"It's easy for them all now to just shrug their shoulders and say, 'Oh, the beauty community is dead, huh?'"
"It is a time of change that has not happened in the past seven decades, which is unprecedented and may honestly never happen again."
"Enough is enough. We have a turning tide in America; this will make a huge difference."
"The general public seems to be moving on to the side of these activists now."
"By 1933, the country had changed and turned against prohibition."
"Elite opinion at least at some level in the United States is now showing some sign of turning against the war."
"Underpinning it is a very serious difference in ideology and a very serious general intergenerational shift."
"There's this cultural revolution that is occurring."
"The American middle class is no more is no longer here."
"Corona is in the land to move the giants—Giants of Education, the Giants of the movie industry, the Giants of racism."
"As a society, we're shifting from orange to green, questioning our motivations and desires."
"With everything that's taking place, this is all part of a grand shift that is transforming your world."
"There's going to be an awakening of consciousness."
"Some will rise so others can fall so others can rise this is the changing of the guards out with the old media and with the new."
"We need to rebalance power towards people and government, shifting away from prioritizing businesses."
"They've lost more of the white working class, and maybe that's been a realignment that's been happening over years and years."
"There is a huge shift in the collective consciousness, and we can all feel it."
"With the downfall of anarchy and Bulgaria, a new civilization took over. The era of the Watchers has begun."
"As we move forward more and more scientists are getting on board and that's where this world will shift because when you start to study evidence there's no doubt about the direction in which it leads."
"Welcome to the reality... we return revolution now."
"We must not underestimate the radical shifts we are undergoing right now."
"You're living your life in the digital realm already the metaverse you're already in there deep brother."
"He's right about this, Americans have moved away from moral traditional family values."
"I think we're on the edge of a shift. I don't think it's shifted yet, but I think we're on the edge of the shift."
"Maybe all of this stuff is going to lead to a massive surge of nationalist populism and it could go in a dark direction."
"No no one's looking at you differently like I said a lot of Jordanians don't a lot of jordanians now are wearing like crop tops and tank tops and I mean it's changed a lot in the last 10 years you definitely don't need to."
"When you start to lose the culture, the law goes with it."
"The consensus of American reality that the right held back in the 80s and the 90s is the same thing as the moral equivalent today that is held by the left."
"Only one in 10 Americans now believe that it's essential to be married to have a fulfilling life."
"It's time for you to break up with your fears."
"More people are spiritually Awakening at a faster and faster Pace than I've ever seen before."
"The information age has taken gurus and priests off their pedestals."
"I just feel like it's due time for something like this to happen."
"We live in a country where single income households are really a thing of the past."
"Generational shift: Young Americans critique Zionism like white supremacy."
"These are very big transformational changes that we are entering."
"It is very clear to me that more and more of you all are genuinely woke these days."
"If you live a life where you capitulate to these lies, we're moving either to a totalitarian state or to something that we haven't even seen before in human history."
"All resistance must recognize that the body politic and global capitalism are dying."
"There's the beginning of a shift of the power to the people."
"A massive shift in a rise of the feminine and a fall of the masculine."
"Survival became more important...knowledge became less and less important."
"It is the values of free speech and meritocracy that are winning; the woke mob has lost control."
"The truth is, we need a new way of thinking."
"If they lose the culture war, they lose absolutely everything."
"If you're trying to live a 1995 life in the Year 2015, you're going to be left behind."
"The left has unequivocally won the culture war."
"Change is really in the air...but change is certainly upon us."
"We're moving toward this shift... and I think that they're all symptoms of the same phenomenon." - Interviewee
"50 years of the legal termination of innocent life will now come to an end across major portions of this country."
"I genuinely mean this, we're gonna have a complete disintegration of government."
"It seems like just overnight they just went away."
"The flat earthers have taken over, it's a mess."
"The world is moving in our direction, becoming more nationalist populist traditionalist."
"We've never seen anything like that. This is the great resignation plus the great reassessment of work."
"The change from wishing fellow Americans merry Christmas to wishing them happy holidays is a very significant development."
"The elevation of the consumer above the citizen is extraordinarily profound."
"The old world collapses, the new world is already being born."
"The days of The Establishment controlling this nation are numbered."
"We're seeing a huge shift in everything from where we live, how we do business, how we make our money, how we invest our money, how we spend our money."
"70 million people have moved from urban areas to villages because they can't find jobs anymore."
"They do it so slowly over decades that no one really notices."
"This is what you call a paradigm shift, a fundamental change."
"This is a fundamental shift and they didn't think it would ever happen."
"This is not normal. It's a chance to bring change."
"Once internationalism and class-based economic systems are out of the window."
"Chinese youth were now realizing that things weren't the way it was for their parents."
"The niche is mainstream... the internet allowed marginalized voices to have a space to come to the forefront."
"Just imagine your parents' generation, they didn't even know what phones were."
"They are entrapping themselves... all the fence sitters are now falling over onto our side... when our reaction is scaring the life out of them."
"There's a bunch of strong independent women who don't need no man."
"The world is changing. The question is, are you changing with it?"
"There's going to be a famine of the hearing of the word of God."
"Can you feel the power shift? It's almost tangible."
"Privacy is much more meaningful to mainstream Americans now."
"Bitcoin citadels and how we seem to be emerging towards this trend."
