
Youth Education Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"If we can teach young men that they don't need to be that, I think that would be really, really healthy for them and really beneficial to society as a whole."
"By imposing these new rules, the Chinese government is hoping to create 'positive energy' among young people and to educate them with what Beijing considers correct values."
"It's super important to teach the younger generation that's being influenced by a lot of these people like, 'Hey, these really dangerous moral boundaries that are being set probably shouldn't be your guiding force going forward.'"
"Our whole business, you ask any child today, he knows where that galaxy Z163 is, all right, because he's seen it on the phone screen, but he doesn't know a damn thing about himself."
"This, in my opinion, is actually the most practical thing that somebody can do to help a young black male save his life."
"Expose young people to the realities of life."
"With the increasing availability range of pornography available, it's important that we do everything we can to help young people become porn literate and identify the pornography."
"The most important thing to try to communicate to young people is that a free society is an incredibly precious thing."
"This rich and very vital history of Black Wall Street will instill instant pride, multicultural awareness, improve self-esteem, and build strong character in our youth."
"We need to educate our young people to know who they are and respect the struggle that they came from."
"Educate young people about personal responsibility."
"Now more than ever, we need to teach kids how to think, not what to think."
"Youth should not be kept in the dark about their own lives."
"Better to teach the young the habit of saving when they have a little bit of money to save than try to teach savings when they have no money because they're in over their head."
"Starting kids young help them developing good money habits."
"It showed how people can have serious beefs and put their problems aside and put their family and their creativity and their music first and educate you know these youth out here."
"We need to reshape the thinking, reshape the mind, starting with young people."
"Every young American deserves to know that they are heirs to an incredible history."
"Young ones need to see that they've been treated like chattel."
"What do you want young girls to know? Realize the beauty in every shade, shape, race, and religion."
"Humility is what kids need to be taught today."
"So now, they just created their first little LLC and they're getting money in it and we're gonna start learning—What age?—13."
"We need to teach these kids what it means to be an American."
"It's sad that there's a 12-year-old being racist. People need to learn and be re-educated."
"Don't do crack, kids. It's not good for you."
"You have to teach kids about gender ideology... very sexualized material."
"Life would not be half so hard if youth were taught the power of an inflexible resolve."
"We have to tell our young ladies and our young men, no means no."
"Become aware of the stock market while you're young and gain some understanding."
"More than a quarter of a million 19-year-olds without a grade C in English and maths."
"Your life is closer to zero than it is to any other number, and that's a big thing, especially as a young kid to be taught."
"We have a whole black business school for children."
"Stop telling our kids the world's coming to an end and that we're evil."
"I'm actually a motivational speaker and a speaker for children at elementary school."
"Make sure you know what healthy money looks like, okay? So we've got to embrace financial education that must be something every child gets at every young age, especially black boys."
"Own it. I want them to see at a young age you got to own some stuff."
"I'm not gonna say nobody deserves to be slapped. What I wanna say is, why isn't anybody teaching any of these youths to exercise another route?"
"Nickelodeon is spreading important messages to the youth."
"Climate scientists have an obligation to explain this situation clearly as best we can, especially to young people."
"I hope kids can hear this and understand that this life isn't a game."
"We're teaching our youth on Sundays to stand for truth and righteousness, to be with, to mourn with those that mourn, to bear one another's burdens."
"You really do drop a lot of gems and you speak about morals and principles which I feel a lot of kids nowadays don't know anything about."
"We raise them and put them in the streams to like help like the environment, nurture the youth."
"It's really great to send the message that even children should be able to give CPR."
"There is nothing more important than the education of our youth."
"We have to prepare them and the most fundamental preparation we can make is having them develop an awareness of what technology is doing to them."
"I'm educating the youth, at least opening the eyes of the youth to finally understand what they're getting themselves into."
"To succeed in today's workplace, young people need more than basic reading and math skills."
"What you do to your body is your choice, but what you do to other people mentally and all that stuff like that, I think is something a lot of the kids need to understand."
"It's very important to actually educate young people that this skill exists and it is a very important skill for the future."
"I'm trying to get kids to start thinking about their futures and putting something aside for their retirement."
"We gotta tell our young sons, that's not right."