"Governments have to compete for their customers."
"Rich people... are moving to smaller communities."
"A very different world... fully in the age of Aquarius."
"Channeling really helps us reconnect our own soul, the voice of our own soul, and it's a voice that our current society is just beginning to welcome back in at a bigger level than before."
"There will be a growing emphasis on truth and less focus on the material."
"The world is shifting...let us spread joy and a spirit of community and purpose."
"Who would have thought that in our lifetime Roe versus Wade would be gone? Amazing."
"We'll never go back, even if everything was solved and we had a vaccine. Never."
"This isn't the same world that we all knew." - Julie's father, Tom
"Pennywise is an abstraction of a larger concept in the dream of the movie penny wise is real he's scary he has real depth to his character in a story all his own but he is both real and unreal."
"The shift that I speak of right now is real, it's as real as the love I speak of that is starting to permeate human nature."
"History could pivot in the direction of the values that you are standing here for."
"People are quitting their jobs in record numbers."
"A new dawn and hopefully a change is going to come."
"We live in a world where it's not 2017 anymore... game-changer."
"I see the critical mass shifting where people looking for love are finding it."
"Shift is that uh there's a lot more uh powerful institutions which focus on the community rather than the individual."
"We've seen that really start to go away and become much more dependent on our government."
"It's gone from a 'do it for me' society to now it's a 'do it yourself'."
"I moved here in 2015, right, and the world changed very quickly after that."
"There's this shift and this push back to that now where people want authenticity."
"In one generation, everything has changed so much."
"What we need is nothing less than a major culture shift."
"There's been a major shift in believing that higher education is a public good."
"The shift into the divine feminine era, we don't put up with that no more."
"The new millennium would mark a massive societal shift as the analog was replaced with the digital."
"We're shifting away from making money."
"There's a collective shift that's going on."
"We're reverting to a pre-verbal, pre-linguistic, certainly literate age in many parts of society."
"Men no longer buy the drinks. Somewhere along the way, men stopped buying the drinks."
"We're about to become an aging-oriented culture because there will be more older people than there will be younger people and we need to own that."
"What's wrong is becoming right and what's right is becoming wrong, and it's happening actually quite quickly at an accelerated pace."
"A significant shifting in history: the Neolithic Revolution."
"The tides have turned. The culture is changing. As such, will the gun laws as well."
"When we shift from gross national product to gross national happiness...that's the shift to True aspiration."
"The power shift that's going on is palpable, it's right there before our eyes."
"I think men have shifted to some extent and are shifting in the sense that I think that the number of men who would say, 'You're in my lane,' will have decreased."
"A transformative period challenging long-held notions about power and unity."
"Something big is happening, and it's anti-parent and anti-family."
"The paradigm is shifting. That shadow stuff, the abuse, the sexual intimidation, the sexual abuse and trauma, that's not going to fly."
"That's just the way people think now, and people don't want to take responsibility for themselves anymore."
"By the early seventeenth century, decades of cumulative economic and social change meant that economic relationships and forms of behavior which had previously appeared new and rather threatening were becoming more normalized, more taken for granted."
"Society should get ready for that, government policies in terms of the education offerings, the way the safety net works, the way the tax system work which currently discourages labor, you know you want to have a huge shift since you have this, you really want labor."
"This was a time of significant cultural and societal change for Maori."
"...the old world is dying and the new world struggles to be born and now is the time of monsters this is where we're currently at and people are starting to realize this they're starting to realize that that their stories are still quite work..."
"The death of God signals a profound shift, yet to be fully understood in all its dimensions."
"There is this significant shift from God's design to society's design."
"The workplace sitcom’s gradual transition from celebrating co-workers' trust and shared success to confronting inequality and labor conditions reflects a broader shift in our society."
"I truly believe that we're kind of at a tipping point."
"I think it's high time that we shift to a matriarchal energy."
"We are in such an insane time when in history have we watched such a paradigm shift."
"The walls on which the prophets wrote is cracking at the seams."
"The age of ideology seems just now to be at an end, that sort of ideology at least."
"The Great Resignation... is forcing us to reconsider our own purpose."
"This is a genie that cannot be put back into the bottle."
"We are going to be in this more collaborative part of the world."
"Ontario sent parties a message: they want change."
"I think everybody was just thinking that it was this time for a change."
"The world is shifting to more everybody being on good vibes and positive vibes and acceptance and support."
"There is a shift happening culturally where that's becoming more normalized and more okay."
"We stand in between two kinds of humans, one based on the old model where technology was a nice to have and one based on the new model where technology is the context through which we interact with ourselves and with each other."
"Nobody is canceled anymore, that cancel culture is over."
"Absolutely, and I think this is what you're seeing with this specific generation."
"This is the most important election for me as it is right now, just due to the fact that my thoughts, ideas have changed; things have changed, things need to change."
"It has changed a lot in the last two and a half years after the pandemic."
"Politics and the sense of security and everything has totally changed now."
"There is a transformation, a shift occurring; we are seeing that happen right now."
"The focus was more on the people, so this also marked a shift towards the writing of history as a history of the people and not just as a history of events or particular people who made it really successful."
"Many women now have careers and no longer need the security of marriage."
"We are living at a pivotal moment where power is shifting from capital back to labor."